Home Schools Windham High School Seeks Spanish Teacher

Windham High School Seeks Spanish Teacher


Windham – School may be out for the summer, but the Windham Board of Education (BOE) is continuing to work hard to get ready for the upcoming year. The BOE met recently at the elementary school with all members present. Principal Mike Chaffee introduced the new history teacher Terry Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong shared with the board his vision for his history class for the up coming year.
Superintendent Gregg Isler reported that they made $5800 on the auction the district held to get rid of unused items. He also thanked Darryl Maguire for all his help at the auction. Isler also reported on an Impact Eight Workshop he attended. He said, basically, they must document everything for the new evaluations that are state-mandated. Isler also added that he attended a summit on school funding about school districts that have untaxed government land in their district. Windham School District has 6000 acres that are untaxed due to the government owning the land known as Camp Ravenna. In years past, the school received subsidized funding in lieu of taxes from the government for the land the government uses. Over the last few years, the district has seen a huge reduction in the subsidies they receive and the government has plans to cease the subsidization to districts with government land. Small districts like Windham can’t afford to lose the revenue for the 6000 acres. Windham will still fight for the funding.  The school district will lose between $70,000 and $90,000 a year if funding is discontinued.
Principal Mike Chaffee reported that graduation ceremonies went well. He also stated   that two Windham students are staying at Kent State University to participate in their summer programs. They also have several students participating in the day programs there. Lastly, he reported that the district is in search of a Spanish teacher for the upcoming school year.
In maintenance, Craig Alderman reported that the fire inspections are in progress, for each building. Roof repairs will be completed this summer along with the usual cleaning of each building. Alderman expects the elementary school to be finished by July and the custodians will start on the high school and junior high next. The board and visitors took a “field trip” outside to look at a problem with the landscape at the elementary school. After some discussion, the BOE approved having the tree line thinned out so the back of school wasn’t so isolated. The school has suffered vandalism recently due to the overgrown tree line that prevents the building and grounds being seen by neighbors. The BOE hopes clearing out the tree line and brush will make the area more visible and eliminate hiding places for vandals. The cost to thin out trees and remove brush is about $6,500.
In transportation, Alderman reported that the state inspection for Windham buses is July 8, 2013. All buses must pass the inspection prior to the start of the school year if they are going to be used.
The BOE approved the retirement of Nancy Cline and thanked her for her years of service. They then approved an amended contract for Rebecca Kresen. They increased the contract from a 70% contract to a 100% contract for choir and band, pending the completion of the required classes.
Lastly, the board rescinded a number of policies as required by law, only to approve the amended ones as required by state laws. Windham BOE meets on the fourth Thursday of each month at 7pm, rotating meeting places between the high school and the elementary school. The next meeting is scheduled at the elementary school.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography