Home Schools Windham BOE Fills Vacancies Before School Starts

Windham BOE Fills Vacancies Before School Starts


Windham – Windham Board of Education (BOE) met for their regularly scheduled meeting recently with one board member absent. The meeting was called to order and the Pledge of Allegiance recited before board president Mandy Berardinelli turned the floor over to guest John Harris of the Portage County District Library (PCDL). Harris was there to share about the library system and what the need for a 1 mill levy can accomplish. He explained that extended staff and services are planned along with the return of Thursday hours as well. These services will help allow the public to have more access to their services.

Wendy Bennett spoke on behalf of the teachers at the meeting.  Approximately 20 or so teachers were there to support their cause as they continue to negotiate a new contract. She briefly addressed the board on why she was so optimistic about the outcomes of the negotiations. Here are a few of her reasons for her optimism. Bennett stated she was optimistic on the negotiations even though there have been some challenging moments. She is optimistic they’ll get it done fairly, without division. She is optimistic on the willingness of the board to listen to the teacher’s concerns, really listen. not just listen to respond. She stated that they were not there to ask for more than the BOE can afford to give.  Bennett said, the teachers have the student’s best interest at heart, and what they are asking will not break the bank. She is confident that they will resolve the issues. without harming the financial stability of the district and get a fair contract. She was there on good faith, spoke on behalf of the teachers and thanked the BOE for listening to their concerns.

President of the board Mandy Berardinelli thanked them all for coming before moving on. Superintendent Areanne Curtis reported that HB244 forbids districts from allowing vaccinated kids to be mask free while unvaccinated must wear masks. Either all kids wear a mask or none wear them, unless they choose to wear them. The district has not yet made a decision on the masks for the upcoming school year. The only thing they have made a rule on, which was made by Governor DeWine, is kids must wear masks on school buses. DeWine has declared school buses are public transportation, therefore masks must be worn while riding on them. Curtis also reported that they have had an offer from YSU to live stream some of their events, which the school has accepted. She also announced that they have reached a 20-year agreement with the village on purchasing road salt jointly with them thru the consortium. This is salt for parking lots. sidewalks and drives.

After an executive session, the board moved to approve the resignation of Treasurer Adam Hines. They then approved the hiring of Joel Snider. Snider will be a shared treasurer with Southington Schools, where Windham and Southington Schools will divide the salary, saving Windham schools $41,000 a year. The decision was not a unanimous. Snider was offered a three-year contract effective August 1, 2021. A question was asked, if the district didn’t have enough work for a full-time treasurer and the answer was yes, they did. However, since the state mandated new software for the treasurers to use, it does save time so they have elected to share a treasurer. Those in attendance were assured that this is starting to be the trend with smaller schools and other schools in the area were doing it as well.

Other board actions included: accepted resignation of Sherri Garrett, bus driver, approved a three- year contract for Jessica Horning as Jr./Sr. high assistant principal, hired Cody Apthorpe and Emma Urban as Jr. high math teachers.

Horning comes to the district from Waterloo. None of the current staff was interested in filling the assistant principal’s position, when the current one, Zack Burns, moved up to the principal’s position. The former principal, Justin Christopher resigned earlier in the summer, and Burns filled his role, leaving a vacancy at the assistant principal’s position.  The board also approved numerous supplemental contracts for sports coaches, class advisors, band,  play directors and such. They, then approved the hiring of several district-wide substitutes and educational aids.

They also had to approve a $4,703.29 expenditure to Streetsboro Schools for the use of their mechanic. They used Streetsboro’s mechanic to get the buses ready for state inspection, while Windham’s mechanic had been out on a medical leave. The district thanks Streetsboro for the use of their mechanic.

Superintendent Curtis expects an emergency meeting will be called to wrap up everything before the first day of school, because school starts before the next regular meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography