Home Garrettsville We’re All Invited

We’re All Invited


Craft Show Vendors Wanted

Call Today

Craft Show Vendors are wanted for a show on Nov 8 from 4:30-9 and Nov 9th 9 – 3:00 at the Ravenna Elks Club 776 North Freedom Street Ravenna. Contact 330.697.8863 for an application. Cost is $55 and covers both days.

Farmington Senior Center Breakfasts


The Senior Center is open for breakfast Mondays from 7a-Noon. A full menu is offered from scrambled eggs to Belgian waffles. Lunches are served T-TH from 11a-1p only $5-plate includes homemade soup or salad, entrée, dessert and beverage. Menu for the week is posted on Facebook, or just call 330-889-2733.

Overeaters Anonymous Meetings


Overeaters Anonymous (a community of people who support each other in order to recover from compulsive eating and food behaviors) meets in person every Monday, except legal holidays, at 10:00AM in the parlor of the First Presbyterian Church of Warren, 256 Mahoning Av NW, Warren, OH 44483. 

Wing Night at the Eagles Club


Every Tuesday $1 wings with purchase of a beverage.Open to the public 5:00- 8:00. The Eagles Club is located at 8149 Water Street, Garrettsville. Public Welcome!

Mantua Farmers Market


The Mantua Farmers Market Regular Season will be held on Saturdays from July 13 to September 21 9AM to 1 PM at Christ Lutheran Church, 10827 North Main Street, Mantua. The Market features a wide variety of items. Vendors are need at $5.00 a Saturday. Fees go toward Church projects. For information call Diane 330-274-2868.

Hilltop Crafters

1st & 3rd Mondays

Any crafter using needles is invited the first and third Monday of each month, 1:30 pm Room 4 Hilltop Church, Mantua. Call 918-406-8315 Jane Pilgrim for info.

Free Meal

First Tuesday

Free meal 1st Tuesday of the month. All are welcome to join us at Covenant Bible Fellowship at 8146 High Street, Garrettsville, from 5:30-7pm. Food, fun and fellowship.

Young At Heart Meetings

3rd Tues of Month

Young at Heart  organization for 55 and older, meets every 3rd Tuesday of the month at the Immaculate Conception Parish Hall.  We gather for meals, meeting and fellowship.  All denominations are welcome.  To attend or for more information call Jackie 330-569-4048.

BINGO! At St. Ambrose

First & Third Tuesday

Come to St. Ambrose for Bingo, the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. Doors open at 5:45pm and Early Bird starts at 6:45. Players must be 18 or over. Reasonably priced concessions. St. Ambrose is located at 10692 Freedom St., Garrettsville. Check out our Facebook page for additional information.

Al Anon Meetings

Tuesdays & Wednesdays

What can you do when someone close to you drinks too much? Al Anon may be able to help. We meet Tuesdays 7:30 -8:30 pm at the Renaissance Center 9005 Wilverne in Windham or Wednesday 7-8 pm at Hilltop Christian Church, 4572 Prospect in Mantua. Meetings are completely confidential.

Free Community Meal

Third Wednesday 

Christ Lutheran Church 10827 Main St, Mantua will be offering their  Free Community Meal on on the third Wednesday of the month  from 5-6:30 pm. Please come and enjoy a wonderful meal and a  chance to visit with friends. For more info call the church at 330 274 2849.

Parkman 55+ Seniors

First Thursday of Month

Join us at the Parkman Community Center at 11:30 am.  Open to all area seniors.  For info call (330) 326-3083 for monthly schedule of pot lucks, trips, and speakers.

 BINGO at Ravenna VFW

1st & 3rd Thursdays

Bingo at Ravenna VFW. 6000 New Milford Road . Ravenna The first and third Thursday of each month. Doors open at 5:00. Bingo starts at 6:30. $20.00 for a packet. Cash only!

Loaves and Fishes Community Meal  

Last Thursday of Month

A free meal is open to all residents in Mantua, Garrettsville, Hiram, and surrounding areas. Anyone who needs to stretch their food dollars, or enjoys a homemade meal, is invited. The meal is from 5-6:30pm, the last Thursday of the month, January through October, at Mantua Center Christian Church, 4118 State Route 82 in Mantua Township. We hope to see you there for good food and conversation.

Pickleball Beginner Clinics 

First Saturday of Month 

PICKLEBALL ENTHUSIASTS! The pickleball courts are open! And to assist you in pursuing your interest, the Garrettsville Pickleball Association is sponsoring a Beginners’ Clinic every first Saturday of the month,  from 10-12, weather permitting. This will last throughout the summer. Paddles and balls will be provided if needed. For further information please email gvillepb@gmail.com.

Grief Group Meetings

1st & 3rd Sundays

Grief Group Meetings are held the 1st & 3rd Sundays at 12:30pm at Garrettsville United Methodist Church, 8223 Park Avenue, Garrettsville.  Everyone is welcome to attend.  330-527-2055 or 216-401-8542 for more info

Shalersville Historical Society Meeting 

Aug 1

Come join us for our monthly historical society meeting on Thursday August 1 at 7 PM at our museum located at 9154 St Rt 44 in Shalersville.  Our meetings are open to everyone interested in local history.   We will be showcasing the progress on our one room school house and discussing upcoming events of our August 13 7 PM program on the North Feeder of the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal which ran from Feeder Dam near the Save 4 store in Shalersville to Homon Rd.

Brittany Myers Poker Run

Aug 3

23rd Brittany Myers Poker Run will be held August 3rd, 2024. Registration is at the Time Out Sports Bar on St. Rt. 88 in Windham from 10 am until noon with first bike out at 11am and last bike out at noon. $15 per person includes ride, dinner and chance for a door prize.   T-shirts and tickets for a 50/50 drawing. 

Garrettsville Garden Club

Aug 5

 Join the Garrettsville Garden Club at the Garrettsville Library! On Monday, August 5 from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m., we will cover harvesting, putting the summer garden to bed and planting fall and winter gardens. Visit the Little Seed Library for your Cool Crop seeds! Limited to 25 participants. Register here: events.portagelibrary.org/event/10606878. 

Anti-Social Book Club

Aug 5

Too busy for a normal book club? No worries! Join the Garrettsville Library for the Anti-Social Book Club starting on Monday, August 5. This book subscription box runs completely in your own time. Plus, you get some cool free stuff! This event is intended for teens. Register here: events.portagelibrary.org/event/10675906.

Spicy Romance Book Club

Aug 6

Join us each month for the Spicy Romance Book Club at the Garrettsville Library! This month, we will be reading “Bride” by Ali Hazelwood on Tuesday, August 6 from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Limited to 30 participants. Register here: events.portagelibrary.org/event/10607008.  Ages 18 and up, please, due to possible explicit content

MaRSI’s 2nd Friday Dinner 

August 9 

The Mantua Restoration Society (MaRSI) is holding their 2nd Friday Night Dinner, from 4 – 7pm, on Friday, August 9, 2024. This month’s dinner is an end of summer picnic with hot entrees, cold salads, and scrumptious desserts. Donations are graciously accepted. Dine in or carryout is available. The dinner is held at the Mantua Center School Annex located at 11741 Mantua Center Road, Mantua Township. 

Windham UMC Free Dinner

Aug 30

Windham United Methodist Church will be having their monthly free dinner for August on August 30, 2024.  Pick up is from 4 – 5 pm.  Drive thru only. The menu is Chili dogs, baked beans, pasta salad and cake.  Windham UMC is located at 9051 N. Main street, Windham, Ohio 44288.  You must reserve your meals before by Wednesday, August 28.  Please call Sandi Fordyce at 330 697 3288.  The only questions that you will be asked  will be the ages and birthdates of those who are in the household and how many are in your household.

The “We’re All Invited” section is a fress service for non-profit fundraisers and events. All listings are run as space permits at the discretion of the Editor. To submit an invited, please email news@weeklyvillager.com.
