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Windham Township News


Windham Township – Trustee Brian Miller reported that Windham Township road crew has finished up the ditching for now, took care of the eight clean outs on Bryant Road, removed stumps from the ditch and will soon start patching the roads. The workers also continue to mow the cemetery and will be getting ready to mow the roadsides a second time as well.

A discussion was held on the cemetery rules and what to do about all the violators. After the discussion, the trustees agreed to make a motion to start enforcing the rules at the cemetery, with both Danny Burns and Miller voting yes, (Rich Gano was on vacation) motion carried. So, if you have loved ones buried there, one will need to check the rules on what’s allowed and what isn’t. The trustees have been lax in enforcement but starting September 1, 2020 anything that violates the rules will be disposed of. Many are planting plants to frame the grave stone and using lose stones as a border all those will be gone. Loose stones go flying if a mower hits them and edging a stone with plants makes the aisle ways narrower and it is challenging to get the mower thru there. The rules are posted on the website www.windhamtownship.org

Speaking of the cemetery, Trustee Danny Burns reported that the township workers might have solved the drainage issue at the cemetery. They won’t know for sure until it rains. Rich Gano was on vacation but sent in his report, that was presented by Burns. Workers had used round up at the cemetery and family members of the those in the cemetery question the use of it and the look it left behind. Therefore, they will have the workers will reseed it.

Fiscal Officer Casey Timmons applied for the Cares Act Grant that helps municipalities with the extra expenses caused by COVID. Any unused monies must be returned. The funds can only be used for COVID related expenses only.

Timmons also reported, that the annual proposed budget that was due at the county auditor’s office will be late. She applied for the extension so there isn’t a problem with the issue. Timmons has only been at the job since April and is still learning the ropes. She will have the budget ready to present at the next meeting. The trustees will hold a public hearing on the proposed 2021 budget at 6 pm on August 6, 2020 at the town hall. The regular township meeting will be immediately following the public hearing on the proposed budget.

The trustees again addressed the lack of quality internet service in the township. Timmons has been working with Spectrum and is trying to bring better service to the township. Burns said there are grants out there and when the one is open again, he will apply. Unfortunately, internet providers can decide where they go and where they don’t. Trustees don’t have any say in that, but they can try to convince them that there is a need and money can be made for a company that would offer quality internet service in the township.

In zoning, Joe Pinti wrote two permits for the month of June. Both permits were for decks. Pinti reported, that the old dilapidated house next to the trailer park on State Route 82 was taken down, the lot cleaned-up and seeded. He has pictures and signed off on it and the land becomes a part of the county land bank.

The Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) will begin meeting again and addressing the junk car issue and other issues that have been pending due to COVID. All zoning violation letters from the prosecutor have gone out. The recipients of the letters have 30 days to comply. Pinti said all certified letters were claimed.

In other news, it was reported that the roof was leaking at the fire station, they called the roofer that did the job and are waiting on their response. Burns reported that there is a water leak somewhere at the town hall and currently the water is shut off to the townhall until the issue is resolved.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography