Home News Windham Township Considers Cul-De-Sac on Frazier Road

Windham Township Considers Cul-De-Sac on Frazier Road


Windham Twp. – Windham Township Trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting on December 6, 2012 with all trustees and fiscal officer in attendance. Chairman Dann Timmons called the meeting to order. Next, they approved the minutes and expenditures for the month of November. 

The next few items of business were to establish employees and committees for 2013.   Glenn Showalter was reappointed to serve on the zoning commission, and Norm Clark was reappointed to serve on the Board of Zoning Appeals. Both terms expire at the end of 2012.  The trustees agreed to retain the current meeting schedule, with monthly meetings being on the first Thursday of each month. They then rehired township workers Mike Dye, and Kevin Wert along with zoning inspector Joe Pinti. They approved the reimbursement of healthcare insurance for employees and board members for up to $6500 a year.  Township workers use their own cell phones for township business therefore the board agreed to reimburse $25/ month to the employees for the use of their personal phones for township business.

The board approved the employee handbook with the new changes.

Mr. Soinski had Charlie English present to the board pictures and a design for the cul-de-sac on Frazier Road he wants to put in when the township vacates the eastern and southern ends of Frazier Road. The trustees have been asked to vacate the unused portion of the road that they no longer maintain nor get tax dollars for. The trustees are considering this action. The cul-de-sac will be put in at Soinski’s expense so buses and emergency vehicles can turn around at the end of the road. The trustees chose not to vote on the matter until they have a chance to review the material presented.

In roads, the Road Supervisor Brian Miller reported that the crew has been busy patching Bryant and Colton Roads and have been trimming trees on the township roads.  He also reported that all the materials were in for the winter road maintenance and the vehicles were ready for snow.

Zoning Inspector Joe Pinti reported that his research showed that the township had set-up a clean-up plan to work with the owners of the burned out mobile on Bryant Road, but the owners failed to live up to their end of the agreement. After some discussion, the trustees decided they will give the owners until June 1, 2013 to see some substantial movement toward cleaning up the property before pursuing any legal action.

In safety, Dann Timmons reported that the WVFD Fire Board meeting had been changed December 11, 2012, due to a scheduling conflict of one of the board members.

A resident questioned trustees Brian Miller and Jesse Wirick on when they hired Kevin Wert and why it was done outside of a public meeting, as there was no indication in the minutes of the action, until it was ratified by the trustees, after the fact. The resident told them they violated the Sunshine Laws by conducting business outside of a public meeting as required by law. ( The question was directed at these two trustees because Miller and Wirick hired Wert then informed Timmons of their action) Timmons said he had contacted the assistant prosecutor (township’s legal counsel) and he said they would just have to ratify the action at the next board meeting, which they did. The resident still claimed they violated the law. The same resident also questioned why the township used Windham Township tax dollars to chip and seal a Freedom Township Road. Miller responded by saying that it was a mistake, that was made due to the fact that the township map was missing, and they were unable to confirm where Windham’s section of the  road ended and Freedom’s began. Therefore they accidently chipped and sealed a small portion of Hewins Road in Freedom Township. Resident said they should know which section of the road was Windham’s and which wasn’t. The resident was not happy with the answer that was given.  There being no further questions or other business the meeting was adjourned.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography