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We’re All Invited

Dream Discussion
A dream discussion group is now forming and will meet once a month in Hiram. This is a free group. For more information call (330) 569-3376.
Spay & Neuter Program 2011
Geauga Humane Society’s Fix It in the Farmland low cost spay and neuter clinics will be held once or twice a month in 2011 for low income and Amish residents of Geauga County. The cost is $10 per animal. For more information and find out if you qualify, call Barb at (440) 338-4819 ext. 21 and follow the prompts. Call today as clinics fill quickly.
Volunteers Needed
The Township of Troy will celebrate its bicentennial by reviving the Troy Homecoming Days on August 20 & 21. If you are interested in helping or have ideas please attend the meetings on Jan 20, Feb 24, March 24 and April 28 at the Troy Community House at 7pm. If you are unable to attend but would like to help or have ideas, call Jerry at (440) 834-4774.
Jigsaw Puzzle Exchange
Get ready for long winter evenings with the Annual Jigsaw Puzzle Exchange at the Newton Falls Public Library, 204 S. Canal Street. Begin bringing your new or gently used jigsaw puzzles to the library Jan 15-21. Return to the library on Saturday, Jan 22nd from 11am-2pm to select “new to you” ones.
Crestwood Band Citrus Sale
through Jan 21
The Crestwood Band annual citrus sale is being held from Tuesday, January 4 through Friday, January 21, 2011.   Proceeds from the sale will be used to support the Instrumental Music Departments in the Intermediate, Middle and the High schools.  You can order three ways:  contact a band member, call 330-274-2567 or 330-569-7613, or you can order online at www.doorstepdirect.org.  Please enter the school code OH11184 so we receive credit for the sale.  Thank you for supporting the Crestwood instrumental music programs.
Burton Book Sale
Jan 8
The Friends of the Burton Public Library will hold a book sale on Saturday, Jan 8th from 9am-4pm in the library basement. There are items for everyone books (fiction and non-fiction), magazines, vintage materials, maps, records, CDs, tapes, videos, and puzzles are available. Please enter the sale through the white door located at the back of the building.
Meet & Greet
Jan 8
Rose’s Rescue will hold a meet and greet on Jan 8th from 11am-2pm at Ravenna Tractor Supply, 1149 E. Main Street in Ravenna. Come out and meet some of our adoptable animals. Visit our website for available animals or to fill out an application online. www.rosesrescue.net
Roast Beef Dinner
Jan 8
The Newton Falls VFW Post 3332 Ladies Auxiliary will host an open-faced roast beef sandwich dinner on Jan 8th from 5-7pm. Cost is $8/ages 9 and up, $5/ages 4-8 and free for ages 3 and under.
Winter Tracks & Other Signs
Jan 9
The Portage Park District’s Dix Park, located on St. Rt. 44 just south of Shalersville in Ravenna Township, sports diverse habitats that provide ideal locations for animals in search of food and shelter during the winter. The movements of these animals are recorded in the snow (or wet soil) for our discovery. We will explore animal tracks and trails, and discover who is moving through the snow and what they might be doing. Meet at Dix Park at 2pm and dress for the weather. Hike is free but a donation to the Park District is appreciated. To register, or for more information, contact Matt at (330) 569-6003 or email sorrickmw@hiram.edu.
Amazing Owls
Jan 9
Geauga Park District invites you to a free program that allows you to find out what the owls have been eating by dissecting an owl pellet. This program will be held at The West Woods Nature Center, 9465 Kinsman Road in Russell Township on Sunday, Jan 9th from 7-8:30pm. Learn about owls and their diet and then go outside to see if any owls will answer a recorded call. Pre-registration is required. For more information call (440) 286-9516 or visit http://geaugaparkdistrict.org.
Scottish American Society Meeting
Jan 9
The Scottish American Society will meet on Sunday, Jan 9th from 3-5pm at the Main Library, Akron-Summit County Public Library System, 60 S. High Street. Meeting will include a program on the Highland Clearances. For more information call Jim or Margaret at (330) 882-0342 or Gene or Betty at (330) 499-1681. www.scottishamericansociety.org
Free Throw Championship
Jan 12
Crestwood area boys and girls ages 10-14 are invited to participate in the 2011 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship on January 12th at 6:30pm at the Crestwood Middle School. Participants are required to furnish proof of age and written parental consent. For more information, or an entry form, call Anthony at (330) 296-3097 or (216) 789-8495.
Pricetown Supper
Jan 12
Pricetown Methodist Church, 4640 Pritchard-Ohltown Road in Newton Falls, will host their home cooked supper of sweet sausage or chicken cacciatore on Jan 12th from 5-6:30pm. The cost is $7/adults, $3.50/children ages 6-12 and free for children 5 and under. Carry outs are available.
Free Community Dinner
Jan 13
A free community dinner will be served on Jan 13th at the Brick Chapel, 9003 N. Main Street in Windham, from 5-6pm, while supplies last. All are welcome. Dinner is provided by the Congregational UCC of Windham on the second Thursday of each month. No carry outs are available. (330) 326-3133
5th Grade Fun Night
Jan 14
Ravenna Recreation will sponsor a 5th Grade Fun Night on Friday, Jan 14th from 6:30-8pm at Willyard Elementary School. Music will be provided by a local DJ, games and prizes. Pizza, candy and water will be available for purchase. Pre-sale tickets $5 or $8 at the door. For more information call the Recreation office, 530 N. Freedom Street, Ravenna 8am-noon and 1-4:15pm Monday through Friday, (330) 296-2864.
Soup & Sandwich Dinner
Jan 14
The Newton Falls United Methodist Church, 336 Ridge Road, will host a Soup and Sandwich Dinner on Jan 14th from 3-5:30pm. Chili, vegetable and potato soups and meatball, chicken salad, hot dogs and sloppy joe sandwiches will be available. Carry outs are also available.
“Our Town”
Jan 14-23
The Geauga Theater will present a Skip Kelley presentation of “Our Town” for two weekends, Jan 14th and 23rd. Performances are Friday and Saturday at 8pm and Sunday at 2pm. The Geauga Theater is located at 101 Water Street in Chardon. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit www.geaugatheater.org or call (330) 286-2255.
Basic Computer Skills
Jan 15
Freedom Congregational Church will host a series of basic computer skills classes and resume’ writing along with interviewing skills. To sign up for these free classes please contact Virginia at (330) 389-0855 by Jan 15th or stop in at the church on Jan 15th from 12-4pm to sign up and learn more.
Bare Naked Trees
Jan 15
This hike has been rescheduled for Jan 15 at 2pm. Identification can be difficult with the leaves on the trees. It is really a challenge when the trees are naked. Learn techniques that help to identify trees by bark, twigs and other subtle features. These clues will actually help to identify trees all year long. Meet at the Hiram College Field Station on Wheeler Rd. Fee: $8/non-members, $5/members of Friends of the Field Station (includes winter tree identification guidebook, free without the book). To register, or for more information, contact Matt at (330) 569-6003 or email sorrickmw@hiram.edu.
Cheerleading Clinic
Jan. 15 – Feb. 19
Ravenna Parks and Recreation Department is offering a Cheerleading Clinic for ages 6 to 12 years. The clinic will be held from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. on Saturdays from Jan 15 to February 19 in the small gymnasium of Brown Middle School.  Register by Jan 7.  Fee for Ravenna city taxpayers is $30 and $35 for non-city taxpayers. A late fee of $5.00 will be charged after deadline. Register with Ravenna Recreation, 530 North Freedom Street, weekdays 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon or 1:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. (330) 296-2864.
The Yukon by Canoe
Jan 16
Geauga Park District presents The Yukon by Canoe, part of the Armchair Adventure series, on Sunday, Jan. 16th from 1:30-2:30pm at The West Woods Nature Center. Fully wheelchair / stroller accessible. For more information, contact Geauga Park District at (440) 286-9516 or visit www.geaugaparkdistrict.org.
How to Co-exist with Wildlife
Jan 20
The Geauga Park District invites you to join Biologist Geoffrey Westerfield to discuss the ways wildlife interacts with us, how to minimize problems with deer, geese, raccoons, coyotes, etc., diseases in wildlife, rehabilitation and attracting wildlife to your property with landscaping, nest boxes and feeders. This program will be held at The West Woods Nature Center on Thursday, Jan 20th from 7-9pm. For more information call (440) 286-9516 or visit http://geaugaparkdistrict.org.
Rick Atkinson Benefit
Jan 22
A benefit spaghetti dinner will be held on Jan 22nd from 4-7pm at the Mantua Civic Center. The cost is $10/person and free for children ages 5 and under. From 4-10pm there will be raffles, silent auctions, music and other activities. All proceeds will go to help Rick in his battle against lung cancer. For more information visit www.supportrja.org.
Spaghetti Dinner
Jan 23
The Knights of Columbus Council #3350 will have an All You Can Eat Spaghetti Dinner on Sunday, Jan 23rd at Saint Mary’s Social Hall, 120 Maple Drive in Newton Falls from 12-3pm. The cost is $6.50/adult, $3/children ages 6-11 and free for children 5 and under. Carry outs will be available. For more information call Jim (330) 883-0575, Tom (330) 872-5886 or Matt (330) 872-7865.
Book Discussion Group
Jan 26
The Newton Falls Public Library’s Book Discussion Group will meet on Wednesday, Jan 26th at 6pm to discuss Cannery Row by John Steinbeck. Join us for conversation and refreshments.
Yoga Certification
Jan 29 & 30
Learn how to teach Yoga on Saturday, Jan. 29th from 8am-5pm and Sunday, Jan. 30th from 8am-3pm at the Ravenna Athletic Center (RAC), 530 North Freedom St., Ravenna. To register call 800-237-6242 or register online at www.netafit.org. Workshop fee applies. For more information call the RAC at (330) 296-2864.
Souper Bowl Sunday
Feb 6
Huntsburg Grange will hold its annual Souper Bowl Sunday lunch  Feb. 6 from 11:30 to 1:30 at the Huntsburg Town Hall, 16534 Mayfield Road, Corner of Rt. 322 and Rt. 528.  Order your sub sandwich for $5.00 and homemade soup by the bowl or quart by calling 636-5517 before Jan 31st.   Leave a message for a call back.  Extra pre-made subs will be available.   Eat in or take out.

Dream DiscussionA dream discussion group is now forming and will meet once a month in Hiram. This is a free group. For more information call (330) 569-3376.
Spay & Neuter Program 2011Geauga Humane Society’s Fix It in the Farmland low cost spay and neuter clinics will be held once or twice a month in 2011 for low income and Amish residents of Geauga County. The cost is $10 per animal. For more information and find out if you qualify, call Barb at (440) 338-4819 ext. 21 and follow the prompts. Call today as clinics fill quickly.
Volunteers NeededThe Township of Troy will celebrate its bicentennial by reviving the Troy Homecoming Days on August 20 & 21. If you are interested in helping or have ideas please attend the meetings on Jan 20, Feb 24, March 24 and April 28 at the Troy Community House at 7pm. If you are unable to attend but would like to help or have ideas, call Jerry at (440) 834-4774.

Jigsaw Puzzle ExchangeJanGet ready for long winter evenings with the Annual Jigsaw Puzzle Exchange at the Newton Falls Public Library, 204 S. Canal Street. Begin bringing your new or gently used jigsaw puzzles to the library Jan 15-21. Return to the library on Saturday, Jan 22nd from 11am-2pm to select “new to you” ones.
Crestwood Band Citrus Salethrough Jan 21The Crestwood Band annual citrus sale is being held from Tuesday, January 4 through Friday, January 21, 2011.   Proceeds from the sale will be used to support the Instrumental Music Departments in the Intermediate, Middle and the High schools.  You can order three ways:  contact a band member, call 330-274-2567 or 330-569-7613, or you can order online at www.doorstepdirect.org.  Please enter the school code OH11184 so we receive credit for the sale.  Thank you for supporting the Crestwood instrumental music programs.
Burton Book SaleJan 8The Friends of the Burton Public Library will hold a book sale on Saturday, Jan 8th from 9am-4pm in the library basement. There are items for everyone books (fiction and non-fiction), magazines, vintage materials, maps, records, CDs, tapes, videos, and puzzles are available. Please enter the sale through the white door located at the back of the building.
Meet & GreetJan 8Rose’s Rescue will hold a meet and greet on Jan 8th from 11am-2pm at Ravenna Tractor Supply, 1149 E. Main Street in Ravenna. Come out and meet some of our adoptable animals. Visit our website for available animals or to fill out an application online. www.rosesrescue.net
Roast Beef DinnerJan 8The Newton Falls VFW Post 3332 Ladies Auxiliary will host an open-faced roast beef sandwich dinner on Jan 8th from 5-7pm. Cost is $8/ages 9 and up, $5/ages 4-8 and free for ages 3 and under.
Winter Tracks & Other SignsJan 9The Portage Park District’s Dix Park, located on St. Rt. 44 just south of Shalersville in Ravenna Township, sports diverse habitats that provide ideal locations for animals in search of food and shelter during the winter. The movements of these animals are recorded in the snow (or wet soil) for our discovery. We will explore animal tracks and trails, and discover who is moving through the snow and what they might be doing. Meet at Dix Park at 2pm and dress for the weather. Hike is free but a donation to the Park District is appreciated. To register, or for more information, contact Matt at (330) 569-6003 or email sorrickmw@hiram.edu.
Amazing OwlsJan 9Geauga Park District invites you to a free program that allows you to find out what the owls have been eating by dissecting an owl pellet. This program will be held at The West Woods Nature Center, 9465 Kinsman Road in Russell Township on Sunday, Jan 9th from 7-8:30pm. Learn about owls and their diet and then go outside to see if any owls will answer a recorded call. Pre-registration is required. For more information call (440) 286-9516 or visit http://geaugaparkdistrict.org.
Scottish American Society MeetingJan 9The Scottish American Society will meet on Sunday, Jan 9th from 3-5pm at the Main Library, Akron-Summit County Public Library System, 60 S. High Street. Meeting will include a program on the Highland Clearances. For more information call Jim or Margaret at (330) 882-0342 or Gene or Betty at (330) 499-1681. www.scottishamericansociety.org
Free Throw ChampionshipJan 12Crestwood area boys and girls ages 10-14 are invited to participate in the 2011 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship on January 12th at 6:30pm at the Crestwood Middle School. Participants are required to furnish proof of age and written parental consent. For more information, or an entry form, call Anthony at (330) 296-3097 or (216) 789-8495.
Pricetown SupperJan 12Pricetown Methodist Church, 4640 Pritchard-Ohltown Road in Newton Falls, will host their home cooked supper of sweet sausage or chicken cacciatore on Jan 12th from 5-6:30pm. The cost is $7/adults, $3.50/children ages 6-12 and free for children 5 and under. Carry outs are available.
Free Community DinnerJan 13A free community dinner will be served on Jan 13th at the Brick Chapel, 9003 N. Main Street in Windham, from 5-6pm, while supplies last. All are welcome. Dinner is provided by the Congregational UCC of Windham on the second Thursday of each month. No carry outs are available. (330) 326-3133
5th Grade Fun NightJan 14Ravenna Recreation will sponsor a 5th Grade Fun Night on Friday, Jan 14th from 6:30-8pm at Willyard Elementary School. Music will be provided by a local DJ, games and prizes. Pizza, candy and water will be available for purchase. Pre-sale tickets $5 or $8 at the door. For more information call the Recreation office, 530 N. Freedom Street, Ravenna 8am-noon and 1-4:15pm Monday through Friday, (330) 296-2864.
Soup & Sandwich DinnerJan 14The Newton Falls United Methodist Church, 336 Ridge Road, will host a Soup and Sandwich Dinner on Jan 14th from 3-5:30pm. Chili, vegetable and potato soups and meatball, chicken salad, hot dogs and sloppy joe sandwiches will be available. Carry outs are also available.
“Our Town”Jan 14-23The Geauga Theater will present a Skip Kelley presentation of “Our Town” for two weekends, Jan 14th and 23rd. Performances are Friday and Saturday at 8pm and Sunday at 2pm. The Geauga Theater is located at 101 Water Street in Chardon. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit www.geaugatheater.org or call (330) 286-2255.
Basic Computer SkillsJan 15Freedom Congregational Church will host a series of basic computer skills classes and resume’ writing along with interviewing skills. To sign up for these free classes please contact Virginia at (330) 389-0855 by Jan 15th or stop in at the church on Jan 15th from 12-4pm to sign up and learn more.
Bare Naked TreesJan 15This hike has been rescheduled for Jan 15 at 2pm. Identification can be difficult with the leaves on the trees. It is really a challenge when the trees are naked. Learn techniques that help to identify trees by bark, twigs and other subtle features. These clues will actually help to identify trees all year long. Meet at the Hiram College Field Station on Wheeler Rd. Fee: $8/non-members, $5/members of Friends of the Field Station (includes winter tree identification guidebook, free without the book). To register, or for more information, contact Matt at (330) 569-6003 or email sorrickmw@hiram.edu.
Cheerleading ClinicJan. 15 – Feb. 19Ravenna Parks and Recreation Department is offering a Cheerleading Clinic for ages 6 to 12 years. The clinic will be held from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. on Saturdays from Jan 15 to February 19 in the small gymnasium of Brown Middle School.  Register by Jan 7.  Fee for Ravenna city taxpayers is $30 and $35 for non-city taxpayers. A late fee of $5.00 will be charged after deadline. Register with Ravenna Recreation, 530 North Freedom Street, weekdays 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon or 1:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. (330) 296-2864.
The Yukon by CanoeJan 16Geauga Park District presents The Yukon by Canoe, part of the Armchair Adventure series, on Sunday, Jan. 16th from 1:30-2:30pm at The West Woods Nature Center. Fully wheelchair / stroller accessible. For more information, contact Geauga Park District at (440) 286-9516 or visit www.geaugaparkdistrict.org.
How to Co-exist with WildlifeJan 20The Geauga Park District invites you to join Biologist Geoffrey Westerfield to discuss the ways wildlife interacts with us, how to minimize problems with deer, geese, raccoons, coyotes, etc., diseases in wildlife, rehabilitation and attracting wildlife to your property with landscaping, nest boxes and feeders. This program will be held at The West Woods Nature Center on Thursday, Jan 20th from 7-9pm. For more information call (440) 286-9516 or visit http://geaugaparkdistrict.org.
Rick Atkinson BenefitJan 22A benefit spaghetti dinner will be held on Jan 22nd from 4-7pm at the Mantua Civic Center. The cost is $10/person and free for children ages 5 and under. From 4-10pm there will be raffles, silent auctions, music and other activities. All proceeds will go to help Rick in his battle against lung cancer. For more information visit www.supportrja.org.
Spaghetti DinnerJan 23The Knights of Columbus Council #3350 will have an All You Can Eat Spaghetti Dinner on Sunday, Jan 23rd at Saint Mary’s Social Hall, 120 Maple Drive in Newton Falls from 12-3pm. The cost is $6.50/adult, $3/children ages 6-11 and free for children 5 and under. Carry outs will be available. For more information call Jim (330) 883-0575, Tom (330) 872-5886 or Matt (330) 872-7865.
Book Discussion GroupJan 26The Newton Falls Public Library’s Book Discussion Group will meet on Wednesday, Jan 26th at 6pm to discuss Cannery Row by John Steinbeck. Join us for conversation and refreshments.
Yoga CertificationJan 29 & 30Learn how to teach Yoga on Saturday, Jan. 29th from 8am-5pm and Sunday, Jan. 30th from 8am-3pm at the Ravenna Athletic Center (RAC), 530 North Freedom St., Ravenna. To register call 800-237-6242 or register online at www.netafit.org. Workshop fee applies. For more information call the RAC at (330) 296-2864.
Souper Bowl SundayFeb 6Huntsburg Grange will hold its annual Souper Bowl Sunday lunch  Feb. 6 from 11:30 to 1:30 at the Huntsburg Town Hall, 16534 Mayfield Road, Corner of Rt. 322 and Rt. 528.  Order your sub sandwich for $5.00 and homemade soup by the bowl or quart by calling 636-5517 before Jan 31st.   Leave a message for a call back.  Extra pre-made subs will be available.   Eat in or take out.

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Anton Albert Photography