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Windham Board of Education News


Windham – Windham Board of Education (BOE) met recently with all board members in attendance. BOE President Mia Beradinelli called the meeting to order, gave the president’s report and reported that they had 24 participants in the History Day Competition and 10 of those participants have advanced to compete at Youngstown State in April. She also reported that the high school National Honor Society (NHS) will hold inductions on March 13, 2020 and the junior high will hold theirs on March 27, 2020.

 In Ohio legislation news, Ted St. John reported that the Ohio Senate has rejected the voucher bill and it is now tabled.

 Superintendent Aireane Curtis reported that the school received a grant that will be used for after school clubs. Some of those clubs will include jump rope, yoga, walking etc. They also have two family nights scheduled and those will be in March. Curtis also participated in the annual superintendent’s shadow/ work event at Maplewood Career Center (MCC). Each Superintendent was assigned a program to shadow to experience some of the work in a specific trade. Curtis was assigned to the culinary arts class, which she said she enjoyed both the class and the students. She then reported, that she and Samantha Pochedly would hold informational forums on the school’s permanent improvement levy that is on the March ballot.

In maintenance, Jake Eye reported that they scrapped bus #3; the new truck and plow is in and already in use. In April, they will begin bus evacuation drills at the elementary school. He also reported that they had removed 11 trees at Katherine Thomas (KT) Elementary grounds and four trees near the student parking lot. The four trees around the parking lot were diseased or dying. He also stated the new evening custodian at KT is working out well and she is doing a good job.

Principal Justin Christopher reported that they were in the middle of the 3rd quarter and interim grades were due on February 13, 2020. In March, the staff’s focus for academics continues to be on the alternative assessments, the Spring American Institute of Research (AIR) tests, and the Junior ACT Tests. He is finalizing their options on the student’s local graduation seals. He will present them to the board in March for approval.

Coming later this month, Townhall II Youth Led Prevention Representatives will visit their PBIS Teen Board members to conduct a follow-up on the work they did to utilize a prevention framework to identify the protective factors that buffer youth from risk of  problem behaviors. A few staff members, BOE members and Christopher will attend the Mental Health and Social- Emotional Learning Summit Training. Lastly, he reported that the robotics team will compete in the VEX Robotics Finals at the Mahoning County Career and Technical Center.

Elementary Principal Ms. Malone reported that conferences went well. She said they were gearing up for the Valentine’s Day parties at the end of the week. Some of the high school kids will help out with the parties. She and her staff have wrapped up the bench marks for reading readiness. They also scheduled appointment for their PBIS assessments.  

In Special Education, the staff has gone over all the legal updates. In March, they will begin the alternative assessments, all of them will be done completely online.

Sam Pochedly, treasurer reported that the final draft of the audit is ready to be filed. She also reported that college career night for 10-12 graders will be March 25, 2020 at 5 pm, Each student can choose up to 3 career sessions to learn about the specific career.

The BOE approved the following: Megan Durante and Holly Herr as educational aides, Amanda Boone and Regan Weiss as home instruction tutors and Daniel Gross as the assistant baseball coach. They also approved the following to be paid from the Health and Wellness Grant.  Wendy Bennett, Kristen Sewell, Felicia Dillon, Kim Workman, Megan White, Sherri Harrah, Angie Bartlett, Tom Hickman, and Crystal Hickman. They will lead the Outdoor Club, Homework intervention, Yoga Club, Walking Club, Jump Rope Club and Family Night.  

The board adjourned to executive session to discuss personnel issues. After they returned, there was no further business to discuss; the meeting was adjourned.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography