Home We're All Invited Upcoming Community Events – Week of September 2nd

Upcoming Community Events – Week of September 2nd


Foster Parents Needed

Geauga County has been experiencing an increase in the needs of families and children in the past several years. This has caused the demand for certified foster and adoptive parents to increase as well. There are many families in crisis in our own neighborhoods that require the supportive services of our agency. You and your family could be part of the support.
Children need a nurturing family that can provide them with stability, love, and guidance, while their own family works on making positive changes, so they can be reunified.
Consider becoming a foster and/or adoptive family for the Geauga County children who need and deserve your support. The agency will walk you through the process of becoming certified, providing support along the way.
Geauga County Job and Family Services will be holding a public information meeting on Monday, September 19, 2016 at 6:00pm at the West Geauga Library 13455 Chillicothe Rd, Chesterland, Ohio. Please contact Jodi Miller to RSVP for the meeting, or to schedule a private information session.

Call Today!
Burton Health Care Center is hosting a craft fair on Saturday,October 8, 2016 from 10:00am – 4:00pm. We are currently looking for vendors for the event. The cost to reserve a table is $20. Burton Health Care Center is located at 14095 E. Center St. Burton, OH 44021 For more information or to register, call Michele at 440-834-1084 or email at mgordon@windsorhouseinc.com

NHS In Search Of Paint
James A Garfield National Honor Society is looking for water/latex based paints you want to dispose of, if so inclined, please drop off at the High School any school day between 7:30 – 200. Water based/Latex based only, no oil based.

Families Anonymous Meeting
Families Anonymous meetings for families dealing with drug addicted members meet every Monday from 7-8 pm at Coleman Behavioral Services Sue Hetrick Building, 3922 Lovers Lane/Loomis Parkway in Ravenna. For more information call Heather 330-569-4367 or Peggy 330-760-7670.

Free Water Well Monitoring
4th Monday of Month
Free well water monitoring will be conducted on the 4th Monday of the month at the Hiram Christian Church at the corner of SR 82 & 700 in Hiram.

Community Center Open!
You are invited to attend the Community Center which meets every Tuesday in the historic Mantua Center School, just north of SR 82 on Mantua Center Road. It’s free, and the cafeteria wing, where we meet is fully accessible. Free coffee and tea are ready soon after 9. Painting group gathers at 9:30. Potluck lunch is at noon; bring a dish for the buffet. (Tableware provided.) We usually close about two, but could stay open later if there were demand.

Crossroads Community Church, 9018 SR 44 in Ravenna will be hosting AWANA Clubs for 3rd -6th graders on Wednesday Nights at 6 pm.

St. Michael’s Church at 9736 East Center Street in Windham, OH holds bingo every Thursday in the church hall. We have a Large Running Progressive! Ticket sales begin at 6:00 pm. Games start at 7:00 pm. Please come and support St. Michael’s Church!

Sausage Trailer
Sept 2 & 3
The Windham Lions Club wil l be holding their monthly sausage trailer on Sept. 2 from 10 am – 7 pm and Sept 3 from 10 am – 2 pm at the old Sparkle Market parking lot.

Rev. Okuma To Speak
Sept 4
Missionary Rev. Chris Okuma from Kenya will be speaking at Shepherd’s Joy Ministries
94451/2 Annette Dr. Windham, Ohio Sunday Sept. 4th 10:30 am. Rev. Chris feeds and educates 450 orphans from the Bush country of Africa. Lunch will be served following service for a love offering. Info 330 527-5009

Bristol Public Library Holiday Closing
Sept 5
The Bristol Public Library will be closed Monday, September 5th, in observance of the Labor Day holiday. Regular business hours will resume Tuesday, September 6th at 8:00 a.m.

Join Cub Scouts
Sept 6
Are you ages 6-12? JOIN CUB SCOUTS! Would you like to go see a fire station, sleep in a tent, build a car, launch a rocket ship and cook over a fire? Come see where the adventure starts. Parkman Pack 4076 welcomes you to our kickoff meeting for the 2016- 17 season. We will meet for an informational meeting at Parkman Congregational Church on Sept. 6 at 6 pm. We will have root beer floats and have a fun adventure waiting! To find more information about us, please see Facebook at: parkmanpack4076bsa or www.pack4076.org You may also e-mail us at parkmanpack76@gmail.com. *We are not a church or school-sponsored program.

Square Dance Classes
starting Sept 7
Circulators Square Dance Club would like to invite to learn to square dance ,make new friends, get fit and have a lot of fun. Classes start Wed. Sept. 7th at Brown Middle School at the corner of SR 59 and Scranton St. Ravenna.Ohio 44266. First lesson is free then $4.00 adult / $2.00 Children. For more info call 330-297-0864 or janverrona@yahoo.com

Chicken Dinner
Sept 7
Chicken Dinner at Southington UMC, SR 305 & 534, Southington will be holding a Chicken Dinner, on Wednesday, September 7th, 2016, 3:30 to 6:00. The menu includes: one fourth of a chicken, scalloped potatoes, green beans, applesauce, cole slaw, homemade desserts, beverage. Price Adults $9.00, Children/Chicken Tenders dinner Children ages 4-10 $4.50, Children 3 and under free. Carry Outs available. Call 330-898-2156.

Social Media and Your Small Business
Sept 7
The Ohio Small Business Development Center serving Portage County will be hosting a workshop on “Social Media and Your Small Business.” The workshop will be held on Wednesday, September 7, 2016 at the Kent Free Library. The workshop is free, but seating is limited. Interested persons are asked to register by calling the Summit Medina Business Alliance at 330-375-2111.

Mantua American Legion Meeting
Sept 8
The Legion will hold its Sept 8 meeting at 7 pm at the Center School gym due to the Potato Festival activity near the Post House.

Potato Pancakes
Sept 9-11
Christ Lutheran Church will be participating in the annual Mantua Potato Festival on Friday, Saturay and Sunday, September 9, 10 and 11. Please come and enjoy the Festival and a serving of our famous Potato Pancakes. See you there.

Fall Craft Show
Sept 10 & 11
The YMCA of Garrettsville 8233 Park Avenue is planning a Fall Craft Show for September10th & 11th from 10:00am to 4:00pm both days. Crafters and Vendors are needed . Please call Margaret Lappert @ 330-527-5787 if you are interested.

Hambden Car Show
Sept 11
Hambden Congregational Church is holding a car show on Sept. 11. Registration is from 12 – 1. Car show begins at 1 and ends at 4. 50/50 Raffle, Door Prizes, Chinese Auction, Food & Soft Drinks, DJ. Pre-register your car at hambdencc.org. For more information contact Hambden Congregational Church at hambdencc@gmail.com or 440-286-4369 or Dorothy at 11311vulcankd@roadrunner.com or 440-286-4655. Rain or Shine.

Happy Trails Open House
Sept 11
Learn how Happy Trails impacts you and your community. Feed a horse, pet a pig, hold a rooster. Meet the staff and volunteers. Become part of the team. Open house will be held on Sept 11,11:00am – 4:00pm at Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary, 5623 New Milford Road, Ravenna, Ohio 44266. The event is free however, there is no parking at Happy Trails (unfortunately no room). Complimentary shuttle parking will be available at Ravenna High School (map and directions on our website), with large shuttle buses running constantly throughout the day.

American Legion Auxiliary Meeting
Sept 12
The Legion Auxiliary #193 will hold its Sept 12 meeting at 1 pm. Members of both organizations are urged to support the meetings and supply items for the soup supper.

Crescent Chapter Meeting
Sept 12
Crescent Chapter No 7 O.E.S. of Garrettsville will meet on Sept 12 at the Masonic Temple. A potluck dinner will be held at 6:30 pm followed by the 7:30 pm meeting. There will not be a meeting on Sept. 26.

Join Scouting Today!!
Sept 12
Have Fun, Make Friends, See New Things! Cub Scout Pack 4062 is having their fall open house on September 12th at the James A. Garfield Elementary School from 7-8pm. Boys in grades 1 through 5 are invited to come and have some fun and learn what Scouting has to offer. For more information email us at gvillepack62@yahoo.com or call Eric Neiheisel at (330) 518-702. Start your adventure today!

Square Dancing Class
Sept 13
On September 13 the Friendly Squares of Niles. Are hosting an introduction to Modern Square Dancing. This will be at the Niles Senior Center (Scope). The time is from 7:00pm –9:00pm. If you have been looking for something else to tone your body and mind, you should give this a try. You will see why so many have found their answer. For more information about the new class call (330)506-3370

Healthy Living for Your Brain & Body
Sept 14
Join us to learn about research in the areas of diet and nutrition, exercise, cognitive activity and social engagement, presented by the Alzheimer’s Association.
The presentation will take place on Sept 14, from 11:30AM—12:30PM, at the West Geauga Senior Center, located at 12646 West Geauga Plaza unit 4, in Chesterland. Those attending can also enjoy a lunch provided by Tridia Hospice. Please call the West Geauga Senior Center to RSVP at (440) 721-1416

Rivers Casino Bus Trip
Sept. 16
The Mantua K of C Women’s Auxiliary is hosting a bus trip to Rivers Casino, Pittsburgh, PA, on Friday, September 16. The cost is $40.00 per person and each attendee will receive $20.00 in free play. The group will depart from the K of C Hall, 11845 St. Rt. 44, Mantua, OH 44255, at 9:00 a.m. and return by 6:00 p.m. Please call 330-274-4982 and leave a message to reserve your seat.

Windham HS Class of 1976 Reunion
Sept 16 & 17
The Windham High School class of 1976 is having its 40th reunion weekend next month. Plans include an informal get-together on Sept. 16 and a reunion dinner on Sept. 17. For details please call either Hal Clark, (330) 607-7098 or Jim Leigh, (330) 221-0116. Facebook users may look up the pages of Nancy Cline or Rich Waggoner for more information.

Charity Yard Sale
Sept 17
3rd Annual Charity Yard Sale supporting Freeway’s Greyt Escape, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation helping greyhounds. Saturday, September 17th, 9AM until 4PM. Multi-families supporting their favorite non-profit organization or helping to support Freeway’s non-profit. Refreshments available. Lots of antiques, collectables, books, furniture, etc. already set aside for this sale. Donations gladly accepted. Space still available in our front yard to set up and sell! 10555 South Street, Garrettsville, Ohio. Call Diana for more information or to reserve your space 239-470-6429 or 330-527-2276.

Free Community Meal
Sept 19
Christ Lutheran Church, 10827 North Main Street, Mantua, will be hosting their monthy Free Community Meal on Monday, September 19 from 5 to 6:30 PM. Please come and enjoy a delicious meal and a chance to visit with your neighbors and friends.

Haile Thomas To Speak At Garrettsville YMCA
Sept 21
Youth Health Advocate, motivational speaker, teen chef Haile Thomas is coming to the Y, right here in Garrettsville on September 21 at 7 pm! Open to the public and aimed at any students, any parents, any educators, any coaches who are interested in making optimum use of nutrition as a means of achieving their best outcomes, in athletic performance or daily living. She’s a great example of the fact that it’s never too early to make a positive and lasting impact. Call the YMCA at 330.469.2044

RFC Community Dinner
Sept 22
Do you remember the famous commercial where the old lady yells into the telephone receiver, “Where’s the beef”?
Well this old lady knows “where the beef is”. It’s at the Renaissance Family Center Sept 22, from 5-6:30 at the Community Dinner. See you there, come see the “old lady”. The oldest lady there gets a prize.

Pork Chop Dinner
Sept 24
On the 24 of September there will be a stuffed pork chop dinner at the Braceville United
Methodist Church off of St. Rt. 82 in the center of Braceville. The dinner begins at 4 and we serve until 6:30 unless food runs out. The dinner includes mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, cole slaw, applesauce, homemade desserts, bread, coffee, tea or punch. The cost is $10.00 for adults and $4.00 for children. Takeouts are available.

Burton Art Show at the Burton Public Library
Sept 27
Calling all artists (16 years and older) that live, work, or attend school in Geauga or Lake County. Entry night is Sept. 27 from 5:30 pm – 7:45 pm. A non-refundable entry fee of $10 per item or 3 for $25 is due (payable by cash or check) on Entry Night. Pick up an entry form with the rules of the show at the Library or print it out from our homepage: www.burtonlibrary.org. Call us at (440) 834-4466 for more information.

Holiday Craft Show
Nov 11 & 12
Portage County Gardeners and the Portage County Herb Society is sponsoring a Holiday Craft Show on Nov. 11, 2016 4-8 p.m and Sat. Nov. 12, 2016-10-3 p.m.. We need crafters! Please call Helena Parry at 330-673-0577 if you would like an 8’ table for a onetime fee of $35.00. We have enough jewelry, knit and crotched scarves and hats, floral wreaths, and homemade candy. Other type hand crafted items are welcome.

JAG PTO Craft Show
Nov 12
The JAG Elementary school PTO is sponsoring a craft show on Nov 12 from 10 am – 3 pm. The show is open to JAG families and public vendors. Contact Diane Irwin at 330-524-0592 if you are interested in being a vendor. Tables are reserved on a first come basis. We are accepting hand crafted vendors and company vendors. Premium tables are $25, Hallway tables are $20.


Anton Albert Photography