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We’re All Invited


Calling All 1976 GHS Alumni
Register Now
The Garfield Class of 1976 35th reunion has been scheduled for Saturday, June 4, at 7 pm at Slim & Jumbo’s. If you graduated in 1976 or if you know someone who did, please get us contact information! You can e-mail Gwynne (Laning) D’Amico at gal31658@aol.com or call Barb (Wensel) Deakins at (440) 548-5082 or join the “Garfield Class of 1976” on Facebook.

Seeking Artisans!
Register Now
The DMRC’s 3rd Annual Art on the Hill is seeking artisans for their day-long event which will take place on July 9, 2011 in Mantua. Artisans will line both sides of Prospect Street selling and displaying their handmade works of art. Booth fee is $45. There will also be continuous live entertainment, a Chinese auction, foods and much more! For more information call Christine at 330-414-6486 or download an application at mantuashalersvillechamber.com

Ravenna Summerfest Vendors & Crafters Needed
Register Now
The Ravenna Summerfest is June 18th from 10 am – 4 pm. We are currently looking for vendors and crafters to add to the days activities and car show. Please contact Barb @ 330-2974-6684; Becky @ 330-296-1233 or Susie @ 330-296-3779
Newton Falls 4th of July Raffle
Tickets On Sale Now
The drawing will take place this year on July 4th at 8:00 p.m. at the Newton Falls City Park (winners need not be present). Grand Prize will be $5,000.00; 1st – 46’”LCD HDTV; 2nd- Apple iPad; 3rd- 15” Laptop Computer; 4th- Xbox 360 with Kinect; 5th- Kindle eReader. The tickets are available at local Newton Falls businesses now.

Summerfest Car or Cash Raffle Tickets
Tickets On Sale Now
Tickets are available for the Summerfest Car or Cash Raffle at area businesses in Garrettsville as well as Middlefield & Huntington Banks. Tickets are $20 each or through June 23rd you can get 6 for $100. Grand prize is a 2011 Chevy Cruze LTZ or $20,000 Cash!

Newton Falls Community Yard Sale
Register Now
Start planning now!! The Newton Falls 4th annual citywide yard sale is being planned for this year. It is scheduled for August 5th, 6th &7th. 9-5. Forms will be available in the villager and on our face book page. Please join us for a fun filled weekend and get your application in quickly! For more information or questions go to our face book page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Newton-Falls-Community-Wide-Yard-Sale/108474485879459?v=wall or call Linda Nord at 330-872-7788

Geauga Park District 5K
Register Now
Registration is open for Geauga Park District’ first-ever athletic event – the Caveman Crawl 5K Trail Run on Sunday, June 12, at The West Woods in Russell Township. Race time is 9 a.m.; registration starts at 7:30 a.m.; and free food will follow. All ages are welcome. Find the official Caveman Crawl registration form at http://geaugaparkdistrict.org/special-events.shtml or register online at http://clevelandplaysracing.com. Registration costs $20 if postmarked by June 10 or completed online, and $25 on race day. The first 200 people collect free T-shirts, too, for being part of this exciting debut event.

Windham’s Bicentennial Celebration Vendors, Crafters, & Old Fashioned Exhibitors Needed
Deadline June 15th
Looking for crafters & vendors for July 29th & 30th, to be a part of this “once in a lifetime” celebration, to be held on the Windham Township Green. We want YOU here, to help make this our biggest parade and celebration in 200 years! Our line- up of FREE entertainment should draw thousands. No real cost as basic deposit will be refunded after event. Plus, there will be large money awards for parade participant winners too! Call Lynnea St John @ 330-326-6061 or email to: lynnya45@yahoo.com , for all the details.

Middlefield Chamber Raffle
Tickets On Sale Now
Middlefield Chamber of Commerce is holding a raffle for a 50” Samsung TV from RadioActive in Middlefield. Tickets are $5 for 1 ticket / $20 for 5 tickets. You can get a ticket from any members of the Middlefield Chamber, or contact the Chamber Office 440-632-5705. Raffle proceeds go toward the Scholarship fund, which focuses on displaced workers getting back into the workforce.

Huntsburg Congregational Church Bible Study
Thursday Nights
Huntsburg Congregational Church has a new Bible Study on Thursday nights at 7:00pm at the church, 12435 Madison Road, Huntsburg, just south of US322 on SR528. 440-636-5504 for any info.

Hilltop Opens Backdoor
Tuesdays & Fridays
Economy got you down? Let us help…part of the ministry of Hilltop Christian Church, Disciples of Christ in Mantua is to help those who simple need a litlle assistance. Visit the BackDoor for gently used household goods donated by people who seek to help. While some items have very moderate prices, most are available at no charge. The room is open every Tuesday 1 – 4 pm and Friday 1 – 3 pm. Enter our BackDOor from the parking lot behind the church located at 4572 West Prospect St in Mantua.

J.A. Garfield 50th Class Reunion
Register by May 20
The James A Garfield class of 1961 will have a reunion on June 18 at Roby Lee’s. There will also be a picnic at the Freedom Town Hall on June 19. Reservations are due by May 20. Anyone having an address for John Hawkins, Paul Fear or Pauline (Vanderpool) Carlson please contact Vera at 330 274-2876

Newton Fall Class of 1956
Deadline June 3
Don’t forget to send in your reservation for the Newton Falls Class of ’56 anniversary reunion. The reunion will be held at FACES banquet room in Newton Falls. Doors open at 5:30 pm on June 17th. Deadline is June 3. Any questions? Call Barb 330 872-3261 or Carol 330 872-0795.

Senior Combine
Register By June 10
The 2011 Hiram College Senior Combine is for athletes who are entering the 12th grade as of the fall of 2011. Our Senior Combine is a two-day camp held on June 24 & 25 and is designed to inform you on Hiram’s academic programs, campus living, and football program The camp will include individual skill and technique drills along with a combine (40 yard dash, bench press, broad jump, pro-shuttle). The overnight camper registration deadline is June 10th, 2011. There is open enrollment for day campers. To register online: https://hiram.wufoo.com/forms/senior-combine-registration/ To register by mail: send camp form and cash/check/money order to: Hiram College Athletics, P.O. Box 1777, Hiram, OH 44234

Treasure Hunt
By June 15
The Windham Bicentennial Committee is looking for treasure to display during our 200th birthday celebration – July 28-31, our biggest celebration in history. If you own any items of historical significance relevant to the Windham community, and would be willing to share them with us for a few days for display purposes only, please contact Lynnea St. John – Chairperson at 330-326-6061 by June 15, 2011.Please be assured that your treasures will be treated with the utmost care and respect in a controlled and secured environment, and will be returned immediately following our celebration.

Freedom Township Brush Pick up
1st Monday of Month
Freedom Township will be doing the monthly brush pickup the first Monday of the month. Residents must call 330-527-4094 or 330 527-7414 prior to 8 am Monday morning to arrange for pickup. Twigs, branches and brush (no garbage) will be picked up curbside.

Free Community Dinner
May 24
There will be a free community dinner on May 24 from 5-6 pm at the Windham American Legion, 9960 Center Street. Everyone Welcome!

Personal Finance at the Library
May 25
Bruce & Susan Bennett are presenting the program “Personal Finance at the Library” on Wednesday, May 25th at 7:00 p.m. at Chardon Library, 110 East Park Street, on-the-square in Chardon. In their presentation Bruce and Susan compare the methods of several well-known authors such as Dave Ramsey, Suze Orman and David Bach. The Bennetts will give you the pros and cons of each method so you can determine the one that will work best for you and your family. Call the library at 440-285-7601 and ask for the Reference Desk to reserve your seat for this dynamic presentation. This program is free and open to the public.

Parkman Church Free Dinner
May 25
The Parkman Congregational Church will offer their monthly free meal on May 25th from 5 – 6:30 pm. The dinner will be chicken & dumplings. The church is located at 18265 Madison Road (Rte 528 just north of Rte 422) in Parkman. All meals fall on the last Wednesday of the month. Everyone is welcome! Bring a friend!

Newton Falls Blood Drive
May 25
There will be a blood drive on May 25 from Noon to 6 pm in the Fellowship Hall of the Newton Falls United Methodist Church, 336 Ridge Road. There will be Double Red Machines available for those who prefer to donate fewer times a year, but with the same equivalent of blood donation. There will be the original green shirts given to you, as a gift for giving. Hope to see you out, as we are always in need of blood year ‘round but now they are more accidents, with us outside more and enjoying the sun. So please come and be apart of it all.

Renaissance Family Center Dinner
May 26
There will be a free Community Dinner on May 26th from 5-6:30 pm at the Renaissance Family Center in Windham. This dinner will be a Hot Dog Bar.

Portage County Justice Center Open House
May 26
Join your neighbors, friends and family for a community open house and tour of the Portage County Sheriff’s Office and the Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management. The Justice Center is located at 8240 Infirmary Road, Ravenna. The open house will be held on May 26th from 4:30 – 8 pm.

Program on Hiram’s Colton Hall
May 26
The Hiram Historical Society will hold its May meeting on Thursday, May 26, 2011, at 7:30 p.m. at the Society’s Century House in Hiram Village Park. The speaker will be Dr. John T.S. Andrews, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, and Hiram College, who will provide a program about Hiram’s Colton Hall.

Lose that Winter Grime!
May 27 & 28
Drive on down to get your vehicle hand washed and those tires scrubbed! A Fund Raiser for Crestwood Red Devils Golf Team will be held at Perfect Choice Auto Collision, 10503 Main Street, Mantua on Friday, May 27 between 4p & 7p and Saturday, May 28 from 8a until 10a. C’mon down…..they’ll make it shine!

“Bye Bye Birdie”
May 27 – 29
Windham students invite you to attend their production of “Bye Bye Birdie” to be performed at Windham High School. Production dates are May 27 & 28 at 7 pm and May 29 at 3 pm. Admission is $5 per person.

Eagles Steak Fry
May 28
The Garrettsville Eagles will be holding their monthly steak fry and grilled chicken dinner on Saturday May 28th from 4-8 pm. Meal include choice of baked potato or french fries, vegetable, salad and roll. Kids menu also available. Steak dinner is $12 and chicken dinner is $8. Open to the public.

Garfield PTO Rummage Sale
May 28
The Garfield PTO Rummage Sale has moved to the INTERMEDIATE School located at 8233 Park Avenue, Garrettsville. The sale will be held on Saturday, May 28th from 9 am to 3 pm. PICK YOUR PRICE!

Book Sale At Burton Public Library
May 28
The Friends of the Burton Public Library will hold a book sale in the library basement from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 28. There are items for everyone: books, magazines, vintage materials, maps, records, cds, tapes, movies and puzzles are available. Please enter the sale through the white door located at the back of the building.

Schwan’s Ice Cream Sale
May 28
On May 28th from 9 am – 5 pm there will be a Schwan’s Ice Cream Sale in the parking lot of the Praise Church of God, 12888 State Route 88, Garrettsville located north of SR 305 on SR 88. On this day you can drive up and purchase items right from the truck. All items in the Schwan’s catalog are available for purchase. If you would like to guarantee the items you desire, you can pre-order by Tuesday, May 24th at the church. For more information call 330 527-2942.

All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner
May 28
4:00 to 6:00pm
Farmington Community Center is hosting an All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti dinner on May 28th from 4-6 pm. Cost is $7.00 Adults; $4.00 12 & under. Dinner includes salad and dessert. Given by Farmington Ladies Auxiliary. Proceeds go to Farmington Fire Dept.

Haymakers Farmer’ Market
May 28
Haymakers Farmers’ Market is scheduled to open Saturday, May 28th and continue every Saturday from 9 am – 1 pm through the end of October. The market is located at the corner of Summit and Franklin in downtown Kent. Call Kelly Ferry at 330-472-5801 for more information.

Geauga County Libraries Closed
May 29 & 30
All Geauga County Public Libraries will be closed on Sunday, May 29 and Monday, May 30 for the Memorial Day holiday. The libraries will reopen at their regular time on Tuesday, May 31. All the libraries are closed on Sundays now until after the Labor Day weekend.

Garrettsville Youth Cheerleading Sign-ups
Deadline May 30
If your child is interested in cheering this year for Garrettsville youth cheerleading please email Theresa Stanley at tmssgs@netlink.net or call and leave a message 330-527-7139. Open to girls entering 1st grade through 6th grade. Fees are 65.00 plus additional uniforms fees. Registration is due by 5/30/11 NO LATE SIGN-UPS

Portage County District Library Closed
May 30
All branches and offices of Portage County District Library will be closed on Monday, May 30, in observance of Memorial Day. They will resume regular operating hours on Tuesday, May 31.You can visit Portage County District Library online at www.portagelibrary.org.

Burton Memorial Day Service
May 30
American Legion Post 459 invites the public to attend a Memorial Day Service on May 30th beginning at 11 am at the Burton Square Gazebo. For additional information contact Newell Beaumier at 440-834-8764

Huntsburg Township Memorial Day Ceremony
May 31
The Huntsburg Township Memorial Day Ceremony and parade is Monday, May 31 at about 10:15 am at the Memorial Park at US322 & SR528. The Parade will start about 10:30 am. The parade route is from the school drive on 528 north to 322west into Easy Street to the bandstand. The Huntsburg Grange will have a plant sale of Wave Petunias and refreshments in the pavilion.

Newton Falls Lady Tiger Basketball Camp
May 31 – June 4
All girls entering grades 3-8 are invited to attend basketball camp being held at the Newton Falls High School Gym on May 31st to June 4th. Cost: $40 Make Checks Payable to Newton Falls High School c/o Girls Basketball. For More Information Contact Coach Baker at 330-872-5121 Ext: 7383 Or Email At: Mark.Baker@neomin.org

Library Summer Reading Club Registration
Begins June 1
Portage County District Library is pleased to announce that Summer Reading Club (SRC) registration begins Wednesday, June 1 at all branch libraries. This year’s theme is “One World, Many Stories”. Plan to join us for all the fun all summer long, as our libraries have a wide assortment of activities and events planned. Planned activities and events include visits from Outback Ray’s Amazing Animal Show, Puppets from Around the World, and Paul Gerber’s World of Magic and Fun. Call your branch library for further details. Online registration will be available beginning June 1.

Aurora Mennonite Church Auction
June 1
Aurora Mennonite Church annual auction under the tent, Saturday, June 11, begins at 10 am. Quilts, hand-made items, baked-goods, books will be available at the corner of Rte 43 and Mennonite Rd in Aurora. Call 330-562-8011 for more information.Visit website for pics: www.auroramennonite.org

Chicken Dinner
June 1
The Southington United Methodist Church, SR 534 & 305 will be holding a chicken dinner on June 1 from 3:30 – 6 pm. The menu includes 1?4 chicken, scalloped potatoes, green beans, applesauce, coleslaw, homemade desserts and beverage. Adults $7.50; Children’s meal with chicken tenders $4. Children 3 and under are free. Carryout available. Call 330 898-2156 to place your carryout order.

Pilates Classes
June 1 – 29
Ravenna Recreation offers Pilates on Sundays and Wednesdays. Classes will be held from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. from June 1 to June 29 at Tower Lodge in John Tontimonia City Park. Participants should bring a water bottle and a mat. Class fee is $32 for city taxpayers and $37 for non-city taxpayers or an $8.00 drop in fee. A new session begins every 4 weeks. Pre-registration required by calling Ravenna Recreation (330) 296-2864

Yoga Classes
June 2 – July 7
Yoga classes offered by Ravenna Recreation are held Thursdays 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. at Tower Lodge in City Park from June 2 to July 7. Fee for city taxpayers is $32.00 and non-city taxpayer fee is $37.00, drop-in fee $8.00. Students are encouraged to work at their own pace; bring a mat and wear loose fitting clothing. A new session begins every 6 weeks. Pre-registration required by calling Ravenna Recreation (330) 296-2864

Warren Republican Women’s Club
June 2
The Warren Republican Women’s Club will hold their Annual Installation of Officers on Thursday, June 2nd @ 6:00 pm. at DiLucia’s on Elm Road in Warren. Dorie Harris will be the hostess. Everyone always welcome with advance reservations. Further info, call Cary Ann at (330) 856-5228.

Garfield Intermediate Concert On the Hill
June 2
Come and hear the sounds of the 5th and 6th grade bands and the Garfield Swingin’ G-Men Jazz Band on Thursday, June 2 at 1:15 PM on the hill behind Garfield Intermediate School. Bring your lawn chair or a towel and enjoy music under the warm Spring sun. In the event of inclemete weather, the concert will be in the GIS gym.

Semi-Annual Pythian Sister Rummage & Bake Sale
June 3 & 4
Join us for our rummage sale on June 3 from 9 am – 5 pm and June 4th from 9 am to Noon. Saturday is $2 bag day. Lunch available. 123 College Street, West Farmington.

Benefit Scotch Doubles For Sheila Gibson
June 4
There will be a benefit scotch doubles for Sheila Gibson on June 4th at Sky Lanes Bowling Alley. Bowling begins at 9 pm. Cost is $40 per couple and includes 3 games of bowling, pizza, shoes, unlimited draft beer and live entertainment.

Parents Without Partners Swiss Steak Dinner
June 4
Portage County Chapter #600 of Parents Without Partners will hold a Swiss steak dinner on June 4 from 6:30 -7:30 pm at the Kent VFW Post #3703, 500 VFW Parkway, Kent. Dinner will be held in conjunction with their monthly dance which begins at 7:30 p.m. Cost for dinner and dance is $14.50 (members); $16.50 non members.

Little Tigers Golf Outing
June 4
The Newton Falls Little Tigers will be hosting their 2nd annual golf outing scramble at the Olde Dutch Mill Golf course on June 4th. The outing will be an 8:00 shotgun start, with registration starting at 7:00 a.m..The first 144 golfers will be accepted.The price is $65.00 per person and will include breakfast, lunch, dinner, and beverages. There will also be 50/50, poker chipping, and raffles. For information or to donate please contact Ron Wilcox @ 330-872-7027 or Heather Lyndsey at the Olde Dutch Mill @ 330-654-4100.

GCRTA Luncheon
June 7
The Geauga County Retired Teachers Association will meet on Tuesday, June 7, 2011 for a luncheon and meeting at Chardon United Methodist Church, 515 North Street, Chardon, OH. (Go past Chardon Middle School and Canfield Drive).
Beverages will be available at 11:15, followed by the business meeting at 11:30, and lunch at 12:00. The menu will be chicken salad, fresh fruit, muffins and breads, cheesecake dessert, coffee, water, and ice tea.
The program will be “Artist Grandma Moses” by Pastor Dan Drew, Chardon United Methodist Church. Cost is $11.00 (which includes a $1.00 donation to the Grant-in-Aid Fund). Make your reservations with Terry Rossiter, 9076 Wyandot Rd., Chesterland, OH 44026 (440) 729-9251. Please make your check out to GCRTA and send your reservation by May 31st.

Observatory Park: From The Ground To The Galaxies
June 9
Mr. Tom Curtin, executive Director of the Geauga Park District, will discuss the park system’s newest and largest endeavor, Observatory Park, at the Burton Public Library on Thursday, June 9 at 7 p.m. This exciting new 1,100 acre park is currently under construction and will be home to the Oberle Observatory. When the park is complete, it will be one of only 3 Dark-Sky Parks in the United States to receive this designation. Come hear Mr. Curtin discuss this remarkable addition to our Geauga Park District. Please call the Burton Public Library at 440-834-4466 to register for this program.

Eagle Evening for Families
June 9
Senior Naturalist Dan Best has it all planned out: Guests will put together a plush toy eagle food web, gather sticks and build an eagle nest model, and play two games. Join us for Eagle Evening for Families on Thursday, June 9 – 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Bass Lake Preserve, Lodge, 11445 Lakeview Drive, Munson Township

Garrettsville Library Book Sale
June 10 & 11
The Friends of the Garrettsville Library will be having a book sale (in the Garrettsville Library’s meeting room) on Friday, June 10 from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm and Saturday, June 11 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. There will be a preview sale for Friends members only on Thursday, June 9 from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm. The Garrettsville Library is located at 10482 South Street in Garrettsville. Call 330-527-4378 for more information.

International Wine Tasting Event
June 11
Do you enjoy wine? Would you like to experiment without having to purchase a whole bottle? Friends of WomenSafe invites you to sample 18 varieties of wines from around the world, 6 different kinds of beer and hearty appetizers in a casual setting on Saturday, June 11, 2011 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Colonial Beverage, 8389 Mayfield Road in Chesterland. This is the perfect opportunity to learn more about the wines you like or perhaps discover something new that will delight your taste buds. For only $30.00 per person you can mingle with old friends, make new friends, learn about wines and beers from all over the world and have the chance to win exciting prizes at the Chinese auction! Please call #440-285-3741 to make your reservation or get more information. Space is limited, so make your reservation today. Proceeds of the evening will benefit WomenSafe, the domestic violence shelter in Geauga County.

Hiram College Terrier Youth Football Camp
June 13-15
Hiram College Football is having a youth football camp for kids going into 3rd grade thru 8th grade on June 13-15. The camp will take place on the campus of Hiram College, beginning at 9 am and ending at 3 pm. Activities include agilities, skill development, competitions and instruction from Hiram College coaches and players. More information can be found at www.hiram.edu in the athletics/football section or by calling 330-569-5446.

Trumbull Art Gallery’s Summerfest For Children
June 15 – July 1
Trumbull Art Gallery’s Summerfest For Children – Two weeks of art workshops for children four years old and up, at Trumbull Art Gallery, 196 – 198 E. Market St., Warren, Oh. 330-395-4876, www.trumbullartgallerycom.

Taste of Middlefield
June 17
The Middlefield Chamber of Commerce (non-profit prganization) Taste of Middlefield is Friday, June 17th from 4pm to 9pm at the Middlefield Fire Department. Free admission, wine & beer tent, raffles, food from our best restaurants, Chinese auction, samples. Meet your community businesses. Children’s activities & inflatables. The drawing of the winning TV raffle ticket will be held. Contact for further info: 440-632-5705.

A Taste of Fashion
June 18
A Taste of Fashion brunch, fashion show and silent auction will be held on Saturday, June 18 from 10:00 a.m. – Noon at the Randolph Community (Senior) Center, 1639 State Route 44, Randolph, Ohio. This event is sponsored by the Portage County Republican Women’s Club. Cost $9.00 for the event. For tickets and more information please contact Gail Pavliga at (330) 472-2754 or Elayne Cross at 330 221-0051

Ravenna Summerfest
June 18
Mark your calendar and make plans now to attend the Ravenna Summerfest on June 18th. Car show, food vendors, entertainment on courthouse lawn. Steve Cipriano will DJ

Ravenna Parks & Rec Safety Town
June 20 – 24
Register early for Ravenna Parks and Recreation’s Safety Town, co-sponsored by the Rotary Club. Children entering kindergarten in the fall of 2011 will be introduced to safety awareness in a week-long program, June 20 to June 24, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at Willyard School. Participants will learn safety procedures and simulated situations related to traffic, pedestrian, water, weather, animal, fire, stranger, drugs & poisons, playground, gun and bicycle safety. Fee for Ravenna city taxpayers (live or work in Ravenna city) is $35 or $40 for Non-city taxpayers. Deadline to register is June 3. A form must be filled out in person for registration at the Parks and Recreation Department, 530 N. Freedom, 8 a.m. to noon or 1 to 4:15 p.m., for further information contact 296-2864.

Women’s Fellowship Trash & Treasure Sale
June 23-25
The Parkman Congregational Church located at 18265 Madison Road in Parkman is holding a Trash and Treasure Sale on Thursday, June 23, 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM; Friday, June 24 – 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM and Saturday, June 25 – 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
* 1?2 off specials on Saturday, June 25th.

Hiram Community Band Rehearsals
June 23, 28 & July 1
The Hiram Community Band returns! Rehearsals will be 6:45-9 on Thurs. 6/23, Tues. 6/28 and Fri. 7/1 at Frohring Hall on the Hiram campus, with the concert, as always, at “4 on the 4th” of July on the street outside Frohring. The concert will feature the premiere of “Windham Bicentennial March” by Jeffrey Quick, and may possibly be repeated for the Bicentennial festivities (July 28-30). If you play a band instrument and want to play, email jaq@case.edu or call 216-368-6677 (weekdays) or 330-527-0144 (evenings and weekends)

Newton Falls Street Dance
June 24
We are going to start this year’s car & bike show weekend with a Street Dance on Friday, June 24, from 7 to 11 pm in downtown Newton Falls.

Troy Community Yard Sale
June 24-25
Bargains galore will be available as the Troy Chamber of Commerce sponsors its second annual community yard sale on Friday, June 24 and Saturday, June 25. Friday hours are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information or registration materials contact Ken Zwolinski at 440.8341293 days and 440.834.4520 evenings.

Newton Falls 25th Annual Car Show.
June 25
That’s right. Can you believe 25 years? On Saturday, June 25, the Car Show will begin with parking, starting at 11:00; registration 11:00 to 3:00 and trophies will begin an hour early at 6:00. We are planning a Chinese auction and 50/50 raffle. DJ Mary “O” and area dance studios will provide entertainment. Our website is nfjuly44444.com.

“Weekend Madness” Bike Show
June 26
The Newton Falls “Weekend Madness” Bike Show will be on Sunday, June 26. The Poker Run begins at 12:00 noon and vendors will be set up from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm. The field events will start at 6:00 pm and DJ Fast Freddie will entertain us. Visit our website at nfjuly44444.com.

Trumbull Art Gallery’s Children’s Art Parade
July 1
Trumbull Art Gallery’s Children’s Art Parade will begin on July 1 at 11:30am at the Trumbull Art Gallery, 196-198 E. Market St., Warren, OH, and ends at Warren County Courthouse lawn. Music, refreshments and children’s entertainments, which includes Fine Art Council of Trumbull County’s CHALK ON THE WALK, until 2:00pm. Trumbull Art Gallery, 330-395-4876, www.trumbullartgallery.com.

Garrettsville’s Farmers Market
July 20 – Oct 5
The 2011 Garrettsville’s Farmers Market will run from July 20th through October 5, 2011. The location will be in the Skylanes Bowling Alley parking lot, located at the intersection of Liberty and Windham Streets (SR82). The market will run from 3:00 pm – 6:30 pm. Vendors wanting to participate in this years market contact Jackie Rinearson at rinearson05@frontier.com or call 216-375-0709. We do not accept any vendors of non-edible items and concessions are not permitted at this time.

Garfield Class of 1991 Reunion
July 30
The Garfield Class of ‘91 Reunion, will be held on July 30 at Sugarbush Golf Club. Dinner and dancing. Tickets are $20 each. See a committee member or purchase at Tommie Jo’s/Villager office. 330-527-0100.

2nd Annual Renaissance Car and Bike Show
August 27
The Renaissance Family Center will be hosting their 2nd Annual Car and Bike Show. If you are interested in participating, send your name, telephone number or email to Renaissance Family Center 9005 Wilverne Dr. Windham, Oh 44288.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography