Home News Windham Township Approves Road Improvement Bids

Windham Township Approves Road Improvement Bids


Windham – Windham Township Trustees met on August 1, 2013 with all trustees and fiscal officer in attendance. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Brian Miller. The trustees approved the minutes and the expenditures before moving on to roads.
Road Supervisor Brian Miller presented bids for sealing township roads with a bio sealant made from soy beans. He also presented bids for the same roads for chip and seal. After a long discussion, the trustees made the hard decision on which roads they would focus on this year. The trustees have a budget of around $40, 000 to use on the roads this year. They determined they would chip and seal Brosius and Horn Roads and use the bio sealant on Wadsworth and Bryant Roads, bringing the total cost for road repair near their budgeted amount. Wadsworth and Brosius Roads will have some patch work done prior to the chip and seal and the bio sealant work. Hard Labor from Windham will do the patch work. Hughes Contracting will handle the chip and seal, while Asphalt Systems Inc will do the soy base sealant.

In zoning, the zoning inspector wrote a permit for a garage on State Route 303. He also said that a resident was in the process of building a new home on State Route 82 and as soon as they get an address from the county they will start the permit process. In other zoning news, the trustees voted to proceed with the demolition of the Robbins house, Colton Road. The health department, building department and fire department have inspected the facility and deemed it unfit for habitation. They trustees will use Move Ohio Forward Grant for the demolition.
The trustees received a new contract from Portage County Solid Waste Department (PCSWD) for recycling. They tabled the vote on the contract until the next meeting. Brian Miller will contact Bill Steiner at PCSWD for clarification on the contract.

Jesse Wirick said S&K Sales and Service came out and did a demonstration with a 48” mower with zero turn capabilities for cemetery use. They also looked at backpack leaf blowers. After some discussion, the trustees voted to purchase both items from the local merchant.
In safety, Dann Timmons reported that the WVFD Joint Fire District’s EMS service now has two paramedics on staff and 14 EMTs.

In other township news, Bill Isler from Isler Landscaping suggested removal of a dead tree on the Township Green. The trustees agreed to the removal of the tree. A resident inquired about no parking on township road signs. He claims that his road is consistently down to one lane because residents park on the road. He said he has called the sheriff but they claim they can not ticket folks unless it is posted. The trustees will consider the request.

Another resident also called in and complained about the placement of a headstone in the cemetery. The stone was placed several years ago. The resident wanted the stone turned. The trustees will have the headstone turned.
The trustees meet on the first Thursday of each month at the town hall at 7pm.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography