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We’re All Invited


Closed Circuit TVs Available For Rent
The Portage County Society of the Blind has closed circuit televisions (CCTVs) available for rent. Rental fees are $5 a month. A CCTV magnifies printed material onto a monitor. Reading mail and the newspaper are things that may be possible again. If you know someone who would benefit from a CCTV please call Dorothy Jones at 330 296-4060.

Vendors Wanted For Freedom Day
Register Today
Spaces are now available for crafters, artisans and musicians for the Freedom Day Picnic and Celebration. Show your skills on August 21. For information call Jim (330)527-2855 or John (330)527-4094.

Balloon-A-Fair Seeks Vendors & Exhibitors
Register Today
The Ravenna Balloon A-Fair is seeking craft vendors, exhibitors, food vendors, local businesses and agencies to set up booths September 17 in downtown Ravenna and September 17 & 18 at SUNBEAU Valley Farm on St. Rt. 59, Ravenna. For booth space price and application call Judy Tompkins, Booth Chairperson at 330-527-5695. For general questions call 330-296-FAIR.

2011 Balloon-A-Fair Seeks Parade Entries
Register Today
Parade applications are still available. Parade line up begins at 7:00 am and the parade step off at 9:00 AM Saturday, September 17, in beautiful downtown Ravenna. The All American Judges will be judging the parade. Parade entries are encouraged to stay for the opening ceremony when the parade winners will be announced. Entries should focus on this year’s theme, “Patchwork Skies”. For more information call the BAF Hotline (330) 296-FAIR.

Freedom Township Brush Pick up
1st Monday of Month
Freedom Township will be doing the monthly brush pickup the first Monday of the month. Residents must call 330-527-4094 or 330 527-7414 prior to 8 am Monday morning to arrange for pickup.  Twigs, branches and brush (no garbage) will be picked up curbside.

2nd Annual BBQ Rib Dinners
Fridays In August
The Mantua council Knights of Columbus is conducting their Second Annual Bar-B-Q Rib Dinner Fridays during August 2011.  Dinners served Fridays August 5, 12, 19 & 26 from 4-7 PM.  Mantua K of C is located on State Route 44 just north of Route 82 in Mantua, Ohio.

JAG Youth Cheer Camp
Register Today
All girls ages 5 – 12 are invited to attend the JAG Youth Cheer Camp being held Aug 23-25 from 6-8 pm in the JAG Middle School gym.  Cost is $35 and includes a FREE T-Shirt when you register and pay by August 15th.   Contact Coach Terry at 330 360-9122 or tclutter8002@yahoo.com with any questions or to register.

Crafters Wanted
Call Today
Renaissance Family Center is looking for crafters for their annual craft show Nov. 11th and 12th 2011. Call (330)326-3003.

Free Summer Food Program
Through  Aug 19
There is a free summer food program running through Aug. 19th at the Renaissance Family Center, 9005 Wilverne Dr, Windham. Any child 1-18 years old is welcome. Breakfast is from 9-9:30 am and lunch is served from Noon – 1:30 Monday – Friday.

Summer Programs
Renaissance Summer Programs are Wednesday – Friday 1:30-3:30pm ages 5 through 12. We have cooking, wood-working, guitar and piano lessons, Health Fair, volleyball, anti drug, concert. All at the Renaissance Family Center 9005 Wilverne Drive Windham.

Garrettsville’s Farmers Market
through – Oct 5
The 2011 Garrettsville’s Farmers Market will run on Wednesdays  through October 5, 2011. The location will be in the Skylanes Bowling Alley parking lot, located at the intersection of Liberty and Windham Streets (SR82). The market will run from 3:00 pm – 6:30 pm. Vendors wanting to participate in this years market contact Jackie Rinearson at rinearson05@frontier.com or call 216-375-0709.  We do not accept any vendors of non-edible items and concessions are not permitted at this time.

Marching Pride Premier Night
July 29
The James A Garfield “Marching Pride” is proud to present Premier Night on July 29th at 7 p.m. at the football stadium. The performance is free and open to the public. Please come and enjoy the band as they debut their pre-game and half time shows.

God Provides A Free Meal
July 29
Nelson United Methodist Church will be hosting their monthly God Provides a free meal on july 29 at the church on Nelson Circle; 9367 SR 305, Garrettsville, OH . Dinner will be served from 4 – 6 p.m.  Come and enjoy!

Music in the Mini Park
July 29
Your invited to join us at the Mini Park, corner of Main St. and W. High St., Mantua from 6-8pm on Friday, July 29. Enjoy the sounds of blues band, “Finger Music”. Hots dogs and beverages will be available. This is a FREE event hosted by the Downtown Mantua Revitalization Corporation (DMRC).

RFC Hosting Luncheon
July 30
Renaissance Family Center, 9005 Wilverne Dr, is serving lunch during the Bicentennial, on Saturday, July 30th, from 1-3 pm.  come in and cool down during your visit to the Windham Bicentennial.

Adopt-A-Pet Day
July 30
GFS Marketplace, 2725 Niles-Cortland Rd, Niles is holding an adopt-a-pet community day on July 30th from 11 am – 3 pm to benefit the animal welfare shelter’s homeless pets.

JAG Class of ’79 Birthday Party
July 30
Please join us for the JAG Class of 1979 50th Birthday Party. The big event is Saturday, July 30, 4pm – midnight. The Hermann Family is graciously hosting the party at the Pickle Farm, 11964 State Route 88, Garrettsville.  Bring a dish to pass and join us for cornhole, horse shoes, and Larry Bratnick’s band.

Eagles Steak & Chicken Dinner
July 30
The Garrettsville Eagles will be holding their monthly steak fry and grilled chicken dinner on Saturday July 30th from 4 – 8 pm. Choice of Porterhouse or New York Strip steak or grilled chicken breast. Meals include potato, vegetable, salad and roll. Dinners are $12 for steak and $8 for chicken. Other menu items are available for children. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.

Burton Public Library Book Sale
July 30
On Saturday, July 30, the Friends of the Burton Public Library will hold a book sale in the library basement from 9 am to 4 p.m.  There are items for everyone:  books, magazines, movies, music, maps, puzzles and vintage items.

2012 10U Travel Team Tryouts
July 31
The 10U Munson Mud Hens are having their tryout for the 2012 season on Sunday, July 31st 3:00-6:00 at Kawalec Field (12210 Auburn Road, Chardon, OH).
Eligible players are residents of Munson Township, Chardon, and throughout Geauga County and must be 10 years or younger on May 1, 2012. Tryouts are for 10 players and up to 3 alternates.  Cost per player could range from $500-$700+ ($200-$300+ for alt.) – may be less depending upon fund raising.
Practices 2x/month in Oct/Nov; 2x/week Jan-Mar; 1x/week during the season.  Up to 20 regular season games and 3-5 tournaments including potential 2011 Labor Day tournament.  Please RSVP via email bidelectric@windstream.net by July 28th. Go to www.munsonmudhens.shutterfly.com for more details and possible 2nd tryout date.

Community Pot-Luck Dinner
July 31
The Shalersville Historical Society will hold its annual Community Pot-luck Dinner, everyone welcome  Sunday July 31  in the Shalersville Town Hall at 1:00. Bring a dish to pass; beverage and table settings are provided.  The Society Museum will be open at 2:30 until 5:00 with a new dispay [Women and the things they used in the Past]

Crestwood BOE Meeting
Aug 1
The Crestwood Board of Education will hold the regular August meeting on Monday, Aug 1 at 7 p.m. at the Crestwood Primary School, 11256 Bowen Rd, Mantua. A hearing for the employement of a retiree will be held at 6:45 pm before the regular meeting at the same location.

Free Mad Hot Monday Ballroom Boogie
Aug 1
Fun Free Night Featuring Ballroom, Latin, Swing & Hustle. August 1, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm at Kuzmans, 1025 S. State St. in Girard, Ohio.
Dancing is great for your mind, body and spirit….  Open to the Public.

Tennis Camp
Aug 1-4
Tennis Camp with Ravenna Parks & Recreation held on Monday through Thursday,   August 1 to 4 (raindate is August 5). From 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. for ages 5 to 15 years.
Fee is $27.00 for city taxpayers and $32.00 for non-city taxpayers.  Please bring a water bottle. Min 12 – max 18.  Deadline to register is July 22. After July 22 there is a $10 late fee.  Forms are available at Ravenna Recreation Department, 530 N. Freedom St, weekdays 8:00 a.m. to noon or 1 to 4:15 p.m.

VBS Garrettsville UMC
Aug 1-4
Come and join Mary as she shares her Hometown Nazareth, Where Jesus Was a Child.  Garrettsville United Methodist church will be hosting Vacation Bible School the week of Aug 1-4 from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm each evening.  VBS is open to children ages 3-6th grade.  Teen helpers are also needed.  Anyone interested in participating, please contact the church office at 527-2055.

Backyard Bible Club
Aug 1-5
A Backyard Bible Club, sponsored by First Baptist Church, Newton Falls will be held August 1-5 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM.  This outdoor event will be held at East River Gardens’ Freedom Park located at the corner of Newton Drive and Trumbull Court in Newton Falls.  The club is open to children and youth in grades K thru 12 and will include games, singing, Bible lesson and crafts.  Additional information may be obtained by contacting the church office at (330) 872-7055.

Calling all Heroes… To Hero Headquarters Vacation Bible School
Aug 1-5
Where: Southington Baptist Church 4396 St. Rt. 534 Southington, OHio 44470 When: August 1st through 5th. Time: 6-8:30 p.m. Who: Children of all ages from Preschool to Adults   For more information call: Director: Ben Bogun at: 330.889.6051 or the Church phone and leave a message at: 330.889.9587.

Camp Invention: Building Fun!
August 1-5
This exciting summer day experience immerses children in imaginative play that inspires creativity and inventive thinking through hands-on activities in science, technology, engineering, math (STEM).  It’s learning disguised as fun! Camp Invention meets at Hiram College August 1-5 from 9:00am-3:30pm each day. Children bring a lunch and we provide the excitement and learning. Camp Invention is for children entering grades 1-6 in the fall. For more information, visit www.campinvention.org or call Matt Sorrick at Hiram College (330.569.6003).

Flag Football Registration
Aug 1-19
Registration for Flag Football with Ravenna Recreation and Ravenna Police Association is August 1 to August 19 for youth entering grades 1 through 6.  This is a recreational /instructional league.  Games will be played against teams in our league as well as teams from Kent and Stow.  Practice scheduled to begin early September during the week; games are scheduled on Saturdays beginning Sept. 24, 2011.  Fee for Ravenna city taxpayers is 35.00, non-city taxpayer is $43.00.  A $10.00 fee will be added after August 19 IF ANY OPENINGS are available.  For more info, contact 330-296-2864, weekdays 8:00 to 12 noon or 1:00 to 4:15 p.m.

GCRTA Grants Awarded
Aug 2
The Geauga County Retired Teachers Association will award three $1,500 grants to deserving college seniors at their Tuesday, August 2, 2011 picnic luncheon at Chickagami Park: Pine Grove Shelter (Geauga Park District), 17957 Tavern Road (Rt. 168), Parkman, Ohio. The three recipients are: Elizabeth Hess, a former Berkshire student; Kate Ritchie, also a former Berkshire student; and Rachel Henry, a former Chardon student.

Garfield Band Booster Meeting
Aug 2
The Garfield Band Boosters meeting will be held on August 2 at 7 pm in the high school band room. All band parents are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Tae Kwon Do Classes
Aug 2-30
New session of Tae Kwon Do will be held from August 2 to 30 at First Congregational Church in Ravenna for ages 7 years to adults.  Tae Kwon Do emphasizes self-discipline, exercise, and martial art skills.  Instructors work with students individually and as a group on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.  Participants must have a mouth piece on first night.  Male students are required to wear protective gear after the second week. Cost is $40 and is paid the first night to the instructors. To register, call Ravenna Parks and Recreation Department at 330-296-2864.

Southington UMC Chicken Dinner
Aug 3
The Southington UMC, Routes 534 & 305 will be holding a chicken dinner on Aug 3rd from 3:30 – 6 pm. Cost is $7.50 Adults, $4 children ages 4-10. Carry out is available. Call the church at 330 898-2156 and your dinner will be ready for pick up when you get there.

Baton & Dance Demo Day
Aug 4
Ravenna Recreation is offering a Baton and Dance Demo Day for ages 5 to 18 on Thursday, August 4, 2011 at John Tontimonia City Park.  This  FREE event will be held from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.  A baton demonstration will be held by Ravenna Recreation summer twirling team and a hip hop demonstration will be performed by the department’s hip hop instructor.  After the demonstration you will have an opportunity to learn a few dance moves and baton tricks.  Pre-registration is a must by calling the office at (330) 296-2864 weekdays 8 to 12 and 1 to 4:15 p.m. Deadline to register is July 28 or the first 25 to enroll, so sign-up early.

Auxiliary Units to Entertain Veterans
Aug 4
The Portage County Council of the American Legion Auxiliary will entertain veterans from Wade Park Veterans Hospital on Thursday, August 4th at 5 p.m.  Hosting the annual event is Deerfield Auxiliary Unit 713 at the Deerfield Post Home on Route 14. Assisting  will be the other auxiliary units which include Streetsboro, Ravenna, Kent, Windham, Aurora and Mantua. Auxiliary members are urged to attend and welcome these deserving veterans.

North Jackson (Mahoning County, Ohio) Community Wide Yard Sales Days
Aug 5&6
Friday August 5th and Saturday August 6th starting at 9 AM there will be  200+ addresses listed on a map locating sales throughout the entire township.  Maps available at 11349 West Mahoning Avenue and businesses August 5th.   Free parking and Live music by Steve Frazzini at this location.

Come Shop With Us For Bargains
Aug 5-7
Newton Falls Community Wide Yard Sale will be held Aug 5, 6, & 7th from 9am  – 5pm.  Over 65 different addresses to shop at,
you’ll be sure to find something you need. Maps will be available at area businesses, and online at our facebook page and
the community website. Join us for our 4 th fun filled year. Sponsored by the area commerce association.

Back To School Bash & Outdoor Concert  with Potluck Picnic
Aug 6
Join the  us  for our back to school bash at Southington Baptist Church at 4395 St. Rt. 534 (North of Southington Center) on Saturday, August 6th from 4 – 7 p.m.. Southern Gospel Music Singer Mark Allen Chapman will be in concert at 5pm. Free school supplies for children while they last.  For more info ph: 330.766.2410  Please bring a chair.

Warren Family Mission Benefit Auction
Aug 6
There are thousands of items being auctioned off at 361 Elm Rd NE, Warren.  We have furniture, household goods, home improvement items (sinks, toilets, shower doors, windows, etc.), hardware, cabinets, antique collectibles, commercial cooking equipment & exercise equipment, and more… Any questions please call (330)219-0846. All items must be removed from the Mission premises day of sale, unless arrangements are made.We will accept cash, good checks, MC/Visa 5% Buyer’s Premium. Proceeds benefit Warren Family Mission

Brittany Myers Memorial Poker Run
Aug 6
The 10th Annual Brittany Myer’s Memorial Poker Run will take place on Saturday, August 6th. Registration starts at 10AM at the Windham American Legion Hall.  2 or 4 wheels are welcome.  All proceeds go toward the Brittany Myer’s Scholarship Fund and Special Needs Program at James A Garfield and the Youth Softball League. Call Jamie Cain (330) 221-6338 or Becky Gough (330) 815-2575 for details.

Square Dance
Aug 6
Come One, Come All! The Akron Federation Beginners Square Dance will be held on Aug 6th from 2-5 pm at the VFW Hall, 500 VFW Parkway in Kent.  Cost is $5 for adults; children 12-17 are $2. No experience needed! Bring your family, friends and a snack to share!

Johnson Rubber Annual Picnic
Aug 6
Johnson Rubber Annual Picnic for former employees and retirees will be held from  on Saturday, Aug 6th, 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Swine Creek Lodge, 16004 Hayes Road, Middlefield, Ohio.  Please bring a dish to pass, lawn chairs and your water.  Electricity is available, but there is not water available.  We will provide punch, ice tea and hot dogs.  We plan on eating at 4:00 p.m.   Call 330-569-7057 (Maryan) or 440749-0518 (Jeannie) for additional information.

Bluegrass / Gospel Festival
Aug 6
General Assembly Church of God at Newton Falls, OH announces its 4th Annual Bluegrass/Gospel Music Festival. The Festival will be held on the church grounds, located at 2021 East River Road in Newton Falls, OH on Saturday August 6, 2011 from 2:00 – 8:00 pm. Food and refreshments will be available to purchase. There will be a bounce house, snow-cones, cotton candy and plenty of family fun for the kids.Admission will be on a donation basis at the entrance, but a recommendation of at least $5.00 per adult is suggested, with youth admitted free. Handicap parking will be available. For further information, or if you wish to help, or donate to the festival in any way, call Joe Click at (330) 979-4882.

Free School Supplies
Aug 7
The Newton Falls American Legion, 2025 Eat River Road will be hosting a free school supply give away on Sunday, Aug 7th from 3-4 pm ~ while supplies last.  Children must be present.

Little Tigers Meeting
Aug 7
The Newton Falls Little Tigers will be holding their monthly meeting on August 7, 2011 at the Newton Falls Community Center. The meeting will  start at 4:00 p.m. and is open to the public.

Parkman Congregational Church VBS
Aug 8 – 11
Parkman Congregational Church will be holding their Vacation Bible School August 8th – 11th (Mon. – Thurs.) from 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.  Registration forms can be picked-up at the church M-F from 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. or call the church at 440-548-4829 or send an email to parkmanchurch@windstrem.net to request a form.

VBS at Burton Congregational Chuch
Aug 8-11
Burton Congregational Church will hold Vacation Bible School for pre-K through Grade 6 on August 8 -11 from 6:30 – 8 p.m.  The theme this year is “Discovering the Friends of Jesus” and will include stories, music, crafts and games.  All children are welcome and may register at the first session on Monday, August 8 at 6:30.  For more information, please call Sarah Siewert at 440-313-2429.  An adult bible school, “The Parables of Jesus through Middle-Eastern Eyes,”  will be held at the same time.  Parents of children attending VBS are cordially invited, as our any other interested adults who may wish to participate.  The adult class will be led by the Rev. Rod Funk, interim minister.  If you are interested in participating in the adult class, please call the Burton Congregational Church at 440-834-4495.

Ready for the adventure of a Lifetime?
Aug 8-12
Kids will discover that God is wild about them at the PandaMania Vacation Bible School which the The First Church of God, 426 W. Broad St., Newton Falls, is hosting Aug 8th to 12th, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm. for children 3 yrs to 6th grade.  There will be crafts, games, songs, and treats.  To register your child for this life changing adventure, please call 330-898-4637, 330-281-0606, or stop by the church for a registration form.

Freedom Twp. School Room Mothers Luncheon
Aug 9
The Freedom Township School Room Mothers’ 2011 luncheon will be held at noon, Tuesday, Aug 9th at the Freedom Township Hall. All mothers who have fond memories of their child’s school years at the Freedom School are invited. Those attending should bring a dish to share with serving utensils and their own table service including cup.  For more info call Elaine Duffield at 330 296-3568.

Troy Idol Auditions
Aug 10
Auditions for Troy Idol will be held on Aug 10th  at 6:30 pm at the Troy Community Center, 13950 Main Market Rd.  Entry fee is $5.

Down By The River – Canoeing, Bluegrass, Food, & Fun
Aug 12
Camp Hi will be hosting concert and picnic on Friday, August 12 from 5:00 – 9:00 PM. Enjoy canoeing and kayaking, food to purchase, and field games (water balloons, minute-to-win-it) and a concert by The Hiram Rapids Stumblers bluegrass band. Bring your lawn chairs, BYOB, and enter the pie-baking contest for a prize.  Admission is $5.00 per person, and all proceeds benefit the national award-winning Crestwood Scarlet Guard Marching Band. Camp Hi is located at 12274 Abbott Road in Hiram Twp. Call 330-626-5152 for additional information.

Penn-Ohio Annual Coin Show
Aug 13
The Penn-Ohio Wooden Money Collectors Club will be holding their annual coin show on August 13th, from 9-5 at the Red Maple Inn, 14707 South Cheshire Street?  Burton, OH 44021?Free Admission, Drawings & Door Prizes

Portage County Republican Party Family Picnic
Aug 13
The Portage County Republican Party will be hosting a family picnic on August 13 at Lake Hodgson Lodge, 5089 Lakewood Rd, Ravenna OH from 2-7pm.  There will be fishing, games, entertainment, and fellowship. Dinner will be served at 4 pm.  Hamburgers, Hot dogs, buns, paper products and plastic ware will be furnished. Please bring a dish to pass and drinks. RSVP by Aug 6 to Andy Manning (330) 678-1403;
Faith Lyon (330) 204-2232 or Jeneen Kubala  (330) 687-4067

Memorial Car & Bike Show
Aug 14
Ravenna Elks Tirpak Memorial Car & Bike Show Sunday August 14, 2011 from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm.  $8.00 registration from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.  Dash Plaques to the first 100 vehicles, food, prizes.  Family Place on site for digital imaging of vehicles.

Troy Idol
Aug 19
The Troy Idol Contest will be held on Aug 19 at 6:30 pm at the Troy Community Center, 13950 Main Market Road in Troy.

Steak Roast
Aug 20
The Burton-Middlefield American Legion Post 459 will be hosting a steak roast on Aug 20 from 6-8 pm at the American Legion Hall, 14052 Goodwin Street in Burton. Pre-sale tickets are $13; at the door $15. Dinner includes steak, potatoes, salad, rolls, beverage and dessert.

Troy Homecoming 2011
Aug 20 & 21
Troy Township  is celebrating its bicentennial during homecoming weekend, August 20th and 21st.  There will be live music, fire department demonstrations, K9 Unit demonstrations, hot air balloon launches (weather permitting), contra dancing, Amish bake sale, cornhole and horseshoe competitions, tractor pulls, car show, and parade.  Schedule of events will be posted on Facebook, “Troy Homecoming 2011”. This is a free family event.

Antique Auto Show
Aug 21
The Northern Chapter, Ohio Region, of the Antique Auto Club of America, is planning a fun filled family summer event at the Patterson Fruit Farm in Chesterland, Ohio on Sunday August 21, 2011- a GENUINE ANTIQUE AUTO SHOW! The show, held on the grass at the Farm, at 11414 Caves Rd.,, 2.5 miles north of Mayfield Rd., will showcase vehicles that are a minimum of twenty five years old in 19 judged classes. It is anticipated that 200 quality vintage and antique display vehicles will attend. Gates open at 8 A.M., cars on the field by 10 A.M. and the awards ceremony begins at 3:30 P.M. It is anticipated that the awards ceremony will conclude at approximately by 4:30 P.M. In order to make the event attractive to the entire family, all display vehicle occupants will be able to visit the show without charge! Pre-registration fee for display vehicles is $12.50 if received before August 17, 2011. The fee for registrations received after August 18th is $15.00. Admission for adult spectators is $5.00, children 12 and under, free. Trailer parking is available.  For additional information, contact David Heinrichs 440-668-3763 or heinrichsvintagecarshop@gmail.com.

2nd Annual Renaissance Car and Bike Show
August 27
The Renaissance Family Center will be hosting their 2nd Annual Car and Bike Show.  If you are interested in participating, send your name, telephone number or email to Renaissance Family Center 9005 Wilverne Dr. Windham, Oh 44288.

Antique & Collectible Flea Market
Aug 27
The Orange Community Education & Recreation Department is hosting an Antique & Collectible Flea Market on Saturday, August 27, 2011.  The event will take place on the grounds of the Orange Senior Center at 32000 Chagrin Blvd in Pepper Pike from 10:00am to 3:00pm.  The Antique & Collectible Flea Market will feature antiques, collectibles, crystal, china, furniture, books, vintage apparel, hats and handbags, costumes, kitchen wares, collector plates, dolls and bears, toys, tools, vintage dolls, clothing and accessories, artwork, frames, glassware, ceramics and everything else!   The event will be free to the public.

Golf Outing
Sept 4
Southeast Portage County Lions Club  Golf Outing will be held on September 4 at Olde Dutch Mill Golf Course 2745 Grandview Road Lake Milton, OH. Four-person scramble – 8am shotgun start / 7-7:45 am registration. $65 per person. A chance to win $10,000. Call (330) 207-6040 for information.

Chamber Photo Contest
Due By Sept 7
The Garrettsville Area Chamber of Commerce is holding a photo contest for their 3rd Annual Calendar. This year’s theme will be “Unique Area Architecture”. This would include barns / monuments / bridges  and  buildings. We are looking for things such as unique designs on barns, stained glass, carvings etc. Each submission will require two (2) photographs.  One photo will be an up close shot of a unique aspect of the building / structure and the second will be a full shot of the building / structure. If you have any questions, please call Colleen at (330) 527-2121. Entry forms available at Middlefield Bank or online at garrettsvillearea.com.  Entry fee is $5 per photo set. Deadline is Sept 7th.

Garfield Class of 91 Reunion
Sept 10
The Garfield Class of ‘91 Reunion, will be held on  September 10th  at Sugarbush Golf Club. Dinner and dancing. Tickets are $20 each. See a committee member or purchase at Tommie Jo’s/Villager office. 330-527-0100.

6th Annual Alumni Banquet
Sept 17
The 6th Annual Alumni Banquet will be held on  Saturday, September 17, 2011, with sign in being 5:00 p.m. at the James A. Garfield Elementary School.  Reservations are $17.50 and need to be mailed to:  James A. Garfield Alumni, P. O. Box 93, Garrettsville, OH  44231. Please include the year you graduated.  Friday night’s home game is against Southeast. For a carefree class reunion, plan with the Alumni. For any questions, call Helen Louise Paul Bouts at 330-309-2734

Retirement Planning
Sept 29
Wally Waldbauer has arranged for the Geauga County Retired Teachers Association to host “Beyond The Classroom”, an STRS workshop for those who will be ready for retirement in about 10 years.  The workshop will be held at Newbury School Auditorium on Sept. 29, 2011 from 4:30 – 7:00.  Pizza and salad will be served at 4:00, prior to the workshop, for a cost of $5.00.  Current teaching staff will receive additional information about this important and informative event.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography