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Windham Board of Education News


Windham – Windham Board of Education (BOE) met recently with all but one member in attendance. The school announced the students of the month and presented them their awards. They also awarded two students who demonstrated safety and positive behavior while riding the bus. They gave one award  to a high school student and one for an elementary student. They are Dylan Smith and Alyssa Manges. The entire focus this year is to promote the positives of student behavior.

 In the superintendent’s report, Aireane Curtis reported  the three goals she is working on. She is working on what’s called a purple star designation., updating job descriptions and developing a reimbursement plan.

 The purple star designation is an award that doesn’t have a dollar amount attached to it but is awards schools that show major commitment to students and families connected to our military.  The school will need to do these activities and an optional one in order to be considered. The school will need to have a staff member as a point of contact for military students and their families who will serve as a liaison between them and the school.  The liaison will need to complete professional development on special considerations for military students and their families under federal law. The course is available through the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) learning and management systems and how they react and interact with veterans by hosting programs and having supports for those who served in the military in their community. The liaison identifies and notifies teachers of military-connected students in their classrooms and the special considerations military families and students should receive. The school will also need to maintain a page on their website featuring resources for military and their families. There are also three optional activities the school could participate in as well. They have a professional development for their staff, the BOE pass a resolution publicizing the support of military families or host a military recognition event. Windham already hosts a Veterans Day Breakfast and service for veterans. They also have a Veterans race at Camp JAG as well. The district will work on this and hopefully apply for the designation next year.

 The job description update will be done with contributions from administrators and the union president before presented to the BOE.

 Lastly, she is working on a reimbursement plan. Currently Windham doesn’t have one. This will be used for staff members who travel for professional development and use their own money for meals and such. Currently they have no guidelines for doing this.

Jr. High/High School principal Justin Christopher reported that they are in the final weeks of the first quarter. The staff are finalizing the end-of-the quarter assignments and projects. The fifth graders have completed their Iowa tests and CogAt test that identifies gifted students. He also reported that The PBIS leadership team is completing their first phase of their tiered Fidelity Inventory and will attend training to implement the first stage of the school-wide positive behavior intervention. The striving Readers Grant ELA Teacher Megan White is attending professional development this week and will be leading our ELA Teachers in a professional development session on the early dismissal day. 

Recently student athletes had attended an OHSAA Leadership Conference at The Ohio State University. While they were there, they were given a tour of the athletic facility by Bomber Alum Jessica Isler. The varsity Football team attended the Heart of a Hall of Famer at the Pro Football Hall of Fame. The athletes were able to hear Anthony Munoz speak about perseverance and hard work in school, work and life. They then visited Hocking Hills Community College and toured the campus to see what industry, technology, and trade programs, were offered, along with athletic opportunities. 

He also reported that the robotics team will compete in the Mahoning County VEX League and the quiz bowl team will be recorded competing with other schools on Academic Challenge on October 20, 2019. 

In Elementary news, Melissa Malone, principal, reported that they had completed the IOWA tests and CogAt testing that identifies gifted students. The preschool took a field trip to the fire station and a trip to the apple orchard. They also enjoyed the band visit during spirit week. The staff went to PBIS training to analyze and evaluate what the district is doing well and where they need work.

 In transportation, Jake Eye reported that they took two buses to the elementary school to do bus safety for the preschoolers and kindergarteners. They basically went over the do’s and don’ts of bus riding. The district currently has two substitute drivers and a third one in training. Eye also reported that the work on Bauer Avenue should begin soon and when it is complete, it will be a one-way street. The school sign needs work and Eye will contact Maplewood and utilize their masonry class to redo the sign.

 Sam Pochedly reported that the audit has about 95% of what they need and she has one spread sheet left to complete. She also reported that she applied for the cafeteria grant for kitchen equipment.

 She also said the five-year forecast isn’t due until the end of November and she will present it at the next BOE meeting. She also reported that the district has purchased a new plow truck with salt spreader which will be in soon.

The BOE approved the minutes, financial report, the creation of fund 467-9020 student wellness and success, amended certificate of estimated resources and the amended appropriation measure as presented. They then approved the appointment of Nicole Todaro as teacher and awarded supplemental contracts to Jake Eye, Head Boys Jr. High basketball coach, Dougle Hankins Head Girls Coach, Eliot Pennell as Jr. class prom advisor and Cali Apthorpe as a basketball volunteer. They approved the hiring of substitute bus drivers Pat Hindman and Luann Wilkinson.

The board also approved the reimbursement for tuition, open-enrolled students, and the band trip to Disney in June. They passed a resolution of Necessity requesting the auditor to determine the millage rate of a permanent improvement levy to be placed on the ballot on March 17, 2020. The current levy is 1.9mills and will expire, the new levy is expected to be around 1.5 mills and will be a permanent improvement replacement levy costing the taxpayer less than what they are paying now.

 The BOE adjourned to executive session with no decisions made. They returned from executive session and adjourned the meeting.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography