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We’re All Invited


PCDL Holiday Hours

All branches and offices of Portage County District Library will be closed on the following dates (in observance of the holiday season):  Dec. 24, Dec. 25, Dec. 31, and Jan.  1.  Visit Portage County District Library online at www.portagelibrary.org for information about library services and programs. Find us on Facebook.


We Need Your Help!

Class of “68”……we need your help in locating the following people: Gary Adams, Virgil Bishop, Lawrence Cassidy, James Uphole, and Ron Baker. If you know where they are, or have a current  address, phone/ cell number, email address, please contact, Cherryl  {Clark} Duffield, @ 330- 527-2713, or Cindy (Vasil) Hillier @ csh2605@aol.com, or Judy (Bazil) Stone @Jstone21@kent.edu.


God Provides Free Meal

Dec. 21

Please join us for the Christmas God Provides a Meal, Dec. 21 from 4-6 pm at the Nelson UMC. The church is located on Nelson Circle, 9367 St. Rt. 305 in Garrettsville. The menu consists of ham, parsley potatoes, and home-made pie for dessert. The ladies of the God Provides a Free Meal, after a lot of soul searching, has decided that they can no longer carry out the mission. They want to thank everyone whose life has been touched be the mission and all that was volunteered to the cause. They wish you a Merry Christmas and the best!


Longest Night Service

Dec. 21

Windham UMC will be hosting a “Longest Night Service” for those who mourn. Holidays are wonderful and full of joy, but they can be hard when we are missing someone. Whether you’ve lost someone recently or 20 years ago, the pain can be more acute during the holidays.  On Dec. 21 at 7:30pm we will gather for a quiet worship service of music and hope with people who understand.


Live Nativity

Dec. 22 & 23

Taking your child to see Santa is a Christmas tradition. We offer a lasting memory for your entire family, this Christmas season visit our “Live Nativity” to experience the first Christmas. The gift of baby Jesus will change your life. The Live Nativity is an annual event at the Huntsburg Congregational Church, 12435 Madison Road, Huntsburg 440-636-5504. Dec. 22 and 23 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. Join us inside for refreshments, you and your family can even take part. FREE


Christmas Eve Services

Dec. 23

The Nelson UMC will be holding a candlelight Christmas Eve service on Dec. 23 at 6 & 10 pm. The church is located at 9367 St. Rt. 305 in Garrettsville. Come out and enjoy the circle, decorated with luminaries provided by Boy Scout troop 65.


Santa Claus is Coming to Town

Dec 23

The Rotary Club of Garrettsville-Hiram has made special arrangements with Santa Claus to personally deliver packages in Garrettsville and Hiram on Sunday, December 23rd. Since so many children have been good this year, Santa feels he will be exceptionally busy on Christmas Eve and has agreed to come a day early! If you have a package that you would like Santa to deliver, please drop it off at The Business Works, 8110 Main Street, Garrettsville or at MB Reality, 8118 Main Street, Garrettsville by Friday, December 21st. Of course, Santa doesn’t charge for this service, but encourages donations that will be given to the People Tree. If you have any questions, please call Amy Crawford at (330) 527-4415.


Community Christmas Eve Service

Dec. 23

The First Congregational Church of Freedom will be celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ at a Community Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, which will be held one night early, on Dec. 23 at 6:30 pm. The church is located at the intersections of St. Rt. 88 & St. Rt. 303 in Freedom Twp.


Hiram Fire Association Santa Claus

Dec. 23

The Hiram Fire Association and Santa Claus will help deliver gifts in Hiram Village and Hiram Twp. On Dec. 23 from 5-8pm. Please have your gifts at the Hiram Fire Dept. no later than 8pm on Dec. 21. Please have the child’s name and address on the packages. If you have any questions, please call Gary Bott (330) 527-4457 or (330) 646-1951


“The Hope of Christmas”

Dec. 23

“The Hope of Christmas” musical/drama will be presented by the Newton Falls First Church of God Sanctuary Choir and Drama Team on Dec. 23 at 6pm. The church is located at 426 W. Broad St. in Newton Falls.


Christmas Services at Burton Congregational Church

Dec. 23 & 24

Come celebrate the birth of Christ and the Christmas Season at Burton Congregational Church.  There will be a special service of Christmas music on Dec. 23 at 10:30 a.m.  Music will be performed by the Worship Choir as well as soprano soloist Sylvia Jurcak, Pastor Jay Carroll, and other small ensembles. Two family services will be held on Christmas Eve Dec. 24.  They will feature the Christmas story through songs and scripture.  Christmas Eve services are 4 p.m. and 11 p.m.The Burton Congregational Church is located at 14558 West Park Street, on the square in Burton.  Church phone is 440-834-4495.  


Candlelight Christmas Eve Service

Dec. 24

Candlelight Christmas Eve Services will be held at First Baptist Church, 2640 South Canal Street, Newton Falls at 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM on, Dec. 24.  The service will include traditional Christmas carols, a message entitled “What does Christ want for Christmas?” and a congregational candle lighting. All are welcome.


Christmas Services

Dec. 24 & 25

Christmas Services at St. Joseph’s Church; 11045 St. Joseph Blvd. Mantua, will be Dec. 24 at 5:00 p.m. (includes Children’s Choir) and at 10:00 p.m. and Dec.  25 at 10:00 a.m.


Coffee With The Birds

Dec. 29

Nothing like watching the world go by near a bird feeder. Have you ever been sitting in a chair with a cup of coffee enjoying the view of your bird feeder and said, “Geez, I wonder what kind of bird that is,” or, “How can I get more birds to come?” Well, now’s your chance to get those questions answered and still enjoy that cup of joe indoors. Join Naturalist Nora Sindelar for an “inside” look at bird watching as we enjoy sitting around our bird feeding station indoors with warm beverages and snacks.Dec. 29 – 9:30 to 11:30 am at The West Woods Nature Center


New Year’s Eve Dance

Dec. 31

Gather your friends to ring in the New Year! Join us at the Parkman Community House (16295 Main Market/St. Rt. 422 – 1/4 mile east of St. Rt. 528 in Parkman).  $20.00 per person – BYOB (wash provided) Doors open at 7:30 p.m.  Heavy hors d’oeuvres buffet begins at 8:00 p.m.  DJ-Jockey Joe will be playing all your favorite tunes from 9 p.m. until 1 a.m.  Tickets are limited – Call for reservations: Sandy @ (440) 548-5740 or Denise @ (440) 548-2939. Sponsored by Parkman Chamber of Commerce.


New Year’s Services

Dec. 31 & Jan. 1

New Year’s Church Services will be Dec.31 at 5:00 p.m. and Jan. 1 at 10:00 a.m. St. Joseph’s Church; 11045 St. Joseph Blvd. Mantua




Chamber Coffee Network Meeting

 Jan. 3 

The Ravenna Area Chamber of Commerce will be meeting for their monthly Coffee Network Meeting at 8:00a.m. on Jan. 3 at Susie K’s Café, 145 E. Main St. Ravenna. Enjoy a cup of coffee and an opportunity to promote your business and network with other Ravenna business owners. Visitors will have a chance to meet a variety of contacts each month and enjoy a cup of coffee. Bring your business cards and literature, and let us know how we can help your business. Guest speakers for this event will be Danny Long. Dan is a local comedian from Ravenna and is known across the country. He will be the headliner at the Chamber Comedy Night at the Ravenna Elks Club on Feb. 16. If you are interested in attending or featuring your business as the speaker for the month, contact the Ravenna Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, Jack Ferguson at 330-296-3886. Hope to see you there!


Winter Storytime Registration

Jan 7

Portage County District Library is pleased to announce that winter storytime registration begins Jan. 7. Storytimes begin the week of Jan.  28 (at most branch locations.) Enjoy stories, fingerplays, and crafts at your favorite branch location. Visit www.portagelibrary.org to search our calendar for storytime dates and times. Contact your branch location to register for programs or for more information. Branch locations include Aurora Memorial (330-562-6502), Garrettsville (330-527-4378), Pierce Streetsboro (330-626-4458), Randolph (330-325-7003), and Windham (330-326-3145.) There are a few branch locations with limited seating, so be sure to register early.

Public Meeting

Jan. 10

James A. Garfield School District will be holding a public meeting on Jan. 10.  This will provide the opportunity before the monthly board meeting for questions/comments regarding the spending of IDEA funds for our district.  Please join us at the Middle School Library on Thursday at 6:15 pm.


Pancake & Sausage Breakfast

Jan. 13 & 27

Burton-Middlefield American Legion will host a pancake and sausage breakfast on Jan 13 & Jan. 27 from 9am-1:30 pm at 14052 Goodwin St. Call Ron (440) 434-1478 for more info.


Getting Ahead Workshop

Jan. 15

Getting Ahead is a 16-week workshop series where participants work in groups to examine the impact of poverty on themselves and their communities and to explore the world through the lens of economic class. This class is ideal for both individuals who are working to transition from poverty to self-stability or middle-class individuals that want to better serve their community. Class runs 5:30pm-8:00pm, every Tuesday starting Jan. 15, at The Salvation Army in Ravenna, located at 268 W. Main St. For more information call (330)296-7371 or visit www.empowerportage.com.



Chicken & Dumplings Dinner

Jan. 19

Geauga Co. Council will host a chicken and dumplings dinner on Jan. 19 from 4:30-7:30 pm at 14052 Goodwin St., Burton, $12 presale, $15 at the door. Contact Skip (440) 834-1191 for more info.


Looking For Our Next Grand Marshall

Due by Feb. 8 

The Candidate must be a community minded Ravenna resident who has had a positive impact in the community. The committee asks that when nominating, that the reason and some background information be included. The Grand Marshal will preside over the grand parade and all other festivities of the Balloon A-Fair Festival.  This year’s event will be Sept. 19 – 22, 2013. Written nominations for Grand Marshal should be submitted no later than Feb. 8, 2013.  Mail to: Ravenna Balloon A-Fair, Attention Parade Committee, and P.O. BOX 454, RAVENNA, OHIO 44266.  For more information, call 330-296-FAIR.


Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography