Home News Windham Township Completes Major Road Repairs

Windham Township Completes Major Road Repairs


Windham Twp. – Windham Township Trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting on September 5, 2013 with all trustees and fiscal officer in attendance. The trustees approved the minutes, the expenditures, and the budget commission rates. 

Road Supervisor Brian Miller reported that the chip-and-seal work on Brosius and Horn Roads were completed on September 4, 2013. He also reported that the sealant work on Bryant and Wadsworth Roads were also completed. The road crew also finished the ditching on Hewins Road. The trustees are considering how to solve a drainage issue on Bryant Road.  A suggestion was made to run a tile under the road and take elevations to make sure the water flows away from the problem area. They will consider this option; however they are unsure if they can get the tile large enough to handle the water volume.

Miller also asked if they could purchase two “road closed” signs. The trustees agreed to do so. A resident questioned the work done on Horn Road earlier in the summer and the road supervisor responded saying, they hadn’t done anything until September 4, 2013. The resident claimed someone had chipped and sealed the road and did not use enough stone. Miller said it must have been just the tar bleeding through the road on a hot day since they just did the road on the fourth of the month.

Zoning Inspector Joe Pinti reported that he didn’t issue any permits this month but he has had a few calls about fencing issues and junk vehicles. Trustee Dann Timmons addressed members of the Robbins family on the demolition of a relative’s house that has been deemed uninhabitable by the health, building and fire departments. Timmons said it in the county’s hands and the family should be given a 30-day notice prior to demolition. The family wants to remove some items from the home prior to the demolition. The relatives said they were from out of state and said they would need a little time to get it done. The family also inquired about putting a storage shed on the property, they will meet with Pinti after the meeting to discuss what they can and can’t do to be in compliance with the zoning codes.

A discussion was held about township residents living on roads where the village is supposed to maintain the right-of-way. Several complaints have been received on the lack of service for these residents.  Timmons said it was a civil matter between the village and the residents. He said the the trustees could not do anything about it.

The trustees meet on the first Thursday of each month at 7pm in the town hall.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography