Home News Windham Township Gets Ready for 2014

Windham Township Gets Ready for 2014


Windham Twp. – Windham township trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting with all trustees in attendance, along with the fiscal officer. Chairman of the Board Brian Miller called the meeting to order. The trustees approved the minutes from November’s meeting and the expenditures.  After a brief discussion, the trustee agreed to raise the insurance reimbursement from $6500 a year to $7500 a year as the maximum reimbursement.
The trustees then put the wheels in motion for next year. They appointed Lloyd Billman to fulfill Tom Perry’s term on the zoning board. Perry resigned and his term doesn’t expire until 2016. They then, appointed Jerry Fincham to the zoning board to fill Billman’s expired term on the board.   There is still one position open on the zoning board.
The board voted to retain its current employees, Kevin Wert as full-time township worker and Rusty Maiorca a part- time worker.
In roads, the road supervisor reported that they had a few issues but they have resolved them. He also said he was asked by the school superintendent if they could store salt at the township garage instead of tying up one of their bus garages. The trustees agreed to allow it.
In zoning news, Joe Pinti, zoning inspector, wrote one permit for new construction of a house. The house on Colton Road passed the asbestos test and will be demolished soon.
Miller said there will be a bench hearing on February 7th at 2pm in Judge John Enlow’s court room regarding the commissioners’ decision to not vacate Frazier Road. The trial  is scheduled for February 18, 2014. Dann Timmons said that Dale Soinski’s attorney has filed a motion to add the township as a defendant. A discussion was held on whether to agree to be a party in the lawsuit or not. The trustees decided to get another opinion on the issue.
Lastly, Miller thanked Jesse Wirick for his four years of service to the township. He also thanked Rusty Maiorca and Kevin Wert for setting up the town hall for a farewell reception for Wirick.  The trustees also wish to thank Rusty Maiorca for the donation of pizza and Annie Miller for baking the cookies for the farewell reception.
The trustees will meet on January 2,  2014 at 7pm in the town hall.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography