Home Portage County Windham Township Announces Spring Clean-up Days

Windham Township Announces Spring Clean-up Days


Windham Twp. – Windham Township Trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting recently with all trustees and fiscal officer in attendance. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Danny Burns. After the usual housekeeping measures were approved, they moved on to guest recognition.

Two residents were on hand to ask the trustees if anything could be done about their neighborhood. The two claimed, “Our neighborhood is going to hell in a handbasket.” They stated that there was a lot of junk in yards such as furniture, mattresses etc. lying around to possibly be burned but they really didn’t know. Zoning Inspector Joe Pinti stated that he was at one of the addresses they were speaking of and gave residents a verbal warning that he expected them to take advantage of the township clean up days and have all the junk removed. He also stated that they would not be permitted to burn any of the items they had lying around. Township clean-up days are April 26 & 27, after that day, a written violation will be issued. There were some other issues with old boats, motor homes and unplated cars that Pinti will have to address in that area.

In Roads, Brian Miller reported that they have been doing some ditching. Miller is looking at the roads and will make recommendations on which ones to consider for chip and seal projects. Some suggested roads were Brosius Road and maybe Hopkins Road. Miller also thought they might do the roads in the township green area. No decision was made on that issue.

Burns brought up the buying of salt through the state consortium program. After some discussion, the trustees decided to buy their salt through them. They agreed to order 75 tons of salt. They will know the price later in the year. It generally is cheaper to purchase salt through them, rather than on your own. The township must take 90% of what they order. The deadline for ordering is mid-April 2019.

In cemetery news. There have been a few burials recently. The township workers are going to try grade the low area in the cemetery themselves, however, if that fails to alleviate the problem, they will have to consider having it done professionally. Rich Gano has to take a safety class at the county on trenches and using safety walls etc. in trenches and thought it would be good if the workers could attend it. Gano will ask county about it. The trustees agreed they should attend it as long as they don’t have a burial that day.

In zoning, Pinti reported that he had two permits written for the month. One for an accessory building and the other for a garage. He also reported that so far, there has been nothing new on the demolitions. On 03/10/19 Pinti was doing his job at a resident’s property when he was asked to leave by a relative on the property. Pinti left and turned over violations to officer Alex Bolton.

Pinti received a call from the landowner who is holding the SPARTAN Race in June. The letter assured the township that they would be using the state routes for traffic. No township roads will be used. In other zoning news Pinti received a call about using cargo containers. The township has them forbidden in its zoning code; he recommended that the guy have his attorney look over the current zoning codes.

It was suggested that the township consider amending the zoning code that would only allow a residence to have one business vehicle on their property. Allowing more than one can interfere with the neighbors enjoying their own property.

Fire district news: Gano reported that they have more people interested in the fire department – some EMT’s and some fire fighters. He stated that he also had some minor equipment repairs done and they were looking for a shed to use for storage. The fire district board will meet with Community Ambulance board on April 27, 2019 at 9 am.

The township and village clean-up days are April 26-27 8am -4pm at the village sewer plant. Identification for proof of residency might be required. Items accepted are appliances, furniture, batteries and up to four tires per household.

Items not accepted will be paint, shingles, building debris, and garbage. They will have five dumpsters available, once they are full, the clean- up will be over.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography