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We’re All Invited


Christmas Raffle Tickets On Sale Now
The JAG All Sports Boosters are hosting their 2nd annual Christmas
Raffle. This year there will be 3 prize categories: 1st Apple iPad 2,
2nd Apple iPod touch, and 3rd $100 cash. The drawing will be held
on Dec. 16, 2011 at 1/2time of boys varsity BB game. Tickets can
be purchased at the program booth during the remaining varsity
home FB games.  The All Sports Boosters meet on the 2nd Monday of every month in the High School Commons at 7 pm. All are welcome. Visit us at jagsportsboosters.webs.com.

Crafters Wanted
Call Today
Renaissance Family Center is looking for crafters for their annual craft show Nov. 11th and 12th, 2011. Call (330)326-3003.

Holiday Social Crafters Needed
Call Today
The Garrettsville will host their annual Holiday Social and talent contest on Saturday December 3rd from 12-4pm. The cost for a vendor spot is $15.00. You must bring your own table and chairs. Crafters/artist and also talent contestant’s applications are being accepted now. For an application please contact Jackie at rinearson05@frontier.com or Sherri at sherricollins@neo.rr.com

Townhall II Teen Team
Volunteer Now!!
Make a difference in the lives of victims of crime and your community by becoming a volunteer for the Townhall II Victim Outreach Program Teen Team.  The Teen Team will meet at Townhall II in Kent once a month and will volunteer at other community-wide events.  All teens are responsible for their own transportation and parent permission is required. Volunteers must be enrolled in high school, ages 14-18 and must complete a brief interview and initial training.  To volunteer contact Cindy Bloom at 330-678-3006 or email info@Townhall2.org.

RCIA Invitation
Beginning Soon
St Ambrose Church in Garrettsville announces 2011-2012 R.C.I.A.  The R.C.I.A. begins in October and is a formation process for adults (18 years of age and older) who may wish to become Catholic. Classes will be held in the St. Ambrose church hall and will include learning, faith sharing, and fellowship. The R.C.I.A. culminates at the Easter Vigil with the celebration of the sacraments of initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. If you or someone you know may be interested in becoming Catholic, please call Fr. Leo Wehrlin at 330-527-4105.

James A Garfield Historical Society
Saturdays in October
Everyone is invited to stop in the James A. Garfield Historical Society any Saturday during the month of October between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.  Our Mott Building is located at the corner of Main and High St. in the center of Garrettsville.  The  Historical Society now has available copies of the Garrettsville Journal and the News and Views on microfilm.

Story Time
Story Time at Mantua Center Christian Church is held Thursdays from  10:30-11:30am at 4118 State Route 82, lower entrance.   Children ages 2-5, adults stay for the fun, siblings welcome.   The hour includes music & movement, stories, and crafts.   We do not meet if Crestwood Schools are closed. FREE, no need to sign up.  Contact us: 330.274.8258 or http://www.mantuacentercc.org/storytime.htm

Swim With The Water Dogs
Register Through Oct 13
Sign-ups for Hiram College swim lessons are Oct 9th, from 2:30-4:30pm at the Hiram College Pool or
Register online! Deadline to register October 13th    http://www.hiram.edu/athletics/menssports/swim/lessons.html  ** Questions Call Jack Groselle at 330-569-5343  Lesson times will be  2 – 3 pm, 3 – 4 pm, 4 – 5 pm, 5 – 6 pm  on Sunday Afternoons. ** All Levels, All Hours
** Lesson are 45 minutes with 15 minutes of Free time at the end
Lesson Dates:  Oct 16th, 23rd, and 30th, Nov 6th, and 13th. Cost:          $50.00 per child for all 5 lessons              Age:5 years and older

Crafters & Vendors Needed
Call Today
Claridon Girl Scout Troop 1324 is looking for crafters and vendors for it’s 6th annual Santa Shoppe to be held on Saturday, November 12, 2011 from 9a.m. to 3p.m. at the Claridon Town Hall at the corner of Rt. 322 and Claridon-Troy Rd. Tables are $20.00 each. For more information and or reservations, please call Dolly at 440-635-117

Start Something! Volunteer Today!
Call Today
Big Brothers & Sisters of Portage County is currently in need of Big Brother volunteers. There are boys waiting in all parts of the county for someone who wants to spend time with them, mentor them and help them reach their potential.  Please call today at 330-296-6655 or visit the website at www.bbsportage.org.  All it takes is 12 hours a month and the willingness to start something!

Crafters Needed!
Call Today
St.Ambrose 3rd annual Holiday Craft Fair will be held on Sat. Nov 5th, 9am to 3pm  Tables $15.00 each. Handmade crafts and homemade foods only! Lunch available
call Dolores Minisall 330 569 3454 for reservations/ info.

Tutoring At RFC
Free tutoring for homework at the Renaissance Family Center is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays provided by Hiram students. Come and meet Nancy, Alexandria and Daniel from 3-4:30.

1/2 Price Rummage Sale
Oct 14
There will be a 1?2 price rummage sale on Oct 14th from 9 am – 5 pm at the Hiram Rapids Church located at the corner of Allyn & Winchell Roads in Hiram Twp.
Amish Bake Sale/Lunch Stand
Oct 14
There will be an Amish bake sale / lunch stand on Oct 14th from 9 am – 3 pm at 12702 SR 88 (4 miles north of Garrettsville) at the former site of Susan’s Aniques. Proceeds to benefit US Army Sgt. Lester Miller’s medical expenses.

Homecoming Parade
Oct 14
The James A Garfield Homecoming Parade line up will be at 3:45 and the parade start will be at 4:30. Homecoming Parade is October 14th.  Anyone entering a float should contact Frances Bell at fbell@mail.garfield.sparcc.org or call 330-527-4341.  This years Homecoming Theme is Candy Land.

Eagles Fish Fry
Oct 14
Garrettsville Eagles will be holding a fish fry on Oct 14 from 4-8 pm. Take outs available. Calll 330-527-2330.

Nutcracker Sweets Art and Craft Show
Oct 14 & 15
The Church in Aurora, 146 S. Chillicothe Rd, Aurora will be hosting the Nutcracker Sweets Art and Craft Show on Friday, October 14th from  10am-8pm and Saturday, October 15th from  10am-4pm. $5.00 admission, under 12 free
No strollers or wheelchairs.

Fall Rummage & Bake Sale
Oct 14 & 15
The Nelson United Methodist Church will be having a fall rummage and bake sale on Ocgt 14 from 9 am – 5 pm. Lunch will be available on Friday – hot dogs, sloppy joes and cabbage and noodles. Saturday, Oct 15th the sale will be from 9 – 11 am. Clothing will be bag day all day, both days for $5. Delicious bake goods, cookies, breads and pies. The church is located at Nelson Circle, 9368 SR 305, Garrettsville.

Portage County Gardeners’ Autumn Boutique
Oct 14 – 15
BROWSE OUR UNIQUE SHOPS: Christmas, Fall & Gifts for Gardeners, Mums, Herbs, Baked Goods, Mink Shed Treasures and much more. Also, Gift Basket Raffle and Silent Auction. Tickets available at the door. Join us for this special event!   Oct 14 & 15 9 am – 2 pm  $1 admission with lunch available.  Portage County Gardeners’ Center,  5154 S. Prospect St. (Rte. 44) Ravenna

Flamingo Flocking
Oct 15
The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre is holding their annual Flamingo Flocking Fundraiser on Saturday, October 15th. If the flamingos should land in your yard, a donation of $10.00 is being asked to have the flock fly away, and for $15.00 you can tell the flock of flamingos whose yard to fly to next.  You can call 216-375-0709 to pre pay your flocking, or purchase flocking insurance to guantee the flock will not land in your yard. Please keep all yards in the Garrettsville area, the flamingos only have a short amount of time.

Boy Scout Troop Fall Sale
Oct 15
Let BSA Troop 62 help you welcome Autumn. On Saturday, October 15th from 9 am to 5 pm. Stop by at the former car dealership just South
Of St. Rt. 82 and St. Rt. 88 and purchase your Fall decorations; pumpkins, corn stalks, bows
And the coveted BITTERSWEET.
And be sure to purchase a dozen of the Troop’s Famous Jumbo Donut
Holes, too.  All proceeds benefit the scouts of Troop 62 in Garrettsville.
If you wish to pre-order donut holes you can contact any Scout or
Leader from Troop 62 or Julie at 330-527-5701.

Ohio Outlaws 12U Fast Pitch Fundraiser
Oct 15
Sky Lanes Bowling is proud to be the home of Scotch doubles fundraiser to benefit OHIO OUTLAWS 12U  Saturday, Oct 15th @ 7 pm.
$40 per couple includes 3 games, shoes, pizza and  draft beer. the team is working to raise funds to purchase new supplies and equipment.  We have 4 local girls on the team that is based  out of the G-PLEX in Garrettsville.  Please help our girls succeed. Contact Dee Synnestvedt (330-527-0223) Tim Perkins or  Scott Lippert.

Cabbage Roll Dinner
Oct 15
Cabbage Roll Dinner.  St. Michael’s Social Hall, Ridge Road, Newton Falls.  Sat., Oct. 15    4:00-6:00 p.m. $8   Carry outs available.

Texas Hold’em Tournament
Oct 15
Texas Hold’em Tournament hosted by State Farm Agent Greg Rodi will be held on Oct 15 at 5 pm at Adam Hall, 11455 E. Washington St, Auburn Twp.  All proceeds to benefit Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation via Team Alaina.  To register or for questions call Greg at 440-666-7553 or Jennifer at 330-360-3869.

Apple Butter Fesitval
Oct 15
The Lake Milton Presbyterian Church is holding its annual Apple Butter Festival and everyone is invited to come and help stir the apple butter in a copper kettle over an open fire. The freshly canned, warm apple butter will be for sale along with all kinds of apple goodies and lunch. There will also be Praise Music for your enjoyment.

Garrettsville Browns Backers Dawg Walk
Oct 16
The Garrettsville Browns Backers Dawg Walk benefiting the J.A. Garfield High School Soccer Club will be held on Oct 16. Registration begins at 11 am at Slim N Jumbo’s with the first walkers out at Noon, last walkers back by 3:30.  Registration is $20. Best hand gets $150.

RFC Luncheon & Sminar
Oct 16
The Renaissance Family Center is sponsoring a  luncheon and Creation Seminar featuring John Parker, Sunday, October 16th.  The luncheon will begin at 1:00PM with the seminar following at 2:00PM.  This event is free and open to the public.

NF BOE Finance Meeting
Oct 17
The Newton Falls Exempted Village School Board of Education will hold a Finance Committee Meeting on Oct 17, 2011 at 11 am in the board office, located at 909 1?2 Milton Blvd., Newton Falls.

JA Garfield School Board Meeting
Oct 17
The regular October 2011 meeting of the J.A. Garfield School Board has been rescheduled from Oct 27th to Monday, October 17, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the Middle School Library.

Crestwood BOE Meeting
Oct 18
The Crestwood Board of Education will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, Oct 18 at 6 pm at the Crestwood High School Library, 10919 N. Main St., Mantua. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss and approve the five-year financial forecast and any other business that may come before the board at that time.

Flu Shot Clinic At GES
Oct 18
The Portage County Health Department will be holding a public “FLU SHOT  CLINIC” at James A. Garfield Elementary School on Tuesday, October 18th from 4:00-6:00 pm.  The cost for the shots will be: $10 for kids; $20 for adults; $45 for high dose (available for anyone 65 or older)

Independence Senior Citizens Meeting
Oct 19
The Independence Senior Citizens will meet on Oct 19 in Lake Milton at the Presbyterian Church on Grandview Road at 10 am. Join us for blood pressure checks, exercise, crafts, light lunch and bingo. The group meets every third Wednesday of the month at the church. All senior citizens are welcome.

Flu Shot Clinic
Oct 19
Pamida Pharmacy in Newton Falls will be holding a Flu Shot Clinic on Weds Oct 19 from 10 am – 2 pm.  Traditional Medicare Part B; Traditional Medicaid and Caresource welcome.

Home Cooked Supper
Oct 19
Home Cooked Supper at Pricetown Methodist Church, 4640 Pritchard-Ohltown Rd,  Newton Falls on Oct. 19, 5:00 to 6:30p.m.  Dinner includes individual chicken pot pies, pierogi potatoes, salad, roll, homemade desserts and beverage.   Adults $7,  Children 6 -12  $3,   5 and under free
Hope to see you there! Carryouts will be available.

Everyone Loves Polka…(and pictures!)
Oct 20
Come enjoy a fun evening with us at The Pines at Brooks House Assisted Living on Thursday, October 20, 2011, from 7 – 9 p.m.  At 7 p.m. Jake Kouwe from The Chardon Polka Band will get toes tapping with high energy music!  Stay afterward, enjoy refreshments, and  have your picture taken in face-in-hole “portraits.” (We’ll have several hand-painted set-ups for you to choose from furnished by a local artist!) The Pines at Brooks House is located at 18122 Claridon-Troy Road  (SR 700), Hiram, OH (about a mile south of SR 422.)   If you have questions, call Christine Brooks at (440)834-0260, ext. 4, or e-mail Fran at “ brookshouseassistedliving@gmail.com” Hope  to see you here!

NF BOE  Meeting
Oct 20
The Newton Falls Exempted Village School Board of Education will hold a Regular Board  Meeting on Oct 20, 2011 at 6 pm in the board room, located in the Jr. High School located at 907 1?2 Milton Blvd., Newton Falls.

“Constructing Clara”
Oct 20
Join the Hiram Historical Society for its next program, “Constructing Clara,” Thursday, October 20 at 7:30 p.m. Is it possible to create an image of a Portage County woman who left no writings in her own hand?  Dr. Arlene Hilfer will speak on the image of Clara Strong Rudolph (1842-1911) that emerges from letters written to her and by materials written about her.  The meeting will take place in the Historical Society’s Century House, across from the Hiram Fire Station. All are welcome to attend.

Altar & Rosary Society Rummage Sale
Oct 21 & 22
The Altar & Rosary Society of St. Ambrose Church, located at 10692 Freedom St in Garrettsville, is hosting their annual Fall Rummage Sale on Oct 21st from 9 am – 5 pm and Oct 22nd from 9 am to 1 pm.  Oct 21st is bag day.  The rummage sale will take place in the church hall.

Benefit Pot Luck Dinner
Oct 22
A benefit pot luck dinner will be held for Annie Kralik’s medical/funeral expenses on Oct 22 from 5-7 pm at the VFW Post 9678 located at 16013 E. High St in Middlefield. Cost is $10 per person. Chinese auction & 50/50 raffle.  For more information call Em Leagan Meyer at 440-635-0532 or 440-635-6039.

Parents Without Partners Dance
Oct 22
On Oct 22 the Portage County Chapter #600 of International Parents Without Partners will have a dance from 7:30 – 11 pm.  The dance is open to the public and cost is $6 for members $8 for non-members. All attendees are encouraged to wear a costume. There will be prizes given for the prettiest, ugliest and most original costume.

Lost Trails & Treasures of Camp Asbury
Oct 22
The diverse landscape of the Asbury Valley ranges from historical mill ponds and millraces to upland bog ponds, springs and hidden rock ledges with shelter caves and waterfalls. Eagle Creek and the surrounding wetlands are the home for a variety of birds and other wildlife including river otters, mink and beavers. Prepare for muddy trails. 9:00-11:00am. Directions provided upon registration: 330.569.6003 or sorrickmw@hiram.edu. Sponsored by Friends of the Hiram College Field Station (fee required).

Scotch Doubles To Benefit Sandor Rick Szachury
Oct 22
There will be a scotch doubles benefit on Oct 22 at Sky Lanes Bowling for Sandor Rick Szachury who was killed in a cement mixer accident. The event will cost $20 per person and include 3 games of bowling, shoe rental, pizza and beverages.  We will also have a 50/50 raffle and a Chinese auction. Please come and help us support this cause.  From more info or advanced tickets please call Mabel Horsfall (330) 274-0409 / (330) 285-8641 or Jamie Mullins (330) 571-4515.

Amish Dinner At RFC
Oct 22
You’re invited by RFC to an Amish Dinner and Chinese Auction on Oct. 22nd. Tickets are $15 for adults; $5 kids 4-12; under 4 free.  Call 330-326-3003 for tickets or more information.  RFC is located at  9005 Wilverne Dr. in Windham.

Spaghetti Benefit Dinner For Debbie Blewitt
Oct 22
There will be a spaghetti benefit dinner on Oct 22 from 5-8 pm at the Windham American Legion Hall, 9960 E. Center St in Windham for Debbie Blewitt.  Debbie has been diagnosed with lung cancer and is currently unable to work while undergoing treatment. Proceeds will help to defray some of her expenses.  Cost for the dinner is Adults $6; Children $3.  There will also be a Chinese auction and 50/50 raffle.

Fight Like A Girl Benefit
Oct 22
A benefit for Nikki Davis will be held on Oct 22 at the Community Center, 52 East Quarry Street, Newton Falls from 6 – 10 pm.  There will be a country band, food, Chinese auction, 50/50 drawing. $5 at the door.  Kids under 12 free.  Nikki is a 29 year- old mother of three who is undergoing treatment for stage 3 cervical cancer.   Please come help support her fight.

Kids Halloween Party
Oct 22
There will be a Kids Halloween Party on Oct 22 from 1-3 pm at the Windham American Legion Hall, 9960 E. Center St in Windham for all children ages 10 and under. Sign up by October 18th at the American Legion.

Pumpkin Painting Party
Oct 22
The Optimist Club of Newton Falls will be hosting a pumpkin painting party on Oct. 22 at the Newton Falls Community Center, on Quarry Street from Noon to 2 pm.  Lunch – games – candy!!  Children 12 and under Free; Adults $3 donation.

Oct 22 & 23
The semi-annual show of rocks and minerals will be held on Oct 22 & 23 from 10 am- 6 pm  at Emidio and Sons Expo Center, 48 E. Bath Rd, Cuyahoga Falls.  Admission is $5 for adults; $4 for seniors (55+) and students; $1 children age 7-14. Under 6 is Free.

Food Drive for the 4C’s
Oct 23
Sunday, October 23rd from 10:30a-12:30 pm a Food Drive for the 4C’s Food Cupboard will be held. In need are canned/dry goods or  monetary donations. Folks will pick up (call 330 274-8258) or you can deliver to Mantua Center Christian Church at 4118 Mantua  Center Rd.. Feel free to leave bag of goods on porch as well!
Sponsoring Church: Mantua Center Christian Church  The need has increased and the cupboards are getting bare.  Any help is greatly appreciated.

Polka Fest In October
Oct 23
St. Edward Church in Parkman will be holding a Polka Fest on Oct. 23rd.  There will be a Polka Mass at noon with a dinner dance beginning at 1:30 p.m.  Reservations for the dinner are required by Oct 16 – tickets can be purchase through the church office or from a ticket seller.  Cost is $15 for the dinner & dance.  Take Out Dinners available for $12.  Pork Chop / Kielbasa Dinner, baked goods sale, micro mini Chinese auction, 50/50 raffle and dancing.  Questions, call 440-548-3812.

St. Mary and St. Joseph’s Ladies Guild Turkey Dinner
Oct 23
The Ladies Guild of St. Mary’s & St. Joseph Church of Newton Falls, will be hosting their annual turkey dinner on Sunday, October 23, 2011 from 12 noon to 3 p.m.  The price for adults is $8.00; children ages 5-12 pay $4.00 and children 4 and under are free.   Tickets may be purchased at the door.   Raffle tickets will also be available at the dinner.  Dinner will be held at the St. Mary’s & St. Joseph Social Hall at 120 Maple Drive., Newton Falls, OH 44444.   Carry out dinners are available.

2011 High School Rock Off
Oct 23
The Newton Falls Community Center will play host to the 2011 High School Rock Off  competition. Featuring student high school bands competing from Trumbull, Mahoning, and surrounding high schools the competition will be held on October 23rd . 1st prize: $400; 2nd Prize: $100.00.  1st place winners each week will move on to the finals. For Bookings Contact: Rick Dezsi (330) 219-4246.

Chili Cook-Off
Oct 23
Have a great chili recipe?   Want to have bragging rights? Come join our chili cook-off on October 23, 2011 at Shalersville Town Hall from 12 noon to 5 pm. Open to the public. Your chili entry gets you in for free. Reservations in by October 16. Call Andy Fortuna  at 330 – 931-8689 Admission is $6.00 or $5 plus a canned good for 4C’s. Children under 6 eat for free! Hot dogs available for kids. Judging at 3 pm. Trophies or Ribbons will be awarded for: best flavor chili; hottest chili; best white chili and  People’s Choice. All proceeds for the event will stay in the community. Sponsored by Crestwood Action Coalition Team.

Rummage Sale At KofC
Oct 26
On  Oct. 26th from 10 am to 7 pm. and Oct. 27th from 10 am to 2 pm the Manuta Mantua Knights of Columbus will be hosting a rummage sale at their hall , 11845 SR 44.  Proceeds benefit the 2012 Crestwood After Prom.  Donations may be tax deductable and accepted Oct. 24 from 10 am to 7 pm, or Tuesday Oct. 25 from 10 am to 2 pm. or by appointment.  For further info.  please contact Kendra Becker at 330-274-0328.

Auburn Garden Club October Meeting
Oct 26
The Auburn Garden Club will meet at 7pm on Oct 26th. Location is the Auburn Town Hall (Corner of E. Washington St & Auburn Rd) Join us for a  Fall Harvest  Soup and Bread Dinner. Meeting Agenda –  planning the 2012 Garden Program. Please bring either a bread or soup dish to share along with a place setting. For more information Call Susan at (330) 883-2833 or email auburngardenclub@gmail.com

Movie Night
Oct 28
Mantua Center Christian Church invites you to MOVIE NIGHT on Friday October 28th. Cost is $5 per child / $10 per family.  Costumes Welcome! Snacks Provided! Crafts!
6:00pm-8:30pm  Please bring a sleeping bag or blanket to sit on.  Adult supervision is provided. Mantua Center Christian Church, 4118 State Route 82, Mantua, Oh 44255  Contact: Tammie Habbyshaw 216.496.7275 (Children must be potty trained)

Chicken or Rib Dinner
Oct 29
The Portage County Council of the American Legion will be hosting a chicken or ribs dinner on Oct 29 from 4-6 pm at the Windham Post 674, 9960 East Center Road, Windham.  Cost: Chicken Dinner $7.50; Rib Dinner $10. For tickets call Bill Vassileff at (330) 274-2603, Alvin Podboy at (330) 998-1091 or Alvin Sweet at (330) 326-3790.

Fall Festival
Oct 29
Crossroads Community Church (corner of SR 303 & 44 across from Buddys Food Mart) will be hosting a fall festival. This safe, alternative to trick-or-treat will be held on Oct 29 from 3-5 pm. Some activities being planned include trunk-or-treat, weiner roast, mini hay maze and games.  If raining, the festival will be held indoors.

Newton Falls Cake Walk Drop Off
Oct 31
The new drop-off point for the Newton Falls Kiwanis Halloween Cake Walk will be 16 W Broad St between Gibson Jewelers and The Flower Shoppe. There will be a Kiwanis member at that site all day to accept cakes.  The Cake Walk will begin at 7 pm and end when all the cakes are gone.

9/11…Never Forget
Through Oct 31
A collaborative mosaic tribute from Community Artworks is on display at the Trumbull Art Gallery.  Thirty-two area artists have eached contributed a painting, all of which are combined in one cohesive mural as a tribute for the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.  This is done in the same manner as the Mona Lisa was done last year.  Available for viewing Tuesday – Saturday from noon to 4 pm.  Admission is free, and posters of the mosaic are available for purchase.

Pipe Organ Recital
Nov 6
An organ recital celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the St. Martin’s-Miles Pipe Organ will be held at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, 6295 Chagrin River Road on November 6th at 3 p.m.  Guest organist: James Clouser, CAGO, ChM.  Program includes an introduction to the pipe organ–“Rex: The King of Instruments,” narrated by Cassie Clouser and J.S. Bach Toccata and Fugue in D Minor.  Free and open to the public.

Special Bingo
Nov 6
St Michael’s Church, 9736 East Center St, Windham, will be holding a special bingo sponsored by the Knights of Columbus on November 6th beginning at 1:30 pm. Gift and bakery raffle. Refreshments available. No one under 18, please.

Portage County’s Newest & Largest Park
Nov 6
Although the Morgan Preserve is not yet open to the general public, we have been given permission to begin exploring this 500+ acre park. Various stream and wetland areas are interspersed in a matrix of mature and young forest and abandoned farm fields. As of yet there are no trails and the sheer size of this preserve insures there will be plenty of natural surprises and exciting discoveries. Come and help us begin to fill in the blank spots on the map of this new park. 1:00-3:00pm. Directions provided upon registration: 330.569.6003 or sorrickmw@hiram.edu. Sponsored by Friends of the Hiram College Field Station  (fee required).

Windham Athletic Boosters Chinese Auction
Nov 6
The Windham Athletic Boosters will be hosting a Chinese auction on November 6, 2011 @ Windham High School Gymnasium. Doors open @ 12pm.  Auction Begins @ 2pm.

Carry-Out Swiss Steak Dinner
Nov 12
The First Congregational Church, 612 West Broad Street, Newton Falls will be holding a carry-out only Swiss Steak dinner on Saturday November 12th.   Menu includes; Swiss steak, real mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, apple sauce, and a brownie dessert.
Cost is $7.50 per dinner.  Dinners can be picked up between 4:00 – 6:00pm at the church.

Curtains of Theatre’s Comedy Night
Nov 19
Once again The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre will be hosting their second Comedy Night on Saturday, November 19th at 7 pm. at Slim ‘n’ Jumbos. Guests will be entertained with a variety of Amateur Comedians. Watch for more details to come.
Mark your calendars now.

The Nature of Downtown Warren
Nov 20
Discover the majesty of the amazingly large trees lining the Mahoning River in Perkins Park, downtown Warren. The old growth trees attract a variety of wildlife and soften the effect of the urban landscape. Gardens and restored historic buildings add to the ambiance of the area. 1:00-3:00pm. Directions provided upon registration: 330.569.6003 or sorrickmw@hiram.edu. Sponsored by Friends of the Hiram College Field Station (fee required).

First Snow Christmas Rock Concert
Nov 26
The Renaissance Family Center, 9005 Wilverne Dr, Windham is selling tickets for their upcoming concert.  Tickets are $10 each and available at the Family Center office or from any Windham Band member.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography