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We’re All Invited


G-W Soccer Club Needs YOU!!

G-W Soccer Club needs new trustees this year to continue the wonderful tradition we have seen over the past 10 yrs. and to get the season off to a great start.  Any willing participants please contact Russ (russell61731@yahoo.com),  Bob (matrixprints@yahoo.com), or Stacey (martin.neer@earthlink.net)  who are stepping down after 5 yrs. as trustees.  We have all the info needed to continue the program in an efficient manner and will answer any questions you may have.  Typically 4 to 5 trustees are best suited to spread the work items around.   Sign-ups are typically held in June with teams assembled by August 1.  Again, please step up to continue this wonderful club.

Vendors Wanted Garrettsville Farmers Market

Register Today

Vendors are still being accepted for this year’s market. All vendors must have edible items and no food carts are permitted.  The cost for this year’s market has remained the same: $60.00 for the entire season. The Farmer’s Markets will run from July 18, 2012 through October 3, 2012 every Wednesday from 3:00 – 6:30pm in the Skylane Bowling Alley parking lot. Applications may be obtained by contacting Jackie Rinearson at rinearson05@frontier.com


Seeking Artisans

Register Today 

The DMRC is seeking artisans for the 4th Annual Art on the Hill to be held from 10-5. Booth fee is just $45. An application and more information can be found at mantuashalersvillechamber.com or by calling 330-414-6486. Art on the Hill is sponsored by Rick Frato, Financial Advisor – Edward Jones and the Community Journal. We hope to see you in July!


Volunteers Needed

The Camelot Center is currently seeking volunteers to assist with their therapeutic horseback riding program.  Minimum age is 14 years old.  Volunteers are needed to assist riders to groom their horses before lessons, lead horses, sidewalk riders who may need physical or emotional support, help with general maintenance and fundraisers. Classes are held on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays with classes in the mornings, afternoon and early evening.  No horse experience is needed as we will teach you what you need to know.  This is a great way to be with children, adults and horses and have fun while helping others.  Please contact the barn at 330-889-0036 for more info or email us at info@camelotcenter.org.


Summer Day Camp Registration

Register Now

Ravenna Recreation Department still has openings its Summer Day Camp Program for children entering K-7th grade in the Fall 2012  and the Jr. Camp Counselor Program for children entering 8th, 9th and 10th grade in Fall 2012. Program is held at John Tontimonia City Park from June 11 to August 10 (No camp July 4th). Call the Recreation office at (330) 296-2864 for more details and costs for the 9 week program which includes breakfast, lunch and field trips, and swimming. for more information stop by at 530 North Freedom St., weekdays 8 to 12 and 1 to 4:15 p.m. or call the Recreation office at 330-296-2864.


Attention Crafters & Vendors

Register Today

The Ravenna Summerfest is June 16 from 10-6. We are currently looking for additional crafters and vendors to add to the day’s activities and car show. Please contact Susie 330 296 3779 or Barb 330 297 6684


Newton Falls 4th Raffle Tickets

On Sale Thru July 4

Newton Falls 4th of July Committee is selling raffle tickets for the fireworks display to take place on July 4, at 10 pm.  This year’s prizes are as follows:  Grand Prize- $2500.00, 1st- 55” LCD TV, 2nd- Latest IPAD, 3rd- 32” LCD TV, 4th- Kindle Fire, 5th- PlayStation Vita.  The donation price is $10 per ticket and available at local stores and from committee members.  Look for us on the corner by Family Video in June.  ALL donations go to the fireworks!


Chardon Flea Market

Friday’s starting June 1

The Chardon Square Association is pleased to announce the return of the Farmers Market, Flea Market, and Kids Flea Market. The month of June includes all these popular markets held on the beautiful historic Square. The Farmers Market  each Friday starting June 1 through September from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM on the Square. The 21st Annual Flea Market will be on June 2 from 9:00 AM to 4 PM on the Square. The second Annual Kids Flea Market will be on June 10 from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM on the Square. During this market, kids are encouraged to show up to purchase a booth space to show their toys and maybe make a little bit of money from other local kids selling their toys.


Historical Society Open

First Saturday of Month

The James A. Garfield Historical Society will be open the first Saturday of every month between 10:00 and 3:00.  We are located at the corner of Main St. and High St. in Garrettsville. Microfilm of the Garrettsville Journals is available for research. Everyone is welcome.


Sunday Morning Fellowships

Every Sunday

Each Sunday morning the First Church of God in Windham at 9016 N. Main St. invites you to share in a donuts and coffee/juice fellowship at 9:00 am.  The fellowship time is followed by adult and children’s classes at 10 and congregational worship at 11.


Book Sale Donations

Accepting Now

The West Geauga Friends of the Library are now accepting donations for their annual summer book sale. Bring your donations of gently-used or new children’s and adult books, collectibles, comics, CDs, DVDs, books on tape or CD, puzzles, board games, sheet music and prints (no textbooks or encyclopedias, please) to the Geauga West Library during regular library hours.  The Geauga West Library is located at 13455 Chillicothe Road in Chesterland, next to West Geauga High School.  The phone number is 440-729-4250.


Big Brothers & Sisters Needed

Call Today

705 Oakwood St. Suite 103, Ravenna

Start the summer by helping a child and gaining a friend. Big Brothers & Sisters of Portage County are in need of men & women to volunteer as mentors and role models to children. We have over 80 children, all over Portage County, waiting for a Big Brother or Big Sister. Call today (330) 296-6655 or visit www.bbdportage.com


Ravenna Summerfest Vendors & Crafters Needed

Register Today

The return of Ravenna Summerfest is June 16 from 10-6. We are currently looking for vendors & crafters to add to the day’s activities and car show. Please contact Barb at (330) 297-6684 or Susie at (330) 296-3779


Chagrin Valley Toastmasters

1st & 3rd Tuesdays

Meetings are the first and third Tuesdays of the month in the Chagrin Falls Library at 6:45pm. Learn to speak confidently with group support. Call Pat (216) 324-3934


Rummage Sale

 May 31 – June 2

Christ Covenant Church- Rt 87, Middlefield, will be holding a rummage sale on  May 31 & June 1 from  9 am – 7 pm  and June 2, 9–3.Donations Welcome


Lions Club Sandwich Sale

June 1 & 2

The Windham Lions will hold their next sandwich sale of 2012 in the Sparkle Market parking lot in Windham, June 1st and 2nd.  As always, the menu consists of Italian sausage or steak sandwiches and soft drinks. Sandwiches are only $ 4.00. They are hot, juicy and fresh off the grill. Hours are 9am to 7pm on Friday, 9am to 2pm on Saturday. All profits will be used for sight-related causes and local community needs. Please stop by and support the dedicated, hard-working Windham Lions.


Garrettsville Youth Football Sign-ups

June 2 & 9

Garrettsville youth football signups will be held on June 2 and June 9 at the Village Hall from 9 am  – Noon. Registration for the 2012 season is $75/ player. Questions? Call Ted Lysiak (330) 216-7412 or Espy Hedge (330) 322-0007


JAG Athletic Physicals

June 2

Athletic Physicals will be offered by Dr. Riley of the Chiropractic Center of Garrettsville from 9-12 and 1-3 on June 2 at the JAG High School gym. Students need to bring their physical forms, and a permission slip (if without a guardian) call (330) 527-4250 Cost is $10


Troy Township Contra Dance

June 2

Troy Township Contra Dance will be held at 13950 Main Market Road / Route 422; Burton. All ages join in the irresistibly fun atmosphere of Contra Dance and live folk music. Lesson at 6:30pm.  Dance 7:30-10:30pm.  Adult $8, student $5, family $25.


Little Tigers Golf Fund-Raiser

June 2

The Newton Falls Little Tigers will be hosting their annual Golf outing fund-raiser on June 2, 2012 at the Olde Dutch Mill golf course. The four-man scramble will be an 8:00 a.m. shotgun with registration starting at 7:00 a.m.. The registration fee will be $65.00 per golfer and will include lunch, dinner, golf with cart, and beverages. Prizes will be awarded for all holes. For information please contact Ron Wilcox @ 330-235-3046 or Heather Lyndsey from the Olde Dutch at 330-654-4100.


National Trails Day Hike Around the Reservoir

June 2 

This hike was offered in 2011 and is back by popular demand. This program is built for adults, who will meet at the main parking lot off of Rt. 608. Headwaters Park is located at  13365 Old State Road, Huntsburg Township

Registration is not required. Dress for the weather, and bring water and a trail snack, and call 440-286-9516 with questions. From 10 a.m. to 12:30


New Observatory Park Program

June 4

Senior Naturalist Dan Best will be at the Burton Public Library on June 4 at 6:30 p.m.  Dan will present all of the exciting features of Geauga Park District’s new Observatory Park.  This program is free and open to all.  Please call the library at 440-834-4466 to register


Summer Reading Program

June 4

Mark your calendars! June 4 is the first day to register for our Dream Big, Read Summer Reading for children. at the Newton Falls Public Library.  During June and July there will be activities, fun, and prizes. Adults are invited to check out what’s Between the Covers and teens can Own the Night. The teens and adults who participate by reading library books, magazines, and audiobooks will be entered in drawings to win a Nook e-reader.


Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser

June 5

Mark your calendars for attending a fundraising spaghetti dinner for Daniel Cartwright who is running for Portage County Clerk of Courts. The dinner begins at 6:00 p.m. on June 5 in the fellowship hall of Covenant Bible Fellowship, Garrettsville. The price of the dinner is $8.00/adults and $4.00/children. Nick Skeriotis, Ohio House 75th District Candidate will be the guest speaker.


Crestwood Scholarship 8th Annual Golf Outing

June 6

Mantua Shalersville Area Chamber of Commerce’s (MSACC) 8th Annual Golf Outing to be held June 6 at Tanglewood National Golf Club.  Cost is $65pp or $260 team.  This fund raiser supports two $1,000 Scholarships for Crestwood Seniors.  For more info call Graham Harmon 330-274-8225 or Joann Vance at 440-632-3233.


Chicken Dinner

June 6

A chicken dinner will be held at Southington UMC on June 6 from 3:30-6:00pm. The menu includes ¼ chicken, escalloped potatoes, green beans, applesauce, coleslaw and homemade desserts. Adults $8.00, Children’s meal with chicken tenders- age 4-10 $4.00, children 3 and under free. Carry outs will be available, so stop by on your way home from work and pick up dinner for the family. Call the church at (330) 898-2156 and they will be ready for pick up when you get there.


High School and Middle School Soccer Camp

June 6, 7 & 8

Soccer camp will be held at Bowen Road Field, Mantua. Instructor- Coach Bob Dean- Head Women’s Coach Hiram College from, 5:30-8pm, $50 per player (payable to CASB) Call (330)389-9697 for more information


High School Sports Physicals

June 7

Advanced Rehab will be doing High School sports physicals on June 7 from 2 to 7pm. Cost is $30. The physical form and more information can be found on our website (www.arhs.us). Call today to make an appointment. (330) 274-2747


Trash Drop-Off -Freedom

June 7-9

Freedom Township Garage, S.R. 700 north of the Turnpike will be the drop off for tires (limit 6 per family), batteries, motor oil, refrigerators and freezers will be accepted. NO truck or tractor tires, paint, garbage, yard waste, barbed wire, building materials, shingles or fencing materials will be accepted. Thursday noon-8 pm. Friday noon-6 pm. Saturday 9 am- 3 pm; proof of residency required. A loader will be available to assist in the drop-off.For more information, call Charlie at 330.527.7414 or 330-620-3555


Annual Golf Outing

June 8

Burton-Middlefield American Legion will be holding their 3rd Annual golf outing June 8 at the Pleasant Hills Golf Course. Registration is at 10:30 AM. Contact Bruce at (440) 897-2396


Kiwanis All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner

 June 8

Join the Kiwanis club for an  All-You-Can-Eat spaghettin dinner on June 8th from  5-7 pm in the Hiram College Kennedy Center.  Dinner includes spaghetti with a choice of meat or marinara sauce, salad, garlic bread, beverage and dessert.  Adults are $6 and kids 8 and under eat FREE! Carry-out available.  There will be a silent auction!  Our co-host this month is the Hiram Police Dept.’s “Shop with a Cop” program.


Annual Spring Rummage Sale

June 8 & 9

Edinburg First Church of God Rummage Sale  will be held on June 8, 9am to 5pm;  June 9, 9am to 2pm. Missions will have a bake sale and the youth will serve lunch. Clothing, misc, much children’s clothing and large and small toys. For more information, please call Alma at 330-654-3841


Portage Country Gardeners Workshop

June 9

Portage County Gardeners are hosting a workshop on June 9 at 10:00 at their Center, 5154 S. Prospect St., in Rootstown. This workshop is open to the public. The workshop topic is Green Cleaning. Participants will learn to use simple products like white vinegar and baking soda and will get to make and take three products. Please call Peggy Varney at 330-618-2257 to pre-register for this workshop. The cost is $15.00.


Dodge Test Drive For Crestwood Bands

June 9

On June 9 from 11 am – 2 pm  Dodge is teaming up with the Crestwood Bands for a fundraiser at Crestwood High School. For each person taking a test drive of a Dodge vehicle (must be age 18 with valid drivers license), the band will receive $20 from Dodge. There will also be concessions, hourly raffles, games, and a performance by the CHS Brass Quintet. Come on out and support the award-winning Crestwood Bands. For more information, call 330-212-3764.


2012 Gone Green Garden Tour

June 9

On June 9 from 1:00 – 5:00 pm  the Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) and the Geauga County Storm Water Task Force invite you to explore the county on this unique tour showcasing gardening and environmentally friendly yard practices.  As a “drive-it-yourself” tour participants will be able to travel freely to five different stops in Geauga County.  For more information please visit the District’s website at www.geaugaswcd.com or contact Gail Prunty at (440) 834-1122 ext. 2 orgprunty@geaugaswcd.com.


Parents without Partners Picnic Supper

June 9

Portage County Chapter #600 of International Parents without Partners will have a picnic supper from 6:30-7:30 and its monthly dance from 7:30-10:30 on June 9. These monthly dances are open to the public, and non-members are invited to join the PWP members to celebrate the June picnic supper/dance theme of “Bring Your Best Friend” Cost for members is $12 per person. Cost for non-member is $14 per person. Call Mary at (330) 947-2867 or Warrine at (330) 322-9559 by June 8 for reservations and further information.


Worship on the Porch & Picnic on the Porch

June 10

On June 10th Windham UMC will offer casual worship on their front lawn at 10am followed by a free picnic lunch & cornhole. Bring your lawn chairs or blankets to sit on.


Summer Camp Counseler Registrations

June 11 – Aug 10

Ravenna Parks and Recreation Department is taking registrations for Jr Camp Counselor for our Summer Playground Day Camp.  This program is open to students entering 8th, 9th or 10th grades in the Fall 2012 and the program is held at John Tontimonia City Park.This program is designed for individuals with leadership qualities and who love to work with children.  Participants will enjoy all the same activities as the Playground Camp participants and assist in the program planning, activities, general park duties and a community service project.  For more information call the (330) 296-2864


Hiram College Youth Football Camp

June 11-13

Hiram College Youth Football Camp.  Instruction from Hiram College coaches for kids entering grades 3-8.  The camp will be held on the Hiram College Campus on June 11-13.  Cost for the camp is $120.  For more information, please go to http://www.hiramterriers.com/sports/fball/camps or call (330) 569-5446.


Ladies Guild Trip to Erie, PA

June 13

The Ladies Guild  of St. Mary and St. Joseph Church is sponsoring a trip to Erie, PA on June 13th.  Among the places visited will be St. Peter’s Cathedral built in 1873. A delicious group luncheon will be served on a paddlewheel boat cruise aboard the lovely Victorian Princess.  It will journey out into the scenic Presque Isle Bay.  Later in the afternoon we will journey into one of Pennsylvania’s premier wine growing regions to a local winery for sampling and shopping.   A dinner stop will be made en route home.  The trip will leave St. Mary & St. Joseph parking lot at 7:30 a.m. and return at 7:30 p.m.  Tour cost is $79.00 per person. Space is limited—first come, first served.  Price includes bus transportation, luncheon, cruise, all sightseeing, church donations, driver tip and is fully escorted.  Make checks payable to Wendt Touring and mail to Ruby Bajnok, 5203 Taylor Avenue, NF 44444.  Phone 330-872-7928.


Day in the Country

June 13

Women’s Council for Hiram College is planning their Annual Day in the Country from 9:30 am – 2:00 pm.  Donations of gardening items, plants, jewelry, antiques, books, and household items are needed.  No clothing!   Bring your donations to the Martin Field House, SR 305 on  June 12 starting at 9 am.  If you need to have items picked up, please call 330-569-3119.  All proceeds benefit Hiram College Scholarships.


Local Author Series

June 16

The third in our 2012 Local Author Series features Melissa Gregory, author of No Longer Simple: The New Beginning and The Complication. Miss Gregory’s book, written for tweens and young adults, will also be enjoyed by adult readers. It is the story of a young woman who, after suffering a loss, must adjust to many changes in her life, including moving to a new state and going to a new school. This is the first in the No Longer Simple series by Miss Gregory, who is a Newton Falls Middle School teacher. The program will be held at the Newton Falls Library

June 16 at 2 pm.


Poker Run

June 17

Rose’s Rescue, a non-profit pet rescue, will be sponsoring a Poker Run on June 17th, 2012. The cost is $15 riders, $10 passengers, and this includes dinner. You may register at Carlton Harley Davidson, 11771 SR 44, Mantua Oh. Check out our website, www.rosesrescue.net, for more info.


Summer Playground Day Camp

June 18- July 19

Ravenna Parks and Recreation Department is taking registrations for Summer Playground Day Camp. Packets may be picked up at the Recreation Department office.  This program is held at John Tontimonia City Park and is open to all children entering kindergarten through grade seven in Fall of 2012. Event sponsor is Medical Mutual.  Also included is a Ravenna School District Summer Reading & Math program  for children in Ravenna School District entering 1st through 5th grades  in Fall 2012 offered free of charge for a 5 week program from June 18-July 19. For more information call the (330) 296-2864.


Track Camp

June 18-21

Track Camp with Ravenna Parks & Recreation held June 18-21 (RAINDATE: June 22) at Ravenna High School Stadium, 6:00 to 7:00 pm for grades 1st – 8th graders.    Fee is $17.00 for city taxpayers and $22.00 for non-city taxpayers.  Please bring a water bottle. Min 12 – max 50.  Deadline to register is June 8. forms are available at Ravenna Recreation Department, 530 N. Freedom St, weekdays 8:00 a.m. to noon or 1 to 4:15 p.m.


Safety Town

June 18 & 22

Register early for Ravenna Parks and Recreation’s Safety Town, co-sponsored by the Rotary Club.  Children entering kindergarten and 1st grade in the fall of 2012 will be introduced to safety awareness in a week-long program, June 18 to June 22, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at Willyard School.  $35 or $40 for Non-city taxpayers.  Deadline to register is May 25 or until filled.  For further information contact 296-2864.


Girls Basketball Skills Camp

 June 18-21

There will be a basketball skills camp for girls entering grades 4-9 on June 18-21 at Garfield High School.  The cost of the camp is $35.   Registration forms can be printed by visiting the following web site:  http://tinyurl.com/GirlsSkillsCamp  Camp is sponsored by the Garfield Athletic Boosters

Junior Golf Clinic

June 19- 21

Ravenna Recreation is offering Junior Golf Clinic for children ages 8 to 16 years at Windmill Lake Golf Club on June 19 to June 21, from 9:30 to 11 a.m.   This instructional clinic will teach putting, chipping, golf etiquette, iron and wood play. DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION IS  JUNE 15 OR UNTIL FILLED.  Checks made payable to Windmill Lake Golf Club, but mailed to Ravenna Parks and Recreation, 530 N. Freedom Street, Ravenna, Ohio.  Fee is $40.00 For more information call Ravenna Recreation Department at (330) 296-2864.  Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to noon or 1:00 to 4:15 p.m.


Garden Tour & Plant Sale

June 20

June 20, 10:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M., 4th Annual Scholarship Benefit.  The Geauga County Master Gardeners are presenting their fourth and best yet Garden Tour & Plant Sale. $15 tickets may be purchased in advance (440.834.4656) or at Adam Hall Community Center, 11455 E. Washington Street, Auburn Township, OH 44023 the day of the sale


Spaghetti Dinner

June 23

Western Phoenix Masonic Lodge # 42 of Parkman will be holding and all you can eat Spaghetti Dinner  on Saturday June 23rd from 4 ~ 7 PM at the Parkman Community House located at 16295 Main Market (Rt. 422), Parkman Ohio.  Adults $7 ~ Dinner includes: All you can eat: Spaghetti with meatballs, salad, bread and rolls and beverage. Desserts by donation. Proceeds to benefit the “Boy Scout Troop #76” and the  “Geauga County Dog Shelter”.  For tickets call 216-389-7428.


Cheerleading & Hip Hop Camp

June 25-28

Ravenna Parks and Recreation Department is offering a Cheerleading and Hip Hop Camp for youth ages 5 to 11. The clinic will be held from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Monday through Thursday, June 25 to 28 at John Tontimonia City Park – Tower Lodge (rain date is June 29).  Fee for Ravenna city taxpayers is $27 and all others is $32.  Deadline is June 15.  Participants should bring a water bottle and wear comfortable clothing and tennis shoes.  Breakfast/snack will be served. Min 12 and max 50. Register with Ravenna Recreation, 530 North Freedom Street, weekdays 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon or 1:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. (330) 296-2864


Friends of Melana 2nd Annual 5k

June 24

The Friends of Melana Committee is pleased to announce our 2nd annual 5k and 1 mile run/walk benefiting Childhood Glioma Cancer. The date for the event is set at June 24th at 9:00 a.m. right by the Garrettsville Summerfest Main Stage. We had 180 participants last year and we want this year to be bigger and better than ever! The cost for the event is $25.00 for runners and $10.00 for walkers. This year we are also featuring a DJ to play warm up music. The atmosphere will be fun and exciting. More information is available at www.summerfest5k.eventbrite.com


Vacation Bible School – “Incrediworld”

June 25 – 29

First Baptist Church of Garrettsville. 7656 State Route 82 Garrettsville, OH 44231. Ages – 2 yrs old to 12 yrs old – PLUS an Adult Class 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm 330-527-2727


British Soccer Camp

July 16-20

Ravenna Recreation is registering for a Challenger – British Soccer Camp staffed by a team of British experts. Registration is limited, so register early.  All campers will receive a free British soccer ball, t-shirt, a personal skills evaluation and a giant soccer poster. In addition, anyone enrolled by June 1 at midnight will also be entitled to claim a FREE replica soccer jersey (valued at $39) that coaches themselves will wear during the week of camp. Cost: $170, to be held July 16-20 – six hour days from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and return each day from 5 to 8 p.m. Team camps also available upon request.  Deadline to register is July 8.  Register online at :  www.challengersports.com. For more information call (330) 296-2864 Ravenna Recreation, weekdays 8 a.m. to 12 and 1 to 4:15 p.m. at 530 North Freedom St.


“Run of the Ox”

July 21

5k run/walk held during the Ox Roast Festival. 7 AM registration. 8 AM race. St. Joseph’s Church in Mantua. Pre-registration is $16. Race day registration $20. Awards to top 3 overall and top 3 in 11 & under, 12-15, 16-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60 & over. For more info call 216-752-5151


Class of 1967 Reunion

July 28

Our 45 year reunion will be held at Sugarbush Golf Club. Please contact us if you were missed. Mary Jane Orr (330) 898-0384.


Save the Date!

September 15

The 7th annual Alumni banquet will be held on September 15 at the J.A. Garfield Elementary School starting at 5pm. Reservations are $18 and need to be mailed by Sept. 1 to P.O. Box 93 Garrettsville. Please include the names and graduating years of the alumni attending. Classes being honored are class of ’52, ’62, ’72, and ’87. Friday night’s home game is against Southeast. For a carefree reunion, plan with the alumni. Contact Helen Louise Paul Bouts 330.309. 2743 for more info.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography