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We’re All Invited


2011 Chamber Calendars

The Garrettsville Area Chamber Photo Contest Calendars are on sale now.  The 2011 calendars make a great holiday gift ~ $6 each or 2/$10.  Calendars are available at Middlefield Bank, James A Garfield Historical Society, and Village Bookstore.

i-Pad Raffle

The James A. Garfield All Sports Boosters are selling tickets for a chance to win an i-Pad. Tickets are $5/each or 5 for $20. The drawing will be held on Dec 18th during the varsity girls’ basketball home game. Tickets can be obtained through any booster member or during any home basketball game. This would make a great Christmas gift!

Knit ‘n Stitch

If you know how to knit, or want to learn, join Knit ‘n Stitch at the Newton Falls Library on the 2nd floor at 4pm every other Thursday (next meeting Dec. 16) For more information or to register, contact the Newton Falls Library at (330) 872-1282.

The Menagerie Shoppe

The Menagerie, Animal Welfare League’s Thrift & Gift Shoppe, 6037 East Market St. (old Rt. 82 in Howland next to the Dairy Queen), has a great selection of Christmas items and so much more. Come shop at this unique store where proceeds benefit the Animal Welfare League. Call (330) 856-5174 for more information.

Special Open House


Come visit the Animal Welfare Shelter, 545 Brunstetter Road SW in Lordstown, to adopt the love of your life during our special open house in the month of Dec. Saturday hours are noon-6pm and Monday thru Friday from 1-6pm. All cats with red heart are $20 and dogs over the age of 3-years are free. Call (330) 394-4122 for more information.

Story Hour at DQ

Mark your calendar for DQ Story Hour on Tuesday evenings at 7pm throughout the winter. The next story hour will be Dec 14th. The DQ Grill & Chill is located at 8013 State Street in Garrettsville, or call (330) 527-4621 for more details.

Dream Discussion

A dream discussion group is now forming and will meet once a month in Hiram. This is a free group. For more information call (330) 569-3376.

PCDL Library Holiday Hours

All branches and offices of Portage County District Library will be closed on the following dates (in observance of the holiday season): December 24, December 25, December 31 and January 1. Portage County District Library and its library staff wish patrons and member communities a safe and joyous holiday season.

Holiday Cookie Sale

Now – Dec 14

The Nelson United Methodist Church is taking orders for Christmas cookies. The cookies are $6/pound and sold in one or two-pound decorated boxes. Call Norma at (330) 527-5442 or Pam at (330) 527-5744 before Dec 15th to order.

Bell Ringers Needed


The People Tree is in need of volunteers to ring bells this holiday season. If you are able to volunteer 2 hours of your time, you can help make a difference. Groups and organizations are welcome to sign up for blocks of time. If you are able to help, please call Hallie at (330) 527-4097 or Kim at (330)527-4873.

Senior Citizens Meeting


Senior citizens are invited to join in a social time every Friday from 1-4pm at the Renaissance Family Center in Windham. Join with other seniors to play board games, card games, and socialize.

Influenza Vaccinations


The Geauga County Health District will offer seasonal influenza vaccinations on Friday mornings from 8:30-11am at 470 Center Street, Bldg. 8 in Chardon. No appt necessary and is available to anyone age 19 and older. The cost is $25. Traditional Medicare Part B, there is no charge. If you have any questions, please call the health department at (440) 279-1950.

“iHoliday” Raffle

through Dec 14

Crestwood Bands is selling raffle tickets for a chance to win an Apple iPad. Tickets are $5/each, $20/5 tickets or $50/15 tickets. The second prize is an iPod Shuffle and the third prize is an iTunes gift card. Drawing will be held on Dec 14th at the Crestwood Bands Winter Concert. Tickets can be purchased from any band patron, the high school or by calling Sue at (330) 842-0012.

Senior Lunch


Seniors — young and old — are welcome to lunch on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Nov will be covered dish at noon at the Braceville United Methodist Church.

Home 44444 the Holidays

Dec 6

The Newton Falls Area Commerce Association will sponsor the 6th Annual Home 44444 the Holidays.   Festivities will be held at Newton Falls High School on Saturday, Dec 11th from 10am-4pm. Join in the fun — pictures with Santa, crafts, vendors, food, Chinese auctions and more! Visit the website at www.home44444theholidays.com for more information.

“It’s a Wonderful Life”

through Dec 19

“It’s a Wonderful Life” the holiday classic of our time based on the film by Frank Capra and adapted by James W. Rodgers, will be performed live at the Geauga Theater this Dec. This version is not a musical, however there will still be music included at the production. A talented Children’s Chorus will perform. The cost is $15/adults, $13/students and seniors and $5/children 10 and under. A canned food donation will receive $2 off the ticket price (excluding the special children’s price of $5). Friday and Saturday evening performances are at 8p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. For information or to purchase tickets for the play, visit www.geaugatheater.org or call the box office at (440) 286-2255.

Fill-A-Police Car

Dec 10

The Middlefield Police Department’s “Fill-A-Police Car” food drive will be held on Friday, Dec 10th from 2-7pm at the Middlefield Wal-Mart and Save-A-Lot. Non-perishable food items will be collected for Christmas food baskets to support our area needy families.

Hiram College Music Events

Dec 10 & 14

On Friday, Dec 10th a choral and instrumental Christmas concert will be held at the Garfield Meeting House at 7:30pm. A Senior Recital will be held on Tuesday, Dec 14th at Frohring Recital Hall beginning at 7:30pm.

“Miracle on 34th Street”

Dec 10-12 & 17-18

A small girl’s belief in Santa and the magic of the holiday is at stake in a climactic courtroom decision. This tender and charming show for the entire family is a Christmas classic.

The performance will take place  in the James A Garfield Intermediate school. Tickets may be purchased online at www.garrettsvillecurtainsuptheatre.com  or by calling  216-375-0709.

“The Best Christmas Pageant Ever”

Dec 10-12 & 17-19

Kent Trumbull Theatre will present “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” on Dec 10-12 and Dec 17-19 at 4314 Mahoning Ave. NW in Warren. All shows are at 8pm except Sundays at 3pm. Call (330) 687-8887 or email trumbullboxoffice@kent.edu for more information.

Christmas Cookie Walk

Dec 11

Bainbridge Community Church, 17751 Chillicothe Road, will host their 2nd annual Cookie Walk on Saturday, Dec 11th from 10am-2pm. Enjoy a cup of coffee and Christmas music while strolling down aisles of homemade holiday sweets. Cookies are $8/pound and larger items are individually priced. For more information email eruzga@gmail.com.

Fracking Information Meeting

Dec 11

An information and planning meeting, sponsored by concerned citizens of Portage County, about hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, will be held on Saturday, Dec 11th from 2-4pm at the Reed Memorial Library, 167 E. Main Street in Ravenna. Everyone is welcome.

Winter Camping/Survival

Dec 11

The Geauga Park District will host a winter camping and survival program on Saturday, Dec 11th from 1:30-3pm at Big Creek Park, Meyer Center, 9160 Robinson Road, Chardon Township. For more information call (440) 286-9516 or visit http://geaugaparkdistrict.org.

Angel Shoppe & Crafts

Dec 11

Angel Shoppe & Crafts will be open on Saturday, Dec 11th from 10am to 4pm at the Huntsburg Congregational Church, 12435 Madison Road. Shop for craft and bake sale items while your children have fun purchasing inexpensive pre-wrapped gifts on their own. Lunch service while you wait.

Live Nativity

Dec 11-12

The Braceville Christian Church, 4387 Church Street SW, Newton Falls (located behind the Braceville Town Hall), will present a live nativity on Dec 11th & 12th from 6-8pm. There is no cost to drive through this special presentation.

FOE Craft Show

Dec 11 & 12

A craft show will be held on Dec 11th from 10am-4pm and Dec 12th from 10am to 3pm at the FOE Hall, 9052 St. Rt. 14 in Streetsboro. Admission is free. For more information call (330) 703-8280.

Visit with Santa

Dec 11 & 18

Visit with Santa Claus at the Mantua-Shalersville Fire Department on Saturday, Dec 11th & 18th from 10:30am-2pm. Christmas trees, holiday candles and gift baskets are available for purchase to help support eye-related projects. For more information contact Harold at (330) 274-2516.

Hiram Farm Barn Sale

Dec 11 & 18

Hiram Farm will open their new barn for Christmas shopping on Saturday, Dec 11th & 18th from 10am-1pm. Stop by for beautiful gifts and baked goods.

Bare Naked Trees

Dec 12

Identification can be difficult with the leaves on the trees. It is really a challenge when the trees are naked. Join leader Matt Sorrick and learn techniques to identify trees by bark, twig and other subtle features. Meet at the Hiram College Field Station on Wheeler Rd. between Hiram and Garrettsville at 2pm. The cost is $8/non-members and $5/members of Friends of the Field Station (includes winter tree identification guidebook). To register, or for more information, phone (330) 569-6003 or email sorrickmw@hiram.edu.

Christmas Presentation

Dec 12

The Newton Falls Untied Methodist Church, 336 Ridge Road (Rt. 534), will hold a special Christmas presentation on Sunday, Dec 12th at 7pm. The church youth choir, Lighthouse Puppets, Bell Choir and Chancel Choir will perform Glory to God in the Highest. A special black light show by Teens for Christ will also be presented.

New Toy Auction

Dec 12

The American Legion Post 674 of Windham will host a new toy auction on Dec 12th from 2-4pm at the Legion hall, 9960 E Center Street. Food and refreshments will also be available. This event is open to the public. Call (330) 326-3188 for more information.

Christmas Cantata

Dec 12

The Chancel Choir of the Garrettsville United Methodist Church, 8223 Park Avenue, will present a Christmas cantata on Sunday, Dec 12th at 7pm. The service will begin with a congregational carol sing. There is no admission charge, but a freewill offering will be taken.

Senior Luncheon

Dec 15

Seniors will meet at the Braceville United Methodist Church on Wednesday, Dec. 15th at Noon for a luncheon and program hosted by the Braceville CCL.

NF School Tax Budget Hearing

Dec 15

The Newton Falls Exempted Village School Board of Education will hold a tax budget hearing on Wednesday, Dec 15th at 10am in the Board office located at 909 1?2 Milton Blvd.

Volunteers Needed

Dec 16

The Township of Troy will celebrate its bicentennial in 2011. To commemorate the occasion, a group of current and prior township residents are reviving the Troy Homecoming Days. This event will be held August 20-21, 2011. If you are interested in participating or have ideas, the next meeting will be held on Thursday, Dec 16th at the Troy Community House at 7pm. For more information call Jerry (440) 834-4774.

NF School Board Meeting

Dec 16

The Newton Falls Exempted Village School Board of Education will hold its regular board meeting on Thursday, Dec 16th at 6pm in the Board Room located in the Jr. High, 907 1?2 Milton Blvd.

Toys For Children

Dec 18

Toys, coats, and food will be given away on Saturday, Dec 18th from 8am to noon at the Windham Town Hall – Sheriff’s Department. Everyone welcome for food, no requirements. For more information on toys and coats, or food, call Paula at (330) 285-1334 or Dianne at (330) 527-8005.

RAC Gift Certificates

Dec 20

Ravenna Parks and Recreation Department offers gift certificates to purchase for the holiday season.  Looking for a gift that tells a loved one or friend you really care about them?  The perfect gift says “I care about your health”  That gift may be a membership to the Ravenna Athletic Center (RAC).  A 90-day special is being offered through December 20th. Gift certificates may also be purchased for recreation programs and sports programs offered throughout the year.  Gift certificates are available in various amounts for the holiday season and year round.  Stop in during business hours and a staff member will be glad to assist you. For more information contact Ravenna Recreation at (330) 296-2864 weekdays 8-12 and 1-4:15 p.m.

Advent Services

Dec 19

Bethel Springs Fellowship will celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ with a fellowship to honor the death, resurrection and soon return of Jesus Christ through scripture reading, prayer and the lighting of Advent candles following the Dec 19th service. Bethel Springs Fellowship meets at 11am each Sunday at the Freedom Township Community Brick Chapel, 8940 State Route 700. For more information call (330) 298-9141.

Candlelight Walk

Dec 21

The Geauga Park District invites you to join the Winter Solstice Candlelight Walk on Tuesday, Dec 21st from 7:30-9:30pm at The West Woods Nature Center. Dress for the weather and help bring some light into the longest night of the year. End the evening with hot beverages and holiday music inside. For more information, contact Geauga Park District at (440) 286-9516 or visit www.geaugaparkdistrict.org.

Santa Delivery Service

Dec 23

The Rotary Club of Garrettsville-Hiram has made special arrangements with Santa Claus to personally deliver packages in Garrettsville and Hiram on Thursday, Dec 23rd. Since so many children have been good this year, Santa feels he will be exceptionally busy on Christmas Eve and has agreed to come a day early. If you have a package that you would like Santa to deliver, please drop it off at The Business Works, 8110 Main Street or McCumbers-Brady Realty, 8118 Main Street in Garrettsville, by Dec 20th. Santa does not charge for this service, but encourages donations that will be given to the People Tree. If you have any questions, please call Amy at (330) 527-4415.

Giant Candyland

Dec 29

Stop by the Newton Falls Library between 11am and 6pm on Wednesday, Dec 29th with your children ages 3-8 and spend 20-40 minutes playing Candyland on our giant board. No registration is required. For more information call (330) 872-1282.

New Years Eve Dance

Dec 31

Ring in the New Year with your friends at the Parkman Community House, 16295 Main Market/St. Rt. 422. The doors will open at 8pm. The Boys are Back will be playing from 9pm-1am. The cost is $25/couple and BYOB-wash provided and simple snacks. Feel free to bring snacks. Tickets are limited, to make your reservation call Patty at (440) 548-2242 or Denise at (440) 548-2939. Sponsored by Parkman Chamber of Commerce.

Free Throw Championship

Jan 12

Crestwood area boys and girls ages 10-14 are invited to participate in the 2011 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship on January 12th at 6:30pm at the Crestwood Middle School. Participants are required to furnish proof of age and written parental consent. For more information, or an entry form, call Anthony at (330) 296-3097 or (216) 789-8495.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography