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We’re All Invited


Vendors Needed For Burton Saturday’s In Country

Register Now

The Burton Chamber Of Commerce is sponsoring Saturdays In The Country. We are looking for artisans, quality crafters, antique dealers, farm market and bake sale vendors.

This is not a flea market.  Pre-registration only.  For more info and registration form, contact Donna Cook, 440-834-9019.


Ravenna Summerfest Vendors & Crafters Needed

Register Now

The Ravenna Summerfest is June 18th from 10 am – 4 pm. We are currently looking for vendors and crafters to add to the days activities and car show.  Please contact Barb @ 330-2974-6684; Becky @ 330-296-1233 or Susie @ 330-296-3779


Grief Recovery Support Group


A special weekly seminar and support group for people who are grieving the death of someone close to them. Please join us on Sunday Evenings at 6:00 p.m. at Crossroads Community Church, 9018 S.R. 44,  Ravenna, Ohio 44266.  Questions? Call (330) 296-6729. Leader: Gloria Kleinhen


Scholarship Applications Being Accepted

Apply Now

Chiropractic Center of Garrettsville is happy to announce that they will be offering a scholarship to senior athletes at James A Garfield High School for the fourth year. The scholarship will be for $725. It may be used as the student needs. Applications are available at the Chiropractic Office or through the school counselor.


Windham Kindergarten Registration


Windham Exempted Village Schools is accepting registration for the 2011/12 school year. Packets will be available in the school office of  KT Elementary School, 9032 Maple Grove Road beginning April 11th. Preschool – ages 3 & 4 years old; Kindergarten – age 5 by August 1, 2011.  Please bring the following documents if your child is a new student: Birth Certificate (not hospital copy); Social Security Card; Proof of Residence; Custody/Court Papers; Immunization Records; Proof of income (preschool only)


JAG Kindergarten Registration


Garfield Elementary School Kindergarten registration is STILL in progress for the 2011/12 school year.  Please call 330-527-2184 with your child’s information to get him or her enrolled today.  Children must turn 5 years of  age by September 30th and live in the district in order to be eligible to attend school this fall.


Produce Vendors Needed

Register Now

The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre is planning their 2011 Farmers Market. They are currently looking for PRODUCE vendors.  Please contact Jackie Loreta-Rinearson at 216-375-0709 or email her at rinearson05@frontier.com. The market will be held Wednesdays from late July through early October.


Fish Fry

Through April 22

The Windham American Legion, 9960 E. Center Street, will hold Friday night Fish Fries now through Lent, April 22nd. Enjoy fresh cod for $8/person. Public is welcome and carry outs are available. (330) 326-3188.


Eagles Fish Dinner

Through April 22

The Garrettsville Eagles Club will host a fish dinner on Friday nights from 4-8pm through Lent, March until April 22nd. These dinners are open to the public.


SS Mary & Joseph Fish Fry

Through April 22

Saints Mary and Joseph School sponsors a Fish Fry every Friday during Lent, including Good Friday, at Saint Mary Social Hall, 120 Maple Drive, Newton Falls. Lunch is served from 11:00am to 3:00 pm. Dinner is served from 4:00pm to 7:00pm. Take out orders are available by calling 330-872-1828. If you wish further information , please call the school office (330-872-7676).


Be A Good Egg

Through April 23

Rent-A-Center is partnering with Big Brothers & Sisters for the spring egg sale. The Kent and Ravenna locations are participating in this event by asking customers to purchase a paper cut out egg for just $1. Eighty cents of the purchase price goes back to Big Brothers & Sisters of Portage County to help fund their one-to-one mentoring program.


Friday Fish Fry

April 15

Praise Assembly of God, 10280 State Route 88 in Garrettsville will be having a Fish Fry on Friday, April 15th from 5:00-7:30pm.  Cost: Adults $8.00, Children 10 and under $4.00, Children 4 and under are free! Dinner includes fried fish, fresh cut french fries, coleslaw, roll, and a beverage.


Jew For Jesus To Speak

April 16

Stewart Weinisch of Jews for Jesus will speak at Huntsburg Congregational Church, 12435 Madison Road, Huntsburg, Ohio on Saturday, April 16th, 2011 at 5 pm.  Rev. Robert Barber invites all to attend.  Jews for Jesus uses creative methods and contemporary issues to present the message that Jesus is the Messiah to Jewish people around the world. Weinisch will be happy to answer questions after the presentation.  Call 440-636-5504 for more information.  There is no admission charge.


Nelson Twp. Easter Egg Hunt

April 16

The Nelson Twp. Easter Egg Hunt will be held at 11 am  on April 16th at Pixley Park (SR 305). The hunt is open to children ages 3 – 11.  Anyone wishing to donate individually wrapped candy can contact Linda at 330-719-8407 or JoAnn at 440-548-2222. Prizes will be awarded for the best decorated hat and Easter basket. Please bring a camera for a photo of your child with the Easter Bunny.  Rain date will be April 23rd.


Swiss Steak Dinner

April 16

Nelson United Methodist Church will be serving their famous swiss steak dinner on April 16th. Dinner will be held at the Nelson community house on the circle from 4:30 pm – 7 pm.  Carry out available.  Come early to enjoy the meal.


Shred-It Day

April 16

The Newton Township and Newton Falls Joint Fire District announce Shred-It day! Spring clean up and food drive on April 16 from 8 am – 1 pm  at the Newton Township Hall located at 4410 Newton Bailey Road.  * You must bring a perishable food item!


Spring Ahead Bazaar

April 16

Spring Ahead Bazaar is sponsored by Claridon Sr. Girl Scout Troop 1324 and looking for Crafters and Vendors. Tables are $15.00 each. It will be held on Sat., April 16 from 9a.m.-3p.m. at the Claridon Town Hall at 13930 Mayfield Rd., Claridon at the corner of Claridon Troy Rd. and Rt. 322. Call Dolly at 440-635-1173 for reservations or more information.


Raptor Education Program

April 16

The Birds in Flight Sanctuary of Warren, Ohio, will be presenting a Raptor Education Program on April 16th, 2011 at 7pm. This is a FREE event and is open to the public. The program is being sponsored by The Eagle Creek Conservation Club and will be held at their club facilities located at 5525 Eagle Creek Road, Leavittsburg, Ohio 44430. Doors will open at 6pm and seating is limited. Come bring the kids and join us for this educational and highly entertaining evening.


Community Easter Egg Hunt

April 16

Children ages 3-9 are invited to join us at the Renaissance Family Center on April 16 beginning at  10 am  for a Community Easter Egg Hunt.


Stephens Memorial Observatory Night

April 16

Stephens Memorial Observatory of Hiram College will host a public observing night from 9 PM to 11 PM, weather permitting on April 16.  The Observatory is located on Wakefield Road (Rt. 82) less than a quarter of a mile west of Route 700 in Hiram. For updates and more information see the observatory’s Web site: StephensObservatory.org or follow StephensObs on Twitter. No reservations are required and there is no admission fee for observatory public nights.


Dinner and A Movie at RFC

April 16

RFC in Windham invites you to attend  Dinner and a Movie beginning at   5:00 pm


Easter Egg Hunt

April 16

Community Easter Egg hunt and carnival is being held on Saturday, April 16th at the Crestwood Primary school cafeteria/gymnasium from 10-Noon. In addition to the free egg hunt there will be games costing 25 cents each, coloring contest, a raffle and the Easter Bunny may stop by so bring your cameras. This event is being sponsored by the Crestwood Leo and Lions clubs and the Crestwood high school NHS students.


Curtains up Theatre Auditions

April 16 & 18

Auditions for the July production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat will be held on April 16 at 1 pm and April 18 at 7 pm in the Iva Walker Auditiorium located at Garfield High School. No monologue required…only vocals (ages 9-80 needed).


Youth Drama “Kame Apart”

April 17

The First Church Of God, 9016 N.Main St, Windham, Ohio presents a Youth Drama “ Kame Apart” during the am worship service on Palm Sunday April 17, at 11:00am. Sunday School 10:00am / Worship service 11:00am.  Call 330 326 2293 for more information.


Hambden Grange Pancake Breakfast

April 17

Hambden Grange #2482 is serving an all-you-can-eat Pancake Breakfast with maple sryup, corn fritters, sausage, bacon, juice and coffee, Sunday, April 17, from 8:00 am to l:00 pm, located at 9778 Old State Rd, Chardon.  Cost is $6 for Adults and #3 for children 10 and under.


NF Soccer meeting

April 17

The next NFYSL meeting will be April 17 at 6:00 in the community center. All are welcome.


Palm Sunday Pancake Breakfast

April 17

The Life Teen Youth Ministry at St. Joseph Church in Mantua (11045 St. Joseph Blvd., Mantua 44255) is sponsoring their Annual Palm Sunday Pancake Breakfast featuring “All You Can Eat” buttermilk pancakes, on Sunday, April 17, in the parish hall, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. This delicious meal is served with homemade toppings and/or syrup, sausage patty, oj, coffee, tea, or milk. great family prices:  $7.00 for Adults, $5.00 for Seniors, $4.00 for Children (6-12), Under 5, FREE. Plus, each child in attendance will be able to put their name in for a FREE drawing for two Easter baskets filled with goodies! For more information, please call 330-274-2253. Come out & enjoy!


Palm Sunday Dinner

April 17

St. Michael’s Church will be having their annual Palm Sunday Dinner on April 17 from 11 am to 3 pm in the church hall. The church is located at 9736 East Center Street (SR 303) in Windham. The dinner will feature turkey and dressing, cabbage rolls, pasta, salads and homemade desserts. The public is cordially invited to our all-you-can-eat dinner. Prices are: Adults $9, Children 12 and under $5. Children under 5 are free.  Carry-outs available.


Women’s Book Club Meeting

April 18

Join The Other Hiram Women’s Book Club for discussion and book signing with local author, Amanda Flower. She will sign and discuss  her book Maid of Murder on April 18th at 7 p.m. at the Village Bookstore, 8140 Main St. Garrettsville, 330-527-3010.


Crestwood BOE Meeting

April 18

The Crestwood Board of Education will hold a special meeting on Monday, April 18 at 6 pm at the high school library. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the state budget and possible reductions, personnel actions, consider bids and any other business that may come before the Board at that time.


Portage Co. Republican Women’s Club

April 18

You and your guest are invited to the Portage Co. Republican Women’s Club monthly meeting on Monday, April 18, 2011 at 6:30 p.m, We will have a Potluck Dinner at the home of Heidi Kaiser, 305 Duneden Road, Aurora, Ohio 44202.  Please bring your special dish to share.  If you have questions or need directions please contact Jeneen at 330  687-4067.


Talent Show At Newton Falls Middle School

April 19

The Newton Falls Middle School proudly presents its 9th Annual Talent Show. It will be held on Tuesday, April 19th at 6:30 p.m.  Cost is $1.00 per person. Students and children are free if accompanied by an adult.

NF Landlord Association

April 19

Newton Falls Landlords Association will meet on April 19th 7PM at the Newton Falls Community Center. All Landlords are invited. For more information call 330-872-7046 or 330-898-8111


Free Dinner & Easter Breakfast

April 19 & 24

Covenant Bible Fellowship, 8146 High St., Garrettsville, is inviting everyone to our monthly dinner on Tuesday, February 19, 2011 from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. On Easter Sunday, April 24, 2011, from 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. our men will be cooking breakfast for everyone. Both meals are open to the public with no income restrictions. Questions? Please call 330.527.4205.


Java With Jesus

April 19

Come to the Wistful Café on April 19th from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.  The

Wistful Café is located inside the Hargett Farm Building located on St. Rt. 14 in Edinburg. Members of the Christian Community, families and friends are invited to attend.  This is a kid-friendly event and is a time for fun and fellowship.  The Wistful Café offers a very friendly, relaxed atmosphere along with all types of beverages, sandwiches and desserts as well as gifts.  A guitarist will provide music and if you have an instrument you would like to

play, please bring it along.  Should you have any questions, please call

Melissa Minnick at 330-240-3063. Edinburg First Church of God is sponsoring this event.


Garrettsville UMC Roast Beef Dinner

April 19

The Garrettsville UMC, located at 8223 Park Ave., will be hosting a roast beef dinner on April 19 from 4:30 – 7 pm. The cost is $8.50 for adults, $4.50 for children under 12.  Preschool children are free. The menu includes roast beef, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad, rolls, desert and beverages. Take-out available.


Independent Senior Citizens Meeting

April 20

Independent Senior Citizens will meet on April 20 at the Presbyterian Church located on Grandview Ave. in Lake Milton at 10 am. There will be blood pressure checks, an exercise session, a light lunch, followed by bingo.  The seniors meet every 3rd Wednesday of the month. All seniors are welcome.


4th & 5th Grade Fun Night Out

April 21

Ravenna Recreation is sponsoring a 4th & 5th Grade Fun Night Out on Thursday, April 21, 2011 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm at Willyard School.  Music will be provided by a local DJ, games and prizes.  Pizza, candy and water will be sold.  Pre-sale tickets are $5.00 and can be purchased at the Recreation office, 530 N. Freedom Street, Ravenna 8:00 a.m. to noon and 1:00 to 4:15, Monday through Friday or extended hours at the RAC.  Tickets sold at the door are $8.00. Chaperones are provided by Recreation Dept. staff and volunteers.  For more info call the Rec office  330-296-2864.


All-You-Can-Eat Fish Fry

April 22

The Palmyra Fire Department Presents its annual All-You-Can-Eat Fish Fry on April 22 from Noon to 7 pm at the Palmyra Fire Station. Meal includes: Fish, fries, roll, and drinks, Cost: Adults: $8.00; Kids 4 – 10 Years Old: $4.00.  Macaroni and cheese available for $1.00.


Good Friday Service

April 22

First Church Of God, 9016 N.Main St in Windham, Ohio will hold their Good Friday Service on April 22 from 6:30pm-7:30pm. Communion, Song Service and Message


Garrettsville UMC Easter Egg Hunt

April 22

The Garrettsville United Methodist Church will hold their Easter egg hunt on Friday, April 22nd, 11:00 am. The community is invited to bring toddler (children able to walk), up to 4th graders.


Renaissance Men’s Breakfast

April 23

Join us on April 23rd at 9 am for the Renaissance Men’s Breakfast.


WHS Drama Club Scotch Doubles

April 23

Come out and support your local arts!! The Windham High School drama club is hosting a Scotch Doubles at Sky Lanes on April 23 at 9 p.m.  Cost is $40 per couple and includes 3 games of bowling, food and drink. Basket raffles and a 50/50 will also be held.  All are welcome, even if you don’t bowl.


Community Sunrise Service & Breakfast

April 24

On April 24th, Renaissance Family Center will be hosting a Community Sunrise Service at 6:34 am.  Breakfast will follow at 7:30 am.


Easter Sunrise Service

April 24

An outdoor Easter Sunrise Service will be held on Sunday, April 24 at 7:30 AM.  This 35-40 minute service, hosted by First Baptist Church, Newton Falls, will be held at the pavilion next to the dam on Broad Street in downtown Newton Falls and will provide an  opportunity to worship outdoors and celebrate Christ’s resurrection through song, spoken word and communion during the early morning hours on Easter Sunday.


Easter Sunday Service

April 24

Come as you are and celebrate a Risen Savior! Service at First Church of  God in Windham will be held as follows: 9:45am.to 10:30am  Resurrection Song Service and message during the normal Sunday School Hour; 10:30am to 11:00am  Fellowship and celebrate with coffee and donuts; 11:00am Easter Sunday Worship Service.Call Pastor Bruce Wells (330) 326 2293 for more information.


Red Shield Food Pantry

April 26

The Red Shield Food Pantry will be at RFC in Windham on April 26th at 1 p.m.


Organizational Meeting

April 26

Riverview Tuesday Morning Ladies Fun League is having its organizational meeting on April 26th @ 10:00 am at the Riverview clubhouse. Golf at 10:00 if weather permits. Coffee will be served. New members are welcome. Call Cheryl Hudson at 330-872-0566 if any questions. Golfing league will begin on Tuesday, May 3rd at 9:02 am. Be there by 8:30 am please.


Geauga County Law Day

April 27

The Geauga County Bar Association celebrates Law Day on April 27, 2011 from 12.00 to 1:30 p.m.  The GCBA will hold a luncheon at the Auburn Career Center, 8140 Auburn Road, Painesville, open to the public at the cost of $20.00 per person. For reservations, please contact Geauga County Bar Association secretary, Susan McGrew, 440-279-2087 or by email at smcgrew@geaugabar.org.


Auburn Garden Club Meeting

April 27

The Auburn Garden Club Meeting will be on April 27, 2011. It will be a field trip to a local greenhouse to see calla lillies, orchids, & sweet peas. Please meet at the Auburn Town Hall (corner of E. Washington St & Auburn Rd) at 6:20 PM to car pool to the greenhouse. For more information please call Susan 330-883-2833 or email auburngardenclub@gmail.com


Free Meal At RFC

April 28

Join us on April 28th at 5 p.m. for a free meal at the Renaissance Family Center.


Altar & Rosary Society Rummage Sale

April 29

The Altar & Rosary Society of St. Ambrose Church, located at 10692 Freedom St. in Garrettsville is hosting their annual Spring Rummage Sale on April 29th from 9 am to 5 pm  and April 30 from 9 am to 1 pm. April 30 is bag day. The rummage sale will take place in the church hall.


Boosting Curb Appeal

April 30

Whether you intend to sell or just have your house stand out from the crowd, OSU Master Gardener and Licensed Realtor, Donna Todd, will help you get the job done!  This class will include 21 Tips for Boosting Curb Appeal.  We will also look at before/after photos of actual Master Gardener homes for inspiration.  Prior to class, participants are encouraged to email photos of their own homes for class discussion and practice applying what we have learned.  $15 fee.   Class runs from 9 am – 10:30 am. Light refreshments and handouts included.  Call 440-834-4656 to register.  Send check payable to OSU Extension, PO Box 387, Burton, Ohio 44021.  Class will be held at the Geauga County OSU Extension Office, Patterson Center (on the Burton Fairgrounds), 14269 Claridon-Troy Road, Burton.  View a list of MG class offerings:  http://geauga.osu.edu/


Little Tigers Football Sign-ups

April 30

The Newton Falls Little Tigers will be holding sign-ups for the upcoming season for football and cheerleading. The sign-ups for children ages 5-12 years old will be held on Saturday April 30, 2011 at the Newton Falls Community Center lake pavillion from 12- 2:00 p.m.. The fee is $50.00 and please bring a copy of the child’s birth certificate. For information please contact Troy Coen @ 330-883-0875


Marching Pride Tag Day

April 30

James A. Garfield Marching Pride band members will hit the streets and local businesses from 10  a.m. to 1  p.m.  Saturday, April  30 for Tag Day. Watch and listen for roving groups of band members who will play their instruments and collect donations throughout Garrettsville neighborhoods. Members in uniforms also will be posted at several local businesses to accept money for new uniforms and other essential band equipment. Those who want to donate directly can send checks to band booster vice president Judy Huehner, 8164 South Park Ave., Garrettsville, OH  44231. The proud members of the Marching Pride appreciate the support of all members of the James A. Garfield School District.


Spring Health Day

April 30

Join Healthy Treasures as they celebrate their spring health day on Saturday, April 30, 2011 from 11am-2pm in Newton Falls, OH.  Free lectures will be held next door at the Brew Basket Cafe, Newton Falls and food samples and giveaways will be at Healthy Treasures. Speakers include Dr. Ted Suzelis, N.D. who will speak on Naturopathic Thyroid Care, Synthia Suzelis will speak on Fibromyalgia, and Dr. Gail Pavliga, PhD and Blake Suzelis will speak on Strengthening Marital Relationships.  Free.  To RSVP please call 330-872-1119 or email blake@suzelis.com.  Additional details available at www.healthytreasures.com.


Kiwanis Steak Dinner

April 30

Kiwanis of Newton Falls Steak Dinner will be held on Saturday April 30, 2011 from 4 – 7 p.m.

Newton Falls Community Center

52 East Quarry Street. Enjoy a 14 oz. Sirloin Steak and all the Trimmings !! Free hot dogs for the kids

$ 15.00 Per Meal. Tickets avail @ the door or buy them in advance

at Atty. Palmer’s office on Broad street. Proceeds to fund all youth projects in Newton Falls


Computer Lessons At RFC

Begin May 2

Computer lessons will be starting on Monday May 2nd 9 am-11 am; additional classes will begin on   Thursday May 5th 9 am –11 am at the Renaissance Family Center 9005 Wilverne Dr. Windham.  Please call or stop in to sign up. These  are 6 week classes.  Phone 330-326-3003.


Pioneer Days with the Boy Scouts

May 7

Nelson Ledges Archery, SR 305 will be hosting Pioneer Days with the Boy Scouts on May 7th.  YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER BY MAY 2ND FOR THIS EVENT. The purpose of this event is to introduce scouts to the sport of 3-D Archery. More info available at www.gtcbsa.org or senecadistrict.org or by calling Rick Parr at 330-850-5116


NF Soccer Sign ups

May 7, 14 & 21

NFYSL sign ups will be Saturdays May 7, 14, 21 at the community center stone pavilion from 11-1. Sign up forms will be available at the following locations:  Family Video, Positive Images, and Newton Falls Public Library and can be mailed to NFYSL, PO Box 305, Newton Falls OH 44444. The cut off date for mail-ins is May 28. There will be no exceptions. There will be no  online signups this  year but forms are available to print at www.nfysl44444.org


Mayfield United Methodist Church Rummage Sale

May 12-14

The spring rummage sale, including a bake sale, will take place on May 12 from 9 am – 4:30 pm; May 13 9 am – 7:30 pm; and May 14 (Bag Day) 9 am – Noon, at the Mayfield United Methodist Church, 7747 Mayfield Rd., Chesterland (corner of Caves and Mayfield).


Live Comedians

May 21

Live Comedians will appear on Saturday, May 21 at 7:00 – 9:00 at the Garrettsville’s Eagles Club on Water Street. Buy your advance tickets for $5.00 or at the door  for $10.00. Limited seating. Call Jackie@ 216-375-0709 for your tickets. Amateur Comedians wishing to participate for the $200.00 prize contact Jackie for entry instructions.


Garrettsville Area Yard Sale

May 21 & 22

Make plans now — mark it on your calendar — the annual Garrettsville Area Yard Sale sponsored by the Garrettsville Area Chamber of Commerce will take place on Saturday, May 21 and Sunday, May 22.  Watch the Villager for details.


M-O-M / T-A-T

May 22

Get ready.  It’s coming.  Machine-O-Mania / Touch-a-Truck will be at James A. Garfield High School on Sunday, May 22.  The Time Bandit and its crew will be there–have your picture taken!  Emergency vehicles, big rigs, all of the bells, whistles, sirens, ladders and apparatus a kid could want to see…or hear. Make your plans now to be there…with bells on, if you like. Sponsored by the Garfield Academic Challenge/ Quiz Masters team


Crestwood Youth Football & Cheerleading Sign-ups

May 22

Sign-ups for the Crestwood Youth Football League will be held at the Crestwood High School Field House on May 22 from Noon – 4 p.m.  Bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate. Registration fee of $120 due at sign-ups; discounts for multiple children are available. Football players MUST reside in the Crestwood School district. Season starts August 1.  Questions? Call Scott Vyhnal at 330-858-9597 or online at www.leaguelineup.com/cyf-tyfl


Garfield PTO Rummage Sale

May 28

The Garfield PTO Rummage Sale has moved to the INTERMEDIATE School located at 8233 Park Avenue, Garrettsville. The sale will take place Saturday, May 28th from 9 am to 3 pm.  Donations can be dropped off at the Event door of the INTERMEDIATE School, Sunday, May 22 from 3 to 7; Tuesday, May 24 from 3 to 6; Thursday, May 26 from 3 to 6 and Friday May 27, from 3 to 9.  Please call Heather Huter, 440-548-5930 with questions or if you want to help set up. Why pack your stuff away when you can get a tax deductible donation!!


Take a Kid Fishing Day

June 4

Portage County Take a Kid Fishing at Lake Hodgson is a free day open to Portage County boys and girls accompanied by an adult. Participants 16 years and younger are eligible for door prizes. There will be a hot dog roast after the event. Participants need to bring a fishing pole, bait and tackle. Pre-registration is required and the deadline is May 2nd, or the first 200 parent/child teams registered. The fishing day will take place on June 4th from 7am-noon. To register call (330) 296-2864 weekdays.


Little Tigers Golf Scramble

June 4

The Newton Falls Little Tigers will be hosting a 4-man scramble golf outing on June 4, 2011 at the Olde Dutch Mill Golf Course. There will be an 8:00 a.m. shotgun with registration starting at 7:00. The price is $65.00 per person and will include golf, golf cart, three meals, and beverages. There will be prizes on every hole, 50/50 raffle, skins, and poker chipping.  To sign up please contact Ron Wilcox @ 330-872-7027 or Heather Lindsey at the Olde Dutch Mill Golf Course @ 330-654-4100.


Ravenna Parks & Rec Safety Town

June 20 – 24

Register early for Ravenna Parks and Recreation’s Safety Town, co-sponsored by the Rotary Club.  Children entering kindergarten in the fall of 2011 will be introduced to safety awareness in a week-long program, June 20 to June 24, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at Willyard School.  Participants will learn safety procedures and simulated situations related to traffic, pedestrian, water, weather, animal, fire, stranger, drugs & poisons, playground, gun and bicycle safety.  Fee for Ravenna city taxpayers (live or work in Ravenna city)  is $35 or $40 for Non-city taxpayers.  Deadline to register is June 3. A form must be filled out in person for registration at the Parks and Recreation Department, 530 N. Freedom, 8 a.m. to noon or 1 to 4:15 p.m., for further information contact 296-2864.


Art On The Hill

July 9

The DMRC (Downtown Mantua Revitalization Corporation), a 501(c)(3) organization will be hosting their 3nd Annual “Art on the Hill” event on Saturday, July 9, 2011 from 10AM-5PM. Artisan booth spaces are available for $45. We close Prospect Street for the day and line both sides of the street with artisans. Last year we had over 60 artisans with most reporting meeting or exceeding their sales expectation for the day! There is also a great variety of live entertainment all day long, a Chinese Auction, food vendors and much more! Applications are available online at mantuashalersvillechamber.com or by calling 330-414-6486.


Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography