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Windham Board of Education News


Windham – Windham Board of Education met for their regularly scheduled meeting with all board members, including Treasurer Dawn Altman and Superintendent Gregg Isler in attendance.
Board president Danny Burns called the meeting to order. After they presented the students of the month and Bomber Stars, Burns opened up the floor to guests who wanted to address the board.
Art Bowen inquired what was being done about placement of the McDivitt Banner. Board member Melissa Roubic answered him by stating that the administrative officers of the athletic council are working on establishing the criteria for what items get hung on the gym wall. She assured him they were addressing the issue. Roubic said that she, Jeff States, Mike Chaffee, Danny Burns, and Gregg Isler were the committee working on setting the criteria. Bowen said he thought they would have community members on the board too especially ones prior to 1975. The board said they would seek input from the community.  Gregg Isler stated that they will get the issue resolved soon. Bowen was the man behind the banner being designed for Greg McDivitt, Art paid to have the banner designed, made and was on hand to present it to McDivitt several weeks ago. When the banner was being planned he was led to believe it would be hung in the gym and assumed so until the day of the event when he was told it will not be in the gym. Right now as they work out the details of where the banner will be placed it remains rolled up in the principal’s office.
Windham Village Mayor Rob Donham was requesting to use part of the districts land near the elementary school to house the historical society’s annual circus and the firemen’s annual carnival rather than use the soccer fields. The mayor said it was a temporary measure and was hoping to develop a more permanent home for them in the future. Right now the mayor really wants to see the soccer fields where they are and move the carnival and circus somewhere else so they don’t tear up the fields. After some discussion the boards will consider the request.
In legislative news, Darryl McGuire reported that the House Bill 116 will give a clearer definition on what is considered bullying, House bill 191 will set the school year to be from Labor Day to Memorial Day, and state bill 284 Eliminates special elections in February and August. These bills are being considered at the state level they are not yet laws.
In the superintendent’s report, Greg Isler reported that they are in the final stages of getting the floor issues at Katherine Thomas Elementary resolved. Moisture tests are scheduled for April with replacement  likely to begin in June. Isler also met with Township Trustee Dann Timmons who said he will do whatever he can to help with the safety issue at the intersection of Wadsworth Road and State Route 303. They are both planning to meet with the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) to try to get some help with the issue.
Treasurer Dawn Altman said they have received a cost  estimate on radios for the buses. The estimate is about $6,500. Altman also is in charge of the food service department and said there are changes coming that will include more fresh vegetables, fruit, and whole grains and less sodium and fat. The exact mandates have yet to be established but they will come with little funding and may create more waste.
In maintenance, Supervisor Craig Alderman reported that work on the floor at KT will be done over the summer, the skylights will be replaced, and the voids in the blocks will be filled. Alderman is also looking at alternate ideas to the sump pumps in the basement.
The BOE meets on the fourth Thursday of each month at 7 pm.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography