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We’re All Invited


Bread & Soup Meal


Join in a Hiram tradition that has been going on since 1982 by attending a bread and soup dinner at Hiram College. The meal will be held every Thursday from 5-7pm at the Kennedy Center. Cost is $5 for students (or a student meal swipe) and $1 goes to a local charity that works to alleviate hunger in the community. For more information email Yurcichel@hiram.edu.

Story Time


The Garrettsville Dairy Queen invites you to bring your children or grandchildren to story time by the fireplace while enjoying a free cup of hot chocolate. Every Tuesday at 7pm children will enjoy a new story.

Volunteers Needed

The Township of Troy will celebrate its bicentennial by reviving the Troy Homecoming Days on Aug 20 & 21. If you are interested in helping or have ideas please attend the meetings on Jan 20, Feb 24, March 24 and April 28 at the Troy Community House at 7pm. If you are unable to attend but would like to help or have ideas, call Jerry at (440) 834-4774.

Open Registration

SS Mary & Joseph School in Newton Falls will have open registration for the 2011-12 school year for pre-school through 8th grade. Registration materials are available at the school office from 9am-2pm Mon-Fri or call (330) 872-7676.

Crochet Class


A Crochet Class will begin again on Wednesday, Jan 19th at 10am at the Portage Faith United Methodist Church. For more information call (330) 274-2376.

Rick Atkinson Benefit

Jan 22

A benefit spaghetti dinner will be held on Jan 22nd from 4-7pm at the Mantua Civic Center. The cost is $10/person and free for children ages 5 and under. From 4-10pm there will be raffles, silent auctions, music and other activities. All proceeds will go to help Rick in his battle against lung cancer. For more information visit www.supportrja.org.

Meet & Greet

Jan 22

Rose’s Rescue will host a meet & greet at the Aurora PetSmart, 7355 Market Place Drive, on Jan 22nd from 1-4pm. Come out and meet some of our adoptable animals. Check out the website for available animals and fill out an application online. www.rosesrescue.net

Friendship Night

Jan 22

Newton Falls Masonic Lodge 462 will be hosting a Friendship Night on Jan 22nd at 5pm. (12 West Broad St., Newton Falls, above Positive Images). Everyone is invited to this free spaghetti dinner. Musical entertainment and speakers following dinner.

Geauga County Veterans Benefit Dinner

Jan 22

A benefit dinner for Geauga County Veterans in need will be held on Jan 22nd from 4:30-7:30pm at the Burton American Legion, 14052 Goodwin Avenue. Tickets are $10. This is a joined effort with the Newbury American Legion & Auxiliary Post #663. For more information call Ken (440) 635-6390 or Skip (440) 313-2095.

Pancake Breakfast

Jan 23

The Burton American Legion, 14052 Goodwin Avenue, will host their first pancake breakfast of the season on Sunday, Jan 23rd from 9am-1pm. The cost is $8/adults and $5/children.

Verglas, Ice Cave & Winter Splendor

Jan 23

Join leader Bob Faber at Nelson Ledges on Jan 23rd to explore the crevasses, shelter caves, and rock bluffs that provide the setting for a variety of winter ice formations. Meet at the Nelson Ledges parking lot at 1pm. The cost is $5 or $3 for members of Friends of the Field Station. Register by phone at (330) 569-6003 or email sorrickmw@hiram.edu. Please dress for the weather and don’t forget your camera.

Spaghetti Dinner

Jan 23

The Knights of Columbus Council #3350 will have an All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner on Sunday, Jan 23rd at Saint Mary’s Social Hall, 120 Maple Drive in Newton Falls from 12-3pm. The cost is $6.50/adult, $3/children ages 6-11 and free for children 5 and under. Carry-outs will be available. For more information call Jim (330) 883-0575, Tom (330) 872-5886 or Matt (330) 872-7865.

Huntsburg Zoning Meeting

Jan 24

The Huntsburg Township Zoning Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals will hold their organizational meetings on Monday, Jan 24th at 7pm at the Huntsburg Town Hall, 16534 Mayfield Road.

Indian Trails Chapter

Jan 25

Deborah Chaddock Brown, guest speaker, will present Unleash Your Inner Hero at the Jan 25th meeting of the Indian Trails Chapter. The meeting is held at the PARTA office, 2000 Summit Road in Kent. Light refreshments will be served at 5:30pm and the program will begin at 6:15pm. These meetings are open to the public and free. For more information contact Barb at (330) 673-9515 ext. 234 or email barb.mast@davey.com.

Roast Beef Dinner

Jan 25

The Garrettsville United Methodist Church, 8223 Park Ave., will host a roast beef dinner on Tuesday, Jan 25th from 4:30-7pm. The cost is $8/adults, $4.50/children under 12 and free for preschool children. Take-out orders will be available.

Free Community Dinner

Jan 25

A free community dinner will be held on Tuesday, Jan 25th from 5-6pm, while supplies last, at the Windham American Legion, 9960 Center Street. Everyone is welcome to this dinner sponsored by St. Nicholas Outreach of Warren.

Soccer Foot Skills

Jan 25

Ravenna Parks and Recreation Department is offering Indoor Soccer Foot Skills for children 4-7 years old on Mondays, Jan 31 to March 7th at the First Congregational Church of Ravenna, 266 S. Chestnut Street. The 4 & 5 year olds 5:30 to 6:30 pm and the 6 & 7 year olds from 6:30 to 7:30 pm.  Registration is held through Jan 25. Fee for city taxpayers is $30/tax payers and $35/non-taxpayers, $10 late fee. To register stop in at Ravenna Recreation 530 N. Freedom Street weekdays 8-noon or 1-4:15pm or call (330) 296-2864 for more information.

My Buddy & Me

Jan 26

Ravenna Parks and Recreation is offering a My Buddy and Me class for children ages 2 to 3 along with an adult buddy (18 years and over) from 6:15-7:15 p.m. on Wednesdays at Tower Lodge in John Tontimonia City Park in Ravenna.  Classes will be held from Feb 2 to March 9.  Deadline to register is Jan 26. The cost is $30/taxpayers and $35/non-taxpayers. To register stop in at Ravenna Recreation 530 N. Freedom Street weekdays 8-noon or 1-4:15pm or call (330) 296-2864 for more information.

Auburn Garden Club

Jan 26

The Auburn Garden Club will meet on Jan 26th at 7pm at the Auburn Township Hall, corner of Washington St. and Auburn Rd. A gardening movie will be shown and refreshments will be served. The Garden Club meets the 4th Wednesday each month from September through May. Public is welcome to attend.

Blood Drive

Jan 26

The NF United Methodist Church, 336 Ridge Road, will host their bi-monthly blood drive in the fellowship hall from noon-6pm. Come in help those in need by donating.

Book Discussion Group

Jan 26

The Newton Falls Public Library’s Book Discussion Group will meet on Wednesday, Jan 26th at 6pm to discuss Cannery Row by John Steinbeck. Join us for conversation and refreshments.

Free Dinner

Jan 27

The Renaissance Family Center in Windham will host a free dinner on Jan 27th from 5-6:30pm.

Scotch Doubles Benefit

Jan 29

There will be a Scotch Doubles benefit for the family of Tim Dye on Saturday, Jan 29th at 8pm at Sky Lane Bowling Alley in Garrettsville. The cost is $40/per couple and includes 3 games, shoes, pizza, and unlimited beer. There will also be a Chinese Auction, 50/50, and entertainment by The Rebel Country Band. For reservations call Diane at (330) 235-4265.

Steak Fry

Jan 29

The Garrettsville Eagles will hold their monthly steak fry and grilled chicken dinner on Saturday, Jan 29th from 4-8pm. Other menu items are available for children. The cost for steak is $12 and $8 for chicken. This event is open to the public.

50 Years-50 Miles

Jan 29

On Saturday, Jan 29th from 2-3:30pm at Chickagami Park Geauga Park District will celebrate its 50th anniversary by hosting a 50-mile hiking series. You can join a naturalist to complete the hikes this year or do it on your own. Score cards will be available to track your miles. For more information call (440) 286-9516 or visit http://geaugaparkdistrict.org.

Yoga Certification

Jan 29 & 30

Learn how to teach Yoga on Saturday, Jan. 29th from 8am-5pm and Sunday, Jan. 30th from 8am-3pm at the Ravenna Athletic Center (RAC), 530 North Freedom St., Ravenna. To register call 800-237-6242 or register online at www.netafit.org. Workshop fee applies. For more information call the RAC at (330) 296-2864.

What “Wood” You Like to Know?

Jan 30

The Geauga Park District invites you to celebrate the International Year of Forests with a walk at The West Woods Nature Center on Sunday, Jan 30th from 3-4:30pm. During the walk you will pause at various trees to see objects representing uses of their wood. Visit the Creativity Tapped exhibit afterwards to see other wood uses. For more information call (440) 286-9516 or visit http://geaugaparkdistrict.org.

HHW Orientation

Jan 31

Hard Hatted Women will hold an Orientation to Trade and Technical Careers on Jan 31st from 1:30-2:30pm at the Trumbull One-Stop, 280 N. Park Ave. in Warren. HHW works to empower women to achieve economic independence by creating workplace diversity in trade and technical careers.

Swim Lessons


Children 5 and over can learn to swim with the Hiram College Water Dogs on Sunday afternoons, Feb 13, 20 & 27 and March 13 & 20. The cost is $50 for all five lessons. Sign-ups will be held on Sunday, Feb 6th from 2:30-5:30pm at the Hiram College Pool or register online at www.hiram.edu/athletics/menssports/swim/lessons.html. For more information call Jack at (330) 569-5343.

OSU Beef Cattle School

Feb 3

The OSU Extension of Portage County will host the Beef Team’s Ohio Beef Cattle School. A total of five sessions will begin on Feb 3rd on Thursday evenings from 7-9:30pm. A discount of $30 for all five sessions will be offered if you pre-register by Feb 2nd or you may attend single classes for only $10 each at the door. For more information call (330) 296-6432 ext. 16 or visit http://portage.osu.edu/topics/agriculture-and-natural-resources.

Taco Bar Fundraiser

Feb 4

Help support the Berkshire After-Prom on Feb 4th by coming out to the Taco Bar Dinner at the Berkshire High School in the cafeteria from 4:30-7pm. The cost is $5/adults and $3/children ages 10 and under. A dessert ice cream bar will be offered for an additional $2. Call (440) 759-3211 for more information.

Night At The Races

Feb 5

The Newton Falls Athletic Boosters will host their annual Night at the Races on Saturday, Feb. 5th at St. Mary’s Social Hall in Newton Falls.  Doors open at 5:30pm and races begin at 7:30pm.  The cost is $15 per person and includes a buffet dinner, beer, mix and soda.  Monte Carlo games will also be played before races begin. Tickets can be bought at the door or by calling Tami at 330-984-9535.

Scotch Doubles

Feb 5

The Garrettsville Curtains Up Theatre will hold a Scotch Doubles on Feb 5th at Sky Lane Bowling Alley. The cost is $40/couple and includes beer, pizza and bowling. There will also be a 50/50 and Chinese auction.

Parents Without Partners Dance

Feb 5

The Portage County Chapter of Parents Without Partners will hold their monthly dance on Feb 5th from 7:30-11:30pm at the Kent VFW post home, 500 VFW Parkway in Kent. Dances are open to the public. For more information call Warrine at (330) 699-2361 or (330) 322-9559.

Geauga Fresh Farmer’s Market

Feb 5

The Geauga Fresh Farmer’s Market will hold its annual organizational meeting on Saturday, Feb 5th at the OSU Extension Office, Patterson Center on the Geauga County Fairgrounds, 14269 Claridon-Troy Road in Burton. The meeting will begin at 10am. This is a producers- only market that allows farmers and producers to sell directly to customers. For more information call Cheryl at (440) 474-9885 or email geaugamarket@yahoo.com or visit www.geaugafarmersmarket.com.

“Souper Bowl” Sunday

Feb 5 & 6

The First Congregational Church, 612 West Broad Street in Newton Falls, will sponsor “Souper Bowl” Sunday on Feb 5th & 6th. Order your choice of Broccoli Cheese, Ham & Bean or Chicken Noodle with homemade rolls by Feb 2nd. Call (330) 872-5670; leave your name, phone number and types of soup/how many quarts of each. Pick up dates are Feb 5th and 6th from noon to 2pm.  The cost is $6/per quart.

Four Chaplains Services

Feb 6

Ron Widowfield, Chaplain of Newton American Legion Post 236, has announced that the Four Chaplains Services will be held on Sunday, Feb 6th at 10:45am at the Newton Falls First Christian Church.

Souper Bowl Sunday

Feb 6

Huntsburg Grange will hold its annual Souper Bowl Sunday lunch  Feb. 6 from 11:30 to 1:30 at the Huntsburg Town Hall, 16534 Mayfield Road, Corner of Rt. 322 and Rt. 528.  Order your sub sandwich for $5.00 and homemade soup by the bowl or quart by calling 636-5517 before Jan 31st.   Leave a message for a call back.  Extra pre-made subs will be available.   Eat in or take out.

Spaghetti Dinner

Feb 11

The Berkshire Marching Band will host a spaghetti dinner and Chinese auction on Feb 11th from 4:30-7:30pm. Pre-sale tickets are $7/adults ($8 at the door) and $4/children 12 and under ($5 at the door). Chinese auction tickets are $1/each, 6 for $5 or 15 for $10; winner need not be present. Pre-sale tickets can be purchased through a band member.

Night at the Races

Feb 12

The Garrettsville Lions Club will host their 2nd annual Night at the Races on Saturday, Feb 12th at Sky Lane Bowling Alley in Garrettsville. Doors will open at 7pm and races begin at 8pm. The cost is $15/person or $25/couple and includes pizza and wings. One dollar 12oz sodas and a cash bar will be offered. The cost to buy & name a horse is $10 in advance and you can sponsor a race for $25. For more information call Paul at (216) 533-0147 or Aaron at (330) 527-9999.

Discovery Days

Feb 21

Bring the children to experience life on a farm–making ice cream, meeting newborn calves, piglets, and sheep, and more–at Lake Metroparks Farmpark, 8800 Euclid Chardon Road in Kirtland, during the annual Discovery Days. Children participate in hands-on activities and snowshoeing scheduled throughout the day in addition to the regular daily Farmpark daily activities. Discover Days are presented Feb 21st from 9am-5pm. Visit lakemetroparks.com for more information, cost and a schedule of events.

The Dating Game

Feb 25

The Garrettsville Curtains Up Theatre will host The Dating Game on Feb 25th at the J. A. Garfield Elementary School at 7:30pm. Individuals are invited to participate for a chance to win over $100 in gifts for their special date that also includes dinner and a movie (two winners). The cost to participate is $20 or you may come and enjoy the show with a $5 donation. Men ages 50-60, 35-45 and women 35-45 are still needed. To participate call Jackie at (216) 375-0709.

Bowl for Kid’s Sake

Feb 26

Big Brothers & Sisters of Portage County will hold the 29th annual Bowl for Kid’s Sake on Saturday, Feb 26th at Kent Lanes. Teams of five bowlers are needed, $50/bowler. Each bowler will receive free bowling, shoe rental, pizza, pop and t-shirt. Door prizes and 50/50 held throughout the event. Call (330) 296-6655 for more information.

Almeda Trio

Feb 27

The Almeda Trio will perform at Hayden Auditorium at Hiram College on Sunday, Feb 27th at 3pm. Open to the public.

Cavs Tickets

March 6

Support the 2011 Garrettsville Summerfest by going to see the Cavs vs. New Orleans on Sunday, March 6th at 6:30pm at the Q in Cleveland. Upper baseline tickets are $35 each. For your tickets call Aaron at (330) 524-2646 or stop by the Sky Lane Bowling Alley.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography