Home Schools Windham BOE Hires New Staff Members

Windham BOE Hires New Staff Members


Windham – The Windham Board of Education (BOE) meeting on May 23, 2013 was called to order by President Danny Burns. Board member William Hickman was not in attendance.  

The board recognized nine of Mr. Rosenbaugh’s first graders who completed all the 155 I-Excel skills for first grade. The nine students received a certificate from their teacher for their achievement.

Mike Hill from the Brick by Brick Scholarship Committee was on hand to draw the 13 winners for scholarships this year. The first grade students who were present at the board meeting drew the names for the scholarships. The winners will be announced at graduation.

The board approved 41 seniors for graduation on June 2, 2013.

In transportation and maintenance, Craig Alderman presented a list of building concerns with their approximate cost to repair. He plans to work on the list over the summer break. He also said they had taken bus #19 to the auction at Maplewood and the state bus inspections are set for July 8, 2013.

In food service, Treasurer Sam Pochedly reported that they were continuing to change the lunch menus to add more variety for the students; she said there will also be some new changes that will take place in the breakfast program as mandated by the government.

In the treasurer’s report, Sam Pochedly reported that they will see an increase of 5% in healthcare premiums for the next school year. She also stated that the BOE needs to be thinking about what to do with the levy that is up for renewal in November.

In other BOE news, the board hired the following:

Deborah Gordon as special intervention teacher, Susan Gaj as special intervention teacher,   Allison Barabski as Title l teacher, Chelsea Kovach as preschool teacher, Terry Armstrong as social studies teacher,  and Stephanie Parish as a social studies teacher.  They continued Diane Ewing’s contract as head cook, and re-assigned staff member Lisa Stafford to a kindergarten teaching position. All positions are for the 2013-2014 school year. They also accepted the resignation of Megan Saunders.

The board went into executive session to discuss employment of a public employee and to discuss other matters that are required to remain private by law. The board returned from executive session with no comment on discussions held in session.

They then approved the minutes, expenditures, requests for days off for professional training, approved contracts for four bus drivers and a part-time mechanic.

The board of education meets on the fourth Thursday of each month at 7 pm rotating their meetings between the elementary library and the meeting room at the high school.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography