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We’re All Invited


Vendors Wanted: Garrettsville Farmers Market
Register Today
Vendors are still being accepted for this year’s market. All vendors must have edible items and no food carts are permitted.  The cost for this year’s market has remained the same: $60.00 for the entire season. The Farmer’s Markets will run from July 18, 2012 through October 3, 2012 every Wednesday from 3:00 – 6:30pm in the Skylane Bowling Alley parking lot. Applications may be obtained by contacting Jackie Rinearson at rinearson05@frontier.com

James A. Garfield Class of 1987
Save This Date!
Plans are under way for a casual 25th class reunion.  Keep September 29th open on your calendars and start looking for your 80’s fashion!!  Questions or wanting to help the “cause”, call one of the following:  Michele (Miller) Blair 330.979.9384, Kim (Raab) Curry 330.527.2186, Aaron King 330.524.2646 or Kim (Knerem) Bass 330.527.0278

Sports Physicals
Call Today!
Chiropractic Center of Garrettsville will continue to do sports physicals again this year. The charge is still $10. We will continue to donate half of the Garrettsville proceeds to a scholarship fund for an athletic participant.

Newton Falls 4th Raffle Tickets
On Sale Thru July 4
Newton Falls 4th of July Committee is selling raffle tickets for the fireworks display to take place on July 4, at 10 pm.  This year’s prizes are as follows:  Grand Prize- $2500.00, 1st- 55” LCD TV, 2nd- Latest IPAD, 3rd- 32” LCD TV, 4th- Kindle Fire, 5th- PlayStation Vita.  The donation price is $10 per ticket and available at local stores and from committee members.  Look for us on the corner by Family Video in June.  ALL donations go to the fireworks!

Historical Society Open
First Saturday of Month
The James A. Garfield Historical Society will be open the first Saturday of every month between 10:00 and 3:00.  We are located at the corner of Main St. and High St. in Garrettsville. Microfilm of the Garrettsville Journals is available for research. Everyone is welcome.

Community Lunch
thru the Summer
Community Lunch – Thursday beginning June 14th through the Summer.  Picnic with Hilltop Christian Church at Mantua’s Buchert Park.  Thursdays 11:30-1:00 – No Lunch July 5 FREE and Open to All. June 14 will be held at Hilltop Church. In Case of Rain – lunch will be served in Hilltop’s Fellowship Hall 4572 West Prospect Street Mantua OH  44255. (330) 274-2771

Crestwood Little Theater
June 29
Crestwood Little Theater will present Jungle Book in the Crestwood Middle School gym, on June 29 at 7:00P.M. This year Crestwood Little Theatre is putting on the musical Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling. It is the story about a little boy raised by wolves. He grows up in the jungle, finds out he is in danger from a tiger; but he doesn’t want to go back to the man village. Crestwood Little Theatre is a summer camp that teaches kids how to perform on stage. Kids 7-16 come in every morning at 8:30 to start memorizing their lines, songs and dances! When they are not memorizing their parts, they create costumes, paint backdrops, play theatre games, make props, and set the whole stage, getting it ready for the final show.  They do all of this, in just two weeks. The camp is sponsored by Hiram Community Grant.

God Provides Free Picnic
June 29
Join the God provides a free meal ladies picnic June 29 at the Nelson United Methodist Church in Nelson Circle. Dinner will be served from 4-6pm at 9367 St. Rt. 305. The picnic will include hot dogs, macaroni salad, baked beans, cake and beverages. A good time will be had by all!

Read, sing, and have fun!
June 30-July 1
Students ages 5 to 16 will be able to “Reach Out This Summer” by participating in the musical theater experience “Adventures of the Comic Book Artist.” Auditions for this comedy will be June 30 from 9:00 to 2:00 and July 1 from 12:00 to 2:00 at the Education Building adjacent to the Hiram Christian Church.  All who audition will be assigned a way to participate in this production. Written to be enjoyed by all ages of audience and participants, this play provides something special for everyone. The performance date is August 12 with a dress rehearsal on August 11. This opportunity is provided through the generosity of the Hiram Community Trust, Hiram Christian Church, Hilltop Christian Church, Brighter Day, and Mantua Christian Church. Additional information may be obtained by contacting Director Amy Morton amymorto@gmail.com or Hiram Christian Church, 330-569-7697.
3rd Annual Troy Community Yard Sale
June 29 & 30
Directory and maps will be available to all residents for pickup at the Community Center, 13950 Main Market Road on June 23 & 24. Look for them in the East side of the building by the double entrance doors. Maps will also be there the weekend of the sale.

Steak Fry & Grilled Chicken Dinner
June 30
The Garrettsville Eagles will be holding their monthly steak fry and grilled chicken dinner on June 30th from 4 – 7:30 PM. Meals include choice of baked potato or french fries, vegetable, salad and roll. Cost of meals are $12.00 for steak and $8.00 for chicken. Other menu items are available for kids. Carryout is available. Call 330-527-2330 for more info. Open to the public.

Windham Band Fundraiser
June 30
There will be a garage sale fundraiser for the Windham band on June 30 from 9-5 at the Windham Fire Department.

St. William Church  Trunk Sale
June 30
It’s a 1-day garage sale from the trunk of your car. June 30, 2012, from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Location: St. William Parking Lot, 5431 Mahoning Ave., Champion, OH. Advance Sale:  $15.00 per spot. Day of Sale: $20.00 per spot (if available) Bring your own table to set up in front of your trunk. We will also be selling used books, media and baked goods. Refreshments will be available. For more information, please contact Debi Hayes @ 330-847-6556

Safety Village Registration
Deadline: June 30
Please register your 2012 – 2013 kindergartner now for James A. Garfield PTO Safety Village.  The areas to be covered are fire, school, gun safety, stranger danger, home and personal safety.  This is a great way to introduce your child into the school environment.  This is open to all incoming James A. Garfield Elementary kindergartners.  Registration fee is $25.00; this provides a T-shirt, snack, and craft every day, plus much more! The deadline for registration is June 30th.  If you have any questions or need a registration form please call Debbie D’Amico @ 330-527-0181.  Sorry – no late registrations and no walk-ins.

Antique & Classic Boat Show
June 30
the 37th Annual Portage Lakes Antique & Classic Boat Show, one of the largest in the country will be held at the Portage Lakes on June 30, 2012. Hours:  9AM to 3PM, Rain or Shine, FREE ADMISSION.  The show will be held at the Olde Harbor Inn and Hook, Line, and Drinkers Restaurants at 562 Portage Lakes Drive in Akron. There will be approximately 55 beautiful restored boats, some of which are Chris Craft Custom Runabouts, both pre-World War II and post War models

An Accidental Garden
June 30
The profusion of weedy wildflowers along the former rail line that runs through an old industrial area of Ravenna is quite amazing and beautiful. This Portage Hike and Bike Trail is a botanical showcase. Velvet soft mullein, exotic viper’s bugloss, and a host of other vibrant flowers grow between the ties and along the rails. A surprising number of songbirds and butterflies also add to the charm of this seeming unattractive area. Sponsored by the Friends of the Hiram College Field Station. Hiking fee: $8 for non-members, $5 for members. The hike will be from 8-10am. Directions will be sent upon registration. To register, call 330.569.6003 or email sorrickmw@hiram.edu.

Eagles Monthly Steak Dinner
June 30
Garrettsville Eagles will hold their monthly steak dinner on June 30 from 4-7:30. Dinner includes steak, baked potato or French fries, toss salad, green beans and dinner roll

Bag Sale
June 30
Hiram Rapids Historical Church is holding a special bag sale $1/bag. June 30 only. 9am-1pm. Nice children, women’s and men’s clothing. Held at historical church  corner of Allyn and Winchell roads.

Ohio Chautauqua
July 3-July 7
The 2012 Ohio Chautauqua, coming this summer to Geauga County, will bring some of the area’s best musical talent to the stage for the tent festival’s five evenings of free, old-fashioned entertainment. Ohio Chautauqua combines living history performances, music and drama to focus on the time “When Ohio was the Western Frontier.” The festival’s trademark red-and-white-striped tent will go up on the grounds of Geauga Historical Society’s Century Village Museum July 3 through July 7

Band Members Needed For July 4th  Concert
For July 4
Anyone who plays a band instrument and can read music is invited to join the Hiram Community band for our July 4 concert at 4pm. There are openings in all sections. Rehearsals will be held on June 20, June 28 and July 3 from 7-9 in Frohring Music Hall on the Hiram College campus. We’ll be doing music from the ‘60s, and music from the World War II era. If interested in playing, please contact Jeffery Quick at jaq@case.edu or (330) 527-0144

Portage County Library
Closed July 4
All branches and offices of Portage County District Library will be closed July 4, in observance of Independence Day.  They will resume regular operating hours on Friday, July 6 (except Windham, which will resume normal operating hours on Thursday, July 5.)  Visit Portage County District Library online at www.portagelibrary.org for information about library programs and services. Find us on Facebook.

Hiram Old Fashioned 4th – Annual Pie Contest
July 4
Whip up your best pie and enter it into our annual Pie Contest.  Independent judges will determine a winner and award a fabulous prize during the Big Band Dance and Ice Cream Social.  Drop off your pie at Gerstacker Science Hall (under the arch) on Dean Street between 5:30 and 6:30 pm. July 4th.  All pies will be sold by the slice at the Strawberry Social and Prizes WILL be awarded there for best overall and other categories.  For more info contact Ellen Eckhouse @ 330-569-3146.

Vet’s Appreciation Day
July 4
Geauga Fairgrounds Veteran’s appreciation day will be July 4 starting at 6pm thru fireworks, concessions and military displays. Rain day July 5. For details call Will at (440) 635-0223

Chautauqua Program
July 5
The Middlefield Library will be a location for a daytime Ohio Chautauqua Program.   On  July 5th at 12:00 noon scholar Jeremy Meier will present “Three Perspectives on The Battle of Lake Erie.” Learn how Oliver Hazard Perry and British Commander Robert Barclay prepared for the Battle of Lake Erie, as well as how Perry’s second-in-command, Lt. Jesse Duncan Elliott, would for years argue a very different version of what occurred at the battle. The 2012 Ohio Chautauqua is sponsored and presented by the Ohio Humanities Council. Please call the 440.632.1961 for additional information.  To learn more at Ohio Chautauqua visit: www.ohchautauquageauga.com.
Monthly Dance
July 6
Portage County Chapter #600 of International Parents without Partners will hold its monthly dance from 7:30-11:30 on July 6, at the Ritchie Memorial Shelter House, 109 W. Avenue, Tallmadge. Open to public for $6 for members and $8 for non-members, who are invited to join by a PWP member. For more info call Warrine (330) 699-2361 or (330) 322-9559.

“Welcome to My World”
July 7-August 8
Trumbull Art Gallery is pleased to present “Welcome to My World”, featuring the art of Marie Dippolito.  Marie says, “My world of art has taken me through many phases of painting, drawing, and general artistic development in numerous media.  Figurative, floral and landscapes are my prime interest and also my biggest challenge. The contrast keeps me motivated.”  Come and see her work any Tuesday – Saturday from noon to 4 PM at the Gallery, 196 East Market St., Warren.  Admission is free.

Nelson UMC Vacation Bible School
July 9-12
Join us at Nelson UMC for vacation bible school July 9-12 from 6-8:30pm. Registration is the first night for preschool age 4 through grade 6. The church is located on Nelson Circle at 9367 St. Rt. 305. Thursday we will host a presentation by the children and refreshments will be served. Come to the E.D.G.E. at Nelson UMC; we won’t let you fall over!

Vacation Bible School
July 9-13
Join us at Faith Evangelical Free Church at 10585 Windham-Parkman Rd. for vacation bible school. We’ll have lots of fun, with games, stories, crafts, snack, prizes and more! Classes for everyone from babies to adults. For more information call (330) 527-4068

Brick by Brick
Thru July 9
The successful sale of engraving bricks for the Windham Schools Brick by Brick Scholarship Fund has made the construction of a 4th wall necessary Forms for the purchase of bricks are available at any Windham School system office and the Windham Cortland Bank branch. Orders must be in by July 9 so the bricks can be engraved and placed. Donations for Brick are $60 for individuals and families, $100 for businesses and organizations, $2000 for memorials and $5000 for foundation bricks. Any donation to the fund will be put in the fund endowment and the fund interest will be used to generate scholarships. The summer celebration dinner will feature our 54 year volunteer, Don Miller, and will be August 18.

July 13, 14, 20 & 21
The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre will present Oklahoma on July 13, 14, 20 and 21 at 7pm and July 15 at 2pm in the James A. Garfield High School, Iva Walker Auditorium. Directed By: Missy Bookbinder and Jackie Rinearson, Musical Direction by: William Davies and Choreographed by Shanelle Waggoner. Tickets may be purchased at the door or call 216-375-0709 to purchase advance tickets. Ticket prices are: Adults 12 and older – $10.00, children under 12 and seniors over 65 – $7.00 and groups of 15 or more $5.00 each. Oklahoma is sponsored by Ryser Insurance and Gionino’s Pizzeria.
Free Movie
July 13
FREE OUTDOOR MOVIE with free popcorn July 13th at the Renaissance Center in Windham the time is dusk about 9:00 pm.  Bring a blanket or a chair enjoy “Alvin and the Chipmunk’s Chipwrecked” great family time

Rummage Sale/ Flea Market
July 13 & 14
New Mercies Community Church, located at 12767 Butternut Rd, will hold a rummage sale/ flea market on July 13 & 14 from 9-4. Indoor and outdoor spaces are $10. Contact Susan at (330) 968-6268. Donations are being accepted for rummage sale, and may be dropped off at the church at anytime. Food will be available.

AMVETS  Post 112 Annual Scholarship Fund Golf Outing
July 14
Sign up at the AMVETS post 112 Newton Falls. 8:30 am shotgun start. $70 per player, $280 per team. Prizes, cold beer, soda and water are included. Four man scramble. 50/50 drawing. Donuts and coffee. Hot sausage sandwiches at the turn. Steak dinner after the round. Proceeds benefit Newton Falls High School Scholarship Fund

Seeking Artisans!
July 14
Mantua’s Art on the Hill is seeking artisans and food vendors for their 4th annual event which will be held on July 14 from 10am-5pm in downtown Mantua, Ohio. Each year there are over 60 artisans selling and displaying their handmade work. Booth fee is $45. Call 330-414-6486 or email communityjournal@yahoo.com for an application or more information.

Labrae H.S. Soccer Boosters Trunk Sale
July 14
Held at Bascom Elementary Parking Lot, 1001 North Leavitt Rd, Leavittsburg. Set up starts at 7:30 a.m. Event opens at 9:a.m. ends at 3p.m.Single spaces for $15.00 each, double space for $25.00 ,all spaces will be $25.00 day of sale if available.  Concessions will be available. To enter our event, please contact: BRENDA BARNA @330-307-5629

Hiram School Reunion
July 15
The 19th annual Hiram School Reunion will be July 15 from 1-4 at the Troy Community House State Route 422 in Welshfield, for all those who attended Hiram School. Beverage, meat and table service will be provided. Those with last names A-L are asked to bring a salad. Those with last names m-z are asked to bring a dessert. For more information call Carol Orban Bott (330) 527-4457 or Barbara Porter Biltz (330) 296-3732.

Doll’s  Christmas in July
July 15
What could be better than Christmas in July?  A Doll’s Christmas in July!  This is the theme of the Luncheon hosted by Garrettsville’s own doll club, The Heart of Doll Country.  It will be held July 15th, from 10-3 at the Kirtlander Party Center, 9270 Chillicothe Road, (Route 306) in Kirtland Ohio.  The cost is $25 for adults, and $15 for children 5-15.  The guest speaker is Sandy Pelphrey, a local  doll collector who writes for the Villager.  There will be a delicious lunch served, door prizes, table favors, and lots of auction items as well as contests for dolls.  Please call Carolyn Englert, 527-4888 or Pat Dutchman 440-785-4183 for more information or to purchase tickets.

Gardening Class
July 19
You have seen these magnificent plants at garden centers and at the Geauga county fair.  Learn how to select and grow these spectacular, fragrant flowers on July 19 from 7-9 pm.  Go to the award winning brugmansia garden of Master Gardener Phyllis Mihalik where she will teach you the care and propogation of these beauties. She will show you the tricks to get hundreds of blooms on a single plant and how to winter them over for years of enjoyment.  As a special treat you’ll even get a brugmansia to take home.  Ask Phyllis for a tour of her garden too! $35 fee.  Light refreshments.  Call 440-834-4656 to register and get directions.

Trash & Treasure Sale
July 19-21
Parkman Congregational; Church is holding a Trash & Treasure Sale; July 19  & July 20 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and July 21 from  8 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the church fellowship hall.  The church is located on Rt. 528/88 just north of Rt. 422 in Parkman.  Any questions, call the church office at 548-4829. Contact person: Roberta Barringer, Parkman Church, Women’s Fellowship representative

“Run of the Ox”
July 21
5k run/walk held during the Ox Roast Festival. 7 AM registration. 8 AM race. St. Joseph’s Church in Mantua. Pre-registration is $16. Race day registration $20. Awards to top 3 overall and top 3 in 11 & under, 12-15, 16-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60 & over. For more info call 216-752-5151

Kinsman is For Sale
July 21
Kinsman is located on state routes 5, 7 and 87 on the PA line. Rotary chicken BBQ will be located at town park off of State Rt. 5 south from 10 am – 3 pm. Eat in or take out. Town wide yard sales from 10am to 4pm? Sales at many businesses   Amish Bake sale on square
Free maps available at Market Square on the square

Cruisin at the Churchyard
July 22
On July 22 from 11am-6pm a chicken dinner and car show will be held at SS Edward Lucy. Goodie Bags & Dash Plaques to the First 100 Cars. 3 Prizes Given Out PLUS A CHANCE TO WIN A $100 GAS CARD (compliments of Doug’s Auto Repair) (Must be present to win Gas Card * raffle at 4pm) $10 Donation for Show Car Entries Information: Office (440) 548-3812 * Website: SSEdwardLucy.com. 16150 Center St * Parkman

Summer Theater Clinic
July 23 thru Aug 9
Ravenna Recreation Department is offering a Summer Theater Clinic for boys and girls under the direction of Ric Hughes, Director of the Ravenna All-City Musical.   The Clinic will be held July 23 through August 9, 2012 at West Park School.  Registration is now through July 13th. After July 13th there is a $5.00 late fee if any openings.  Cost is $15 for city taxpayers or $20 for non-city taxpayers.

Big Brothers & Sisters Golf Scramble
July 25
Big Brothers & Sisters of Portage County will hold their annual golf scramble will be on July 25, at Raccoon Hill Golf Club in Kent. Shot gun starts at 9am. Golfers will receive 18 holes and cart, continental breakfast, picnic style lunch, steak dinner and beverages; personalized bag tag, sleeve of balls and a photo of your group. Hole in one prizes include $5000, Callaway clubs, flat screen television and more. Out auction features a trip for two to Scottsdale, AZ. Cost is $100 per person and can be paid by cash, check or credit car by calling our office (330) 296-6655

2012 Run For Hope 5k, 1-Mile Fun Run, & 1-Mile Dog Run
July 28
New Hope Christian Fellowship 11051 E. Washington St. Auburn, OH  44023.  Driveway entrance is off of Auburn Rd. JULY 28, 2012 8:00 am. $15 pre-registration, $20 race day registration (Individuals) $40 pre-registration, $50 race day registration (Family 4 pack) Proceeds to benefit Cruzadas Del Evangelio de Honduras 2012 Chicken Project. To register go to www.hmapromotions.net or print registration form www.newhope4you.net and mail to New Hope Christian Fellowship.

Family Fun Day
July 28
A benefit to raise money for mounting medical bills for Angie Monroe, while undergoing chemo and radiation. Presented by Team ANGIE. July 28 from 1-5pm. $7 adults, $4 children ages 4-10, Free under age 3. Ticket prices include entrance to Ridge Ranch Campground, parking, swimming, and lunch. Concessions will also be available during the event. A Chinese auction and 50/50 raffle will take place as well. For more info on this event contact Debbie Brinsey (330) 240-3079, Heather Dewberry (330) 307-3603, Amy Hahn (330) 219-0782, Rose Bennett (330) 979-8784, or look at the TEAM ANGIE page on Facebook.

Class of 1967 Reunion
July 28
Our 45 year reunion will be held at Sugarbush Golf Club. Please contact us if you were missed. Mary Jane Orr (330) 898-0384.

Lunch With Lincoln
July 28
The North Bloomfield Historical Society will be hosting a lunch with President Lincoln at 11am on July 28th at the North Bloomfield United Methodist Church, Park Drive, North Bloomfield, Ohio 44450. Professional impersonator Gerald & Marilyn Payn will be in full dress as President & Mrs. Lincoln & will answer questions during the luncheon.  Starting around 1:30, Professional impersonator Mr. Mike Wilson will be on the North Bloomfield Town Hall Stage as Niles, Ohio native, President McKinley. In full dress, Mr. Wilson will give a brief presentation about the life & times of President McKinley as well as take questions. There is also a car & tractor show, as well as local artisans & crafters.

Brittany Myer’s Poker Run
Aug 4
The 11th Annual Brittany Myer’s Memorial Poker Run will take place on Saturday, August 4th Registration starts at 10AM at the Windham American Legion Hall.  2 or 4 wheels are welcome.  All proceeds go toward the Brittany Myer’s Scholarship Fund, the Special Needs Program at James A Garfield and the Youth Softball League. Call Jamie Cain and Becky Gough for details.

Crestwood Safety Town
Aug 6 – 10
Register early for Crestwood Safety Town, co-sponsored by the Crestwood Primary PTO. Children entering Crestwood Kindergarten in the fall of 2012 will be introduced to a variety of topics focused on teaching them how to stay safe while at home, at school and at play. This educational program runs from August 6 through August 10 from 9:00 to 11:30 am at Crestwood Primary School. Register by July 20 to receive a reduced rate of $20 per child.  If space allows, late registrations will be taken on August 6 at 9:00 am at a cost of $30 per child.. For further information, please call Annette at (330)389-0951 or crestwoodsafetytown@gmail.com.

Library Fundraiser
Aug 10
The Friends of Garrettsville Library are  planning a fundraiser/ social event at the Candlelight Winery. There are no tickets to purchase, and everyone is welcome. This is your chance to support the library programs, and have a good time. Arrive after 4pm. There is no set charge for this event. If you wish to donate to the silent auction contact Cindy at the library. Hope to see you there!

Garden Recipies
Aug 11
Learn to preserve your garden vegetables, herbs and seasonal fruits without the fuss of canning by freezing, drying and pickling instead.  Discover delicious recipes for jams, vinegars and oils that will create tasty meals long after the growing season has ended. Take home simple recipes and sample some of Ruth, Barb and Paula’s favorite garden recipes for refreshments.  Fee of $15. Class from 9-12. Call 440-834-4656 for more information.  Class held at Patterson Bldg. on the Burton Fairgrounds, 14269 Claridon Troy Road.  Mail check payable to OSU Extension, PO Box 387, Burton, Ohio 44021.

Flea Market/Craft Vendors Wanted
Aug 17, 18 & 19
The Antique Tractor Club of Trumbull County has a few flea marker/ craft vendor spaces available at their antique tractor show August 17, 18 & 19. $15 fee. Contact Terry (330) 442-2430

Save the Date!
Sept 15
The 7th annual Alumni banquet will be held on September 15 at the J.A. Garfield Elementary School starting at 5pm. Reservations are $18 and need to be mailed by Sept. 1 to P.O. Box 93 Garrettsville. Please include the names and graduating years of the alumni attending. Classes being honored are class of ’52, ’62, ’72, and ’87. Friday night’s home game is against Southeast. For a carefree reunion, plan with the alumni. Contact Helen Louise Paul Bouts 330.309. 2743 for more info.

Balloon-A-Fair “Friends In Flight” Seeks Vendors & Exhibitors
Sept 15 & 16
The Ravenna Balloon A-Fair is seeking craft vendors, exhibitors, food vendors, local businesses and agencies to set up booths September 15 in downtown Ravenna and September 15 & 16 at SUNBEAU Valley Farm on St. Rt. 59, Ravenna.  For downtown Ravenna booth space application call Judy Tompkins, Booth Chairperson at 330-527-5695. For SUNBEAU Valley Farm booth application call Heather Sepelak at 330-357-1206. For all general questions regarding the BAF Festival please call 330-296-FAIR.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography