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We’re All Invited


Vendors Wanted For Freedom Day
Register Today
Spaces are now available for crafters, artisans and musicians for the Freedom Day Picnic and Celebration. Show your skills on August 21. For information call Jim (330)527-2855 or John (330)527-4094.

Newton Falls Community Yard Sale
Register Now
Start planning now!! The Newton Falls 4th annual citywide yard sale is being planned for this year. It is scheduled for August 5th, 6th &7th. 9-5. Forms will be available in the villager and on our face book page. Please join us for a fun filled weekend and get your application in quickly! For more information or questions go to our face book page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Newton-Falls-Community-Wide-Yard-Sale/108474485879459?v=wall or call Linda Nord at 330-872-7788

Balloon-A-Fair Seeks Vendors & Exhibitors
Register Today
The Ravenna Balloon A-Fair is seeking craft vendors, exhibitors, food vendors, local businesses and agencies to set up booths September 17 in downtown Ravenna and September 17 & 18 at SUNBEAU Valley Farm on St. Rt. 59, Ravenna. For booth space price and application call Judy Tompkins, Booth Chairperson at 330-527-5695. For general questions call 330-296-FAIR.

2011 Balloon-A-Fair Seeks Parade Entries
Register Today
Parade applications are still available. Parade line up begins at 7:00 am and the parade step off at 9:00 AM Saturday, September 17, in beautiful downtown Ravenna. The All American Judges will be judging the parade. Parade entries are encouraged to stay for the opening ceremony when the parade winners will be announced. Entries should focus on this year’s theme, “Patchwork Skies”. For more information call the BAF Hotline (330) 296-FAIR.

RFC Basketball Camp
Wednesday Mornings
Renaissance Family Center basketball camp every Wednesday morning – Grades 4-7 9:30-10:30, and Grades 8-12 11- noon, 9005 Wilverne Dr. Windham.

Hilltop Opens Backdoor
Tuesdays & Fridays
Economy got you down? Let us help…part of the ministry of Hilltop Christian Church, Disciples of Christ in Mantua is to help those who simply need a little assistance. Visit the BackDoor for gently used household goods donated by people who seek to help. While some items have very moderate prices, most are available at no charge. The room is open every Tuesday 1 – 4 pm and Friday 1 – 3 pm.  Enter our BackDoor from the parking lot behind the church located at 4572 West Prospect St in Mantua.

Freedom Township Brush Pick up
1st Monday of Month
Freedom Township will be doing the monthly brush pickup the first Monday of the month. Residents must call 330-527-4094 or 330 527-7414 prior to 8 am Monday morning to arrange for pickup.  Twigs, branches and brush (no garbage) will be picked up curbside.

2nd Annual BBQ Rib Dinners
Fridays In August
The Mantua council Knights of Columbus is conducting their Second Annual Bar-B-Q Rib Dinner Fridays during August 2011.  Enjoy the delicious, slow cooked St. Louis Style rib dinners for carryout or you are welcome to picnic on our lawn.
Half Slab Rib Dinner includes Baked Potato, Cole Slaw, Baked Beans and Corn on the Cob.  Other dinner options will be available, watch for more details! We have a beautiful country setting perfect for lawn style picnics.  So pack your blanket, bring your own beverage, play some games and enjoy a delicious Rib Dinner.  Dinners served Fridays August 5, 12, 19 & 26 from 4-7 PM.  Mantua K of C is located on State Route 44 just north of Route 82 in Mantua, Ohio.

Schumann’s Cruise-in
Public is welcome to Saturday’s at Schumann’s Cruise-in car show and pot luck dinner from 5 – 9 PM every Saturday now through September. Any cars old or new are welcome we have space for 120 cars. Come to 6191 Hazel Street Ravenna each week for our free car show.

Crafters Wanted
Call Today
Renaissance Family Center is looking for Crafters for their annual craft show Nov. 11th and 12th 2011. Call (330)326-3003.

Male Mentors Needed
Register Today
Although Big Brothers and Sisters of Portage County is always looking for volunteers from all walks of life right now there is a greater need for male mentors. Call Big Brothers & Sisters today at (330) 296-6655.

Free Summer Food Program
Through  Aug 19
There is a free summer food program running through Aug. 169th at the Renaissance Family Center, 9005 Wilverne Dr, Windham. Any child 1-18 years old is welcome. Breakfast is from 9-9:30 am and lunch is served from Noon – 1:30 Monday – Friday.

Summer Programs
Renaissance Summer Programs are Wednesday – Friday 1:30-3:30pm ages 5 through 12. We have cooking, wood-working, guitar and piano lessons, Health Fair, volley ball, anti drug, concert. All at the Renaissance Family Center 9005 Wilverne Drive Windham.

Rummage Sale
July 14-16
First Christian Church, 7 North Center St. in Newton Falls, will be hosting a rummage sale on July 14-15,  from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and July 16 from 9 a.m. to noon will be bag day.  LUNCH AVAILABLE

“Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat”
July 15 & 16
Curtains up Theatre is proud to present “Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” July 15 & 16 at 7 pm.  Performances will be held at JA Garfield High School Iva Walker Auditorium. For tickets call 216 375-0709 or order online at garrettsvillecurtainsuptheatre.com.

Harvest Point Rummage Sale
July 15 & 16
Harvest Point Church will hold a Rummage Sale at the church on Friday, July 15, and Saturday, July 16, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  The church is located at 6100 Tod Ave. in the Lordstown Plaza.   The proceeds  of the sale will be used for the church’s outreach ministry which includes the Free Community Luau which will be held on Sunday, August 28, at the 4-Corners Park on Tod Ave. in Lordstown.  Pastor Shannon New-Spangler is Pastor.

Christ Lutheran Church Rummage Sale
July 15 & 16
Christ Lutheran Church, 10827 North Main Street, Mantua, will be holding their annual Rummage Sale on Friday, July 15 and Saturday, July 16, 9 AM to 1 PM.  There will be a large selection of clothing, household items and much more. For more information please call the Church at 330-274-2849.

Parkman Community Picnic
July 16
All residents of Parkman Township are invited to a Community Picnic at Overlook Park on Saturday, July 16th, 5 – 8 p.m.  We will have carnival treats and games, corn hole, Amish-Yankee baseball games, and a bounce house for the little ones. The park also has a volleyball court, basketball court, tennis court, and playground.  The Parkman Chamber of Commerce will be providing burgers and hot dogs, beverages, and paper products.  Everyone is asked to bring a dish or two to share and an appetite for a GREAT TIME!

Blue Ribbon Flowers
July 16
Geauga County Master Gardener volunteers present “Blue Ribbon Flowers – Competing at the Fair” on July 16 from 10 am – Noon. Learn how to enter the fair and how to select and present your plants and flowers to look their best. Fee $15 Call (440)834-4656 for information.

Soccer Coaches, Volunteers and Sponsors Needed
Deadline July 16
The GW Soccer Club is looking for new and returning coaches, someone to head concessions, someone to head fundraising and team sponsors.  The cost to sponsor a team is only $125.00.  Anyone interested should contact Bob Finney (330) 527-0656, Stacy Neer (330) 527-5720, Russell Thornton (330) 527-0955, Becky Gough (330) 815-2575 or Melissa Roubic (330) 296-4336  by Saturday, July 16th.

An Accidental Garden: Ravenna Rails to Trails
July 16
Join us at 8:00am to explore the profusion of weedy wildflowers along the former rail line that runs through an old industrial area of Ravenna is quite amazing and beautiful. Velvet soft mullein, exotic viper’s bugloss, and host of other vibrant flowers grow between the ties and along the rails. A surprising number of songbirds and butterflies also add to the charm of this seemingly unattractive area. Directions will be sent upon registration. Fee: $5 ($3 for Friends of the Hiram College Field Station). Registration is required. Call 330.569.6003 or email sorrickmw@hiram.edu.

G-W Soccer Club Sign-Ups
Through July 16
Fall Soccer Signup Dates:             Saturday, July 9th at Garrettsville Park (9:00 a.m. – Noon); Wednesday, July 13th at Windham Town Hall (6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.);     Saturday, July 16th at Windham Town Hall (9:00 a.m. – Noon)

G.I. Gathering
July 16
The public is invited to a G.I. Gathering on July 16th from 8am-noon at 14052 Goodwin Street, Burton American Legion Post 459, contact Bruce Zupancic (440)897-2396

18th Annual Hiram School Reunion
July 17
The 18th Annual Hiram School Reunion will be held on Sunday, July 17 from 1-4 pm for all those who attended Hiram School. This years reunion will be held at the Troy Community House, 13950 Main Market Rd. (RT 422), Welshfield, Ohio.  Meat, beverages and table service will be provided. Last names A-K please bring a desert. Last names L-Z please bring a salad or vegetable. For more information contact Barbara 330-296-3732 or Carol at 330-527-4457.

Rod Truman To Perform
July 17
The Rev. Jim Melick, pastor of the First Congregational Church of Freedom invites the public to come join us and hear Rod Truman with Thru It All Ministries at the church on July 17 at 10:30am. Mr. Truman will share his story of healing. The church is located at State Route 88 and State Route 303 in Freedom Township.

Portage County Republican Women’s Club Meeting
July 18
You and your guests are invited to attend the monthly meeting of the Portage County Republican Women’s Club on Monday, July 18, 2011 from 6:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. at Kinsey’s Korner Restaurant & Pizzeria, 1281 St. Rt. 183, Atwater, OH . Guest Speaker will be Todd McKenney, Ohio House Representative for the 43rd District . If you have any questions please contact Jeneen Kubala at 330 687-4067

Crestwood BOE Meeting
July 18
The Crestwood Board of Education will hold a special meeting on Monday, July 18 at 8 am at the Special Services Building, 4571 W. Prospect St Mantua. The purpose of this meeting is to conduct necessary procedures to place a renewal permanent improvement levy  on the November 2011 ballot.

Pricetown Vacation Bible School
July 18 – 22
Pricetown United Methodist Church, 4640 Pritchard-Ohltown Rd, Newton Falls will be holding its annual Vacation Bible School from July 18 thru July 22 from  6 to 8:30 P.M.  Please come join us for a week of fun and fellowship at “SON SURF” Beach where your youngsters ( 3 years to 12th grade) are invited to meet Jesus.  They will enjoy Bible stories, music, games, crafts and snacks.

Gospel Light’s Son Surf Beach Bash
July 18-22
Gospel Light’s Son Surf Beach Bash VBS will be held at the Wayland Community Church, 6355 Wayland Rd., Wayland on July 18-22. The fun begins at 6 pm SHARP and lasts until 8:30 pm. This years theme focuses on John 14:6. All children, age 3 through those that have finished 6th grade, are welcome. There is no charge to attend.  For more information call Anna 330.938-2335; JoDel 330.358.2739 or Debbie at 330.358-2638.

“The Greatest Victory”
July 19
Veteran and former POW Harry Guinther will present “The Greatest Victory” on Tuesday, July 19 at 7:00pm at the Middlefield Library. Experience one hero’s exciting role in World War II.  Mr. Guinther joined the U.S. Army Air Force shortly after his 19th birthday and trained as a radio operator and aerial gunner on a Martin B-26 Marauder aircraft. Listen to his personal stories as an Airman, including his two daring escapes from imprisonment. Bring the whole family and pass history onto younger generations.  A question and answer session will follow the program.  Please call the Middlefield Library at 440.632.1961 to register for this exciting presentation.  The Middlefield Library is located at 16167 E. High Street, Middlefield, Ohio 44062.

Adventure Through The Cosmos
July 20
Join us  in an exciting adventure through the cosmos as we watch on the large screen “How Great Is Our God” at Shephards Joy Ministry and JC Café.  We are located at 9445 1?2 Annette Dr. in Windham.

Lake Milton Independent Senior Citizens Meeting
July 20
The Lake Milton Independent Senior Citizens will meet at Lake Milton State Park, NE River Road for their picnic and bingo at 11 a.m. on July 20th.  Please bring a covered dish.

Garrettsville’s Farmers Market
July 20 – Oct 5
The 2011 Garrettsville’s Farmers Market will run on Wednesdays from July 20th through October 5, 2011. The location will be in the Skylanes Bowling Alley parking lot, located at the intersection of Liberty and Windham Streets (SR82). The market will run from 3:00 pm – 6:30 pm. Vendors wanting to participate in this years market contact Jackie Rinearson at rinearson05@frontier.com or call 216-375-0709.  We do not accept any vendors of non-edible items and concessions are not permitted at this time.

Christmas In July Dinner
July 21
On July 21st at the Renaissance Center there will be a free “Christmas in July” Dinner. Remember the joys of Christmas, all the great smells and pretty lights. Time is 5-6:30, presents, prizes and a Chinese Auction.

Little Tigers Meeting
July 23
The Newton Falls Little Tigers will be holding a football and  cheerleaders parents’ meeting/ equipment handout on July 23 at the  Newton Falls park stone pavilion. The meetings will be at the  following times:  Varsity ( 10,11,12 years old) at  9:00 a.m.; Junior Varsity ( 8,9,10 years old ) at 10:00 a.m.; Mighty Mites ( 5,6,7 years old) at 11:30 a.m. There will also be football sign-ups held at the same time.  Please bring a  copy of the child’s birth certificate when signing up. For  further  information contact Andy McElrath @  330-565-0950.

Friends of Burton Library Preview Book Sale
July 23
The Friends of the Burton Public Library will hold a members-only Preview book sale from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, July 23.  This is a FRIENDS only sale and memberships may be purchased on that day.

Ice Cream Social
July 23
Lordstown Lutheran Church, 5615 Palmyra Road S.W., Lordstown, will hold an Ice Cream Social from 4 to 7 p.m. on Saturday July 23.  There will be turkey sandwiches, sloppy joes, hot dogs, baked beans, macaroni salad, homemade pies and ice cream.  A bake sale will also be held.

Mantua American Legion Post 193 Picnic
July 24
The Mantua American Legion Post 193 and the Legion Auxiliary Unit 193 will host a joint picnic on Sunday, July 24th from 2-4 p.m. at the Shalersville Park. Members and guests are asked to bring a dish to pass and table service. Meat and beverages will be provided by Post 193. Come prepared to enjoy games and fellowship.

Windham Library Book Sale
July 25-29
The Windham Library will have a book sale during regular library hours the week of July 25-29. There will be a selection of adult, young adult and children’s books available. Money raised will help to fund special programs at the library.

Vacation Bible School
July 27-19
“Nazareth – Where Jesus Was a Kid” will be held at Friendship Alliance Church, 19126 Ravenna Road (SR 44), Auburn Township on July 27-29 from 9:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.  Ages 4 years – 6th grade welcome. There is NO COST for this program. Contact the church to register (walk-ins also welcome) 440-834-0955

Hiram Historical Society “Garden Party”
July 28
Join the Hiram Historical Society for a ‘Garden Party’ on July 28 at
7:30 p.m. Enjoy the refurbished gardens at the Century House (across
from the Hiram Fire Station) and hear a presentation on sustainable
gardening practices. All are welcome to attend; refreshments will be

Hiram Men’s Basketball Golf Outing
July 28
Join the Hiram Men’s Basketball team for their 3rd Annual Golf Outing on July 28th. The day promises to be filled with golf, food and fun – all to benefit the Men’s Basketball program.  Cost is $125 and includes 18 holes of golf, cart, lunch, dinner, door prizes and skill shots. Skins and mulligans will also be available.  Sign up as a foursome or individually. Registration Deadline is July 21st. Make checks payable to Hiram College Men’s Basketball. Return registration and payment to:  Steve Fleming – Head Men’s Basketball Coach, P.O. Box 1777,  Hiram, Ohio 44234.  Any questions- Call 330-569-5346.

Burton Public Library Book Sale
July 30
On Saturday, July 30, the Friends of the Burton Public Library will hold a book sale in the library basement from 9 am to 4 p.m.  There are items for everyone:  books, magazines, movies, music, maps, puzzles and vintage items.

2012 10U Travel Team Tryouts
July 31
The 10U Munson Mud Hens are having their tryout for the 2012 season on Sunday, July 31st 3:00-6:00 at Kawalec Field (12210 Auburn Road, Chardon, OH).
Eligible players are residents of Munson Township, Chardon, and throughout Geauga County and must be 10 years or younger on May 1, 2012. Tryouts are for 10 players and up to 3 alternates.  Cost per player could range from $500-$700+ ($200-$300+ for alt.) – may be less depending upon fund raising.
Practices 2x/month in Oct/Nov; 2x/week Jan-Mar; 1x/week during the season.  Up to 20 regular season games and 3-5 tournaments including potential 2011 Labor Day tournament.  Please RSVP via email bidelectric@windstream.net by July 28th. Go to www.munsonmudhens.shutterfly.com for more details and possible 2nd tryout date.

Camp Invention: Building Fun!
August 1-5
This exciting summer day experience immerses children in imaginative play that inspires creativity and inventive thinking through hands-on activities in science, technology, engineering, math (STEM).  It’s learning disguised as fun! Camp Invention meets at Hiram College August 1-5 from 9:00am-3:30pm each day. Children bring a lunch and we provide the excitement and learning. Camp Invention is for children entering grades 1-6 in the fall. For more information, visit www.campinvention.org or call Matt Sorrick at Hiram College (330.569.6003).

Auxiliary Units to Entertain Veterans
Aug 4
The Portage County Council of the American Legion Auxiliary will entertain veterans from Wade Park Veterans Hospital on Thursday, August 4th at 5 p.m.  Hosting the annual event is Deerfield Auxiliary Unit 713 at the Deerfield Post Home on Route 14. Assisting  will be the other auxiliary units which include Streetsboro, Ravenna, Kent, Windham, Aurora and Mantua. Auxiliary members are urged to attend and welcome these deserving veterans.

Square Dance
Aug 6
Come One, Come All! The Akron Federation Beginners Square Dance will be held on Aug 6th from 2-5 pm at the VFW Hall, 500 VFW Parkway in Kent.  Cost is $5 for adults; children 12-17 are $2. No experience needed! Bring your family, friends and a snack to share!

Johnson Rubber Annual Picnic
Aug 6
Johnson Rubber Annual Picnic for former employees and retirees will be held from  on Saturday, Aug 6th, 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Swine Creek Lodge, 16004 Hayes Road, Middlefield, Ohio.  Please bring a dish to pass, lawn chairs and your water.  Electricity is available, but there is not water available.  We will provide punch, ice tea and hot dogs.  We plan on eating at 4:00 p.m.   Call 330-569-7057 (Maryan) or 440749-0518 (Jeannie) for additional information.

Parkman Congregational Church VBS – Vacation Bible School
Aug 8 – 11
Parkman Congregational Church will be holding their Vacation Bible School August 8th – 11th (Mon. – Thurs.) from 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.  Registration forms can be picked-up at the church M-F from 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. or call the church at 440-548-4829 or send an email to parkmanchurch@windstrem.net to request a form.

A Day In Provence
Through August 15
It’s becoming known as “Ohio’s Provence.” So treat yourself to the rich color, heady fragrance and an unexpected feel of French countryside at the Ohio Lavender Harvest hosted by DayBreak Lavender Farm, 2129 Frost Road, Streetsboro, OH. An island of tranquil purple set against the greens and golds of the summer season, the Lavender Harvest offers a bouquet of delightful activities to enjoy. Gather a lavender bouquet, spread out a picnic on the banks of the large pond, set up your easel, take pictures, hike the trails, reconnect with nature or meditate in the Woodland Meditation Retreat.
It takes all takes place in the beautiful and peaceful country setting known as DayBreak Lavender Farm. For details visit www.ohiolavenderfestival.com

Steak Roast
Aug 20
The Burton-Middlefield American Legion Post 459 will be hosting a steak roast on Aug 20 from 6-8 pm at the American Legion Hall, 14052 Goodwin Street in Burton. Pre-sale tickets are $13; at the door $15. Dinner includes steak, poratoes, salad, rolls, beverage and dessert.

Troy Homecoming 2011
Aug 20 & 21
Troy Township  is celebrating its bicentennial during homecoming weekend, August 20th and 21st.  There will be live music, fire department demonstrations, K9 Unit demonstrations, hot air balloon launches (weather permitting), contra dancing, Amish bake sale, cornhole and horseshoe competitions, tractor pulls, car show, and parade.  Schedule of events will be posted on Facebook, “Troy Homecoming 2011”. This is a free family event.

2nd Annual Renaissance Car and Bike Show
August 27
The Renaissance Family Center will be hosting their 2nd Annual Car and Bike Show.  If you are interested in participating, send your name, telephone number or email to Renaissance Family Center 9005 Wilverne Dr. Windham, Oh 44288.

Golf Outing
Sept 4
Southeast Portage County Lions Club  Golf Outing will be held on September 4 at Olde Dutch Mill Golf Course 2745 Grandview Road Lake Milton, OH. Four-person scramble – 8am shotgun start / 7-7:45 am registration. $65 per person. A chance to win $10,000. Call (330) 207-6040 for information.

6th Annual Alumni Banquet
Sept 17
The 6th Annual Alumni Banquet will be held on  Saturday, September 17, 2011, with sign in being 5:00 p.m. at the James A. Garfield Elementary School.  Reservations are $17.50 and need to be mailed to:  James A. Garfield Alumni, P. O. Box 93, Garrettsville, OH  44231. Please include the year you graduated.  Friday night’s home game is against Southeast. For a carefree class reunion, plan with the Alumni.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography