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We’re All Invited


Hiram College Camps for Kids
This Summer
Don’t miss out on the fun and learning! Hiram College is once again offering wonderful camp opportunities for children of all ages and interests. Visit www.hiram.edu/summerathiram for details or contact Matt Sorrick at 330.569.6003 or sorrickmw@hiram.edu.

JAG Scholarship
Apply Today
Chiropractic Center of Garrettsville is happy to announce that for the 5th year they will be offering a scholarship ro senior athletes at James A Garfield High School. The scholarship will be for $750. It may be used as the student needs. Applications are availible at the Chiropractic office or through the school counselor

Bingo at St. Michael Church
Every Thursday
Bingo every Thursday night in the parish hall at St. Michael Church,  9736 East Center Street, Windham.  Games start at 7:00 p.m.  Doors open at 5:30 p.m.

Bingo at St. Ambrose Church
Every Tuesday
Bingo every Tuesday night in the church hall at St. Ambrose Church, 10692 Freedom Street, Garrettsville. Games (early bird) start at 6:45 p.m. Doors open at 5:45 p.m.

Football & Cheerleading Sign Ups
April 21
The Newton Falls Little Tigers will be holding football and cheerleading sign ups on April 21 at the stone pavilion at the Newton falls park. These sign ups will be held from 12:00- 2:00 p.m. and are for children ages 5 through 12. The registration fee is $55.00 and $25.00 volunteer fee per child. Please bring a copy of the child’s birth certificate for the league. For further information please contact Andy McElrath @ 330-565-0950

Bird Watching Walk
April 29, May 13 & 20
April 29 at The Rookery, May 6 at Eldon Russell Park, May 13 at Big Creek Park and May 20 at Swine Creek Reservation. All are Sundays from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m.

Bird Walk
April  22, 29; May 6, 13, 20
Experienced and beginning birders are invited for these walks as we set out early Sunday mornings to learn and record the sights and sounds indicating the return of our feathered friends from distant lands. Bird walks begin at 7:30am and usually end about 9:00am. Bring your binoculars and meet at the JH Barrow Field Station on Wheeler Rd. (between SR 305 and SR 82) near Garrettsville. It is a great way to learn birding from experts. No registration is necessary. For questions, call 330.569.6003.

Conquer Kids Cancer
April 20
St. Baldrick’s Foundation will he holding a special event on April 20 at Slim & Jumbos. Members of the Hiram fire department and the community will shave their heads in solidarity with kids with cancer and raise money for life-saving children’s cancer research.
Spring Cleanup
April 20, 21 & 22
Windham Village and Windham Township spring cleanup will be April 20, 21,& 22 from 7am- 5pm behind Windham Village Park. Items accepted  are: appliances, batteries, furniture and up to 4 tires per household.Will not accept paint, shingles, building debris or garbage.

Rummage Sale
April 20, 21 & 22
Rummage at Portage County Randolph Fairgrounds, April 20 from 9-3 & April 22 10-1. Proceeds benefit The Liddy Shriver Sarcoma Initiative, in memory of Christie Rufener Campbell 1974-2006. In honor of Survivior Charlie Wise. Sponsored by The Portage County Randolph Fairboard and the St. Joseph Church in Randolph. Contact Linda 330 353 2032 or Diane 330 592 3213 with questions.

Life-Changing Encounter
April 21
Come and hear the exciting testimony of Mike Thompson who was delivered from the occult by a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. The event will be at 7 p.m. April 21 at the Freedom Community Center, 8940 state Route 700, Freedom Township.

Earth Day Clean Up
April 21
Come and celebrate Earth Day at West Branch State Park. Volunteers are needed to clean shoreline and roadside litter. Arrive at 9am at the park’s west boat ramp located on Rock Spring road. Dress for the weather and bring work gloves. Cleanup will conclude at 12, follow by a hot dog cookout and potluck lunch. Bring a dish to pass. Call 330 296 3239 for more info.

Tire Drop Off At Freedom Town Hall
April 21
The Portage County Solid Waste District will be having a used tire drop off at the Freedom Town Hall on April 21 from 8 am – 2 pm. This is open to ALL Portage County residents.  There is no cost for the first 10 tires — additional tires are $1 each.

Growing Garlic in Geauga Clay
April 21
On April 21 from 10 am  – Noon Master Gardener Galen Black will present a class on growing garlic in Geauga County.  He will discuss and illustrate the use of raised beds and soil amendments.   Included in the class will also be information on leeks, onions and scallions.  $15 fee. Light refreshments included.  Call 440-834-4656 to register.  Class held at Patterson Bldg. on the Burton Fairgrounds.  Visit the MGV site for details and updates.  www.geauga.osu.edu

Swiss Steak Dinner
April 21
Nelson United Methodist Church will be hosting a swiss steak dinner on April 21, from 4:30-7. Location is Nelson Community House. Adults $9. Carryout available.

Spaghetti Dinner
April 21
The Ravenna Freewill Baptist Church, located at 1000 Park Ave. Ravenna, will be holding a spaghetti dinner, on April 21 from 2:30-5:30pm. Everyone is invited, make plans to come fellowship with us and there will be an open sing at 6pm following dinner. Adults $7, kids ages 5-10 $4, 4 and under eat free

Youth Ministry Spaghetti Dinner
April 21
St. Ambrose Youth Ministry is hosting a spaghetti dinner on April 21, from 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. in the church hall. The menu includes pasta, meatballs, salad, bread & butter, a beverage and homemade dessert. Prices are: adults $6.50 and children $4.00. Carry-out is available for an additional 50 cents.

Pancake Breakfast
April 21
A pancake breakfast sponsored by Garrettsville Boy Scout Troop 62 will be held April 21 from 8 am to 1 pm at the Garrettsville United Methodist Church. 8223 Park Ave. Garrettsville.  Children 10 and under -$3 and persons age 11 and up- $5. Pay at entry-no presale tickets. Includes: Choice of freshly made fluffy Buttermilk or Blueberry Pancakes, choice of syrups, pork sausage and your choice of coffee or juice.
Spring Tea
April 21
The Fellowship Committee of Burton Congregational Church hosts its annual Spring Tea on April 21 at 2 p.m. in the church’s Social Hall.  This year’s theme is “Ocean Life” the swim, scuba and snorkel center in Willoughby.  They will present a program on scuba diving adventures. luncheon will feature tomato soup with oyster crackers, chicken/broccoli alfredo shell pasta, and garlic bread.  Dessert will be Lime Sea Foam!  Coffee, Tea and Punch are included.  Tickets are $8. For tickets, or, if you would like to host a table, please call Kathy Uncapher at 440-834-1172.

Knee Deep in Bluebells
April 22
One of the most unbelievable and spectacular sights in all of Ohio is the riot of wildflowers at the 250 acre Poland Municipal Forest southeast of Youngstown.  Here, in a setting among some of the largest trees in the state, thousands upon thousands of wild bluebells and other spring wildflowers bloom. The forest floor is literally awash with a carpet of bluebells, dabs of red and white trilliums and a haze of marsh marigolds; the artistry of nature in all its glory. The hike begins at 3:00pm. Sponsored by the Friends of the Hiram College Field Station (hiking fee: $3 for members, $6 for non-members). To register, call 330.569.6003 or email sorrickmw@hiram.edu. Directions provided upon registration

Newton Falls Browns Backers
April 22
This is just a reminder that the 2012 membership fees are due by the next meeting held at the Amvets Post 112 at noon on April 22.  A cook-out of burgers and dogs will follow the meeting.  Anyone interested in becoming a new member the fee is only $10.00. We all know that being a Browns fan these days can be disappointing and lack fulfillment.  However, football is not the only reason for being a “Backer”.  We raise money and donate our time to local charities and people in need throughout the year, which is very fulfilling.  For more info., contact Ginny Groff @ 330-219-8754.

Benefit for Seidita Family
April 22
Eden Day Spa , April 22, from 12-5pm. will be providing spa and hair services at discounted prices, no appointment necessary. Chinese auctions, baked goods, hot dogs, popcorn, pizza, Dirusso sausage & more. Trunk and treasure, vendors $35 donation. All money will be donated to the Seidita family.

Relay for Life Chinese Auction
April 22
VFW Post 3332. 433 Arlington Rd. Doors open at 2pm. Drawing @ 4pm. Admission $5 includes door prize ticket & refreshments. Sponsored by Sassy Hair-N-Nails 330 872 7773

Annual Library Meeting
April 22
The public is cordially invited to the Annual Meeting and Recognition of the Friends of the Burton Public Library.  The meeting will be held at the library on April 22 at 2:00 p.m.  Entertainment will feature Rick Hyde, Hiram College Theater Professor, who will present “For Once, Then Something…. The Poetry of Robert Frost.”  Refreshments will be served.  Everyone is welcome and no reservations are required.  For more information, call the Burton Public Library at 440-834-4466.

Riverview Morning Ladies Organizational Meeting
April 24
Riverview Tuesday Morning Ladies Fun League is having its organizational meeting in April 24 at 9 am at the Riverview clubhouse. There will be golf at 10am if weather permits. Coffee will be served. New members are welcome. Call Cheryl Hudson at 330 872 0566 if any questions. Golfing will begin on Tuesday, May 1 at 9:02am

Community Dinner
April 24
Windham American Legion , 9960 Center St. From 5-6 pm. While supplies last. No take outs. Everyone welcome!

ODNR Free Workshops
April 24 & 25. May 5
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Watercraft is offering free workshops to anyone interested in learning how to become a Monitor for Ohio’s Stream Quality Monitoring (SQM) Program. April 24 from 5-7pm Grand River- Helen Hazen Wyman Park Route 86, Painesville. April 26 from 5-7pm Mantua Village Park- Mantua Ohio. May 3 from 5-7pm Chagrin River, Old River Farm Picnic Area. For more information or to register for a workshop, please contact Bill Jagers at (330) 527 2961

Crestwood Board Meeting
April 25
Special Crestwood Board of Education meeting will be held in Crestwood High School library on April 25 at 6 pm

Friends of the Newton Falls Public Library Membership Tea
April 25
“Friends of the Newton Falls Public Library Membership Tea will be held on  April 25, at 6 p.m. at St. Michael’s Social Hall, Ridge Road, Newton Falls. Fashion show by Nona’s Family Closet Consignment Shop of Liberty.  All of the items shown will be available for purchase. A small chinese auction will be held as usual, and Lori Rankin from the Flower Shoppe is providing a beautiful centerpiece which will be the door prize.  Donation will be the cost of 2012 Membership ($25 Patron; $15 Family; $8 Individual; $5 Senior and Student).”

Ohio Outlaws Fundraiser
April 26
Ohio  Outlaws 12U Fast Pitch Team is having a fundraiser at, Wendy’s 215 Barrington Square Aurora, Aurora on April 26 from 5-8 pm Our team will receive 10% of all sales during this time.

Rummage & Bake Sale
April 26
Huntsburg Congregational Church, 12435 Madison Road, is holding their annual rummage and bake sale on Thursday and Friday, April 26 & 27 from 9 – 4 and Saturday, April 28 from 9 to noon.  Saturday is bag day.  Phone 440-636-5504.

Spring Rummage Sale
April 27
The Altar & Rosary Society of St. Ambrose Church, located at 10692 Freedom St, in Garrettsville, is hosting their annual Spring Rummage Sale on  April 27 from 9am to 5pm and  April 28 from 9am to 1pm. Saturday is bag day. The rummage sale will take place in the church hall

Console Gaming Tournament
April 27
Sponsored by Newton Falls Technology Department in the high school commons. Registration 4-5, tournaments begin at 5. Pre-register by April 20 and receive a free t-shirt.

Earth Day Celebration
April 27
Come and join Crestwood Local Schools for our 8th Annual Earth Day Celebration! It will be hosted on April 27 from 4:30-6:30 at the Crestwood Elementary Schools. Come and enjoy some Earth Day family fun time! Students can visit entertaining and educational Earth Day stations that include many hands-on activities and projects. Hope to see you there!

Rummage Sale
April 27 & 28
Portage County Gardeners are hosting their annual Rummage Sale at their Center, 5154 S. Prospect St. in Rootstown on April 27 and 28 from 9-2 electronics, baskets, housewares, craft items, holiday items, bedding, baby things and much more – all priced low to sell! Cookies, coffee and tea will be available for purchase. For more information contact, Helena Parry at 330-673-0577.

Texas Hold Em Tournament
April 28
Freedom Brawler Texas Hold Em Tournament will be April 28 from 6pm-12am at Sugar Bush Golf Course, 11186 St. Rt. 88. $50 ticket price gets $2000 in chips. Additional one-time $1000 buy in after the first hour for $20. Proceeds benefit The Freedom Brawlers 13U Baseball Team. For more info contact John Joeright 330.221.6400

Rummage Sale
April 28
VFV Post 1055 Ravenna. 9-4 outside pavilion, tables for rent. 6000 New Milford Rd.

Stuffed Pork Chop Dinner
April 28
Braceville United Methodist Church off of St. Rt. 82 will host a stuffed pork chop dinner on April 28 from 4-6:30 pm. $9 for adults. $3.50 for children. This will be the last pork chop dinner of this season

Gospel Concert
April 28
Ravenna Chapter #46 Order of the Eastern Stars invites you to our 1st Annual Gospel Concert and Dinner under the direction of Ruth & Chuck Dennison.  Dinner will begin at 6 p.m. followed by the concert at 7 p.m. The event will take place on April 28 at the Ravenna Masonic Complex located at 4785 Washington Avenue in Ravenna.  Tickets are $20 per person.  All tickets are pre-sale only.  For more information, please call Ruth or Chuck at (330) 626-1260.

Scotch Doubles
April 28
Relay for Life Scotch Doubles at SkyLane Bowling Garrettsville, OH. Proceeds go to the G-Force Relay for Life Team. (Previously G.E.M.S. and Papas Posse). April 28th at 9:00pm. Includes 3 games of bowling, shoe rental, pizza, Unlimited draft beer, pop or coffee. $40.00 per couple to reserve lanes call Kellie Norris 330-524-4908 or Michelle Cmunt 330-527-9310

Grand River Wildlife Area-Sampler
April 28
This 7,000+ acre complex of wetlands and swamp forest surrounds the meandering upper Grand River.  Numerous beaver swamps, marshlands, ponds and lakes are the home of river otters, sandhill cranes, bears, and great variety of other wildlife species. The program begins at 2:00pm and we will visit the complex of wetlands of a former fish hatchery and several other wildlife observations areas. Bring binoculars for wildlife viewing opportunities. Sponsored by the Friends of the Hiram College Field Station (hiking fee: $5 for members, $8 for non-members). To register, call 330.569.6003 or email sorrickmw@hiram.edu. Directions provided upon registration.

Sirloin Steak Dinner
April 28
Support Kiwanis of Newton Falls and enjoy a delicious 14 ounce Sirloin steak dinner with all the trimmings. April 28, 4pm to 7pm Newton Falls Community center, 52 East Quarry Street. Cost $15

Mosquito Creek Wildlife Area-Sampler
April 28
This 9,000 acre wildlife refuge is the home of numerous bald eagles, sandhill cranes, ospreys, river otters, black bears, rare rattlesnakes and a host of other wildlife species. Join us from 9:00am-Noon as we will amble the back roads, view hidden ponds, and visit the best wildlife viewing areas of this sprawling complex. Bring binoculars for the best opportunities for eagle viewing. Sponsored by the Friends of the Hiram College Field Station (hiking fee: $5 for members, $8 for non-members). To register, call 330.569.6003 or email sorrickmw@hiram.edu. Directions provided upon registration.
Rummage Sale
April 28
Rummage sale April 28,from 9-4 pm at the VFW Post 1055. 6000 New Milford Rd. Ravenna. Want to rent a vendors table? $15 for info call 330 931 8910

April 28 & 29
The Gemboree will be held April 28 from 10-6 and April 29 from 10-5 at Emidio and Sons Expo Center, 48 E. Bath Road, Cuyahoga Falls. Admission $5 adult, $4 seniors & students, $1 ages 7-14; free for scouts in uniform & children under 6.

Horseback Trail Clinic
April 29
Horseback Trail Clinic. April 29 from 1-3:30 pm, at The West Woods Nature Center, 9465 Kinsman Road (Route 87), Russell Township Please do not bring your horse to this free, no-registration clinic, suitable for anyone school-aged and up and wheelchair/stroller accessible. Maps and information  will be available, as well as membership details for the OHC and 4-H groups. Call 440-286-9516 with questions.
All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner
April 29
All-you-can-eat spaghetti dinner will be held at Saint Mary & Joseph’s Social Hall, 120 Maple drive, Newton Falls from 12-3 pm on April 29. Dinner includes spaghetti and meatballs, salad, Italian bread and dessert. Carryouts are available. Adults $7, children 6-11 $3 and children under 5 eat free.

Baseball Sign ups
April 29
Sign ups for E/EE Baseball for Mantua , Garrettsville ,and Windham will be held on April 29 from 5-6:30 pm at the Grange Hall in Mantua. All players need to sign up at this time so we will know how many teams we will have for Portage North. Players will be assigned to their home teams. Any questions please contact Phil Britton at 330-527-2209. Cost is by what city you live in.

Roast Beef Dinner
April 29
Eastern Star roast beef dinner April 29, 12:30-4:30 at the Mantua Masonic Center, 10801 John Edwards Drive, Mantua. $8 in advance. $ 5 Children 5-12. Free under 5.

Taste of the Western Reserve
April 29
Sunday, April 29 at Signature Solon from 4pm-7pm annual food tasting and grazing festival of local eateries. Presented by the Rotary Club of Aurora

Rummage Sale
May 3, 4 & 5
Pricetown Methodist Church, 4640 Pritchard Ohltown Road Newton Falls, Ohio 44444 May 3rd & 4th  from  9-5; May 5th  from   9-12 Saturday – bag day) Bake sale and lunch counter Thurs & Fri

Rummage Sale
May 4 & 5
Rummage Sale.  St. Michael’s Church, Ridge Road, Newton Falls. May 4, and 5, 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.”

Book Sale
May 5
Newton Falls Public Library will hold a book sale on  May 5 from 9-4 pm

Shalersville School Annual Banquet
May 5
School Annual Banquet, May 5 Banquet dinner will be served at 5pm. Dinner consists of Stuffed Chicken & Roast Beef in the Shalersville Town Hall. Price per person is $13. This years honorees are those of the Class of 1942, 52 & 62 The Shalersville Historical society museum will be open from 4-5 PM. Reservations need to be made by April 30th. Call Judy with questions and reservations @ (330)297-9681.

Goalkeeper Clinic
May 5
Ravenna Recreation is registering for a Soccer Goalkeeper Clinic for ages 6 to 13.  Clinic is held on May 5 at the Ravenna Soccer Complex. Ages 6 to 9 will be held from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. ages 10 to 13 will be held from 1 to 4:30 p.m. Cost is $!5 city taxpayers (live or work in city limits) or $20.00 for non-city taxpayers.  Min 5 per age group and max 10 per age group so sign up early. Participants supply their own size soccer ball, water, shin guards and mouthpiece. Deadline April 20 or until filled.

Home Cooked Supper
May 9
The Last Home Cooked supper at Pricetown Church for the season. 4640 Pritchard-Ohltown Rd,  Newton Falls May 9 from 5-6:30 pm. Individual chicken pot pie, pierogi potatoes, salad, roll, homemade desserts, & beverage. Adults $7.00; Children 6 to 12 years $3.00;  5 and under free. Hope to see you there!

Spring Open House
May 12
Steve and Sharon Grover welcome all to celebrate spring at the farm on May 12, from 11 a.m.- 5 p.m.  The Grover’s will host a spring open house at Ridgeview Farm, 5488 Kinsman Rd, State Route 87 in Middlefield.  There is no charge for this event. The farm is located on SR 87 in Mesopotamia Township, 3.5 miles east of Middlefield or 7.5 West of SR 45 in Bloomfield.

Plant Sale
May 12
The Perennial Gardeners are digging, cutting, potting and writing plant descriptions!  All is in readiness for their annual Plant Sale, May 12th, 8:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. at the Town Hall in Chesterland located at 13455 Chillicothe Road, just North of Mayfield Road.  Plants of all kind will be available, the common and the unusual, many cared for over the years in the home gardens of members.  Join us and maybe even pick up a plant for Mother’s Day.

Free Computer Training
May 14-16
Portage County District Library is pleased to announce that it is taking reservations for its next set of free computer training sessions. Training sessions will take place at the Garrettsville Library May 14-May 16 from 11- 1. Sessions fill up fast, so register early at www.portagelibrary.org (select “Library Programs”). Call 330-562-6502 for additional information.

Garden and Landscape Contractors Wanted!
May 18, 19
If you are interested in reserving a space to promote your business at the Portage County Gardeners’ annual plant sale on May 18 and 19, call or text 330-348-6089 for more information. Spaces are limited and there is a $20.00 fee per table.

Community Garage Sale
May 19
Community garage sale sponsored by Atwood-Mauck Post 459 on May 19 from 8am-1pm. 14052 Goodwin St. Contact Mike 330.286.1202

Soccer Tournmment
May 19
Ravenna Parks and Recreation Department is offering a Youth 3-on-3 Spring Soccer Tournament for boys and girls U7/U8, U9/U10, U11/U12 age as of last July 31, 2011.
The tournament will be held on May 19 at the soccer complex.  Cost is $40 per team if registered by May 4 or $60 per team if registered by May 11.  A $10 late fee will be charged after May 11.  Registration forms are available at the Ravenna Parks and Recreation office, 530 N. Freedom St.  (330) 296-2864, weekdays 8:00 a.m. to noon or 1 to 4:15 p.m.

Memorial Day Service
May 28
Memorial Day service will be located at Burton Square Gazebo 11am. Opened to public, Open house following at 145052 Goodwin St. Contact Mike 330.834.8764

Little Tigers Golf Fund Raiser
June 2
The Newton Falls Little Tigers will be hosting their annual Golf outing fund raiser on June 2, 2012 at the Olde Dutch Mill golf course. The four man scramble will be an 8:00 a.m. shot-gun with registration starting at 7:00 a.m.. The registration fee will be $65.00 per golfer and will include lunch, dinner, golf with cart, and beverages. Prizes will be awarded for all holes. For information please contact Ron Wilcox @ 330-235-3046 or Heather Lyndsey from the Olde Dutch at 330-654-4100.

Hiram College Youth Football Camp
June 11-13
Hiram College Youth Football Camp.  Instruction from Hiram College coaches for kids entering grades 3-8.  The camp will be held on the Hiram College Campus on June 11-13.  Cost for the camp is $120.  For more information, please go to http://www.hiramterriers.com/sports/fball/camps or call (330) 569-5446.

Ravenna Summerfest
June 16
Save this date!!  Summerfest in Ravenna is coming.  Details to follow…

Safety Town
June 18 & 22
Register early for Ravenna Parks and Recreation’s Safety Town, co-sponsored by the Rotary Club.  Children entering kindergarten and 1st grade in the fall of 2012 will be introduced to safety awareness in a week-long program, June 18 to June 22, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at Willyard School.  $35 or $40 for Non-city taxpayers.  Deadline to register is May 25 or until filled.  For further information contact 296-2864.

Garden Tour & Plant Sale
June 20
June 20, 10:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M., 4th Annual Scholarship Benefit.  The Geauga County Master Gardeners are presenting their fourth and best yet Garden Tour & Plant Sale. $15 tickets may be purchased in advance (440.834.4656) or at Adam Hall Community Center, 11455 E. Washington Street, Auburn Township, OH 44023 the day of the sale

Save the Date!
September 15
The 7th annual Alumni banquet will be held on September 15 at the J.A. Garfield Elementary School starting at 5pm. Reservations are $18 and need to be mailed by Sept. 1 to P.O. Box 93 Garrettsville. Please include the names and graduating years of the alumni attending. Classes being honored are class of ’52, ’62, ’72, and ’87. Friday night’s home game is against Southeast. For a carefree reunion, plan with the alumni. Contact Helen Louise Paul Bouts 330.309. 2743 for more info.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography