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We’re All Invited


Vendors Needed For Art On The Hill
Call Today
Art on the Hill 2011 will be held on Saturday, July 9 in Mantua and is currently seeking artisans and food vendors. This day-long celebration of the arts includes continuous live entertainment, great food, lots of activities and of course lots and lots of art! If you are interested in selling or displaying your art at this well attended event, please call Christine Pitsinger at 330-414-6486 for an application or more information. Booth space is just $45!

Newton Falls 4th of July Raffle
Tickets On Sale Now
The drawing will take place this year on July 4th at 8:00 p.m. at the Newton Falls City Park (winners need not be present). Grand Prize will be $5,000.00; 1st – 46’”LCD HDTV; 2nd- Apple iPad; 3rd- 15” Laptop Computer; 4th- Xbox 360 with Kinect; 5th- Kindle eReader. The tickets are available at local Newton Falls businesses now.

So You Think You Can Dance
Register Before June 22
Sign up today for the opportunity to live a day in life as a dancing star by performing on stage, obtaining scores and most importantly being chosen the most talented dancer at Garrettsville SummerFest! Contest takes place at Slim-n-Jumbos on Sunday June 26th. Register online at garrettsvillesummerfest.com.

Summerfest Car or Cash Raffle Tickets
Tickets On Sale Now
Tickets are available for the Summerfest Car or Cash Raffle at area businesses in Garrettsville as well as Middlefield & Huntington Banks. Tickets are $20 each or through June 23rd you can get 6 for $100. Grand prize is a 2011 Chevy Cruze LTZ or $20,000 Cash!

Newton Falls Community Yard Sale
Register Now
Start planning now!! The Newton Falls 4th annual citywide yard sale is being planned for this year. It is scheduled for August 5th, 6th &7th. 9-5. Forms will be available in the villager and on our face book page. Please join us for a fun filled weekend and get your application in quickly! For more information or questions go to our face book page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Newton-Falls-Community-Wide-Yard-Sale/108474485879459?v=wall or call Linda Nord at 330-872-7788

Balloon-A-Fair Seeks Vendors & Exhibitors
Register Today
The Ravenna Balloon A-Fair is seeking craft vendors, exhibitors, food vendors, local businesses and agencies to set up booths September 17 in downtown Ravenna and September 17 & 18 at SUNBEAU Valley Farm on St. Rt. 59, Ravenna. For booth space price and application call Judy Tompkins, Booth Chairperson at 330-527-5695. For general questions call 330-296-FAIR.

2011 Balloon-A-Fair Seeks Parade Entries
Register Today
Parade applications are still available. Parade line up begins at 7:00 am and the parade step off at 9:00 AM Saturday, September 17, in beautiful downtown Ravenna. The All American Judges will be judging the parade. Parade entries are encourage to stay for the opening ceremony when the parade winners will be announced. Entries should focus on this year’s theme “Patchwork Skies”. For more information call the BAF Hotline (330) 296-FAIR.

Geauga Park District 5K
Register Now
Registration is open for Geauga Park District’ first-ever athletic event – the Caveman Crawl 5K Trail Run on Sunday, June 12, at The West Woods in Russell Township. Race time is 9 a.m.; registration starts at 7:30 a.m.; and free food will follow. All ages are welcome. Find the official Caveman Crawl registration form at http://geaugaparkdistrict.org/special-events.shtml or register online at http://clevelandplaysracing.com. Registration costs $20 if postmarked by June 10 or completed online, and $25 on race day. The first 200 people collect free T-shirts, too, for being part of this exciting debut event.

Middlefield Chamber Raffle
Tickets On Sale Now
Middlefield Chamber of Commerce is holding a raffle for a 50” Samsung TV from RadioActive in Middlefield. Tickets are $5 for 1 ticket / $20 for 5 tickets. You can get a ticket from any members of the Middlefield Chamber, or contact the Chamber Office 440-632-5705. Raffle proceeds go toward the Scholarship fund, which focuses on displaced workers getting back into the workforce.

Garfield Elementary 2011 Safety Village Registration
Register Now
Please register your 2011-2012 kindergartener now for James A. Garfield PTO Safety Village. The areas to be covered are fire, school, electric, gun safety, stranger danger, home and personal safety and much more. This is a great way to introduce your child into the school environment. This is open to all incoming James A. Garfield Elementary kindergarteners. Registration fee is $25.00; this provides a T-shirt, snack, and craft everyday plus more! The deadline for registration is July 1st. If you have any questions or need a registration form please call Michelle Cmunt @ 330-527-9310 or Kellie Norris @ 330-527-7708. Sorry- no late registrations and no walk-ins.

Huntsburg Congregational Church Bible Study
Thursday Nights
Huntsburg Congregational Church has a new Bible Study on Thursday nights at 7:00pm at the church, 12435 Madison Road, Huntsburg, just south of US322 on SR528. 440-636-5504 for any info.

Hilltop Opens Backdoor
Tuesdays & Fridays
Economy got you down? Let us help…part of the ministry of Hilltop Christian Church, Disciples of Christ in Mantua is to help those who simple need a litlle assistance. Visit the BackDoor for gently used household goods donated by people who seek to help. While some items have very moderate prices, most are available at no charge. The room is open every Tuesday 1 – 4 pm and Friday 1 – 3 pm. Enter our BackDOor from the parking lot behind the church located at 4572 West Prospect St in Mantua.

Treasure Hunt
By June 15
The Windham Bicentennial Committee is looking for treasure to display during our 200th birthday celebration – July 28-31, our biggest celebration in history. If you own any items of historical significance relevant to the Windham community, and would be willing to share them with us for a few days for display purposes only, please contact Lynnea St. John – Chairperson at 330-326-6061 by June 15, 2011.Please be assured that your treasures will be treated with the utmost care and respect in a controlled and secured environment, and will be returned immediately following our celebration.

Freedom Township Brush Pick up
1st Monday of Month
Freedom Township will be doing the monthly brush pickup the first Monday of the month. Residents must call 330-527-4094 or 330 527-7414 prior to 8 am Monday morning to arrange for pickup. Twigs, branches and brush (no garbage) will be picked up curbside.

Free Summer Food Program
Through Aug 19
Free summer food program for children 6/13 – 8/19, 2011 at the Renaissance Family Center, 9005 Wilverne Dr., Windham. Breakfast will be from 9-9:30am and lunch from Noon-1:30pm Monday through Friday. Any child ages 1 – 18 years old welcome.

Summer Programs
Renaissance Summer Programs are Wednesday – Friday 1:30-3:30pm ages 5 through 12. We have cooking, wood working, guitar and piano lessons, Health Fair, volley ball, anti drug, concert. All at the Renaissance Family Center 9005 Wilverne Drive Windham.

Nelson Twp. Tea Party Meeting
June 16
The first Nelson Township Tea Party meeting will be held on Thursday, June 16 at 7pm at the Community House at Nelson Circle. Hope to see all there! Thanks for your help.

Taste of Middlefield
June 17
The Middlefield Chamber of Commerce Taste of Middlefield is Friday, June 17th from 4pm to 9pm at the Middlefield Fire Department. Free admission, wine & beer tent, raffles, food from our best restaurants, Chinese auction, samples. Meet your community businesses. Children’s activities & inflatables. The drawing of the winning TV raffle ticket will be held. Contact for further info: 440-632-5705.

June 17 – 24
Summer Stock is proud to present our upcoming performances of the classic children’s tale Pinocchio. The play, written by Michele L. Vacca and directed by Patricia M. Fagan, will follow the adventure of Pinocchio and all the unique characters he meets along the way, including Gepetto, the Cricket, and the Blue Fairy. Pinocchio, along with a magic show by Gary Morton, performs Fridays June 17 and 24 at 7:00pm and Monday June 20 through Friday June 24 at 10:30am each weekday in Lecture Hall A at the Kent State Trumbull Campus located at 4314 Mahoning Ave. NW in Champion, OH. Tickets are $8 for adults and $6 for students, seniors, and children. Call (330)675-8887 or email trumbullboxoffice@kent.edu for more information and reservations.

A Taste of Fashion
June 18
A Taste of Fashion brunch, fashion show and silent auction will be held on Saturday, June 18 from 10:00 a.m. – Noon at the Randolph Community (Senior) Center, 1639 State Route 44, Randolph, Ohio. This event is sponsored by the Portage County Republican Women’s Club. Cost $9.00 for the event. For tickets and more information please contact Gail Pavliga at (330) 472-2754 or Elayne Cross at 330 221-0051

St. William Church Summer Trunk Sale
June 18
There will be a Summer Trunk Sale on Saturday, June 18 from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm at the St. William Church Parking Lot, 5431 Mahoning Ave., Champion, OH. 80-Vendors – Lots of Stuff. We will also be selling used books, media and baked goods. Refreshments will be available. Plan to stop by that day to shop! For more information, please contact Debi Hayes @ 330 847-6556

A Naturalist Buys An Old Farm
June 18
An abandon farm is the perfect setting for a field naturalist to settle on. By applying good conservation and preservation techniques the healing of the abandon farmland has resulted in the perfect setting for a living laboratory of natural history-a naturalist dream. The Farm has a well documented population of resident and transient fauna, including river otters, rare butterflies and beautiful and gentle milk snakes. Meet at 9:00am at the Parkman Community House on U.S. 422 just east of the S.R. 528 intersection in “downtown” Parkman. Registration is required ($4 for members, $6 for non-members). Call 330.569.6003 or email sorrickmw@hiram.edu. Sponsored by the Friends of the Hiram College Field Station.

Animal Adoption Open House
June 18
Adoption Open House – June 18, 2011, 1-6 pm. We have a great selection of dogs & cats just waiting for you. Come to the Animal Welfare Shelter, 545 Brunstetter Road SW in Lordstown. (330) 394-4122.

Sons Of American Legion Chicken Roast
June 18
The Sons of American Legion Post 674 will be holding a chicken roast on June 18. Cost is $7 and begins at 3 p.m. Proceeds to benefit the Windham Legion Hall.

GW Soccer Club Lookif for New Officials
Deadline June 19
The President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer positions are up for election. Anyone interested should contact Bob Finney (330) 527-0656, Stacy Neer (330) 527-5720, Russell Thornton (330) 527-0955, Becky Gough (330) 815-2575 or Melissa Roubic (330) 296-4336 by Sunday, June 19th.

Shannon Bunch Ministering
June 19 – 22
Shannon Bunch gospel singer &song writer from Nashville Tenn. Will be ministering four nights of exciting services beginning June 19 at 6:30pm – June 22. Service time Mon-Wed 7pm. Shep Joy Min. & JC Café, 9445 1?2 Annette Dr. Windham. For information call (330)527-5009.

Portage County Republican Women’s Club
June 20
Portage County Republican Women’s Club invites you and your guests to the monthly meeting
Monday, June 20, 2011 from 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. at Monica’s Café,
9680 E. Center, Windham. Lynnea St. John, President/Founder of the Windham Historical Society and
the Chair of Windham’s 2011 Bicentennial Committee will be our guest speaker. RSVP to Jeneen 330 687- 4067

Lordstown Vacation Bible School
June 20 – 24
Hope Lutheran Parish at Lordstown Lutheran Church 5615 Palmyra Rd,44481 will host a Vacation Bible School week long Event for children ages 3 years up to entering Grade 8 from 9:00 am to noon beginning Monday June 20th and ending Friday June 24th. The theme called “Son Rock Kids Camp” encourages children build their lives on Jesus the rock! A special feature will be “Captive Free” a young adult Lutheran Church musical entertainment crew, along with crafts, snacks, games, storytelling and christian education.

Hiram Historical Society Meeting
June 23
Thursday, June 23, at 7:30 p.m., the Hiram Historical Society will
sponsor a program on the Newbury Union Chapel, a historic building
linked to James A. Garfield, Susan B. Anthony, and a variety of reform
movements of the 1800s. Sandy Woolf and Mike Fath, trustees of the Union Chapel, will speak on the history of this fascinating building. The meeting will take place in the Historical Society’s Century House,
across from the Hiram Fire Station. All are welcome to attend.

Women’s Fellowship Trash & Treasure Sale
June 23-25
The Parkman Congregational Church located at 18265 Madison Road in Parkman is holding a Trash and Treasure Sale on Thursday, June 23, 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM; Friday, June 24 – 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM and Saturday, June 25 – 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM. * 1?2 off specials on Saturday, June 25th.

Free Community Dinner
June 23
Free Community Dinner 6/23 5-6:30pm, cook’s choice, pot luck, whatever in fridge, Tyra surprise. Come join us at Renaissance Family Center. (330) 326-3003

Hiram Community Band Rehearsals
June 23, 28 & July 1
The Hiram Community Band returns! Rehearsals will be 6:45-9 on Thurs. 6/23, Tues. 6/28 and Fri. 7/1 at Frohring Hall on the Hiram campus, with the concert, as always, at “4 on the 4th” of July on the street outside Frohring. The concert will feature the premiere of “Windham Bicentennial March” by Jeffrey Quick, and may possibly be repeated for the Bicentennial festivities (July 28-30). If you play a band instrument and want to play, email jaq@case.edu or call 216-368-6677 (weekdays) or 330-527-0144 (evenings and weekends)

Newton Falls Street Dance
June 24
We are going to start this year’s car & bike show weekend with a Street Dance on Friday, June 24, from 7 to 11 pm in downtown Newton Falls.

Summerfest Flower & Garden Show
June 24-26
Do you have a green thumb and like to display your work? Summerfest has added a Flower and Garden Show to the mix. The event is sponsored by the Silver Creek Garden Club and the Bay Window. Exhibitors will need to have entries dropped off at the show site — the old Portage Motors Building — between the hours of 5 pm and 7 pm June 24, 2011 and arranged to be picked up by Sunday June 26th at 6 pm. Categories are open to all exhibitors except professional florists and more than one entry per person is permitted per category. All flowers are to be home-grown with no artificial flowers, foliage, fruits or vegetables allowed. For more information on the show please contact Linda Klamer (330) 527-5729 or Suzanne Wensel (440) 548-5399

Troy Community Yard Sale
June 24-25
Bargains galore will be available as the Troy Chamber of Commerce sponsors its second annual community yard sale on Friday, June 24 and Saturday, June 25. Friday hours are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information or registration materials contact Ken Zwolinski at 440.8341293 days and 440.834.4520 evenings.

Newton Falls 25th Annual Car Show.
June 25
That’s right. Can you believe 25 years? On Saturday, June 25, the Car Show will begin with parking, starting at 11:00; registration 11:00 to 3:00 and trophies will begin an hour early at 6:00. We are planning a Chinese auction and 50/50 raffle. DJ Mary “O” and area dance studios will provide entertainment. Our website is nfjuly44444.com.

Amateur Radio Field Day Event
June 25 & 26
The Portage County Amateur Radio Service (PCARS) will be holding its sixth annual Field Day event at the Ravenna City Park on Oakwood Street in Ravenna from 2 p.m. Sat, June 25th until 2 p.m. on Sun, June 26th. Field Day is sponsored nationally by the American Radio Relay League as a field operation for ham radio operators who provide emergency communications as well as a public demonstration of amateur radio activities. Community members and public officials are invited to stop by and learn more about amateur radio and the many facets of the hobby. There will even be a station for members of the public to operate on the air. For more information check the PCARS web site at www.portcars.org or contact the PCARS President, Jim Aylward, KC8PD, at 330-297-7979 or kc8pd@portcars.org.

“Weekend Madness” Bike Show
June 26
The Newton Falls “Weekend Madness” Bike Show will be on Sunday, June 26. The Poker Run begins at 12:00 noon and vendors will be set up from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm. The field events will start at 6:00 pm and DJ Fast Freddie will entertain us. Visit our website at nfjuly44444.com.

Vacation Bible School
June 26-30
Vacation Bible School will be held June 26-30 at First Baptist Church, 2640 South Canal Street, Newton Falls. The VBS will be held from 6:00-8:30 PM and is free and open to all children four years of age through Grade 6. This year’s theme is “Big Apple Adventure: Where Faith and Life connect! As we explore the big city we will also learn how to step out in faith and connect with Jesus”. Registration can be completed online at: www.fbcnewtonfalls.com

Free Community Dinner
June 28
Free Community Dinner on June 28 from 5-6pm, while supplies last, no take outs. Windham American Legion 9960 Center Street. Everyone welcome.

Youth Soccer Skills Program
Begins June 30
Soccer Skills for grades 1-8, open session will begin June 30th from 6:30 – 8:00pm at Brosius Field and be scheduled regularly on Thursday and Sunday through the month of July. We will not meet on 7/3. Fundamental skills will be passing, receiving, ball handling, team work and mini games. Participants must have shin guards, a drink, soccer ball and a positive attitude. For more information please e-mail Bob @ matrixprints@yahoo.com. or Russ @ russell6173@yahoo.com. This is free to all youth. Parents, please check your children in with either Russ or Bob before practice starts unless we are familiar with your child.

Trumbull Art Gallery’s Children’s Art Parade
July 1
Trumbull Art Gallery’s Children’s Art Parade will begin on July 1 at 11:30am at the Trumbull Art Gallery, 196-198 E. Market St., Warren, OH, and ends at Warren County Courthouse lawn. Music, refreshments and children’s entertainments, which includes Fine Art Council of Trumbull County’s CHALK ON THE WALK, until 2:00pm. Trumbull Art Gallery, 330-395-4876, www.trumbullartgallery.com.

Veteran’s Appreciation Day
July 4
The Burton-Middlefield American Legion Post 459 will be celebrating Veteran’s Appreciation Day on July 4, 2011 at the Geauga County Fairgrounds. The fun begins at 6 p.m. and goes through the conclussion of fireworks. Several members will display a considerable amount of military memorabilia under the grandstand, and there will be a number of food concessions available. The Honor Guard will post The Colors and there will be a flag-burning ceremony to properly dispose of worn flags. $4 donation per car or $1 walk-in. Rain date is July 5th.

Annual Rummage Sale
July 7 & 8
Faith Evangelical Free Church will be holding their annual rummage sale on July 7th & 8th from 9am – 5pm and July 9th from 9am – 3pm. The church is located just outside Garrettsville (in Nelson Township) at 10585 Windham-Parkman Rd., 1 1/2 miles south of the Nelson Circle or 1 1/2 miles north of S.R. 82. The sale is being held behind the church building in their pavilion.

Hiram Rapids Community Sale
July 8 & 9
5th Annual Hiram Rapids Community Sale will be held on
July 8th & 9th 9AM-5PM.
For more information or to be
included on the site map ($5 fee)
call Joan @ 330-569-4292 or Becky
@ 330-569-7496.

Rummage Sale
July 15
Harvest Point Church will conduct a rummage sale on Friday, July 15, and Saturday, July 16, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The church is located in the Lordstown Plaza, 6100 Tod Ave., Warren, Ohio. Pastor Shannon New-Spangler is Senior Pastor.

July 15-17
The Kent Trumbull Theatre and Summer Stock 34 is proud to present our upcoming performances of Footloose by Dean Pitchford, Walter Bobbie, and Tom Snow. Footloose performs July 15- 17, 22-24, and 29-31, 2011. At the Kent Trumbull Theatre located at 4314 Mahoning Ave. NW in Warren, OH. All shows are at 8pm except for Sundays at 3pm. Tickets are $14 for adults, $12 for seniors and students and $10 for children. Call (330) 675-8887 or e-mail trumbullboxoffice@kent.edu for information and reservations.

Soccer Coaches, Volunteers and Sponsors Needed
Deadline July 16
The GW Soccer Club is looking for new and returning coaches, someone to head concessions, someone to head fundraising and team sponsors. The cost to sponsor at team is only $125.00. Anyone interested should contact Anyone interested should contact Bob Finney (330) 527-0656, Stacy Neer (330) 527-5720, Russell Thornton (330) 527-0955, Becky Gough (330) 815-2575 or Melissa Roubic (330) 296-4336 by Saturday, July 16th.

G-W Soccer Club Sign-Ups
Through July 16
Fall Soccer Signup Dates: Saturday, June 25th Millers Family Restaurant (1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.); Wednesday, July 6th at Garrettsville Park (6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.); Saturday, July 9th at Garrettsville Park (9:00 a.m. – Noon); Wednesday, July 13th at Windham Town Hall (6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.); Saturday, July 16th at Windham Town Hall (9:00 a.m. – Noon)

Garrettsville’s Farmers Market
July 20 – Oct 5
The 2011 Garrettsville’s Farmers Market will run from July 20th through October 5, 2011. The location will be in the Skylanes Bowling Alley parking lot, located at the intersection of Liberty and Windham Streets (SR82). The market will run from 3:00 pm – 6:30 pm. Vendors wanting to participate in this years market contact Jackie Rinearson at rinearson05@frontier.com or call 216-375-0709. We do not accept any vendors of non-edible items and concessions are not permitted at this time.

Garfield Class of 1991 Reunion
July 30
The Garfield Class of ‘91 Reunion, will be held on July 30 at Sugarbush Golf Club. Dinner and dancing. Tickets are $20 each. See a committee member or purchase at Tommie Jo’s/Villager office. 330-527-0100.

Camp Invention: Building Fun!
August 1-5
This exciting summer day experience immerses children in imaginative play that inspired creativity and inventive thinking through hands on activities in science, technology, engineering, math (STEM). It’s learning disguised as fun! Camp Invention meets at Hiram College August 1-5 from 9:00am-3:30pm each day. Children bring a lunch and we provide the excitement and learning. Camp Invention is for children entering grades 1-6 in the fall. For more information, visit www.campinvention.org or call Matt Sorrick at Hiram College (330.569.6003).

2nd Annual Renaissance Car and Bike Show
August 27
The Renaissance Family Center will be hosting their 2nd Annual Car and Bike Show. If you are interested in participating, send your name, telephone number or email to Renaissance Family Center 9005 Wilverne Dr. Windham, Oh 44288.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography