Home Iva's Input What in the Weird?

What in the Weird?


Yes, indeed, There is all kinds if it out there…weird, I mean.

For instance, the other day there was a short piece on line about a political uproar in Wisconsin, where politicians–mostly Republicans, I fear–were in an uproar about passing a law against naked bicycle-riding. Seems to me that would be a self-limiting enterprise to start with, but what do I know. Aside from the issue of the draft once under way, just getting onto that hard, cold seat without any padding at all would considerably diminish the cheerful anticipation of a long ride anywhere–mountain trails, seaside wandering, rural wanderings–and bring about some considerable rethinkning of that particular recreational activity. And the sunburn possibilities!

Don’t even go there.

Attempting to get more information on this topic, the only thing that pops up is a listing for “bike paths of Wisconsin.” Guess they didn’t want to explore that topic any further.

Oh, and you can forget about getting to see the annular eclipse (the “Ring of Fire” one where the moon just goes in front of the sun and we can see the sun’s brilliant corona around the outside.) which is going to be on the 14th. It’s only going to be observable from Oregon to Texas–especially San Antonio, where about all lodging possibilities are already booked. Can’t go camping on Navajo lands either; they consider it a sacred event, Albuquerque is in the “catbird seat” because it coincides with the annual International BalloonFestival and there are folks going up in balloons to watch the event. Presumably not naked. Maybe in Wisconsin.

And on the topic of eclipses….

The total eclipse, where it gets dark and all, is coming up on April 8, 2024. Hotels, motels, campgrounds, BnBs, parks and anybody with a spare room are all gearing up and taking reservations right now. Last one to come this close–passing just about right over the central U.S.–was something like 800 years ago. Don’t wait up for the next one either. It’s not going to repeat for about that long again. This one will be fairly long –three minutes and 49 seconds in the Cleveland area. Fredericksburg, TX is slated to be “ lights out” for all of four minutes and 24 seconds (in a “Dark Sky Community” with a low level of light pollution). They’re probably all booked up by now.

And about books….

Keep in mind that if you missed the recent PCDL Garrettsville branch book sale, there will be more of them and even when there is not a book sale (50 cents per hardbacks, 25 cents per paperbacks–what’s not to like? Plus CDs, videos,music, bunches of stuff), there are always books for sale. Items that don’t sell here go off to other groups who can use them or to charitable organizations. Book sales are like grocery stores to me; I should not be allowed to go to them unsupervised, because I always spot something intriguing to try out (Bourbon-flavored maple syrup? Walker’s shortbread cookies?) and walk away with things that I do not NEED, but definitely WANT to try out. I have a book right now that is about famous people and their medical issues–some of them pretty bizarre. It is a fairly small book but I plan to keep it in the car so that I can read it while waiting to get to the gas pump or the drive through. So far, I have learned that both Hitler and Napoleon–must be the corrupting influence of all that power–had some really weird health practices. Hitler, for example, refused to “get naked” for doctor’s appointments (Maybe he wasn’t into biking either.). Both of them were really into offbeat “patent” medicines and oddball doctors who had promoted their own takes on medical practices. Both of them hired and fired their physicians with amazing regularity and were sure that they–the dictators–knew more about their conditions than any doctor anyhow. Both of them did not live nearly long enough to achieve their goals. Thank goodness.

And finally, there was a scientific study which indicated that some cats can go fluorescent on us. Gotta read some more on that one. I may have some real interesting decorations this Halloween.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography