Home Portage County Windham Township Looks at Setting Regulations for Wedding Barns

Windham Township Looks at Setting Regulations for Wedding Barns


Windham Twp. – Windham Township Trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting recently, with one board member absent. The meeting was called to order and the trustees approved the minutes and expenditures for the month of October. 

A representative from the Windham Post of the American Legion was on hand to give an update on the memorial and to reconcile the balance of their account.  The group is working on banners and on another bronze plate that will list 10 more names on the memorial.

A guest was inquiring about zoning laws on commercial wedding barns. The trustees answered basic questions but told the resident that there was new legislation in the works on using a barn for a wedding commercially and they won’t be determined until early 2020. (Note this is about commercial wedding barns not privately-owned barns being used for family celebrations, like graduation, reunions and weddings). The county, township and even the state are looking at adopting new rules/policies to ensure the safety of patrons. The state regulations are expected to be determined in early 2020, with county and townships following their lead. Currently, they are not inspected for safety or sanitation, in fact there are no inspections required of them at all. The primary concern is safety.

In roads, Brian Miller reported that they have been patching Hewins and Hopkins Roads. They have also been doing some ditching on various roads as needed. The salt and grit are in and the trucks are going to have a routine maintenance check before winter gets going.

In zoning, Inspector Joe Pinti said he wrote two permits for the month of October, one being an addition on a garage, the other an addition on home. Pinti attended a meeting with regional planning and it appears that they have a rough draft complete on the barn venue issue. They will tweak it and then have a resolution to present to the trustees soon. He reported that they were finally able to get a home owner to comply with zoning codes after multiple letters from the township and prosecutor. His property is cleaned up and mowed.

 In fire board news, the fire levy passed. 

In old business, Ohio Township Association Risk Management Authority (OTARMA) has given the township a second option for insuring their properties and equipment. The trustees will look at both options before proceeding.  Danny Burns said they need to get the word out to the school about the township scholarship (a state program for students for a $1500 scholarship). The student is required to apply, attend and participate in a township meeting.   

Windham Township Looks at Setting Regulations for Wedding Barns
Lastly, the board passed a resolution to reimburse board members for gasoline and meals while attending the OTARMA winter meeting. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography