Home News Windham Considers the Use of Bio- Sealants for Roads

Windham Considers the Use of Bio- Sealants for Roads


Windham Twp. –  The Windham Township Trustees met for a rescheduled meeting on July 9, 2013 at the town hall. The meeting was rescheduled due to the Fourth of July Holiday. The trustees present were Brian Miller and Dann Timmons, Trustee Jesse Wirick was absent due to an unforeseen event.  The trustees approved the minutes from the last meeting, the expenditures, and the proposed budget for next year.
Zoning Inspector Joe Pinti reported that he had one building permit issued and had a fencing dispute between neighbors that they resolved themselves.
Dann Timmons reported that the abandoned houses they were looking to have demolished through the Move Ohio Forward Program have had a fire inspection and a health department inspection. He was waiting on the building department for their report. Both the fire and health departments have recommended tearing the buildings down.
The culvert issue on Hewins Road was determined to be on Windham Township’s portion of the road, therefore, the resident has purchased the culvert and the township will install it.  Miller presented some information on bio-sealing the roads versus using the traditional sealer. Miller will get some pricing on the bio-sealant and do some comparisons before any decision is made on what sealant they will use. He will also get prices for chip and seal as well.
Brosius Road is one of the roads that will need some attention before winter. Miller also discussed the drainage problems in the heights area. No resolution to the problem has been found. Timmons said the roads are deteriorating faster than they can get them repaired. Due to the high cost of resurfacing, the township has had to rely on chip and seal rather than re-surface them with asphalt.
In safety, the dispatching from Ravenna has been going well, with all minor wrinkles being worked out.
Open issues for the township are the removal of the lights on the green that are no longer in use and the proposed zoning amendments. There being no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned.
The trustees meet on the first Thursday of each month at 7 pm at the town hall.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography