Home We're All Invited We’re All Invited Listings – Week of 8/24

We’re All Invited Listings – Week of 8/24


New Classes At GLTG

Registering Now

Geauga Lyric Theater Guild. In the after-school class “Ipaint” and  “American Tall Tales” as well as Over 20 Classes in the arts for youth through adults are being presented this season. For a full listing go to www.geaugatheater.org, or call the business office at 440-285-7701. Geauga Theater is located at 101 Water Street in Chardon, and the Arts Center is across the street at 106 Water Street.


Newton Falls Season Passes

On Sale Now

Tickets are on sale at the Superintendent’s Office, located at 909½ Milton Blvd., for the upcoming Newton Falls Tiger Football Season from 7:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.  The cost for reserved season passes for 5 home games is $40.00.  Also available, are 10-game passes for adults for $50.00, and student 10-game passes for $30.00.  These 10-game passes are good for any varsity event, i.e., volleyball, soccer, football, basketball or track. Family passes are also available.

School Supply Collection

Donate Now

First Church of God in Windham, 9016 N Main St, is currently collecting school supplies to distribute to Windham school students.  All donations are being accepted at the church or by any member.  Suggestions include: paper, pens, pencils, pen & pencil refills, markers, highlighters, money (we’ll do the shopping for you), markers, crayons, notebooks, shoes, report covers, etc.  The collection will run through the end of Aug and the distribution will be handled in conjunction with the Windham schools.  If interested call 330-326-2293 or 330 671-1426.


James A. Garfield Class of 1987

Save This Date!

Plans are under way for a casual 25th class reunion.  Keep September 29th open on your calendars and start looking for your 80’s fashion!!  Questions or wanting to help “the cause”, call one of the following:  Michele (Miller) Blair 330.979.9384, Kim (Raab) Curry 330.527.2186, Aaron King 330.524.2646 or Kim (Knerem) Bass 330.527.0278


3rd Annual Rib Dinner

Fridays in Aug.

The Mantua council of the Knights of Columbus will host their 3rd annual Rib Dinner Fridays during August 2012.  Delicious, slow-cooked St. Louis Style Rib Dinners will be offered for carryout or you are welcome to picnic on our lawn. Regular Rib Dinner includes: Half Slab Ribs, Baked Potato, Cole slaw, Baked Beans and Corn on the Cob for $12.50 each.  Light Rib Dinner includes: Half Slab Ribs, Cole slaw and baked beans for $11.00 each.  Extra Cob Corn, Baked Potatoes and Bottled Water will also be available $1.00 each. Come on out and enjoy our most delicious rib dinners between 4-7PM on Fridays August 3, 10, 17 & 24th.  Mantua K of C is located on State Route 44 just north of Route 82 in Mantua, Ohio. We have a beautiful country setting, perfect for lawn style picnics.  So pack your blanket, bring your own beverage, play some games and enjoy a delicious rib dinner. We look forward to seeing you!


Dance Lesson Registration

Through Sept 4

Ravenna Parks and Recreation is registering for Ballet & Tap lessons for children 6 and up,  baton lessons for children ages 4 through 18 years old, Hip Hop dance lessons for children Grades 1st through 12th grade, Pre-Dance lessons for children 3 to 5 years old Registration and payment in person during registration through September 4.  Enrollments are taken only during the fall of 2012.  For more info contact Ravenna Rec at (330) 296-2864 weekdays 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon or 1:00 to 4:15 p.m.  Office located at 530 N. Freedom Street, Ravenna.


Community Appreciation Night At Burton Public Library

Aug 23

The community is cordially invited to Burton Public Library’s “Community Appreciation Night” on August 23 at 7:00 p.m. In addition to the free concert, the library along with the Burton Historic District Association is proud to host the release of the “Burton, Ohio” book by Arcadia Publishing. Please join us for a fun evening.Library is located at 14588 W. Park Street, on the square in Burton Village 440-834-4466.


Free Meal

Aug 24

The Nelson UMC will be hosting a free meal Friday Aug 24 from 4-6 pm. The menu includes cabbage casserole, carrots, cake and beverages. Any questions call (330) 527-2268


Bat Program

Aug. 24

A bat program will be presented on Aug. 24, 8:00 p.m. at Buchert Park, 4808 High St., Mantua Village.  Biologists from Davey Resource Group will net bats to observe up close, then  learn about their habits, ecosystem benefits and the threats they face. For more information, contact the Portage Park District at 330-297-7728


Renaissance Family Center Party

Aug 24

There is a party at the Renaissance Family Center for Social Security and Medicare and you are invited to share in the free refreshments.  So join us Aug 24th 10-2 pm.  There will be information and displays and much more. Join us you won’t you?


Middlefield Chamber Golf Outing

Aug 24

The First Annual Middlefield Chamber of Commerce Golf Outing at Grandview Golf Course in Middlefield. Scramble, contests, lunch, dinner, prizes.  Register to golf as individual or team at 440-632-5705. All proceeds got to purchase security equipment for Cardinal Local School


3rd annual Memorial Music Festival

Aug 25 

Event will be held at the Nelson Ledge Estates Pavillion on Aug 25. Come and enjoy a day of music, food and memories. Donations gratefully accepted. Bring a picture of your loved one to place on the memorial wall. Questions call Ron (330) 527-4411 or Betsy (440) 548-2226


Benefit for Emme-Kate Greenwell

Aug 25

Benefit will be held on Aug 25 at The Big Dog, 432 Highland Ave. in Ravenna. Activities including; corn hole, bake sale, DJ, 50/50 raffle, face painting, kids games, and much more, starts at 2:00pm. Rigatoni dinner starts at 4:00pm and cost $6.50 per person. Emme-Kate suffered a severe stroke and is still hospitalized. The proceeds from this benefit is to help her family with medical expenses.


Steak Fry & Grilled Chicken Dinner

Aug. 25

The Garrettsville Eagles will be holding their monthly steak fry and grilled chicken dinner on Aug. 25th from 4:00 to 7:30 pm. Dinners include choice of baked potato or french fries, green beans, salad and  roll. Cost is $12.00 for steak or $8.00 for chicken. Open to the public.


TEXAS Hold-em Tournament

Aug. 25

American Legion Post #674 is holding a Texas-Hold em tournament on Aug. 25. 80% payout scholarship fund. Sign-up 2:00pm start play at 4:00pm. Free food for players. (330) 326-3188 or (330) 235-3387


Public Observing Night

Aug. 25

Stephens Memorial Observatory of Hiram College will host a public observing night from 9:30 PM to 11:00 PM, weather permitting. The Moon will be the focus of attention for the night and, if conditions allow, other celestial objects will also be viewed through the century-old Cooley Telescope. The Observatory is located on Wakefield Road (Rt. 82) less than a quarter of a mile west of Route 700 in Hiram. For updates and more information, see the observatory’s Web site: StephensObservatory.org or “@StephensObs” on Twitter


Revival in Freedom

Aug 26

If you’ve never experienced the power or love of God come visit us on Aug 26,  6pm, at the Freedom Prayer Room, Also, powerful prophetic worship you don’t want to miss. The Freedom Prayer Room is located at 7845 State Route 303, Windham, OH, 44288. For more information, please email us at info@freedomprayerroom.com.


Meet the Artists

Aug 26

From 2-4 pm on Aug 26 at The West Woods Nature Center, 9465 Kinsman Rd, Russell Township. Meet the artists behind the Nature of Metal Community Art Exhibition and view nature-inspired entries crafted from ferrous and non-ferrous metals, on display through October, complete with live music by the University of Akron Steel Drum Band.


Line Dance Lessons

Aug 27

Ravenna Parks and Recreation Department is offering line dance lessons.  Come join with your friends to learn classic and new line dances and improve your health at the same time.  The lessons are held at John Tontimonia City Park Tower Lodge on Tuesdays.  Cost is $55 for city taxpayers or $60 for non-city taxpayers.  Min 15 and max 30. Deadline to register is Aug 27 or until filled. Call (330) 296-2864 for more information


Stuff the Bus

Aug 27

Mantua American Legion Post #193 is holding Stuff the Bus school supply drive on Aug. 27 from 5:30-7:30 at Crestwood Primary School and Crestwood Intermediate School.


Crescendo Club Fundraiser

Aug. 28

The Newton Falls Crescendo Club (Boosters for the Newton Falls School Band) is pleased to offer Savory Foods COOKIE DOUGH, GOURMET POPCORN AND LAVA-LICIOUS CAKES for our current fundraiser.  Our final date for all orders is Tuesday, August 28th and delivery date will be September 18 – just in time for your fall baking.  Ask any band member to order, or call Laura at 872-1647 or Bobbi at 872-7394.  Thanks for all your support!


Free Community Dinner

Aug. 28

Free community dinner will be held from 5:00 to 6:00 pm. on August 28th.  While supplies last. No take outs. Windham American Legion,9960 Center Street. Everyone welcome! Sponsored by: St. Nicholas Orthodox Outreach Warren, Ohio


Geauga Park District at The Great Geauga County Fair

Aug 30 thru Sept. 3

Since 1996, the Park District’s open wood building has given fairgoers a taste of what their local park has to offer. This year’s interactive display showcase Ohio’ only designated International Dark Sky Park, the new Observatory Park in Montville Township. Natural Resources Area, Geauga County Fairgrounds, 14373 North Cheshire Street in Burton.


PCDL Closed for Labor Day

Sept 3

All branches and offices of Portage County District Library will be closed Sept.3, in observance of Labor Day. They will resume normal operating hours on Tuesday, Sept. 4. Visit us online at www.portagelibrary.org for information about library programs and services. Find us on Facebook.


Geauga County Dog Shelter Reunion

RSVP by Sept 4

Adoption reunion Sept 8 from noon-5:00pm. $20 per family. At Camp Chickagami Route168. Cost is $20 per family. RSVP / more information call 440-286-8135.


New Hours At Burton Public Library

Beginning Sept 4

The library will be open longer hours on Fridays and Saturdays.  Beginning September 4, library hours are as follows: Monday – Thursday  9 a.m. – 8 p.m.;  Friday 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.; and Saturday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.   Burton Public Library will remain closed on Sundays.  The library’s phone number is 440-834-4466.  Visit us on Facebook or the web: www.burton.lib.oh.us


Make the Most with Compost

Sept. 5

The Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District, the Geauga OSU Extension Master Gardeners and the Geauga County Storm Water Task Force invite you to “Make the Most with Compost!”  This free workshop will be held on Sept. 5 from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm at the West Woods Nature Center, 9465 Kinsman Road (S.R. 87), Russell, Ohio 44072.


Chicken Dinner

Sept 5

The Southington UMC, Routes 305 & 534 in Southington will be holding a chicken dinner on Sept. 5 from 3:30-6:00pm. Adults: $8, children: $4 and 3 and under eat free. Carry outs will be available, stop by and pick up dinner for the family. Call the church, (330) 989-2156 and they will be ready for pickup when you get there.


Cops & Kids Fishing Day

Sept 8

The Hiram Police Department will be holding the community program called, “Cops and Kids” Fishing Day. The event will be free of charge to anybody who attends. The intent of “Cops and Kids” Fishing Day is to bring community children closer to law enforcement officers and build lifelong bonds.  The “Cops and Kids Fishing Day” event is scheduled for September 8th from 10am-2pm at Camp Asbury.


“God’s Kids Puppet Ministry”

Sept. 8

Wayland Community Church, 6355 Wayland Rd. in Wayland, will be hosting “God’s Kids Puppet Ministry” on Sept. 8 at 6:00pm. All are welcome and everyone is invited to attend. For more information call (330) 938-2335 or (330) 358-2639


Aurora Class of ‘67

Sept. 8

45th reunion picnic on Sept 8. at the home of Jim Ratcliff, Freedom Ohio. Please contact Ruth Studer (330) 507-7554 or Jim (330) 297-5659 for directions and RSVP.


34th Annual Potato Stomp

Sept. 8

The 34th Annual Potato Stomp 9 mile race will take place on September 8th.  The Potato Stomp is a classic road race through the scenic streets of Mantua Village and the beautiful Cuyahoga Valley.  There is a one-mile Fun Run that begins at 8:30am and the 9-mile race begins at 9am.  Fun Run registration on race day is $8 with no shirt/$15 including shirt.  Race day entry fee for the nine mile race is $15 with no shirt/$20 including shirt.  For race and/or registration information, call 330-842-0856 or email rosalief@yahoo.com

Craft Show

Sept 8

Craft show tables available: The Kayla Irene Daniels Cure for Cancer Foundation will be hosting a craft show on September 8, at the Parkman Community House. The show will start at 10 am and close at 3 pm. Doors will open 2 hours prior to the show for set up. Tables are $25 each and are on a first come first serve basis. Advanced payment is required to hold a table. For more information call (330) 889-9600 or email support@kidcancerfoundation.org

Swim with the Hiram College Water Dogs

Sundays Beginning Sept. 9

Times: 2 – 3 pm, 3 – 4 pm, 4 – 5 pm, 5 – 6 pm Sunday Afternoons. All Levels, All Hours. Lesson are 45 minutes with 15 minutes of Free time at the end. September 9,16,23,30, and October 7th Cost: $50.00 per Child for all 5 lessons. 4 years and older.                    Sign-ups: Sept. 8th, from 2:30-4:30pm at the Hiram College Pool. Register online! Deadline to register September 6th http://www.hiram.edu/athletics/menssports/swim/lessons.html. Questions Call Jack Groselle at 330-569-5343


All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner

Sept 9

12:00pm-3:00pm At Saint Mary & Joseph’s Social Hall, 120 Maple Drive. Newton Falls. Dinner Includes: Spaghetti & meatballs, Salad, Italian bread, coffee or punch, and Dessert (Carry out available) Adults:$7.00 Children: $3.00 (6-11)  Children: FREE(5& under) For any additional information   Tom Fetock (330) 872-5886, Matt Stimac (330)872-7865 or Jim Burns(330)883-0575. Knights Of Columbus Council #3350. 100 Superior St. Newton Falls Ohio.


Crestwood Board of Education

Sept 10

Meeting will be held Sept. 10 at 7:00 pm at the Crestwood High School Library due to the Labor Day holiday.


Computer Training

Sept. 10 & 12

Portage County District Library is partnering with Connect Ohio to offer free computer training sessions to Portage County residents. The training sessions offered will provide basic Internet training such as computer basics, an introduction to the Internet and email basics. Sessions will be held at the Garrettsville Library (10482 South Street) Sept. 10 through Sept. 12 from 10:00 am until 12:00 pm. and at the Pierce Streetsboro Library (8990 Kirby Lane) Oct. 22 through Oct. 24 from 10:00 am until 12:00 pm. Register online at www.portagelibrary.org or call 330-562-6502 for more information.


Crosstrailers Square Dance Club

Sept. 10 & 17

Join in the fun of western style square dancing, a fun activity and great aerobic exercise.   Beginner’s lessons with two free nights on September 10 and 17 are being offered at the First United Methodist Church, North Park Avenue, Warren 7:00 to 9:30 p.m.   Our professional caller/teacher is John Ramsey.   Line dances are included with some lessons.  The Crosstrailers are celebrating their 37th anniversary, and invite all ages to participate in square dancing.  For more information, please call 330 898-1997 and 330 898-5749.


Mantua Legion #193 Monthly Soup Supper Rescheduled

Rescheduled for Sept 14 

Mantua Legion and Auxiliary #193 has rescheduled its monthly soup supper to Sept 14 at 6:00 pm. The cost for soup, salad and dessert is $7 for adults and $3 for children. Open to public.


Save the Date!

Sept 15

The 7th annual Alumni banquet will be held on September 15 at the J.A. Garfield Elementary School starting at 5pm. Reservations are $18 and need to be mailed by Sept. 1 to P.O. Box 93 Garrettsville. Please include the names and graduating years of the alumni attending. Classes being honored are class of ’52, ’62, ’72, and ’87. Friday night’s game against Southeast will be an away game. For a carefree reunion, plan with the alumni. Contact Helen Louise Paul Bouts 330.309. 2743 for more info.


Seeking Vendors & Exhibitors

Sept 15 & 16

The Ravenna Balloon A-Fair is seeking craft vendors, exhibitors, food vendors, local businesses and agencies to set up booths September 15 in downtown Ravenna and September 15 & 16 at SUNBEAU Valley Farm on St. Rt. 59, Ravenna.  For downtown Ravenna booth space application call Judy Tompkins, Booth Chairperson at 330-527-5695. For SUNBEAU Valley Farm booth application call Heather Sepelak at 330-357-1206. For all general questions regarding the BAF Festival please call 330-296-FAIR.


Community Day

Sept. 22

Lighthouse United Methodist Church, 14780 Mayfield Rd, E. Claridon. From 2-7pm, enjoy a picnic dinner, free entertainment for all ages, worship 101, Raffles, corn hole tournament, bounce house and slide, sumo suits, Velcro wall, guessing games and pie auction. Call (440) 635-4744 for more details


Gospel Fest

Sept. 23

The Christian Life Center will host a Gospel Fest on September 23, 2012 at 3:30pm. The church is located at 5931 Rhodes Road Kent. (Church behind Gabriel Brothers) Doors open at 3:00 p.m. The Gospel Fest will showcase several local groups.  Interested groups can call the church for an application.  Applications must be returned within 30 days from the date received. The Gospel Fest is free and open to the public, although a freewill offering will be taken. Refreshments will be available for purchase. The church invites the community to “come out and enjoy some good Gospel music and fellowship.” For more information, please contact CLC Church Administrator, Deborah Sunderland at clckent@yahoo.com or call the church office at 330-678-9234. The church office hours; Monday through Friday from 9AM until 3PM.


Fall Fish Sale

Sept. 24 

The Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District’s annual Fall Fish Sale is right around the corner!  We are currently taking orders for fingerling-size largemouth bass, channel catfish, bluegill/sunfish mix, minnows, white amurs, and yellow perch.  The Fish Sale will be held on Sept. 25 on the midway of the Geauga County Fairgrounds.  Order deadline is Sept. 24th.  Please visit the district website at www.geaugaswcd.com or call (440) 834-1122 to obtain an order form or more information.


3rd Annual Craft Show

Oct 20

Palmyra Fire Station 3956 St Rt. 225, Diamond, OH 44412 from 10 AM – 4 PM .  We’ll have several Chinese Auction baskets compliments of area businesses. Last year’s baskets included: small dog grooming package, 10 free tanning sessions, family game basket, girls and boys toy basket, spring baskets to name a few. We are currently looking for crafters and patrons. If you’d like to display your crafts please go to: www.palmyratownship.com to fill out the registration form, call 330 654-5447 or 330 557-6173 to have one mailed to you, e-mail palmyrafirefliesauxiliary@yahoo.com to have one e-mailed to you or stop by the station Monday – Friday 6 AM – 6 PM.


Youth Sportsfest

Sept 29

The Trumbull County 4-H Shooting Sports Pioneers Club will host a free NRA Youth Sportsfest on Sept. 29 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM at the Fish & Game Club of Vienna on SR 193 across from the Youngstown Warren Regional Airport.  The purpose of this event is to teach basic gun & archery safety, demystify firearms by providing hands-on experience, and provide an enjoyable learning experience to all youth ages 9 to 18 years old.  Pre-registration before SEPTEMBER 24 is required at (330) 898-4486 or email at larrybeard@aol.com.  Parents must sign a release.  No guns owned by the participants are to be brought to this event!!  Further information is available at (330) 898-4486.


Murder Mystery Night

Nov 3

Doors Open at 6:00PM.Featuring the Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre Mystery Group. $35.00 Per Ticket. Limited Number of Tickets Available…Pre-Sale Only! Mystery, Dinner, Raffles & Cash Bar “My Big Fat Geek Wedding” Mysstteerry Murrdeerr Niigghhtt. For Tickets Call Donna Bicker at 216-210-1677 or Norm Fashing at 330-527-8093. Mantua Knights of Columbus Hall • 11845 St. Rt. 44, Mantua Benefit for Children’s Glioma Cancer Foundation.In Memory of Melana Matson, Her Hope Shines On.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography