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We’re All Invited


James A. Garfield Class of 1987

Save This Date!

Plans are under way for a casual 25th class reunion.  Keep September 29th open on your calendars and start looking for your 80’s fashion!!  Questions or wanting to help “the cause”, call one of the following:  Michele (Miller) Blair 330.979.9384, Kim (Raab) Curry 330.527.2186, Aaron King 330.524.2646 or Kim (Knerem) Bass 330.527.0278


Historical Society Open

First Saturday of Month

The James A. Garfield Historical Society will be open the first Saturday of every month between 10:00 and 3:00.  We are located at the corner of Main St. and High St. in Garrettsville. Microfilm of the Garrettsville Journals is available for research. Everyone is welcome.


Save the Date!

Sept 15

The 7th annual Alumni banquet will be held on September 15 at the J.A. Garfield Elementary School starting at 5pm. Reservations are $18 and need to be mailed by Sept. 1 to P.O. Box 93 Garrettsville. Please include the names and graduating years of the alumni attending. Classes being honored are class of ’52, ’62, ’72, and ’87. Friday night’s game against Southeast will be an away game. For a carefree reunion, plan with the alumni. Contact Helen Louise Paul Bouts 330.309. 2743 for more info.


JAG Marching Band Premiere Night

July 27

Band geeks unite! With football season right around the corner, the James A. Garfield Marching Pride had been working hard at band camp preparing for the upcoming season. We invite you to our premiere this Friday, July 27 at 7 pm to enjoy the new music, new shows and of course our Alma Mater. Please come and support our Pride. See you at the stadium!


God Provides Free Meal

July 27

Join the Nelson United Methodist Church on July 27 for God provides free meal. The free meal will be served for all at 9367 St. Rt. 305 Garrettsville. Dinner will be served from 4pm-6pm at the church on Nelson Circle, consisting of sloppy joes, chips, coleslaw, cake and beverages.


Yard Sale

July 27 & 28

Mantua Country Baptist Church, 12385 Chamberlain Rd. Mantua will be holding a yard sale on July 27 & 28 from 9-5. Different vendors, misc. hot dogs, chips, desserts, soft drinks & coffee. Bake sale


Swiss Steak Dinner

July 28

Portage County 4-H & Mantua Masonic Lodge are hosting a Swiss Steak Dinner on July 28, from 5-7PM. Located at the Masonic Hall at 10801 John Edward Dr. Mantua, OH 44255. We do offer carry-out as well. Prices are: Adults $7.00, Children (4 thru 11) $6.00, Children 3 and under are free.


Steak Fry & Grilled Chicken Dinner

July 28

Garrettsville Eagles will be holding their monthly steak fry and grilled chicken dinner on July 28th from 4:00 – 7:30 pm. Meals include choice of baked potato or french fries, green beans, salad and roll. Steak dinner is $12.00 and chicken dinner is $8.00. Open to the public. Carryout is available 330-527-2330.


Antique Car, Truck & Tractor Show

July 28

The North Bloomfield Historical Society will be hosting an antique car & tractor show on July 28th. Food & refreshments as well as live bands & a craft/collectibles sale will be on site. Free Dash Plaques to the first 50 entries on site.


2012 Run For Hope 5k, 1-Mile Fun Run, & 1-Mile Dog Run

July 28

New Hope Christian Fellowship 11051 E. Washington St. Auburn, OH  44023.  Driveway entrance is off of Auburn Rd. JULY 28, 2012 8:00 am. $15 pre-registration, $20 race day registration (Individuals) $40 pre-registration, $50 race day registration (Family 4 pack) Proceeds to benefit Cruzadas Del Evangelio de Honduras 2012 Chicken Project. To register go to www.hmapromotions.net or print registration form www.newhope4you.net and mail to New Hope Christian Fellowship.


Family Fun Day

July 28

A benefit to raise money for mounting medical bills for Angie Monroe, while undergoing chemo and radiation. Presented by Team ANGIE. July 28 from 1-5pm. $7 adults, $4 children ages 4-10, Free under age 3. Ticket prices include entrance to Ridge Ranch Campground, parking, swimming, and lunch. Concessions will also be available during the event. A Chinese auction and 50/50 raffle will take place as well. For more info on this event contact Debbie Brinsey (330) 240-3079, Heather Dewberry (330) 307-3603, Amy Hahn (330) 219-0782, Rose Bennett (330) 979-8784, or look at the TEAM ANGIE page on Facebook.


Garfield Class of 1967 Reunion

July 28

The Garfield Class of 1967 – 45 year reunion will be held at Sugarbush Golf Club. Please contact us if you were missed. Mary Jane Orr (330) 898-0384.


Lunch With Lincoln

July 28

The North Bloomfield Historical Society will be hosting a lunch with President Lincoln at 11am on July 28th at the North Bloomfield United Methodist Church, Park Drive, North Bloomfield, Ohio 44450. Professional impersonators Gerald & Marilyn Payn will be in full dress as President & Mrs. Lincoln & will answer questions during the luncheon.  There is also a car & tractor show, as well as local artisans & crafters.


Chicken Roast

July 28

American Legion S.A.L. is hosting a chicken roast on July 28 from 3-8 PM. $8, eat in or take home, 9 sides available. 9960 E. Center St. Windham. (330) 326-3188


Pot Luck Dinner

July 29

The annual Pot Luck Dinner will be held in the Shalersville Town Hall on July 29 at 1 pm; beverage and table service will be provided, just bring a dish to share  We will have a special guest, President James A Garfield (Wayne Enders) will enlighten us with some of the events of his era and join us for the dinner  All are welcome Dinner time is 1 in the Town Hall


Windham Circus

July 30

The Kelly Miller Circus will be coming back to Windham on July 30th, for 2 big performances… 4:30 & 7:30 pm. Located at the Katherine Thomas (KT) school grounds, @ 9032 Maple Grove Rd, it will arrive bright and early Monday morning. Come out and see all the exotic animals being unloaded and watch in amazement at 9:00am, as the elephants help to “put up the Big Top.”  Costs are $10 adult & $6 kids for ADVANCE tickets… at door they will be more. Come out and enjoy the fun! Sponsored by the Windham Historical Society & Windham Park Restoration Committee. For more info— 330-326-6061


Kids Adventure Camp

July 30- Aug 3

The 1st Congregational Church of Claridon is with the Lighthouse UM Church in this joint adventure, July 30-Aug 3. Kids ages 3-13 join us for fun from 6:30-8:30pm. Fun night in August 3 at 7:30pm for everyone. Special Focus on watch your words: Bullying is not ok. Respecting ourselves and others: it only takes one to make a difference! Pre-register by calling Ms. Nancy (440-279-3443, Ms. Robin (440) 313-8302 or email Pastor Karen at  pk@lighthouseumc.com


Bible Study

Beginning in Aug

Are you interested in an open and relaxed Bible Study group for men and women?  This is a new group beginning in early August that will meet in a living room for those who may or may not attend a church, but would like an honest discussion of what the Bible has to say about real life.  If you are interested call First Church of God in Windham at 330-3226-2293 or Jim at 330-671-1426.  Leave a message if necessary.


Chicken Dinner

Aug 1

The Southington United Methodist Church will be holding a chicken dinner on Aug 1 from 3:30-6pm. The menu includes ¼ chicken, escalloped potatoes, green beans, applesauce, and homemade desserts. Adults $8.00, children’s meal with chicken tenders- ages 4-10, $4.00, children 3 and under free. Carry-outs will be available, so stop by on your way home. Call the church at (330) 898-2156 and they will be ready for pick up when you get there.


Veterans Picnic

Aug 2

The Portage County Council of the American Legion Auxiliary will host a picnic for veterans from Cleveland’s Wade Park Veterans Hospital on August 2. the 5 pm picnic dinner will be held at the Deerfield Legion Post 713. Several units are included in this function, and they will provide all the food and prizes. The Deerfield Dandies will provide the entertainment with their music.


Yard Sale Day

Aug 3 & 4

North Jackson Citizens’ Association’s Community Wide Yard Sales Day on August 3 & 4 at 9 am. 150+ sales registered. Map to locate sales throughout the entire township available at 11349 W. Mahoning Ave. and businesses on August 3. Free parking at this location. Live music by Steve Frazzini


Middlefield Chamber Trunk Sale

Aug 4

Second Annual Trunk Sale August 4 from 9 am to 4 pm in the parking lot of Great Lakes Outdoor Supply across from Middlefield Fire Department. Admission is free to the public. Refreshments available. Hunt for treasures here. Rain or Shine, dress for comfort. Vendor space is still available, 440-632-5705. $20 for 1 space/$35 for 2. Leave name and address and request vendor contract if no answer


Third Annual Luau

Aug 4

Aug 4, 2012, from noon to 3 p.m., Harvest Point Church will be hosting their Third Annual Luau at Four Corners Park in Lordstown (SR 45 and Salt Springs Road).  As always, this event is FREE to the public and will feature games, activities, entertainment and food.  In addition, this year’s event will feature a Farmer’s Market.  Come one, come all!  Come early, stay late!  It’s all FREE!  For more information, please contact Pastor Shannon New Spanger at (330)984-6789


Johnson Rubber Annual Picnic

Aug 4

Johnson Rubber Annual Picnic for former employees and retirees will be held from 12 Noon to 5 p.m. on August 4th at Mineral Lake Park, Sperry Rd. Pavilion, Middlefield.  Please bring a dish to pass, own table service, beverage and lawn chairs.  We will provide punch and hot dogs.  We plan on eating at 1:00 p.m.  For additional information call Maryan at 330-569-7057 or Jeannie at 440-749-0518.  Hope to see you all there.


Brittany Myers Poker Run

Aug 4

The 11th Annual Brittany Myers Memorial Poker Run will take place on Saturday, August 4th Registration starts at 10AM at the Windham American Legion Hall.  2 or 4 wheels are welcome.  All proceeds go toward the Brittany Myers Scholarship Fund, the Special Needs Program at James A Garfield and the Youth Softball League. Call Jamie Cain and Becky Gough for details.


Windham Community Church Service

Aug 5

A community worship service will be held August 5 on the Windham Township Green.  This annual worship is sponsored by the WCCF and is called “Fun in Son.”  It will start with a worship service held at the Gazebo.  Ministers from the various churches will participate. It will be followed by a Community Prayer Walk, and an “Open Mike” opportunity where people will entertain the group with songs & music.  The day will conclude with the serving of ice cream.  Food,  for lunch, will be available for purchase. To participate in the “Open Mike”, please contact Rev. Patrick Malone at 330-326-3926 or 440-708-4153 or Larry  Kuhlman at 330-326-3786.


American Legion/Auxiliary Picnic

Aug 5

Mantua American Legion Post 193 and the Legion Auxiliary Unit 193 will hold its annual picnic on August 5 at the Shalersville park. Festivities will begin at 2pm with a potluck dinner and conclude at 5pm. The park pavilion is located on Route 303. members and families are asked to bring a dish to share, table service and additional games. Meat and beverages will be provided by the legion. Electricity will be available. Any questions please call Bill at (330) 274-2603


Garrettsville UMC Vacation Bible School

Aug 6-9

Dive in and discover God’s underwater universe!  Kids will plunge into Bible stories of people with deep faith and learn to trust a God whose love is bigger than the sea.  Garrettsville United Methodist church will be hosting Vacation Bible School the week of Aug 6-9 from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm each evening.  VBS is open to children ages 3yrs-6th grade.  Teen helpers are also needed.  Anyone interested in participating, please contact the church office at 527-2055.


Burton Vacation Bible School

Aug 6-9

The Burton Congregational Church will hold its Vacation Bible School for those entering Kindergarten through 6th grade on Monday, August 6 through Thursday, August 9 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.  All children are welcome and pre-registration is not required.  This year’s theme is “Make a Joyful Noise” and includes stories about David, the Psalmist and Jesus, along with singing, games, crafts, and snacks. Bring the children you love to join us!  Burton Congregational Church is “the red church on the square” in Burton Village.  For more information, call the church office at 440-834-4495.


Crestwood Safety Town

Aug 6 – 10

Children entering Crestwood Kindergarten in the fall of 2012 will be introduced to a variety of topics focused on teaching them how to stay safe while at home, at school and at play. This educational program runs from August 6 – 10 from 9:00 to 11:30 am at Crestwood Primary School. Register by July 20 to receive a reduced rate of $20 per child.  For further information, please call Annette at (330)389-0951 or crestwoodsafetytown@gmail.com.


Tennis Camp

Aug 6-9

Tennis Camp with Ravenna Parks & Recreation held   August 6 to 9 (raindate is August 10). From 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. for ages 5 to 15 years.  Fee is $27 for city taxpayers and $32 for non-city taxpayers.  Please bring a water bottle. Min 12 – max 30.  Deadline to register is July 20. Forms are available at Ravenna Recreation Department, 530 N. Freedom St, weekdays 8:00 a.m. to noon or 1 to 4:15 p.m


Library Fundraiser

Aug 10

The Friends of Garrettsville Library are  planning a fundraiser/ social event at the Candlelight Winery. There are no tickets to purchase, and everyone is welcome. This is your chance to support the library programs, and have a good time. Arrive after 4pm. There is no set charge for this event. If you wish to donate to the silent auction contact Cindy at the library. Hope to see you there!


JAG Alumni Soccer Game

Aug 11

Registration starts at 5 pm. Game starts at 6pm. J.A.G. Football field. All Garfield soccer alum welcome. Non-player $3.00 entry fee. To RSVP to play, please contact Kim Hoffman (440) 552-9888 or Kim Curry at (330) 527-2186. $10.00 for Alumni game t-shirts.


Garden Recipies

Aug 11

Learn to preserve your garden vegetables, herbs and seasonal fruits without the fuss of canning by freezing, drying and pickling instead.  Discover delicious recipes for jams, vinegars and oils that will create tasty meals long after the growing season has ended. Take home simple recipes and sample some of Ruth, Barb and Paula’s favorite garden recipes for refreshments.  Fee of $15. Class from 9-12. Call 440-834-4656 for more information.  Class held at Patterson Bldg. on the Burton Fairgrounds, 14269 Claridon Troy Road.  Mail check payable to OSU Extension, PO Box 387, Burton, Ohio 44021.


Camping with Katydids

Aug 11

Learn their songs – and view the perseid meteor shower – at overnight program Bring your tent and sleeping bag and spend the night under the shooting stars while listening to the music of the insect orchestra! August 11 – 6:30 p.m., through Sunday, August 12 – 9:30 a.m. at Chickagami Park, 17858 Tavern Road (Rt. 168), Parkman Township. Arrive at 6:30 p.m. and pitch your tent in time to gather for the 7:30 p.m. singing insect search with cricket and katydid specialist Lisa Rainsong. Afterwards, enjoy a campfire, snacks and Perseid meteor shower viewing from 10 p.m. till midnight. Registration is required at http://geaugaparkdistrict.org or 440-286-9516. A fee of $5 includes a continental breakfast from 8 to 9:30 a.m. Sunday. Tents only, please. Grounds are partially wheelchair/stroller accessible

Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament

Aug 11

Hosted by State Farm Agent Greg Rodi. August 11 at Adam Hall, 11455 E. Washington St Auburn Township starting at 5 PM. $50-$25,000 in starting chips. $10 for an additional $5,000 in chips. All pre-registered players will receive an extra $5,000 in chips. Re-buys: up until first break. Cash games to follow. Payouts 70%-30% to the foundation. 50/50 raffle & Chinese auction. All proceeds go to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) Food & beverages provided. Questions contact Greg Rodi (440) 666-7553,. Jennifer Goldstein (330) 360-3869. Alan Goldstein (330) 360-2242. Joe Pinti (330) 442-3155


Car, Bike & Tractor Show

August 12

Ravenna Elks Lodge Tirpak Memorial Car, Bike & Tractor Show August 12, 2012 from 11:00 am  – 3:00 pm  (Registration 10:00 am – 1:00 pm) Proceeds to benefit Maplewood Career Center Scholarships. Dash Plaques, Door Prizes, Awards, Food


Windham UMC Worship & Picnic on the Porch

Aug 12

On August 12th Windham UMC will offer casual worship on their front lawn at 10am followed by a free picnic lunch & corn hole. Bring your lawn chairs or blankets to sit on. 9051 N. Main St.


Room Mothers’ Luncheon

August 14

The Freedom Township School Room Mothers’ 2012 luncheon will be held at noon, on August 14 at the Freedom Town Hall. All mothers who have fond memories of their child’s school years at the Freedom School are invited, along with other guests. Those attending should bring a dish to share with serving utensils and their own table service –meat is furnished. For more information call Elaine Duffield at (330) 296-3568


Flea Market/Craft Vendors Wanted

Aug 17, 18 & 19

The Antique Tractor Club of Trumbull County has a few flea marker/ craft vendor spaces available at their antique tractor show August 17, 18 & 19. $15 fee. Contact Terry (330) 442-2430


Freedom Run

Aug 18

3rd annual charity poker run, August 18. 4927 Greenwood Rd in Rootstown. Cost $10 per bike $15 w/ passenger. Sign ups start at 10am. First bike out 11am. Last bike out at 12pm. Last bike in at 6pm. 50/50 raffle, American Auction, door prizes, food & soft drinks after the run. Proceeds benefit JDRF. Rain or shine. Bar opens at 8am, breakfast will be available.


Annual Picnic

Aug 19

Freedom Township annual picnic will be held this year on August 19 in the Freedom town hall pavilion. Joining in the festivities will be the Freedom Congregational Church and the Bethel Springs congregations. Combined church services will be at 10am in a large tent. The VFW will hold a memorial service at noon. The lunch will be served right after the memorial service. The main meat dish will be provided by the township. The church is cooking hot dogs and hamburgers. All are asked to bring a dish to pass. Space will be provided on the lawn for an art, craft and music fair. Contact Jim Hammar @ (330) 527-2855 to reserve a space


Craft Show

Sept 8

Craft show tables available: The Kayla Irene Daniels Cure for Cancer Foundation will be hosting a craft show on September 8, at the Parkman Community House. The show will start at 10 am and close at 3 pm. Doors will open 2 hours prior to the show for set up. Tables are $25 each and are on a first come first serve basis. Advanced payment is required to hold a tale. For more information call (330) 889-9600 or email support@kidcancerfoundation.org


Balloon-A-Fair “Friends In Flight” Seeks Vendors & Exhibitors

Sept 15 & 16

The Ravenna Balloon A-Fair is seeking craft vendors, exhibitors, food vendors, local businesses and agencies to set up booths September 15 in downtown Ravenna and September 15 & 16 at SUNBEAU Valley Farm on St. Rt. 59, Ravenna.  For downtown Ravenna booth space application call Judy Tompkins, Booth Chairperson at 330-527-5695. For SUNBEAU Valley Farm booth application call Heather Sepelak at 330-357-1206. For all general questions regarding the BAF Festival please call 330-296-FAIR.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography