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We’re All Invited


Register now for the Class of 2025!

The J. A. Garfield School District is now accepting kindergarten registration information for your child that will turn age 5 before Sept 30, 2012. Registration will take place on Wednesday, March 14, Thursday March 15 and Friday March 16, 2012 at the elementary school.  Please call the Elementary School office at 330-527-2184 to schedule an appointment for your child as soon as possible.   We also require copies of the following documents at the time of registration: *Child’s certified birth certificate; *Social Security card; *Immunization Records; *Custody Papers (If applicable); *Proof of Residency (property tax statement, deed, rental agreement or voter registration card); *Driver License or photo identification of custodial person enrolling student


American Legion Breakfasts


The Windham American Legion will be serving breakfast every Monday morning from 8-11 am. Cost is $6.


Guitar Lessons

Register Now

Ravenna Parks and Recreation is offering Guitar Lessons for children 8 yrs to adult.  Students must provide their own Guitar and must also purchase the Melbay Book 1 prior to the start of class.  Classes held at Brown Middle School Band Room on Tuesdays beginning Jan 24 to March 13.  Fee for Ravenna city taxpayers is $40 and fee for all others is $45.  Ages 8-12 will meet from 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. and ages 13 through adults from 7:20 to 8:20 p.m.  To register contact Ravenna Recreation Department, 330-296-2864 weekdays 8 a.m. to noon or 1 p.m. to 4:15 p.m


Geauga County Umpire Classes

Register Today

Geauga County Umpire Association is offering an umpire association certification course for high school baseball and softball. Classes are on Mon, Weds and Sat from Feb 13 – Mar 17. Weekday classes are 6:30 – 8 pm; Sat 8 – 11 am. Cost is $100 plus uniforms and equipment. For info contact David Henry at (440) 840-5231. Softball classes begin Jan 22. Contact Mike at (440) 564-7336.


Indoor Soccer Foot Skills

Register Now

Ravenna Parks and Recreation Department is offering Indoor Soccer Foot Skills for children 4 years to 7 years old on Mondays, January 30 to March 5 (no class on Feb. 20) at the First Congregational Church of Ravenna, 266 S. Chestnut Street.  The 4 and 5 year olds will meet 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. and the 6 and 7 year olds will follow at 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.  Registration limited to 12 per age group. Fee for city taxpayers is $30 and non-city taxpayer fee is $35. Registration deadline is Jan 23. After that there is a $10 late fee if any openings.  To register contact Ravenna Recreation (330) 296-2864 weekdays 8 a.m. to noon or 1:00 to 4:15 p.m.


American Legion Fish Fry


The Windham American Legion will be hosting a fish fry every Friday from 5 – 8  pm. Cost is $8.50.


Line Dance Lessons

Register By Jan 20

Ravenna Parks and Recreation Department is offering line dance lessons. Open to teens and adults, the lessons will begin on January 24 to March 6 for 7 weeks. The lessons are held at John Tontimonia City Park Tower Lodge on Tuesdays.  Cost is $55 for city taxpayers or $60 for non-city taxpayers.  Min 15 and max 30.

Deadline to register is Jan 20.


Swim With The Hiram College Water Dogs

Register By Jan 27

Swim lesson registration ends on Jan 27th! Register online!   http://www.hiram.edu/athletics/menssports/swim/lessons.html  Lesson times are  2 – 3 pm, 3 – 4 pm, 4 – 5 pm, 5 – 6 pm  on Sunday afternoons – Jan 29, Feb 5, 12, 19 & 26.  All levels. Lessons are 45 minutes with 15 minutes of free time at the end.

Cost: $50 per child for all 5 lessons              Age: 4 years and older. Sign up at the Hiram  College Pool  on  Jan 22, from 2:30-4:30pm  ** Questions? Call Jack Groselle at 330-569-5343


Coaches Needed

Apply through Feb 3

The Newton Falls Little Tigers will be accepting coaching applications

for the upcoming 2012 season. We will be accepting applications for

head coaches until February 3, 2012. For more information please

contact Share O’Leary at 330-984-7045 or e-mail shanestbernard@gmail.com.. You may also contact Bill Wright for information @ 330-240-1435 or e-mail wbwright@yahoo.com.


Spaghetti Dinner & Bake Sale

Jan 20

A spaghetti dinner & bake sale will be held at the Ravenna Masonic Complex, SR 14 & Washington Ave, Ravenna on Jan 20th from 5-7 p.m.  Adults $7; Children 6-12 $4; Under 6 FREE.  Carry outs available.  Public welcome. More info call 330 296-4556.


Otter Hike

Jan 21

Though these neat mammals have been spotted in the area, the chance of actually seeing one on this hike is slim. The group will spot signs of where otters live, such as slides, dens, scat and tracks. The hike will take place on Jan 21 from 2 to 3 p.m. at  Eldon Russell Park, Horwath’s Landing, 16115 Rapids Road, Troy Township.

The River Otter is one of the most playful animals out there, so there will be plenty of behaviors to talk about while looking. Registration is not required for this free program for all ages. Dress for the weather – waterproof foot gear is recommended, too. Call 440-286-9516 with questions.


Science Saturday At NF Library

Jan 21

Saturday, January 21 @ 10:30 am – Students, ages 5 – 12 years are invited to become mad scientists, performing hands-on biology, chemistry, and physics experiments at Science Saturday on Jan 21st at 10:30 am. Students will work together to set up and complete experiments and discuss the results. Registration is required due to supplies needed.  Call 330.872.1282 to reserve your spot.


The Rarest Forest Around

Jan 21

Visit the White Pine Bog Forest near Burton, considered by ecologists to be the rarest forest in Ohio. Some of the towering pines may be up to 300 years old. Surrounded by wetlands and adjacent to Snow Lake, the forest is a rare remnant of the original Ohio landscape. Owned by The Nature Conservancy, special permission is required to access the property, as it is not open to the general public. The hike begins at 10 am. Directions will be provided upon registration. To register, call 330.569.6003 or email sorrickmw@hiram.edu. Sponsored by Friends of the Hiram College Field Station (Fee: $8 for non-members, $6 for members).


All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner

Jan 22

Middlefield – Burton American Legion will be holding an all-you-can-eat spaghetti dinner at 14052 Goodwin St in Burton on Jan. 22nd from 4 pm to 8 pm. Contact Ken  at 440 635-6390 or Skip at 440 834-1191 for more information.


Pancakes At The Grange

Jan 22

Hambden Grange #2482 is serving an AYCE Pancake Breakfast with maple syrup, corn fritters, sausage, juice and coffee, Sunday, January 22, from 8:00am to l:00pm.  The Grange is located at 9778 Old State Road, Chardon. Cost is $6 for Adults and $3 for Children 10 and under.


Bach Recital At Hiram

Jan 22

Michael Sponseller, harpsichord, and Douglas Kelley, viola da gamba, will play a program of works by J.S. Bach on Sunday, January 22 at 3 p.m.  Location is Frohring Recital Hall, 11746 Dean Street, Hiram.  The free event is sponsored by Hiram Community Trust and the Hiram College Music Department.


Free Community Dinner

Jan 24

Windham American Legion will be hosting a free community dinner on Jan 24 from 5-6 pm on Jan 24. No Take outs. Everyone welcome.


Roast Beef Dinner

Jan 24

The Garrettsville United Methodist Church, located at 8223 Park Ave, will be hosting a Roast Beef dinner on Jan 24th from 4:30 – 7 p.m. The cost is $8.50 for adults, $4.50 for children under 12 and free for preschool children. The menu includes roast beef, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad, rolls, desert and beverages. Take-out orders are available.


Crestwood Band Annual Citrus Sale

Through Jan 25

The Crestwood Band annual citrus sale is being held through Jan 25, 2012.  This annual sale has been supporting the band for over 40 years! Proceeds will be used to support the Instrumental Music Departments in the Intermediate, Middle and the High schools.  You can order three ways:  contact a band member, call 330-274-2567 or 330-569-7613, or you can order online at www.doorstepdirect.org.  Please enter the school code OH11184 so we receive credit for the sale.  Thank you for supporting the Crestwood instrumental music programs.


Red Cross Blood Drive

Jan 25

Bi-monthly blood drive at the United Methodist Church, 336 Ridge Rd., Newton Falls ,Ohio is on Jan. 25, a Wed. from 12 Noon to 6 PM ,in the fellowship hall. There is always a need for blood all times of the year, sickness and accidents and surgeries dont take holidays. Please start the new year out right and come save some lives, its easy and doesn’t take long.


Current Events Discussion Group

Jan 25

A new Current Events Discussion Group for adults has been formed in Burton.  The group meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month at the Burton Public Library from 2-4 p.m.  “Fracking” will be the topic for this month’s meeting on Wednesday, January 25. All are welcome to attend and no reservations are required.


Book Discussion Group

Jan 25

On Jan 25 at 6 pm  the Newton Falls Public Library’s Book Discussion  will meet to discuss The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.  Her name was Henrietta Lacks, but scientists know her as HeLa. She was a poor Southern tobacco farmer whose cells were taken without her knowledge and then they became one of the most important tools in medicine. Copies of the book are available for borrowing at the library’s circulation desk. It is not necessary to have finished the book to attend.


Auburn Garden Club Meeting

Jan 25

The Auburn Garden Club will Host an OPEN HOUSE on January 25th, 2012. Time is 7:00 pm at the Auburn Township Hall (corner of East Washington St & Auburn Rd)   Anyone interested in gardening, from the beginner gardener to an expert, stop by and learn what the Auburn Garden Club is all about. For more information contact Susan at 330-883-2833 or email  auburngardenclub@gmail.com


God Provides A Meal

Jan 27

The Nelson United Methodist Church will be hosting their free “God Provides A Meal”, on January 27. A hearty soup dinner will be served from 4-6 pm, with brownies for desert! Everyone is welcome to join us on Nelson Circle at 9367 SR 305 in the church social hall. If you are shut in, please call (330) 527-2268 previous to 1/27/12 to make arrangements for delivery.


Stuffed Pork Chop Dinner

Jan 28

There will be a stuffed pork chop dinner at the Braceville United Methodist Church off  SR 82 in the center of Braceville on Jan 28 from 4-6:30 p.m.  The dinner includes mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, cole slaw, applesauce, homemade desserts, bread, coffee, tea or punch.  The cost is $9 for adults and $3.50 for children. Phone number for takeouts (330) 898.5607.


Frisbee Golf “Snowbowl”

Jan 28

Yes, you can golf in the snow! Frisbee “disc golf” is a year round sport. If you are looking for some outdoor fun on the weekend, plan on entering the Frisbee Golf “Snowbowl” at Punderson State Park, January 28. Hosted by the volunteers of Friends of Punderson, registration is at the Punderson Sports Chalet from 9-10 AM, Tee-off at 11AM.  Entry fee is $5 for recreational play, $15intermediate and $30 for advanced players.  A donation of two canned goods or $5 is required for each entry with all donations  going to Geauga County Jobs and Family Services. There are prizes for the top three players in each division. The course is 18 holes outdoors; plan to dress warm for outdoor hiking and throwing in the snow. Discs and hand warmers will be available for sale along with hot chocolate and other refreshments.  For more information visit the website: http://friendsofpunderson.com


Pancake & Sausage Breakfast

Jan 29

Middlefield – Burton American Legion will be holding a pancake & sausage breakfast at 14052 Goodwin St in Burton on Jan. 29th from 9 am to 1:30 pm.  Contact Ron at 440 343-1478 for more information.


Ice Caves: Winter splendor at Nelson Ledges

Jan 29

Explore the crevasses, shelter caves, and rock bluffs that provide the setting for a variety of winter ice formations. Frozen waterfalls, ice stalagmites and stalactites, verglas, needle ice and perhaps ice flowers are all part of this winter geologic wonderland. The geology is both ancient and contemporary, rock formations millions of years old frosted with ice formations that may be only hours old. The trails may be difficult and slippery. Meet at the Nelson Ledges parking lot on January 29 (1:00-3:00pm). To register, call 330.569.6003 or email sorrickmw@hiram.edu. Sponsored by Friends of the Hiram College Field Station (Fee: $5 for non-members, $2 for members).


J.A. Garfield Band Concert

Feb 2

The Garfield Fifth Grade Band will hold its first concert on Thursday, Feb 2 at 7 p.m.


Night At The Races

Feb 4

Newton Falls Athletic Boosters will hold their annual Night at the Races on Saturday, Feb. 4th at St. Mary’s Social Hall, 120 Maple Dr., Newton Falls.  Tickets are $15.00 and can be bought ahead of time or at the door.  Price includes a buffet dinner, dessert, soda and beer.  Doors open at 5:30pm with post time at 7:30pm.  All profits made go the the senior scholarship fund.  For tickets call Tami at 330-872-0116.


Senior Citizens Luncheon

Feb 4

First Baptist Church, 2640 South Canal Street, Newton Falls will be hosting a Senior Citizens’ Luncheon on Saturday, February 4.  The program will begin at 11:30 AM with the luncheon to follow at noon.  The event is open to any area senior citizen.  For additional information please contact the church office at (330) 872-7055.


Curtains up Scotch Doubles

Feb 4

The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre is holding their annual Scotch Doubles on Saturday, February 4, 2012. Registration time is 8:30. The cost is $40.00 per couple and includes pizza, beer, soda and bowling. Register by calling 216-375-0709. There will be a chines auction also. All vendors wishing to donate, contact Jackie at 216-375-0709.


4 Chaplains Program

Feb 5

The Middlefield-Burton American Legion Post 459 will be hosting their 4 Chaplains Program on Feb. 5th at 3 pm at 14052 Goodwin St, Burton.  Contact Tony at 440 632-5568 or Skip at 440 834-1191.


All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner

Feb 5

Knights of Columbus Council  #3350, will be hosting an All-you-can-eat spaghetti dinner from Noon – 3 pm on  Sunday February 5th, at Saint Mary & Joseph’s Social Hall,  120 Maple Drive. Newton Falls. Dinner includes: spaghetti & meatballs,

salad, Italian bread, coffee or punch, and dessert   (Carry out available) Adults:$7.00 Children: $3.00 (6-11); Children 5 & under: FREE  For any additional information   Tom Fetock (330) 872-5886, Matt Stimac (330)872-7865, Jim Burns    (330)883-0575


Spaghetti Dinner & Music

Feb 11

The Renaissance Family Center and the Windham Bands are having an evening of food and entertainment. Make a date for the family for a great Spaghetti Dinner and music from the Windham Band on  Feb. 11th at the Center from 5 pm to 7 pm, cost $7.50 for adults and $4.00 for children 12 and under.  Presale tickets available but not necessary.  Don’t spend another Saturday watching reruns on the TV. Come have some fun at the Renaissance Center and hear the band.


American Legion Pancake Breakfasts

Feb 12, 19 & 26

The Middlefield-Burton American Legion Post 459 will be hosting their pancake and sausage breakfasts Feb 12, 19 & 26 from 9 am – 1:30 pm at 14052 Goodwin St, Burton.  Contact Ron at 440 343-1478 for more information.


5th Annual Men Who Cook!

Feb 18

Celebrate Mardi Gras with Catholic Charities at our 5th Annual Men Who Cook! The event will be February 18, 2012, from 6:00 to 9:30pm at Immaculate Conception Parish Hall in Ravenna. Come enjoy the specialties of our local chefs!  Tickets are $40 per person which includes appetizer, entrée and dessert tastings from all of our celebrity chefs!  Make your reservations now. We expect a sell out!  To purchase tickets contact: Bobbi McKnight at Catholic Charities of Portage County  Phone: 330-297-7745



Indoor Garage Sale

Feb 18

Huge Indoor Garage Sale February 18th from 9 am to 3 pm. Food concessions available; you can shop all day and not get hungry. Renaissance Family Center 9005 Wilverne Dr. Windham, Oh


Oink & Squeal Party

March 24

The Burton American Legion Ladies Auxiliary Post 459 are pleased to present an Oink & Squeal Party on March 24. The raffle and Chinese auction will be held at the Burton American Legion Hall, 14052 Goodwin St. Burton. Doors open at 5 pm, raffle at 7 pm.  Raffle tickets are $2 each; Chinese auction tickets 10 for $1.


Souped up Jazz

March 24

JA Garfield Band’s “Souped up Jazz” will be on March 24th, 2012.  The jazz bands and the show choir will be performing.  We hope you will be able to join us for this fantastic fundraiser.


Ravenna Garden Club Sale

March 24

The Ravenna Garden Club will be holding a crafts and collectable sale from 9 am – 3 pm on  March 24, 2012 at the Portage County Garden Center, 5154 South Prospect St, Ravenna. Free  admission.  Lunch available. Door Prize and Raffle. Contact:  Pat Thomas at  330-297-0232  or  Laura Yaunt at  330-850-5007 for more information and to reserve a  table space for $20.00


Blue Grass Mass

March 30

The Chamber Singers (formerly Hiram College Choir) will be performing a “Blue Grass Mass,”  complete with a Bluegrass band, on Friday,  March 30th, 2011, at Hiram Christian Church at 7:30 pm.  All voices are still welcome to audition, but we are very much in need of altos and tenors!   Rehearsals are Mondays and Wednesdays, 4:15 – 5:30 in Frohring Recital Hall. Faculty, staff, and community members are also welcome.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography