Home News Windham Township Changes Meeting Format

Windham Township Changes Meeting Format


Windham Twp. – Windham Township Trustees met for their regularly-scheduled July meeting at the town hall. The meeting was brought to order by chairman Dann Timmons who announced changes in the format of the meeting. Due to complaints from residents, the minutes will no longer be read aloud, however a limited number of printed copies will be available at the meetings. The trustees also will work from a printed agenda. The trustees approved the minutes as presented by the clerk. The chairman recognized guest Lynnea St. John from the Bicentennial committee who requested that the gazebo steps be repaired and the leaves around the base of the structure be cleaned  up before the Bicentennial celebration to be held later this month.  Timmons said they would pass on the information to the maintenance department.  Roads:  Trustee Wirick stated that he checked out all the township roads and they are all in good shape.  Cemetery news: The ground has dried out from the spring rains so the footers are finally poured for graves that needed them. The cemetery roads drainage problem has been resolved and they will begin the road work soon.Zoning news:  Timmons said he had communications with the zoning board on the changes to the code and asked them to come up with a top ten changes that are being made to the code and have them ready to be addressed at a public meeting to be held soon. Two of the areas in the zoning that are in question are side set backs and frontage issues. Questions were raised through an anonymous letter about vacant, bank-owned, neglected properties. After some discussion the board agreed to contact the banks about upkeep of such abandoned properties. A resident wanted to address the board about the progress they have or haven’t made with the drainage issue on Wolf Road. Timmons stated that because the village owned the right of  way, they would have to address the issue with the village.  Village Council woman Rininger was present and stated that she believed the village was addressing the issue and would get back with the resident.  The board then approved the proposed budget for the year. Discussions were held on the lighting project for the township Green. Mr. Timmons stated that the mayor of the village approved the specs along with the zoning permit, so the work will begin on the project. (The township Green is located within the village and must comply with the village’s ordinances.)   After a motion was passed to pay the bills, the meeting was adjourned. The trustees meet on the first Thursday of each month at 7 pm at the town hall.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography