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Newton Falls Public Library’s Free e-Book Training
Register today
Want to take advantage of the free e-Media offered by the Newton Falls Public Library through our shared CLEVNET catalog, but not sure about how to do so? The library staff will be happy to assist you in getting started downloading e-Books and audiobooks.  Sign up today for a free one on one session.

GCRTA Grant Offered
The Geauga County Retired Teachers Association is offering a $1,500 grant to a college senior.  The recipient must be enrolled in a college of education and be a student teacher during the 2012-2013 school year.  In addition, the person must have resided in Geauga County or graduated from one of the high schools in the county. For an application, contact Ruth Holm at 15920 Arbor Trail, Newbury, OH 44065 or call 440-564-6652.

Register now for the Class of 2025!
The J. A. Garfield School District is now accepting kindergarten registration information for your child who will turn age 5 before Sept 30, 2012. Registration will take place on Wednesday, March 14, Thursday March 15 and Friday March 16, 2012 at the elementary school.  Please call the Elementary School office at 330-527-2184 to schedule an appointment for your child as soon as possible.

Crestwood Kindergarten Registration
Information packets and registration paperwork are now available for parents to pick up at the Crestwood Primary school. The official registration will take place on Feb 23 and March 1 during the times of 9:30 am – 11:30 am; 1 – 2:30 pm and 5-7 pm.  All registration will take place at the Crestwood Primary building. Children must be five years old on or before Aug. 1, 2012 to be eligible to attend kindergarten during the 2012-13 school year.

American Legion Breakfasts
The Windham American Legion will be serving breakfast every Monday morning from 8-11 am. Cost is $6.

American Legion Fish Fry
The Windham American Legion will be hosting a fish fry every Friday from 5 – 8  pm. Cost is $8.50.

Newbury Pancake Breakfast
Sundays in February
The Newbury Area Kiwanis Club is hosting  all-you-can-eat pancake breakfasts at the Newbury High School cafeteria every Sunday in February. Come enjoy a hearty pancake breakfast from 8:30 am – 12:30 pm. Cost: $6.50 ages 13 and up; $3.50 ages 3-12; 2 and under are free.  Family Pack – up to 5 people $22. Proceeds benefit scholarship funds and other community needs.

FREEGAL Comes To Burton Public Library
FREEGAL stands for “Free and Legal” and is a new downloadable music service for patrons of the Burton Public Library. The library now offers free and legal music downloads from Sony Music’s catalog of legendary artists.  Registered cardholders of the Burton Public Library or other CLEVNET libraries are able to download three songs per week in MP3 format from the library’s website using their library card barcode and PIN.  Freegal works with any MP3 device, including iPods.  If you have an Internet browser on your computer or handheld device and have a Burton Public Library card, you can access Freegal. The library is pleased to announce this new service to the community.  Access Freegal through the Burton Public Library website:  www.burton.lib.oh.us

Spring Soccer Sign Ups
Through Feb 24
Registration for co-ed youth spring soccer with Ravenna Parks and Recreation Department & Eat’N Park is being held through Feb 24 for children 4 years old to sixth graders.  Fee for Ravenna City taxpayers (live or work in Ravenna City limits) is $40 and all others pay $48.  After Feb 24 a $10 late fee will be charged.  Players will need shin guards and mouth pieces.  Divisions are U6, U8, U10 and U12.  Practice begins end of March.  Games are scheduled for Sundays, April 15, 22, 29 & May 6 and 20 and Saturday, May 12 at the Ravenna Soccer Complex. For more information contact Ravenna Recreation Department (330) 296-2864 weekdays, 8 a.m. to 12 noon or 1:00 to 4:15 p.m. or stop in at 530 North Freedom St.

Soup & Sandwich Day
Feb 10
Soup & Sandwich Day will be held on February 10, 2012  from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Newton Falls United Methodist Church,  336 Ridge Road (Route 534).  Take outs will be available (330-872-1564)

Eagles Fish Fry
Feb 10
The Garrettsville Eagles will be hosting a fish fry on Feb 10th from 4:30 – 7:30 pm. Fish or shrimp or a combo is available.  Chicken strips are also available.  All dinners are $8 and include baked potato or French fries, green beans, cole slaw or apple sauce, dinner roll and butter and coffee.  To go orders are welcome by calling 330 527-2330. Dinners will be held EVERY Friday during Lent (Feb 24th – April 6)

Air Force  ROTC, TCTC  Spaghetti Dinner
Feb 10
A spaghetti dinner to help support the students from  TCTC,  Air Force JR ROTC , and their efforts to raise funds will be held at the VFW Post # 3332, Arlington Rd in  Newton Falls on Feb 10th. To donate to the Reserve Officer Training Program from Trumbull Career and Technical Center for the students,  come to the dinner! The other ways to help is to donate a basket or contact  2nd Lt. Chelsea Moran @ 330-872-3107 .

Teddy Bear Dance
Feb 11
Bring your favorite teddy bear to the Teddy Bear Dance on Feb 11 from 7 – 10 pm at the North Bloomfield Town Hall, junction of SR 45 & 87.  Admission $5 ages 10+; $4 under 10. Come enjoy a night of square and line dancing.  Proceeds benefit the town hall restoration fund.

First Church of God Family Day
Feb 11
The First Church of God in Windham is having a community family day.  There will be games, food, and some entertainment.  The event is on Feb. 11, 2012 and  is from 11:00 a.m. – 2 p.m.  It is open to all families in the community and the event is free.

All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner
Feb 11
An All-You-Can-Eat spaghetti dinner will be held at St. Ambrose Church hall in Garrettsville, Saturday, February 11th from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. Featuring all you can eat spaghetti  and meatballs, crispy salad, fresh Italian bread, homemade dessert, and beverage. Cost is $8.00 for adults, $5.00 for youth ages 6 to 12, and kids 5 and under are free! Hosted by Knights of Columbus council 11801.

Windham Hot Stove Baseball and Softball Sign Ups
Feb 11
Windham Hot Stove baseball and softball sign ups will be held on Feb 11th from 10a-2p. All sign ups are at Windham Township Hall. Sign up forms will NOT be accepted without payment. 2012 prices are:4 & 5 year olds $40; 6 – 8 year olds $55; 9 – 14 year olds $60; 15-18 year olds $70. A $5 late fee will be added to all forms submitted after February 11th

Heart of the Lyons Walk
Feb 11
A one mile fun walk through Northgate in Garrettsville will take place at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 11th to benefit Porter Lyons and his family. The cost of this event will be $10. The race will come with a t-shirt that shows you truly came and supported Porter and his family in their time of need. Folks can register online for the race at www.heartofthelyons.eventbrite.com until February 3, 2012.

Spaghetti Dinner & Music
Feb 11
The Renaissance Family Center and the Windham Bands are having an evening of food and entertainment. Make a date for the family for a great Spaghetti Dinner and music from the Windham Band on  Feb. 11th at the Center from 5 pm to 7 pm, cost $7.50 for adults and $4.00 for children 12 and under.  Presale tickets available but not necessary.  Don’t spend another Saturday watching reruns on the TV. Come have some fun at the Renaissance Center and hear the band.

Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Open House
Feb 11
Habitat for Humanity of Portage County is recruiting individuals who are willing to volunteer their time and energy to serve on active committees helping with the operations and various functions of the organizations.  Individuals interested in selecting and working with Habitat families, oversight of construction days, marketing, fundraising and more are needed to assist the non-profit fulfill its goals.  A volunteer information meeting will be held on Saturday February 11th at 10am at the Habitat office at 6630 Cleveland Road, Ravenna OH  44266.  RSVP’s for the orientation must be made by noon on Friday Feb. 10th. To RSVP or find out more about how you can volunteer with Habitat, contact the Habitat office at (330) 296-2880 or office@habitatofportage.org

Burton Public Library Book Sale
Feb 11
The Friends of the Burton Public Library will hold their next book sale on Saturday, February 11 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  There are items for everyone:  books, magazines, movies, music, puzzles, etc.  Please enter the sale through the white doors located at the back of the building.

Garrettsville Library Bake Sale
Feb 11
There will be a bake sale at the Garrettsville Library on Saturday, February 11 beginning at 9:00 am. All proceeds from this sale will go towards the purchase of new library materials for the Garrettsville Library, located at 10482 South Street in Garrettsville. Call 330-527-4378 for more information.

Frederick Loudin & The Fisk Jubilee Singers
Feb 11
Christine McVay will discuss Frederick Loudin and the Fisk Jubilee Singer on Saturday February 11, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. at Reed Memorial Library. Frederick Loudin (1836-1904) was a former Ravenna resident who was a vocalist for the Fisk Jubilee Singers, he later became their manager. Join us at Reed Memorial Library for an interesting talk on his life and stop and see the exhibit at the library on Frederick Loudin and Fisk Jubilee Singers.  The exhibit is at the Library courtesy of the Portage County Historical Society.  For more information please call 330-296-2827.

American Legion Pancake Breakfasts
Feb 12, 19 & 26
The Middlefield-Burton American Legion Post 459 will be hosting their pancake and sausage breakfasts Feb 12, 19 & 26 from 9 am – 1:30 pm at 14052 Goodwin St, Burton.  Contact Ron at 440 343-1478 for more information.

Regina Brett To Speak
Feb 12
On February 12, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. Regina Brett will be at Reed Memorial Library.  She will be discussing her new book, Be the Miracle: 50 Lessons for Making the Impossible Possible.   Regina hosts her own radio show and is an award- winning columnist for the Cleveland Plain Dealer.  There will be books available to purchase and to get signed by the author.  This program is free and open to the public.  For more information please call 330-296-2827.

Habitat for Humanity Homeownership Info Session
Feb 12
Habitat for Humanity of Portage County is currently looking for interested individuals and families who would like to fulfill their dream of owning their own home.  Openings for homeownership are available for current building projects.  An informational session about Habitat homeownership will be held on February 12th at the Habitat Office Conference Room located at 6630 Cleveland Road in Ravenna Township. The session will begin promptly at 2:00 PM.  Families are chosen without respect to age, gender, sexual preference, disability, race, religion or national origin. Persons interested in attending the February orientation are encouraged to call the Habitat Office at 330-296-2880 or email at office@habitatofportage.org to advise the staff that they are coming to the orientation session.

American Legion #236 Breakfast
Feb 12
American Legion # 236  in Newton Falls  will be hosting a breakfast on Feb 12th from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm. Breakfast Buffet  – $ 7 regular and $5 for seniors. Come out and enjoy a nice breakfast and company too!

Treat Your Valentine to Pancakes
Feb 12
Hambden Grange #2482 is serving an AYCE Pancake Breakfast with maple syrup, corn fritters, sausage, juice, and coffee. Sunday, February 12, from 8:00am to 1:00pm. The Grange is located at 9778 Old State Road, Chardon. Cost is $6 for Adults and #3 for Children 10 and under.

St. Michael’s Church Special Bingo
Feb 12
St. Michael’s Church, 9736 East Center St in Windham will be hosting a special Bingo on Feb 12 at 1:30 pm. Sponsored by the Ladies Guild and K of C, the bingo will include gift and bakery raffles and refreshments. No one under 18 admitted.

Relay for Life Lordstown /Newton Falls Meeting
Feb 13
The next Relay for Life meeting is Feb 13th at 6pm for the committee, 6:30 for captains and  anyone wanting to join, participate or get information and will be held at City Hall in  Council Chambers.  There is a lot to look forward to and discuss  Come and join us or start a new team.     If you are a survivor, we need to hear from you too. That is wonderful and a great milestone to be celebrated!

“JC Night” (JR Church night)
Feb 14
FREE for children ages 4 – 6th grade!  New Hope Baptist Church is launching its new monthly “JC NIGHT” program on Valentine’s Day (but we think parents will enjoy it also). Designed to offer parents a few hours of free time between 6 pm – 10 pm while children can enjoy a special service prepared just for them, including Bible lessons, mission stories, puppet shows/skits, adventures, crafts, snacks, music, etc. Registration is required. Call 330-326-3777, Email NewHopeOutreachDir@yahoo.com or visit our website at: NewHopeWindham.org

Wine Tasting Event
Feb 16
The Field Levy Committee is hosting a Wine Tasting Feb 16,  5 – 9 pm at the Viking Vineyard, 268 Old Forge Rd., Brimfield.  Tickets are $10 and include 4 sample tastings, hors d’oeuvres, entertainment by Joe Cavaretta (www.myspace.com/joecavmusic).  There will be a Silent Auction and 50/50 Raffle.  Tickets can be purchased at any school office or at the door.  For more information call 330.687.8439.

All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner
Feb 18
All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner will be held on Saturday, February 18th from 4pm-7pm at the Full Gospel Mission Church, 887 West Spruce Ave, Ravenna.  Adults: $7.50; Children(4-12yrs): $4.00; Toddlers(3 & under): Free.
Take out orders are available

5th Annual Men Who Cook!
Feb 18
Celebrate Mardi Gras with Catholic Charities at our 5th Annual Men Who Cook! The event will be February 18, 2012, from 6:00 to 9:30pm at Immaculate Conception Parish Hall in Ravenna. Come enjoy the specialties of our local chefs!  Tickets are $40 per person which includes appetizer, entrée and dessert tastings from all of our celebrity chefs!  Make your reservations now. We expect a sell out!  To purchase tickets contact: Bobbi McKnight at Catholic Charities of Portage County  Phone: 330-297-7745 bobbi.mcknight@catholiccharitiesps.org

Indoor Garage Sale
Feb 18
Huge Indoor Garage Sale Feb 18th from 9 am to 3 pm. Food concessions available; you can shop all day and not get hungry. Renaissance Family Center 9005 Wilverne Dr. Windham, Oh

Cabbage Roll Dinner
Feb 18
Cabbage Roll Dinner will be held at  St. Michael’s Church, Ridge Road, Newton Falls on Saturday,  Feb. 18, 4-6 p.m.  $8.  Carry out meals available.

Meet The Authors
Feb 19
Authors Paul J. Bauer and Mark Dawidziac will be at the Reed Memorial Library on February 19, 2019 at 2:00 to talk about their exciting book, “Jim Tully: American Writer, Irish Rover, Hollywood Brawler.”  Jim Tully left his hometown of St. Marys, Ohio in 1901 and thus began an adventure. He spent six years on the road, landing in Kent, Ohio with dreams of becoming a writer.  He became a major American author and another chapter of his life started.  For more information please call 330-296-2827.

Trumbull Art Gallery’s Photo 2012
Feb 19
Join us at the Trumbull Art Gallery for our third annual juried photo exhibit.  The exhibit is open to all artists, and will be juried by Katherine Mickle, who teaches photography at Slippery Rock University.  Entries must be delivered on Feb. 11, between noon and 4 PM.   There is a $15 fee to compete.  The opening night reception for the show will be held Feb. 19 from 2-4 PM; winners will be announced at 3.   Admission to the reception and show is free.  We are located at 196-198 E Market St, in Warren, and are open from 12-4 PM Tue.-Sat.

Newton Falls Youth Soccer Meeting
Feb 19
The first meeting of the Newton Falls Youth Soccer League, will be held at 6pm on February 19th in the Community Center
All are welcome to attend.

Portage Relay For Life Team Captains Meeting
Feb 20
Team Captains meeting. It will be the first Team Captain meeting for the 2012 Northern Portage Relay For Life. Our meeting will be held on Monday Feb 20th at  7 PM. We will meet at Doogan’s in the Barrington Plaza in Aurora. At this months meeting we will be introducing committee members and team captains, registering new teams, discussing fundraiser ideas and new plans for this years event. If you can’t attend but would like more information call me at 330-607-7589 or e-mail me at DreamT959@aol.com.  Everyone is welcome to attend.

Free Computer Training at the Garrettsville Library
Feb 20-22
Portage County District Library is partnering with ConnectOhio, a non-profit organization, to offer free computer training sessions to Portage County residents. The training sessions will provide basic Internet training such as computer basics, an introduction to the Internet and email basics. Sessions have been scheduled for the Garrettsville Library on Feb 20 – 22 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Online registration is available at www.portagelibrary.org (select “Library Programs”). Space limited to 12 seats. Call 330-562-6502 for more information about these sessions. There is also a free self-paced curriculum available online at http://eco.connectohio.org/. Registration is required in order to create an account.

Fat Tuesday! Pancake Supper
Feb 21
Want to have some New Orleans fun, and save the drive?  Brighter Day Church welcomes you to join us for a free pancake supper on Fat Tuesday, February 21st. from 5-8pm. Located in the Hilltop Christian Church, 4572 West Prospect St. in Mantua.  If you have any question please contact  Jill Corbett, 330-524-0556.  Hope to see you there!!

Lenten Fish Dinners
Beginning Feb 24
St. John Byzantine Catholic Parish, 36125 Aurora Road (corner of Liberty and Aurora roads) will serve fish dinners during Lent on Fridays, Feb. 24, March 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30. The dinner includes 2 pieces of breaded flounder, potato and pierogi (all oven-baked), bread or rolls, butter, beverage and dessert. Cost is $10 per dinner. Serving time is 4:30-6:30 p.m. Pierogi dinners also available. Takeouts available. For more information call 440-248-4530.

RFC Free Dinner
Feb 24
Free Monthly dinner that is kicked up a notch with a free drawing each month for two very nice prizes.  Everyone gets a number when they arrive and the winner is drawn. Free Dinner, everyone invited, Feb. 24th from 5:00 till 6:30 pm at the Renaissance Family Center. Come early, drawing by 6:00.

1st Annual Fred Haney Winter Softball Tournament
Feb 25
The 1st Annual Fred Haney Winter Softball Tournament will be held on Feb 25 at the Time Out Sports Bar in Freedom Twp.  Tournament begins at 8 am.  Contact Raymond Oliver at 330 524-2746 or Time Out Sports Bar at 330 527-9080 to register your team. Cost is $100/team.  Registration ends on Feb 20th.

Geauga County Master Gardener Volunteers Gardening 101
Feb 25
Master Gardener Joe Banzer demonstrates a plan for a successful garden using a new presentation and lots of “how to” pictures. Topics include soil improvement, raised beds, soil testing, fertilizers, plant selection and other aspects of starting or improving a home garden.  Fee of $15.  Light refreshments. Call 440-834-4656 to register.    Class held Saturday, Feb. 25, 9:30 a.m. – Noon at  Patterson Bldg.(on the Burton Fairgrounds), 14269 Claridon-Troy Road.  Mail check payable to OSU Extension, PO Box 387, Burton, Ohio 44021.  View a list of upcoming Master Gardener Volunteer-sponsored classes:  geauga.osu.edu/

Storytime & Book Signing
Feb 25
Mialie T. Szymanski, author and illustrator of the children’s picture book Doodle Dog Enjoys the Day will be visiting The Learned Owl Book Shop in Hudson  on Feb 25th at 1pm. Come for a Doodle Dog storytime, kid-friendly activity, and opportunity to have your own copy signed by the author. Copies of the book will be available for purchase or bring your favorite edition of “Puppy Tails” to have it autographed. It’s going to be a “paws”itively grrreat day! For more information, call The Learned Owl at 330-653-2252 or visit www.learnedowl.com.

Community Music Night
Feb 26
The Newton Falls Ministerial Association will be sponsoring a “Community Music Night” on Sunday, February 26.  The service will be held at the Newton Falls United Methodist Church, 336 Ridge Road,  Newton Falls and will begin at 6:00 PM and will feature musical selections from various church choirs from within the Newton Falls community.  All are welcome to attend this service of “worship through music.”

Chili Cook-Off
Feb 26
Calling all cooks! Think you make the best chili in town? Here’s your chance to prove it! Garrettsville United Methodist Church is sponsoring a chili cook-off on Feb 26 at 1 p.m. to benefit the Nelson Garrettsville Community Cupboard. Registration fee is $5 for each team (due by Feb 17), and admission to the event is $5 per person, children under 10 are free.  Contact the church office at 330-527-2055 for registration forms or further information.

Windham American Legion Raffle
Drawing Feb 26
The Windham American Legion Post #674, SAL is raffling off a 37-inch flat screen TV. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. Purchase at Post 674 or from any SAL member. Drawing will be February 26th.

Newton Falls Public Library Trustees Meeting
Feb 29
The Newton Falls Public Library Board of Trustees Regular Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, February 8, 2012 has been rescheduled for Wednesday, February 29, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. at 204 S. Canal Street, Newton Falls, OH 44444.

Scout Troop 112 Fundraiser Night
March 1
Boy Scout Troop 112 Will be holding a Fundraiser Night at CiCi’s Pizza located in front of  the Home Depot in Niles on Thursday, March 1st, 2012 from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm!  It’s easy; just purchase your buffet, put your receipt in the box and enjoy your meal!!  More info? Call 330-507-3886, or email troop112@yahoo.com.

World Day of Prayer
March 2
World Day of Prayer 2012 will be observed on Friday, March 2.  A community service, led by the churches of Braceville, Lordstown and Newton Falls, will be held on Friday, March 2 at 11:00 AM at the First Baptist Church, 2640 South Canal Street, Newton Falls  The theme of this year’s event is “Let Justice Prevail.”    Those attending are invited to bring a covered dish to the luncheon which will follow the service.

Card Party
March 4
St. William Women’s Guild Annual Card Party will be held at 5431 Mahoning Ave. NW Champion, OH on March 4 at 1 p.m.  Doors open at 12:30 p.m. – Donation $7.  Theme:  “Life is like a Game of Cards”. Featuring our famous “Grand Salad Bar”, 50/50 Raffle,  cash and craft raffle. A portion of the proceeds will benefit Bella Women’s Center.

The Art and Science of Pruning!
March 3
Master Gardeners  Jim Zeitz and Deb Palmisano will demonstrate proper pruning techniques to achieve desired growth and maximum plant performance.  This class will ease your fear of pruning by helping you understand the when, how, where and why associated with pruning all your landscape plants and trees.  Light refreshments and handouts will be provided.  Class to be held Saturday, March 3, 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.  Registration fee $15.   Geauga County OSU Extension Office, Patterson Center (on the Burton Fairgrounds).  Call 440-834-4656 to register.  Mail check payable to OSU Extension, PO Box 387, Burton, Ohio 44021. View a list of upcoming Master Gardener Volunteer sponsored classes:  geauga.osu.edu/

Newton Falls Public Library Trustees Meeting
March 21
The Newton Falls Public Library Board of Trustees Regular Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 14, 2012 has been rescheduled for Wednesday, March 21, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. at 204 S. Canal Street, Newton Falls, OH 44444.

Oink & Squeal Party
March 24
The Burton American Legion Ladies Auxiliary Post 459 are pleased to present an Oink & Squeal Party on March 24. The raffle and Chinese auction will be held at the Burton American Legion Hall, 14052 Goodwin St. Burton. Doors open at 5 pm, raffle at 7 pm.  Raffle tickets are $2 each; Chinese auction tickets 10 for $1.

Souped up Jazz
March 24
JA Garfield Band’s “Souped up Jazz” will be on March 24th, 2012.  The jazz bands and the show choir will be performing.  We hope you will be able to join us for this fantastic fundraiser.

Ravenna Garden Club Sale
March 24
The Ravenna Garden Club will be holding a crafts and collectable sale from 9 am – 3 pm on  March 24, 2012 at the Portage County Garden Center, 5154 South Prospect St, Ravenna. Free  admission.  Lunch available. Door Prize and Raffle. Contact:  Pat Thomas at  330-297-0232  or  Laura Yaunt at  330-850-5007 for more information and to reserve a  table space for $20.00

Blue Grass Mass
March 30
The Chamber Singers (formerly Hiram College Choir) will be performing a “Blue Grass Mass,”  complete with a Bluegrass band, on Friday,  March 30th, 2011, at Hiram Christian Church at 7:30 pm.  All voices are still welcome to audition, but we are very much in need of altos and tenors!   Rehearsals are Mondays and Wednesdays, 4:15 – 5:30 in Frohring Recital Hall. Faculty, staff, and community members are also welcome.

Kindergarten Parent Information Night
April 12
There will be a kindergarten parent information night for Crestwood parents on April 12 at 6 pm. in the Crestwood Primary school cafeteria. NO child care services will be available at this time. If you have questions, please call 330 357-8202.

Ravenna Summerfest
June 16
Save this date!!  Summerfest in Ravenna is coming.  Details to follow…

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography