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We’re All Invited


James A. Garfield Class of 1987

Save This Date!

Plans are under way for a casual 25th class reunion.  Keep September 29th open on your calendars and start looking for your 80’s fashion!!  Questions or wanting to help “the cause”, call one of the following:  Michele (Miller) Blair 330.979.9384, Kim (Raab) Curry 330.527.2186, Aaron King 330.524.2646 or Kim (Knerem) Bass 330.527.0278


Sports Physicals

Call Today!

Chiropractic Center of Garrettsville will continue to do sports physicals again this year. The charge is still $10. We will continue to donate half of the Garrettsville proceeds to a scholarship fund for an athletic participant.


Special Cats Open House


Cats are cool, entertaining and lovable. We have all kinds, all ages. Come in to adopt the love of your life now! Some have been here a really long time just waiting for you. So look for our Red Heart specials or make us an offer. The first 5 red heart specials adopted are free so don’t miss out on a purring bundle of fun and love. Animal Welfare Shelter, 545 Brunstetter Rd SW in Lordstown. (330) 394-4122


Historical Society Open

First Saturday of Month

The James A. Garfield Historical Society will be open the first Saturday of every month between 10:00 and 3:00.  We are located at the corner of Main St. and High St. in Garrettsville. Microfilm of the Garrettsville Journals is available for research. Everyone is welcome.


Youth Soccer Open Fields

July 22 & 26

We will resume open fields at Brosius Rd. Sundays & Thursdays  6:30 to 8:00 PM and will continue every Sunday and Thursday through the month of July.  There is no fee to participate, players must wear shin guards, bring a soccer ball and drink (mouth guards are encouraged).  Ages include 1st grade through 8th grade.  High school players are welcome to help.  Please contact Russ (russell61731@yahoo.com), Bob (matrixprints@yahoo.com) or Brian (bgorby1@yahoo.com) for more information.  This Open Practice is not affiliated with the G-W Soccer Program .



July 20 & 21

The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre will present “Oklahoma” on July 20 and 21 at 7pm in the James A. Garfield High School, Iva Walker Auditorium. Directed by Missy Bookbinder and Jackie Rinearson, musical direction by William Davies and choreographed by Shanelle Waggoner. Tickets may be purchased at the door or call 216-375-0709 to purchase advance tickets. Ticket prices are: Adults 12 and older – $10.00, children under 12 and seniors over 65 – $7.00 and groups of 15 or more $5.00 each. “Oklahoma” is sponsored by Ryser Insurance and Gionino’s Pizzeria.


Trash & Treasure Sale

July 19-21

Parkman Congregational Church is holding a Trash & Treasure Sale; July 19  & July 20 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and July 21 from  8 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the church fellowship hall.  The church is located on Rt. 528/88 just north of Rt. 422 in Parkman.  Any questions, call the church office at 548-4829. Contact person: Roberta Barringer, Parkman Church, Women’s Fellowship representative


Steak Dinner

July 20

Enjoy the best flame-grilled steak with salad, potato, roll and beverage.  Full cut (16-18 oz) is only $14 or a half cut (8-9 oz) is $9.  Fruit Smoothies, Classic Cream Milkshakes and Cappuccino or Lattes also available for $3 each; plus we offer a variety of desserts for only $1 each.  If you pre-order, you will save $1.  Eat in and carry-out available.  July 20 from 5 to 8 pm.  Praise Assembly of God, 10280 State Route 88, Garrettsville, OH (across from JAG High School).  Call for more info or reservations (330) 527-2777.


Open Horse Show

July 20

The Garrettsville Town Trotters 4-H club will be hosting an open horse show on July 20th at the Portage County Fairgrounds in Randolph.  Exhibition Barrels will run between 5:00 – 5:30 and the show will start at 6:00.  Classes are $4.00 or $25.00 for all evening.  Five place ribbons and high point awards will be given.  Chinese Auction.  Refreshment stand will be open.  For more information please contact Renee Doraski @ 330-647-8738 or email towntrotters@yahoo.com.


Annual Summer Garage Sale

July 20 & 21

The Upton Association is sponsoring the annual summer garage sale. All proceeds will go to the upkeep of the Upton House in downtown Warren. The summer garage sale is July 20 and 21 from 9AM-4PM. Garage sale donations  will be accepted on July 17 and 18.For more information call 330-538-3182 or e-mail institches5848@aol.com. Upton House is located at 380 Mahoning Ave. NW in Warren.


Benefit Car Wash

July 21

“Help Maddie” Benefit Car Wash July 21, from 10am-2pm at Ravenna AutoZone across from Tractor Supply. Maddie Pugh is 3 years old who has recently been diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. All donations are appreciated


“A Night of Revival”

July 21

“A night of revival” will be held at 6 PM on July 21, at the Newbury Full Gospel Church in Kiwanis Lake. There will also be an earlier ministry at 9:30 AM, at the Ladies Aglow meeting at the senior center in Middlefield. Both events are free and open to the public, a free will offering will be taken. For information regarding the Aglow meeting, contact Lois Moone (440) 632-3132. Regarding the Newbury evening service call Pastors Ron or Bobbie (440) 834-0614.


Windham Band Car Wash

July 21 

Windham Band Car Wash Fundraiser

Saturday, July 21 10a – 2p at the Windham Fire Department

Accepting donations to help the band raise money for their trip to Disney World in March.

Ice Cream Social

July 21

Lordstown Lutheran Church, 5615 Palmyra Road S.W., Lordstown will hold an Ice Cream Social from 4 to 6 p.m. on Saturday, July 21.  There will be turkey sandwiches, sloppy joes, hot dogs, baked beans, macaroni  salad, home made pies & ice cream.  A bake sale will also be held.


Rockwell International Annual Picnic

July 21

Picnic 12-3. Eating at 1:00pm. Picnic will be held at Braceville Picnic Shelter. Please bring a covered dish to share.


“Run of the Ox”

July 21

5k run/walk held during the Ox Roast Festival. 7 AM registration. 8 AM race. St. Joseph’s Church in Mantua. Pre-registration is $16. Race day registration $20. Awards to top 3 overall and classes. For more info call 216-752-5151


Kinsman is For Sale

July 21

Kinsman is located on state routes 5, 7 and 87 on the PA line. Rotary chicken BBQ will be located at town park off of State Rt. 5 south from 10 am – 3 pm. Eat in or take out. Town-wide yard sales from 10am to 4pm? Sales at many businesses   Amish Bake sale on square

Free maps available at Market Square on the square


Cruisin’ at the Churchyard

July 22

On July 22 from 11am-6pm a chicken dinner and car show will be held at SS Edward & Lucy; Goodie Bags & Dash Plaques to the First 100 Cars. 3 Prizes Given Out PLUS A CHANCE TO WIN A $100 GAS CARD (compliments of Doug’s Auto Repair) (Must be present to win Gas Card * raffle at 4pm) $10 Donation for Show Car Entries Information: Office (440) 548-3812 * Website: SSEdwardLucy.com. 16150 Center St * Parkman


Annual Christmas in July

July 22

Kiwanis of the Western Reserve’s annual “Christmas in July” on July 22 provides underprivileged children in the Crestwood, Garfield, & Windham areas with a day of games & a picnic at Hiram College.   We handed out envelopes with the names of kids who people can buy for on Sunday, June 24th and at the combined service on July 1st.  If anyone has picked up an envelope and needs to turn their stuff in, they can drop it off at the Mantua Center Christrian church by Thursday, July 12th and email me at summerlindr@hiram.edu or call me at 330-995-3840 to let me know.  I can also pick up at your house.


VBS: We’re Going Bugs!

July 23-25

Mantua Country Baptist Church, three great family nights of Bible stories, crafts, gospel illusions, puppet skits, games, refreshments from 6-8. Everyone is invited, all ages free. The church is located at 12385 Chamberlain Rd Mantua.  For more info (330) 562-6600


Vacation Bible School

July 23-27

Pricetown United Methodist Church, 4640 Pritchard-Ohltown Rd, Newton Falls will be holding its annual Vacation Bible School from July 23rd thru July 27th from  6:00 to 8:30 P.M. Please come join us for a week of fun and fellowship  for OPERATION OVERBOARD – DARE TO GO DEEP WITH GOD where your youngsters ( 3 years to 12th grade) are invited to meet Jesus.  They will enjoy Bible stories, music, games, crafts and snacks.


Vacation Bible School

July 23-27

Gospel Light’s SonRise National Park vacation Bible school will be July 23-27, at the Wayland Community Church; 6355 Wayland Rd. The adventure begins each evening at 6pm sharp and lasts until 8:30pm. This years theme focuses on Philippians 4:19. A mini-musical will be presented at the morning worship service on July 29. All children, age 3 through those who have finished 6th grade, are welcome. There is no charge to attend. For more info call Anna (330) 938-2335 or Debbie (330) 358-2638.


Summer Theater Clinic

July 23 thru Aug 9

Ravenna Recreation Department is offering a Summer Theater Clinic for boys and girls under the direction of Ric Hughes, Director of the Ravenna All-City Musical.   The Clinic will be held July 23 through August 9, 2012 at West Park School.  Registration is now through July 13th. After July 13th there is a $5.00 late fee if any openings.  Cost is $15 for city taxpayers or $20 for non-city taxpayers.


Free Community Dinner

July 24

Free community dinner July 24 from 5 –  6 p.m. while supplies last. No take outs. Windham American Legion, 9960 Center Street.  Everyone welcome! Sponsored by St. Nicholas Orthodox Outreach.


Blood Drive

July 25

The United Methodist Church, 336 Ridge Rd. Newton Falls,OH 44444, is having  a blood drive for the American Red Cross, on July 25 from 12 –6 PM in their fellowship hall, which will have air conditioning the day of the drive, so please come and help us get our supply back where it was before the strike, it is settled now and all have returned to work . We hope to see all of our regulars back, we have missed you these 3 months and hope to see first timers; that is always rewarding to us. See you then.


Big Brothers & Sisters Golf Scramble

July 25

Big Brothers & Sisters of Portage County will hold their annual golf scramble on July 25, at Raccoon Hill Golf Club in Kent. Shotgun starts at 9am. Golfers will receive 18 holes and cart, continental breakfast, picnic style lunch, steak dinner and beverages; personalized bag tag, sleeve of balls and a photo of your group. Hole-in- one prizes include $5000, Callaway clubs, flat screen television and more. Out auction features a trip for two to Scottsdale, AZ. Cost is $100 per person and can be paid by cash, check or credit card by calling our office (330) 296-6655


Sports Physicals

July 26

Announcement for High School Athletes: Advanced Rehabilitation and Health Specialists will be holding sports physicals on July 26th from 3:00 – 6:00pm. Cost is $30 with a family maximum of $75. Call today to schedule your appointment. (330) 274-2747


Christmas in July

July 26

Don’t miss “Christmas In July” at the Renaissance Center.  The sights, smells and sounds of Christmas July 26th. 5-6:30 pm. Free community turkey dinner, free drawing for gifts, and Christmas music by Lenora.


Chardon’s Bicentennial Weekend

July 26-29

Chardon’s Bicentennial Weekend celebration (July 26-29) will culminate with an even larger, more exciting show than had been planned for Sunday night. This will be the largest fireworks display in the history of Chardon! The full Bicentennial Weekend of activities will come to a close with fireworks and music on Chardon Square so make plans now to attend!. The exact location of the show on the Square has not been announced as yet! Details on that important fact will be released soon! Please plan on enjoying a great Bicentennial Weekend! Chardon Bicentennial Ecumenical Service Thursday evening at the Church of St. Mary, Great Friday Night Fun on Chardon Square, Chardon Township Park Fun all day Saturday and then our Ice Cream Social/Picnic in the Park on Chardon Square Sunday. Games, Music, Food, a Grand Parade and Fireworks! – Fun for the whole family!


2012 Run For Hope 5k, 1-Mile Fun Run, & 1-Mile Dog Run

July 28

New Hope Christian Fellowship 11051 E. Washington St. Auburn, OH  44023.  Driveway entrance is off of Auburn Rd. JULY 28, 2012 8:00 am. $15 pre-registration, $20 race day registration (Individuals) $40 pre-registration, $50 race day registration (Family 4 pack) Proceeds to benefit Cruzadas Del Evangelio de Honduras 2012 Chicken Project. To register go to www.hmapromotions.net or print registration form www.newhope4you.net and mail to New Hope Christian Fellowship.


Family Fun Day

July 28

A benefit to raise money for mounting medical bills for Angie Monroe, while undergoing chemo and radiation. Presented by Team ANGIE. July 28 from 1-5pm. $7 adults, $4 children ages 4-10, Free under age 3. Ticket prices include entrance to Ridge Ranch Campground, parking, swimming, and lunch. Concessions will also be available during the event. A Chinese auction and 50/50 raffle will take place as well. For more info on this event contact Debbie Brinsey (330) 240-3079, Heather Dewberry (330) 307-3603, Amy Hahn (330) 219-0782, Rose Bennett (330) 979-8784, or look at the TEAM ANGIE page on Facebook.


Garfield Class of 1967 Reunion

July 28

The Garfield Class of 1967 – 45 year reunion will be held at Sugarbush Golf Club. Please contact us if you were missed. Mary Jane Orr (330) 898-0384.


Lunch With Lincoln

July 28

The North Bloomfield Historical Society will be hosting a lunch with President Lincoln at 11am on July 28th at the North Bloomfield United Methodist Church, Park Drive, North Bloomfield, Ohio 44450. Professional impersonators Gerald & Marilyn Payn will be in full dress as President & Mrs. Lincoln & will answer questions during the luncheon.  There is also a car & tractor show, as well as local artisans & crafters.


Chicken Roast

July 28

American Legion S.A.L. is hosting a chicken roast on July 28 from 3-8 PM. $8, eat in or take home, 9 sides available. 9960 E. Center St. Windham. (330) 326-3188


Public Observing Night

July 28

Stephens Memorial Observatory of Hiram College will host a public observing night from 9:30 PM to 11:00 PM, weather permitting. The Moon will be the focus of attention for the night and, if conditions allow, the Ring Nebula will also be viewed. As time and conditions allow, other gems of the summer night sky will be seen through the century-old Cooley Telescope. The Observatory is located on Wakefield Road (Rt. 82) less than a quarter of a mile west of Route 700 in Hiram. For updates and more information, see the observatory’s Web site: StephensObservatory.org or “@StephensObs” on Twitter. No reservations are required and there is no admission fee for observatory public nights. Cloudy skies at the starting time cancel the event and, in that case, the observatory will not open. There is no parking at the Observatory. Visitors may park on permissible side streets or in the nearby parking lot of Harrison’s Hideaway Convenience Store, 6821 Wakefield Road, a short distance east of the observatory.


Pot Luck Dinner

July 29

The annual Pot Luck Dinner will be held in the Shalersville Town Hall on July 29 at 1:00 pm beverage and table service will be provided, just bring a dish to share  We will have a special guest President James A Garfield (Wayne Enders) will enlighten us with some of the events of his era and join us for the dinner  All are welcome dinner time is 1:00 in the Town Hall


Windham Circus

July 30

The Kelly Miller Circus will be coming back to Windham on July 30th, for 2 big performances… 4:30 & 7:30 pm. Located at the Katherine Thomas (KT) school grounds, @ 9032 Maple Grove Rd, it will arrive bright and early Monday morning. Come out and see all the exotic animals being unloaded and watch in amazement at 9:00am, as the Elephants help to “put up the Big Top.” Advance sales tickets are available at the following locations: GF Mini Mart, Monica’s Cafe, Renaissance Family Center (RFC), Cortland Bank & Circle K in Windham. Sky Lane Bowling, located in Garrettsville, will also have tickets. Costs are $10 adult & $6 kids for ADVANCE tickets… at door they will be more. Come out and enjoy the fun!  It was almost sold out last time they came, so get tickets early… it’s a great circus!  Sponsored by the Windham Historical Society & Windham Park Restoration Committee. For more info— 330-326-6061


Kids Adventure Camp

July 30- Aug 3

The 1st Congregational Church of Claridon with the Lighthouse UM Church in this joint adventure, July 30-Aug 3. Kids ages 3-13 join us for fun from 6:30-8:30pm. Fun night in August 3 at 7:30pm for everyone. Special Focus on watch your words: Bullying is not ok. Respecting ourselves and others: it only takes one to make a difference! Pre-register by calling Ms. Nancy (440-279-3443, Ms. Robin (440) 313-8302 or email Pastor Karen at  pk@lighthouseumc.com


Chicken Dinner

Aug 1

The Southington United Methodist Church will be holding a chicken dinner on August 1 from 3:30-6pm. The menu includes ¼ chicken, escalloped potatoes, green beans, applesauce, and homemade desserts. Adults $8.00, children’s meal with chicken tenders- ages 4-10 $4.00, children 3 and under free. Carry outs will be available, so stop by on your way home. Call the church at (330) 898-2156 and they will be ready for pick up when you get there.


Middlefield Chamber Trunk Sale

Aug 4

Second Annual Trunk Sale August 4 from 9 am to 4 pm in the parking lot of Great Lakes Outdoor Supply across from Middlefield Fire Department. Admission is free to the public. Refreshments available. Hunt for treasures here. Rain or Shine, dress for comfort. Vendor space is still available, 440-632-5705. $20 for 1 space/$35 for 2. Leave name and address and request vendor contract if no answer


Third Annual Luau

Aug 4

August 4, 2012, from noon to 3 p.m., Harvest Point Church will be hosting their Third Annual Luau at Four Corners Park in Lordstown (SR 45 and Salt Springs Road).  As always, this event is FREE to the public and will feature games, activities, entertainment and food.  In addition, this year’s event will feature a Farmer’s Market.  Come one, come all!  Come early, stay late!  It’s all FREE!  For more information, please contact Pastor Shannon New Spanger at (330)984-6789


Johnson Rubber Annual Picnic

Aug 4

Johnson Rubber Annual Picnic for former employees and retirees will be held from 12 Noon to 5 p.m. on August 4th at Mineral Lake Park, Sperry Rd. Pavilion, Middlefield.  Please bring a dish to pass, own table service, beverage and lawn chairs.  We will provide punch and hot dogs.  We plan on eating at 1:00 p.m.  For additional information call Maryan at 330-569-7057 or Jeannie at 440-749-0518.  Hope to see you all there.


Brittany Myers Poker Run

Aug 4

The 11th Annual Brittany Myers Memorial Poker Run will take place on Saturday, August 4th Registration starts at 10AM at the Windham American Legion Hall.  2 or 4 wheels are welcome.  All proceeds go toward the Brittany Myers Scholarship Fund, the Special Needs Program at James A Garfield and the Youth Softball League. Call Jamie Cain and Becky Gough for details.


Windham Community Church Service

Aug 5

A community worship service will be held August 5 on the Windham Township Green.  This annual worship is sponsored by the WCCF and is called “Fun in Son.”  It will start with a worship service held at the Gazebo.  Ministers from the various Churches will participate. It will be followed by a Community Prayer Walk, and an “Open Mike” opportunity where people will entertain the group with songs & music.  The day will conclude with the serving of ice cream.  Food,  for lunch, will be available for purchase. To participate in the “Open Mike, please contact Rev. Patrick Malone at 330-326-3926 or 440-708-4153 or Larry  Kuhlman at 330-326-3786.


Garrettsville UMC Vacation Bible School

Aug 6-9

Dive in and discover God’s underwater universe!  Kids will plunge into Bible stories of people with deep faith and learn to trust a God whose love is bigger than the sea.  Garrettsville United Methodist church will be hosting Vacation Bible School the week of Aug 6-9 from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm each evening.  VBS is open to children ages 3yrs-6th grade.  Teen helpers are also needed.  Anyone interested in participating, please contact the church office at 527-2055.


Burton Vacation Bible School

Aug 6-9

The Burton Congregational Church will hold its Vacation Bible School for those entering Kindergarten through 6th grade on Monday, August 6 through Thursday, August 9 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.  All children are welcome and pre-registration is not required.  This year’s theme is “Make a Joyful Noise” and includes stories about David, the Psalmist and Jesus, along with singing, games, crafts, and snacks. Bring the children you love to join us!  Burton Congregational Church is “the red church on the square” in Burton Village.  For more information, call the church office at 440-834-4495.


Crestwood Safety Town

Aug 6 – 10

Children entering Crestwood Kindergarten in the fall of 2012 will be introduced to a variety of topics focused on teaching them how to stay safe while at home, at school and at play. This educational program runs from August 6 – 10 from 9:00 to 11:30 am at Crestwood Primary School. Register by July 20 to receive a reduced rate of $20 per child.  For further information, please call Annette at (330)389-0951 or crestwoodsafetytown@gmail.com.


Tennis Camp

Aug 6-9

Tennis Camp with Ravenna Parks & Recreation held   August 6 to 9 (raindate is August 10). From 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. for ages 5 to 15 years.  Fee is $27 for city taxpayers and $32 for non-city taxpayers.  Please bring a water bottle. Min 12 – max 30.  Deadline to register is July 20. Forms are available at Ravenna Recreation Department, 530 N. Freedom St, weekdays 8:00 a.m. to noon or 1 to 4:15 p.m


Library Fundraiser

Aug 10

The Friends of Garrettsville Library are  planning a fundraiser/ social event at the Candlelight Winery. There are no tickets to purchase, and everyone is welcome. This is your chance to support the library programs, and have a good time. Arrive after 4pm. There is no set charge for this event. If you wish to donate to the silent auction contact Cindy at the library. Hope to see you there!


Garden Recipies

Aug 11

Learn to preserve your garden vegetables, herbs and seasonal fruits without the fuss of canning by freezing, drying and pickling instead.  Discover delicious recipes for jams, vinegars and oils that will create tasty meals long after the growing season has ended. Take home simple recipes and sample some of Ruth, Barb and Paula’s favorite garden recipes for refreshments.  Fee of $15. Class from 9-12. Call 440-834-4656 for more information.  Class held at Patterson Bldg. on the Burton Fairgrounds, 14269 Claridon Troy Road.  Mail check payable to OSU Extension, PO Box 387, Burton, Ohio 44021.


Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament

Aug 11

Hosted by State Farm Agent Greg Rodi. August 11 at Adam Hall, 11455 E. Washington St Auburn Township starting at 5 PM. $50-$25,000 in starting chips. $10 for an additional $5,000 in chips. All pre-registered players will receive an extra $5,000 in chips. Re-buys: up until first break. Cash games to follow. Payouts 70%-30% to the foundation. 50/50 raffle & Chinese auction. All proceeds go to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) Food & beverages provided. Questions contact Greg Rodi (440) 666-7553,. Jennifer Goldstein (330) 360-3869. Alan Goldstein (330) 360-2242. Joe Pinti (330) 442-3155


Windham UMC Worship & Picnic on the Porch

Aug 12

On August 12th Windham UMC will offer casual worship on their front lawn at 10am followed by a free picnic lunch & corn hole. Bring your lawn chairs or blankets to sit on. 9051 N. Main St. Windham, OH 44288


Adult Softball League

Aug 12

Ravenna Parks and Recreation Department is offering the following adult softball leagues for the FALL of 2012: Men’s Sunday League: Earliest games at 10 a.m. Cost:  $425.00 per team.  League tentatively begins August 12.  Minimum of 6 and maximum 8 teams. Co-Ed Sunday League: Cost: $425.00 per team. League play tentatively begins August 12. Tentative time to begin is 3 p.m. (* start time could be earlier) Must have 8 teams to offer league. Deadline to register is July 25. A $100.00 non-refundable deposit is required to hold a spot in any of our leagues. Balance of league fees due by July 26, 2012. For registration and more information contact Ravenna Recreation at 530 North Freedom St., Ravenna weekdays 8 to 12 and 1 to 4:15 p.m..  Phone – (330) 296-2864.


Flea Market/Craft Vendors Wanted

Aug 17, 18 & 19

The Antique Tractor Club of Trumbull County has a few flea marker/ craft vendor spaces available at their antique tractor show August 17, 18 & 19. $15 fee. Contact Terry (330) 442-2430


Freedom Run

Aug 18

3rd annual charity poker run, August 18. 4927 Greenwood Rd in Rootstown. Cost $10 per bike $15 w/ passenger. Sign ups start at 10am. First bike out 11am. Last bike out at 12pm. Last bike in at 6pm. 50/50 raffle, American Auction, door prizes, food & soft drinks after the run. Proceeds benefit JDRF. Rain or shine. Bar opens at 8am, breakfast will be available.


Craft Show

Sept 8

Craft show tables available: The Kayla Irene Daniels Cure for Cancer Foundation will be hosting a craft show on September 8, at the Parkman Community House. The show will start at 10 am and close at 3 pm. Doors will open 2 hours prior to the show for set up. Tables are $25 each and are on a first come first serve basis. Advanced payment is required to hold a tale. For more information call (330) 889-9600 or email support@kidcancerfoundation.org


Save the Date!

Sept 15

The 7th annual Alumni banquet will be held on September 15 at the J.A. Garfield Elementary School starting at 5pm. Reservations are $18 and need to be mailed by Sept. 1 to P.O. Box 93 Garrettsville. Please include the names and graduating years of the alumni attending. Classes being honored are class of ’52, ’62, ’72, and ’87. Friday night’s game against Southeast will be an away game. For a carefree reunion, plan with the alumni. Contact Helen Louise Paul Bouts 330.309. 2743 for more info.


Balloon-A-Fair “Friends In Flight” Seeks Vendors & Exhibitors

Sept 15 & 16

The Ravenna Balloon A-Fair is seeking craft vendors, exhibitors, food vendors, local businesses and agencies to set up booths September 15 in downtown Ravenna and September 15 & 16 at SUNBEAU Valley Farm on St. Rt. 59, Ravenna.  For downtown Ravenna booth space application call Judy Tompkins, Booth Chairperson at 330-527-5695. For SUNBEAU Valley Farm booth application call Heather Sepelak at 330-357-1206. For all general questions regarding the BAF Festival please call 330-296-FAIR.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography