Home We're All Invited We’re All Invited – Week of September 24

We’re All Invited – Week of September 24


Farmington Senior Center Breakfasts


Senior Center will be open for breakfast Monday mornings 7am to Noon. We will be COVID compliant, so PLEASE call 330-889-2733, as reservations are highly recommended. Temperatures will be taken at the door and anyone reading a temp of 100 deg will be turned away. Call with questions/concerned 330-889-2733.

Wing Night at the Eagles Club


Every Tuesday:wings with purchase of a beverage.Open to public 5:00- 8:00. The Eagles Club is located at 8149 Water Street, Garrettsville. Public Welcome!

Lunch At The American Legion


Now serving lunches to the public on Wednesdays only from 11AM – 2 PM at the Windham American Legion, 9960 E. Center St. Dine-in and Carryout. Check out the American Legion Auxiliary 674 Facebook page for more information or call 330-326-3188.

Loaves  and Fishes Community Meal

Last Thursday of Month

Free meal is open to all residents in Mantua,Hiram,Garrettsville and surrounding areas.  Anyone who needs to stretch their food dollars or even if you just love a homemade meal.  You are cordially invited to come eat and enjoy some fellowship. This meal is from 5-6:30 pm, the LAST Thursday of each month at Mantua Center Christian Church. 4118 S.R.82. 

Christmas Boutique Tables Now Available

Call Today!

The Sisterhood of St. Joseph’s will hold the annual Christmas Boutique on Sunday, November 7, 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. in Hughes Hall. Tables are still available for crafters—$30.00 for an 8 ft. table (2nd table is $25.00). To reserve a table and/or for more info., please contact Nikki Fathauer (937-726-6470

or nmpoppe1@gmail.com). Reservations accepted on a first come basis.

Indoor Rummage Sale

Through Dec

Come fill a shopping cart even with the top from our two overflow rooms. Every Mon & Fri 10 am – 4 pm and Tues & Thurs 12 – 4pm. Ren. Family Center, 9005 Wilverne Drive, Windham

COVID-19 Vaccine Appointements Available 

Call Today

Appointments are available for Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines at Garrettsville Family Pharmacy(8295 Windham St

Garrettsville, OH 44231) You can get more information and/or schedule an appointment by calling 330-527-4349. There is NO CHARGE to the customer.

Pumpkin Sale

Sept 25

Freedom Township Historical Society will hold its annual pumpkin and corn stalk sale in conjunction with the Freedom Fall Festival Saturday, Sept 25, 2021, from 10AM – 4 PM in front of the Town Hall.  This is our big fund raiser to help finish the school house renovation.   Select your pumpkins & corn stalks, make a donation, & take them home.  T shirt and sweatshirt order forms will also be available; advanced order with payment allows you to select your size, color & design of your choice.   For more information contact Judy at 330.527.7669

Eagles Club Steak Fry

Sept 25

Join the Garrettsville Eagles,

located at 8149 Water Street,

Garrettsville for our Steak Fry.

Open to the public. 4 – 7:30 pm.

Strip steak, T-bone or chicken.

Freedom Fall Festival

Sept 25

The Freedom Fall Festival Craft and Vendor Show will take place on Saturday, September 25, 2021 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Freedom Town Hall Pavilion at the intersections of St. Rt. 88/700/303. We will have our Cow Chip  Bingo back this year. You can win up to $1,000!!! Pre-sale tickets of both Cow Chip Bingo and 50/50 are available now. Winners do not need to be present. (This event is sponsored by the Freedom Community Park Boosters and the Freedom Township Historical Society). There will be pumpkins and corn stalks as well available for purchase. The drawing for the hog raffle for Arty Auth will take place at 2:00 p.m. that day as well #TeamArty. 

Farmers’ Market 

Sept 25

Lordstown Apple Cider Festival will hold a Farmers Market during the festival on Saturday, September 25 2021 from 12-5pm. Anyone interested in a vendor spot should contact: Sue Minor at Ph. (330) 824-3777 or email: sue_minor@aol.com.

Windham Fall Fest

Sept 25

Windham Fall Fest 2021 is going to be located in the Windham Village Park (N. Main St) on September 25, 2021 starting at 1:00 pm.  There will be a chili cookoff starting at 3pm, Cornhole Tournament at 4pm, Texas hold’em at 5pm and Fireworks at dusk.  Beer Tent, Vendors, DJ, Food trucks and vendors, Chinese Auction, Hayrides, 50/50, Games for the children and much more.  Bring the family out for a day of fun activities.  For more information visit www.windhamvillage.com.

Hog Raffle Drawing for Arty Auth

Sept 25

Hog Raffle Drawing for Arty Auth will be held on Saturday, September 25, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. at the Freedom Town Hall Pavillion at the intersections of St. Rt. 88/700/303. The winner need not be present, but make a day of it and join in the Freedom Fall Festival Craft and Vendor Show as well. Any questions please contact James Walker at 330-322-3647 or Jennifer Derthick at 330-931-8227

Women’s Auxiliary Perennial Plant Sale

Sept 25 & 26

The Garrettsville Eagles Ladies Auxiliary will be having a plant sale Saturday September 25 & Sunday September 26 from 2:00-6:00. This event is open to the public!   Proceeds benefit the flag garden beautification innitive.

Apple Cider Festival Craft Show

Sept 25 & 26

Lordstown Apple Cider Festival will hold its annual Craft Show Saturday & Sunday, September 25, & 26, 2021. Indoor & outdoor spaces are available. Anyone interested in a space or for more info should contact: Sue Minor at Ph. (330) 824-3777 or email: sue_minor@aol.com.

Shalersville Community Potluck Dinner

Sept 26

The Shalersville Township Trustees and Shalersville Historical Society will again host the Shalersville Community Potluck dinner on Sunday, September 26 at the town hall.  Chicken, drinks, and paper products will be provided.  Bring your favorite dish to pass.  Dinner will begin at 1 PM followed by a Chinese auction.  For more information contact Ronnie Kotkowski at 330.351.3401 or Judy Richardson at 330.389.0598.

History Tour in Garrettsville

Oct 2

The James A Garfield Historical Society is sponsoring a “ Mystery of our History” Tour on Saturday, Oct. 2 between 10am and 2 pm, starting at the Historical Society Building on Main St. The tour will include the highlights of our history, starting on Main Street at the Mott Building and advancing on Main Street to St. Ambrose Church, to Park Avenue and ending at the Baptist Cemetery on Maple Ave. The tour is being provided by the Historical Society to help raise funds for the further restoration of the Baptist Cemetery on Maple Ave.

Building Prevention With Faith

Oct 16

Faith leaders in Portage County are invited to “Building Prevention with Faith,” a workshop designed to share ways the faith community can include drug and alcohol prevention in their congregations. Many people turn to their faith communities in time of need. Learn how to help change the narrative about substance misuse with easy, practical steps. Everyone who attends will receive a toolkit. The workshop will be held on October 16 from 9:30-11:30am at the Kent Free Library. Please contact Madeline Bush at the Mental Health & Recovery Board of Portage County for more information and to register at 330-673-1756 or madelineb@mental-health-recovery.org.

Barktober 5K Fun Run & 1 Mile Walk

Oct 16

Join us on October 16th at 11:00am for the Portage APL’s fourth annual Barktober 5K Fun Run & 1-Mile Walk! Bring your canine companions (on a leash) for the run, dress up your pooch for our costume contest, and get your fall-themed photo taken. After the race, stick around for Fabi’s Taco Truck, kettle corn, beverages, chance raffle, and a few other treats! Rootstown Community Park/Gracie Fields, 4104 Case Ave, Rootstown. Entry fee: $25 donation to APL (includes swag bag). Register at Runsignup.com (search Portage APL Barktober).

Turkey Dinner

Oct 16

Huntsburg Congregational Church  Annual Turkey Dinner Oct. 16 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Drive thru pre-order only at 12435 Madison Road, Huntsburg. Cost is $10 for adult portion with pumpkin pie and Sweetest Day surprise. 50/50 raffle 6 for $5. Call or text Debbie at 234-600-9582 by Oct. 9 to place pre-orders. 

Reverse Raffle

Oct 23

American Legion Auxiliary Post 674 Reverse Raffle.  Over $1000.00 in cash Payouts!! $25.00 per person which includes your Ticket number, Dinner, Dessert,and 2 Drink Tickets. This event will be located at the Windham Community Center on Saturday October 23, 2021 with doors opening at 6pm. All proceeds will go towards the American Legion Post 674.  For more information please contact The Legion at 330-326-3188, any Ladies Auxiliary Member and The American Legion Auxiliary 674 Facebook page.

Christmas Boutique

Nov 7

Mark your calendars for the 36th Annual Christmas Boutique to be held on Sunday, November 7, 2021! Don’t miss one of the area’s nicest craft shows, sponsored by the Sisterhood of St. Joseph. Held in Hughes Hall, the Christmas Boutique continues the 36 year tradition of a nice show of hand-crafted items, baked goods, raffles, door prizes, and breakfast and lunch items. Hours are 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Members of St. Joseph’s PSR program will run the kitchen, offering snack, lunch and dessert items at this annual fundraiser.  https://stjosephmantua.com/christmas-boutique


Anton Albert Photography