Home Schools Windham Celebrates Homecoming

Windham Celebrates Homecoming


Last Friday, Windham High School held their Annual Homecoming festivities. The event started Monday with Spirit week, which had the students dressing up to different themes each day and ended Saturday night with the annual dance.
Friday at 4:30 pm, the Homecoming Parade was held with the high school band leading the way. Each class was represented in the parade with a  float of their own design, along with the cheerleaders, youth football players, youth cheerleaders and emergency vehicles. Following the parade, the coronation of the king and queen took place on the football field prior to the game. This year’s homecoming Queen is Lauren John and the King is Matt Knight.
The Bombers hosted the East Canton Hornets for the football game; even though the Bombers were on the short end of the score it didn’t put a damper on the weekend festivities.
Saturday closed out the festivities when students and their dates dressed up in their finest,  and took pictures at the gazebo, prior to heading to the homecoming dance. It was a great weekend.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography