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Windham School Board News


Windham – The Windham Board of Education (BOE) met recently with a quorum of members in attendance. The minutes and financial reports for the month of January were approved as presented.

Superintendent Aireane Curtis reported that, Thursday would be the day the staff was scheduled for COVID vaccine if they wanted it. They also have the second dose scheduled for March 18th. Because of reported flu-like symptoms following the second dose of COVID vaccine, the district has scheduled March 19, 2021 as a virtual learning day. Curtis is concerned that if too many staff members experience symptoms, they might not have enough teachers to cover classes and substitute teachers are hard to come by. She also announced, that they have set a date for prom. Prom is scheduled to be held at Sorrentos in Warren on May 15, 2021. The event is subject to governor’s orders at the time.

The Community Action Council has informed the district that they will help with free dinners for those kids in the after school tutoring program. They will also have free lunches over the summer for families in need.

Treasurer Adam Hines reported that they are working with Plug Smart on a grant for building repairs. They would need to match the grant at 50%. Which basically means the districts pays half and the grant picks up the other half of the cost. The district did vote to participate in the grant. If they don’t receive the grant the district isn’t out any money. They are looking at between $215,000-$315,000 from the grant. The district received casino money for the second half of the year. Hines said, it was more money than he anticipated, but still less than a non- COVID year. The district can also expect an increase in the Governor’s Foundation Monies for 2022 but a decrease in 2023 has already been announced. The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Grant will be used at Katherine Thomas Elementary and in the Summer Lunch Program. The BOE discussed doing something special for the teachers at the end of the year.

Curtis said they developed a calendar committee for setting the 2021-22 school calendar. The committee came up with two separate calendars and had staff input on it prior to voting on one. After looking at the teachers’ and staff preferences, they decided to go with the one that allows for a full week for Spring Break, and it eliminates early dismissal days for staff development. Instead of early dismissals, they just put an entire day for it on the calendar. The 2021-22 school year will start on August 19, 2021. The start date and Spring Break also align with Maplewood Career Center schedule.
The BOE also approved the Business Advisory Council with Summit Educational Services, and emotional support animal policy (therapy animals).

Board President Mandy Berardinelli presented two guidelines for evaluations of the superintendent and treasurer. They were not too keen on the one they used last year. Before presenting them to the board, Curtis and Hines had some input on it as well. After some discussion, the board chose the one they preferred to use.

In other news, they approved two open enrolled students. One is from Badger and the other is from Ravenna. The also accepted donations to the food pantry, and the 200 T-shirts donation from Ganley Chevrolet in Aurora for baseball, along with miscellaneous equipment from them as well.

The BOE meets on the third Tuesday of each month in the Hangar.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography