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We’re All Invited


Christmas Raffle Tickets On Sale Now

The JAG All Sports Boosters are hosting their 2nd annual Christmas

Raffle. This year there will be 3 prize categories: 1st Apple iPad 2,

2nd Apple iPod touch, and 3rd $100 cash. The drawing will be held

on Dec. 16, 2011 at 1/2time of boys varsity BB game. Tickets can

be purchased at the program booth during the remaining varsity

home FB games.  The All Sports Boosters meet on the 2nd Monday of every month in the High School Commons at 7 pm. All are welcome. Visit us at jagsportsboosters.webs.com.


Holiday Social Crafters Needed

Call Today

Curtains up Theatre will host the annual Garrettsville Holiday Social and talent contest on Saturday December 3rd from 12-4pm. The cost for a vendor spot is $15.00. You must bring your own table and chairs. Crafters/artist and also talent contestant’s applications are being accepted now. For an application please contact Jackie at rinearson05@frontier.com or Sherri at sherricollins@neo.rr.com


Swim With The Hiram College Water Dogs

Deadline To Register Dec 2

Come swim with the water dogs.  Classes start on Dec 4th with various times on Sunday afternoons. All levels. Cost:  $50 per child for all 5 lessons. Ages 4 years and older. Sign-ups: Sunday Nov 13th, from 2:30-4:30pm at the Hiram College Pool or  register online! Deadline to register Dec 2nd     http://www.hiram.edu/athletics/menssports/swim/lessons.html  Questions Call Jack Groselle at 330-569-5343.


Quilting For The Homeless

First Thursday Of Month

You are invited to join the ladies of the Windham Church of Christ to make quilts for the homeless. We meet the first Thursday of the month from Noon to 2 pm in the fellowship hall of the church, 9837 Wolf Road. Anyone who wants to share their quilitng experience, or who wants to learn, is invited. Call Carolyn Miller at 330 326-3340 if you have any questions.  We look forward to having you join us.


Bingo at St. Michael Church


Bingo every Thursday night in the parish hall at St. Michael Church,  9736 East Center Street, Windham.  Games start at 7:00 p.m.  Doors open at 5:30 p.m.


Fish Fry


Fish Fry every Friday at the Windham American Legion, 9960 E. Center St. Fresh cod, shrimp or chicken served 5 pm – 8 pm.


Letters From Santa

Would you like your child to receive a personalized letter and special ornament from Santa? Simply send your child’s name, age, address and sex of child along with your payment of $9 to: Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre, P.O. Box 541, Garrettsville, Ohio 44231 Attn: Santa’s Workshop.  All checks must be made payable to: Curtains up Theatre. All letters will arrive to the children between Dec. 12 and Dec. 20, 2010.


SS Mary & Joseph Kolachy Sale

Order by Dec 3

St. Mary & St. Joseph Ladies Guild of Newton Falls, will bake homemade kolachy for the Christmas holiday.  Selections are Apricot, Nut, and Poppyseed at the cost of $8 each.   Pickup will be Tuesday, December 6th from 9:00 – 5:00, Wednesday, December 7th from 9:00 – 5:00, and Thursday, December 8th from 9:00 to 3:00. Please contact Barbara Wolff at 330-872-1951 to place your order.  Deadline for placing orders is Saturday, December 3rd.

Balloon A-Fair Christmas Parade Seeking Participants

Register Today

Want to get in the holiday spirit? The Ravenna Balloon A-Fair Christmas Parade Committee is seeking people, groups, business or organizations wanting to participate in the Christmas Parade in downtown Ravenna on Saturday, December 3rd, 2011. Line-up begins at 6:00 p.m and the parade steps-off at 7:00 p.m. at the old Ravenna High School on Clinton Street and continues down Main Street. Parade units must have lights and fit with this year’s theme, “Unwrap the Magic of Christmas”.   Please call the BAF number if your unit is planning on having music. For information and application call the Ravenna Balloon A-Fair at 330-296-3247 or Mark Short, Christmas Parade Chairperson, at 330-297-1586.


GHS Art Club Shirt Sale

Through Dec 5

If you like the Past, Present, Future, Pride banners that hang in front of the high school that celebrate our heritage with President Garfield, now you can have a shirt with these images on it.  Support the GHS art club and show your community spirit at the same time.  Order forms are available online on the school website or stop by the High School.  These make great Christmas gifts.  Orders are due by Dec. 5th.


Windham Toys For Tots Collection

Through Dec 16

Each year, the Windham Toys for Tots organizes a food drive for the community members in need from Freedom, Garrettsville, Nelson and Windham.  Your monetary gift will provide necessity and joy to those families that have fallen on hard times. If you are interested in donating, please issue your check to Windham Toys for Tots and mail it by December 16th to Guy Pietra , 8219 Clover Lane, Garrettsville, Ohio 44231. Your donation is tax deductible.  As always, a follow-up letter will be sent to all those able to provide a donation to update you on the success of our effort.


“Focus on Fiber”

Through Jan 8

Come to the Trumbull Art Gallery in Warren and see the juried exhibit “Focus on Fiber – A Tribute to the Fiber Artist”.  This is a juried exhibition for the artist who creates original works of art using traditional or non-traditionl needle and fiber arts techniques.  The exhibit can be seen from noon-4 pm Tue. – Sat. at 196-198 E Market St. in Warren.  Admission is free.


Girl Scout Bake Sale

Nov 25 & 26

Girl Scout Troop #90632 will be hosting a bake sale at Middlefield Bank in Garrettsville on Friday and Saturday, Nov 25 & 26 from 8:30 am to Noon.


Santa’s Collection Craft Show

Nov 26

Climb the stairs to a wonderland of holiday excitement on Nov 26th from 9 am – 3 pm. Located at the Burton American Legion Post 459 on Goodwin Street.  Area crafters, unique gifts and toys.  Free admission to the craft show.  For table info call Carol at 440.834.4532.


Need To Cut Back On Christmas Shopping?

Nov 26

Maybe we can help!! The Lake Milton Presbyterian Church at 924 Grandview Road in Lake Milton is holding a one day Shoppers Mart on Nov 26 from 9 am – 5 pm.  New and like new items will be for sale. Prices will range from Free to $5.  There will also be a bake sale. Questions or donations? Call 330 654-3396 or 330 774-5982.




Breakfast With Santa

Nov 26 & 27

The Burton American Legion Auxiliary Post 459 located on Goodwin Street in Burton will be hosting Breakfast with Santa on Nov 26th and 27th from 9 am – 1 pm.  Admission is $6 Adults; $3 children age 6-12 and Free for kids under 5.


Toy Auction

Nov 27

American Legion Post 674 will be hosting a toy auction on Nov 27 at 1 p.m.  All proceeds go to child welfare.


Music In Ministry

Nov 27

Music In Ministry/Bread of Life Celebration with the Gospel Choir from Mt. Vernon Baptist Church will be held on November 27th at 7:00 p.m. at the Newton Falls United Methodist Church..  There will be a social in the fellowship hall following the service.


Why Trees Matter

Nov 30

Of course wood is good for many things – paper, furniture, crafts.

But why else are trees important to our lives? They give us ecological health, a more successful local economy and better local climate, enhanced landscape quality, more sustainable communities, land stabilization and richer and more accessible wildlife. Explore all the ways our leafy friends make the community strong with Ohio State University Extension Horticulturalist/State Master Gardener Coordinator Jim Chatfield. Why Trees Matter will be held on Wednesday, November 30 – 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Big Creek Park, 9160 Robinson Road, Chardon Township. Registration is not required for this free program for anyone school-aged and up, which is fully wheelchair/stroller accessible. Call 440-286-9516 with questions.


4C’s Food Drive

Dec 3

Girl Scout Troop 751 of Hiram is holding their annual 4Cs food drive on Saturday, December 3, 2011.  The Troop will accept donations between 9 am and Noon at the Hiram Christian Church. Please help “FILL OUR VAN TO FILL THEIR TUMMIES!”


Donut Hole Sale

Dec 3

BSA Troop 62 of Garrettsville, will be providing concessions for the Annual Holiday Social on December 3rd. Located at the James A. Garfield Middle School Gym from 12-4. Come and get your fresh, hot, Famous Donut Holes. Stop by when you come in or on your way out. You can also pre-order  by calling 330-527-5701(Julie) and pick them up at the social. Stop by the Scout Craft Table and make a craft with a scout. Hope to see you there!


Christmas Craft Sale

Dec 3

Come Get Your Custom Made Gifts at the Hiram Farm Living and Learning Community Christmas Craft Sale at the Farmhouse, Dec 3, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM. The farm is located at

11543 Garfield Road, Hiram, OH 44234.


Pizza With Santa

Dec 3

Kiwanis Club of the Western Reserve is hosting “Pizza with Santa” Saturday, Dec. 3 10:00 am to 12:30 pm in the Hiram College Kennedy Center Dix dining room.  Tickets are $3.00 (2 and under eat FREE!) & can be purchased at the Hiram College bookstore, Middlefield Bank in Garrettsville, Cortland Bank in Mantua, and at the door.  There will be face painting, games, coloring, cookie decorating, Secret Santa Shop, and of course, SANTA!   All proceeds go to our mission of supporting children in our community & around the world.


Senior Citizens Luncheon

Dec 3

First Baptist Church, 2640 South Canal Street, Newton Falls will be hosting a Senior Citizens’ Luncheon on Saturday, December 3.  The program, which begins at 11:30 AM, will feature Christmas music and skits by the Puppet Team.   The luncheon will follow at noon.  The event is open to any area senior citizen.  For additional information please contact the church office at (330) 872-7055.


Holiday Swag

Dec 3

Make a holiday evergreen swag to grace your door and create a warm welcoming entrance.  If you’ve previously worked with Master Gardener Phyllis Mihalik you know you can expect a fun morning and come away with a lovely decoration.   Bring a friend or family member and create warm memories.  We’ll provide all the supplies and light refreshments.   $30 fee.  Space is limited – Class is Dec 3rd.  Please register and prepay early.  Call 440-834-4656 to register.  Send check payable to OSU Extension, PO Box 387, Burton, Ohio  44021.  Class will be held at the Geauga County OSU Extension Office, Patterson Center (on the Burton Fairgrounds), 14269 Claridon-Troy Road, Burton.


Holiday Scavenger Hunt

Dec 3

On December 3, 2011 at 1:00 p.m.

at the Holiday Social in the James A. Garfield Middle School. $15 per person includes lunch & scavenger items collected. Grand Prize $75; Second Prize $50  PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED at:

rinearson05@frontier.com or  amyjay71@yahoo.com Fun for the

Whole Family!


Cake Walk

Dec 3

A cake walk at the Renaissance Family Center in Windham will be held on Dec 3 at 1 p.m.  50/50 raffle and food concessions.  Tickets are 50 cents each or 5 for $2.


St. Ambrose Church Christmas Concert

Dec 4

The St. Ambrose Church Christmas Concert, Garrettsville, OH,  will be held on Sunday, Dec. 4th at 6pm. The children’s O.K. (Only Kids) Chorale, adult vocal, handbell choirs, and brass choir will perform sacred and secular music for the season. Note the change in time this year….6pm!  For handicap access information call Jean Marvin, 440-548-3371


Spaghetti Dinner


The Knights Of Columbus Council #3350 will be hosting an All-You-Can-Eat  Spaghetti  Dinner on Dec 4th from 12 pm-3pm At  Saint Mary & Joseph’s Social Hall, 120 Maple Drive. Newton Falls. Dinner Includes: Spaghetti & meatballs, salad, Italian bread, coffee or punch, and Dessert         (Carry out available)  Adults:$6.50; Children: $3.00 (6-11); Children: FREE(5& under)


Messiah Sing In Hiram

Dec 4

The Hiram Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the Hiram College Music Department are hosting a Messiah Sing at Hiram Christian Church at 3:00 pm on Sunday, December 4.  All who attend the free event will be invited to sing the choruses of Part One, the Christmas portion, of The Messiah, by Handel.  Dr. Dawn Sonntag, Hiram College music professor and choral conductor, will direct the sing-along.  The performance will be accompanied by adjunct faculty Sandra Tittle and Becky Oliphant on organ, together with Paul Dreisbach playing continuo on bassoon and a professional string quartet.  Faculty and students will sing the solo parts.  Music will be provided and the public is invited to attend and sing or just listen.  Hiram Christian Church is located at the corner of Route 82 and Route 700 in Hiram.  For more information contact Hiram Christian Church at 330-569-7697 or the Hiram College Music Department at 330-569-5294.


Tracing the Trolleys

Dec 4

Discover the artifacts of a bygone era when the towns and villages of northeast Ohio were linked by a web of electric rail lines. A trolley system connected Garrettsville, Middlefield, and Chardon to Cleveland but not each other. Each of the three rail lines left clues scattered across the landscape of Portage and Geauga that will help us understand this bygone era. We will trace the trolley clues from 1:00-5:00pm by van with stops along the route. Pre-registration is required as space is limited (330.569.6003 or sorrickmw@hiram.edu). Sponsored by Friends of the Hiram College Field Station (fee: $7 for members, $10 for non-members).


Toy Bingo

Dec 4

Toy Bingo at St. Michael’s Church, Ridge Road, Newton Falls on Sunday, December 4.  Doors open at 1:00; play begins at 2:00. Donation $5, which includes bingo card, cake, and coffee or punch. Other refreshments may be puchased. Everyone must have the $5 card, and extra cards are available for $.50 or 3 for $1.  All bingos are single.  Fifty-fifty, money tree, and other raffles are available.


Magical Christmas Event

Dec 5

Come spend a relaxing holiday evening at our Magical Christmas Event, on Monday, December 5th at the Brick Chapel, 9003 N. Main St., Windham.  A wonderful dinner will be catered by Tom Hickman.  A fun magic show will be presented by Paul Gerber of Solon.  There will be door prizes, and a brief Christmas devotion to close the evening.  Meat choices are spiced rubbed pork tenderloin with cranberry sauce or apricot glazed chicken.   Deadline for the purchase of tickets is Nov. 21.  Admission is by ticket only.  Tickets are $10.00 per adult & children age 13 and up. Tickets for children ages 5-12 are $6.00 and those children age 4 and younger are free.  Tickets may be obtained from Ann Taft, 330-326-3133 or by mailing a check to the Helping Hand Society in care of Ann at 9565 State Route 82, Windham, OH 44288.  Please give meet selection  with ticket request. The event is sponsored by the Helping Hand Society of the Congregational United Church of Christ in Windham.


Pearl Harbor Day Service

Dec 7

The Burton-Middlefield American Legion will be hosting a Pearl Harbor Day service honoring honoring servicemen & women on Dec 7th at 11 am at the Burton Village gazebo. The public is invited.


Breakfast With Santa

Dec 10

The United Methodist Church of Windham and RFC are teaming together for Breakfast with Santa Dec. 10th at 9 a.m. You can get a picture with Santa, do a craft and more. Location: 9005 Wilverne Dr. Windham.  Please RSVP if possible.


Lasagna Dinner & Dance

Dec 10

Portage County Chapter #600 of International Parents without Partners will have a lasagna dinner and dance on Dec 10 at Kent VFW Post #3703. Dinner will be from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. with the dance from 7:30 pm – 11:30 pm. The dinner and dance are open to the public and all are invited to attend.  Cost for the dinner and dance is $14 members and $16 for non-members. For reservations call Mary at 330 947-2867 or Warrine at 330-322-9559 by Dec 5th.


Cardinairs Christmas Concert

Dec 13

The Annual Cardinaires Christmas Concert and Luncheon Buffet will be held on December 13th, 2011 at 12:00 noon at Grandview Restaurant, 13404 Old State Road, Middlefield.  Tickets are $20 each, and include the Cardinaires performance and buffet luncheon of Chicken Marsala, potatoes, vegetable, beverage and dessert.  This is a beautiful way to start the Christmas Season.  You can call in to save your place in the audience at 440-632-5705, leave your name, phone number and how many are in your party.  You may send checks made to Middlefield Chamber of Commerce, to P.O.Box 801, Middlefield, Ohio 44062 – $20 each person.  Any proceeds from this concert will go toward the Middlefield Chamber Scholarship Fund and a donation will also be given to the Cardinaires.


Chamberlain Road: A New Portage Park

Dec 18

Explore this undeveloped Portage Park on the headwaters of the Aurora branch of the Chagrin River. A variety of trees and biotic communities are awaiting discovery on the rolling glacial landscape. There are no formal trails allowing for the discovery of hidden gems and woodland secrets as we explore the nooks and crannies of this closed preserve. Directions provided upon registration. The hike begins at 11:00am. Call 330.569.6003 or email sorrickmw@hiram.edu. Sponsored by Friends of the Hiram College Field Station (donations will be collected for the Portage Park District).


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Anton Albert Photography