Home We're All Invited Upcoming Community Events | Week of September 25

Upcoming Community Events | Week of September 25


Community Center Open
Every Tuesday except election day, the community center will be open from 9:30 till 2:00 or 3:00, in the cafeteria wing of the Mantua Center School on Center Road just north of SR82. There is no charge and all are welcome. Water color painting group gathers at 9:30. There’s always a jigsaw puzzle to work on, a table of reading material for free exchange, and a sewing project. Potluck lunch at noon; bring something to share. Building re-opens for “Don’t Eat Alone” dinner served at 5:30 for those who eat way too many meals without companionship. Question? Call Ellie, 330-274-0711.

Volunteers Needed
Coleman Adult Day Services looking for volunteers to share their time and talents with Seniors. Only once a month or more it you could come to our center in Ravenna on a M-F at 11am or 1pm to play a game with them or do a craft. Please call Madeline, Activity Director if you would like to help out. 330(296-3214)

Am. Legion Breakfast
Legion Aux Post 674 in Windham will serve breakfast on Monday mornings from 7- 11 am
$7.00 for full menu; $5.00 for limited; Includes coffee, juice and water. Everyone welcome !

Legion Fish Fry
Fish fry is back at American Legion Post 674, Windham
Friday’s from 4-7:30 pm
Choice of fish, chicken, or shrimp. Pick one or do combo Comes with fries and choice of 2 sides. Price $9.00

God Provides A Meal
Sept 25
God provides a free meal will be held on Sept 25 from 4-6 p.m. at the Nelson United Methodist Church. Meal will be beef and noodles, green beans, roll and dessert.

RFC Dinner
Sept 25
The Fourth Thursday of every month. That’s the appointed dinner time. Thursday, Sept. 25th. 5-6:30 pm Dinner at the Renaissance Family Center in Windham. See You there.

Windham Bomber Band Bash
Sept 26
Come see high school marching bands from around the area perform their halftime shows, Sept 26th at 7pm at the Windham High School football field. Admission $5, concessions available from the Bomber Band Bistro.

Eagles Steak Fry
Sept 26
The Garrettsville Eagles will be hosting a steak fry and grilled chicken dinner on Saturday Sept. 26th from 4 – 7:30 pm. Meals include choice of baked potato or French fries, green beans, salad and roll. Steak dinners are $13.00 and chicken dinners are $9.00. Carryout available by calling 330-527-2330. Open to the public. Join us after dinner for live band entertainment from 8 – 11:30.

Square Dance
Sept 26
On September 26. The North Bloomfield Historical Society, will host a Square dance at the Town Hall at Rt. 45 and Rt. 87. No experience is necessary. The time of the dance is from 7:00pm to 9:30pm. Admission is 5.00 per person. Light refreshments will be served. For more information call: (330)506-3370

Spaghetti Dinner
Sept 26
Spaghetti Dinner will be held on Sept. 26, at 6:00p.m.at SHALERSVILLE Town Hall on the corner of 303and 44. Dinner includes spaghetti and meatballs, salad, roll and butter, and dessert. Coffees,tea, and water included. Adults 8.00 CHILREN 6.00. Also CHINESE Auction and 50/50. All net proceeds go to Relay for Life. Sponsored by Rally Around George.

Stuffed Pork Chop Dinner
Sept 26
On the 26 of September there will be a stuffed pork chop dinner at the Braceville United Methodist Church off of St. Rt. 82 in the center of Braceville. The dinner begins at 4 and we serve until 6:30 unless food runs out. The dinner includes mashed potatoes,
green beans, corn, cole slaw, applesauce, homemade desserts, bread, coffee, tea or punch. The cost is $10.00 for adults and $4.00 for children. Takeouts are available.

Ruritan Clambake
Sept 27
Annual Ruritan Clambake will be Sept 27th from 1-5pm at The Mantua Civic Center (State Route 82 and Mantua Center Road). Cost: $30 each complete dinner, including beverage and dessert. Pre-Sale Tickets available at Carlton Harley-Davidson, Inc. or call Lonnie at 330-274-8667.

Morgan Preserve Lunar Eclipse
Sept 27
Join our Sky Ranger, Guy Gillespie to view the Lunar Eclipse on Sept 27 at 8 pm Park at the SR 44 lot, on the east side of the road, 1/2 mile south of SR 303, Shalersville Township.

Sept 27
You are invited to The First Church of God, 426 West Broad Street, Newton Falls, Ohio for a HYMNSPIRATION on Sept 27th. The singers are from the local church that will be performing favorite hymns, with the congregation joining in!!! There will be soloists, a quartet, and an ensemble for a finale. There will be a variety of desserts in the Family Activity Center following the evening concert. A love offering will be used for the music department to enhance our stage and sound equipment. Pastor Arnold Edmondson invites you and your family to come out for a night of praise. The concert begins at 6:00 p.m.

Champion Rotary Club Meeting
Sept 29
The Champion Rotary Club will meet at Wayside Restaurant, 825 State Road, NW, in Champion on Tuesday, September 29, 2015 at 12:00 noon. Probate Judge James A. Fredericka will speak to the group about the Court’s Guardian Angels program, the Veterans Assistance Program, and the Senior Court. Please feel free to contact us if you need additional information.

Blood Drive
Sept 30
Falls Home Remodeling is hosting a blood drive on Sept 30th from 1-6pm at their showroom, 104 A, East Broad Street, Newton Falls. Please come and give the gift of life.

Burton Art Show
The Burton Art Show features the work of artists from Geauga and Lake Counties. The show is open to the public during the following dates and times:
Oct 6-8 (Tues-Thurs) 10 am–8 pm; Oct 9-10 (Fri & Sat) 10 am–4 pm; Oct 11 (Sun) 1 pm–4:30 pm

Honorary Balloon Release
Oct 1
Mallory-DeHaven-Carlson Funeral Homes & Cremation Services will host a special Holiday Memorial Celebration in honor of families who have lost a loved one. This free event will take place in Garrettsville at 8382 Center Street on October 1st at 6:00 p.m., and all members of the community are invited to attend. Light refreshments will be served immediately following the service. The balloons provided for this event are made of biodegradable materials. For more information on this topic, or for questions regarding the balloon release on October 1st, call (330) 527-2188.

Silent Auction
Oct 2
Parkman Volunteer Fire Department in conjunction with local Amish schools will hold a silent auction at Parkman Community House next to the station on October 2nd. Doors open at 5pm, drawing at 7pm. Main prize will be a scooter or cash value. 50-50 drawing. Pizza, salad, pie and ice cream available.

JAG Homecoming Parade
Oct 2
Anyone entering a float for the Homecoming parade on October 2nd can contact Mrs. Bell at the JAG HIgh School (330) 527-4341 or fbell@jagschools.org Line up will begin at 4:15 behind the movie theatre and kick off will begin at 4:30.

Pythian Sister Rummage & Bake Sale
Oct 2 & 3
A rummage and bake sale will be held at teh K of P Hall, 123 College St., West Farmington on Oct 2 9 am – 5 pm and Oct 3 9 am – noon. Books, clothing, household items will be available. Lunch served Friday only. Saturday is $2 / bag day.

4th Annual Team Rae Craft Show
Oct 3
The past 3 seasons of falling leaves has brought together family and friends of Rachael Wiltrout Felton to show support, raise awareness, and celebrate memories of our dear Rachael. This year, we again come together in her memory to raise awareness of Sarcoma and celebrate her life that was taken too soon. Please join us at Maplewood Elementary School on October 3 from 11-3 and shop with our amazing selection of vendors and crafters and participate in our Chinese and Silent auctions, where all the money raised will go to the Sarcoma Foundation of America in hopes of one day curing the awful disease that Rachael battled. We thank you for your continued support and hope to see you again this year!

Fall Festival
Oct 3
Freedom in Christ Fellowship, 3449 SR 59 in Ravenna Fall Festival will be Oct 3rd from 2-7. No admission fee. Music, free games, free prizes, food, entertainment, merchant booths and fun for the whole family!

NUMC Rummage Sale
Oct 3
The Nelson United Methodist Church (on the circle) will be holding a rummage sale on October 3 from 9 am – 5 pm.

BOOK Review and Discussion Group
Oct 5
Dr J Patella offers an excellent and interesting literary assessment of ILLUSIONS – The Adventures Of A Reluctant Messiah to be reviewed and discussed on content, style, and merit. Author Richard Bach is also author of the book Jonathan Livingston Seagull. Join us Monday, Oct. 5 at 10:50am for this FREE event. Questions – call Phil at the YMCA (330)469-2044 – Garrettsville YMCA, 8233 Park Ave.

All-Inclusive Trip
Oct 5-9
St. Anselm Young of Heart in Chesterland have planned a great fun filled, all-inclusive trip, to Villa Roma Resort in the New York Catskills on October 5-9. It’s like a cruise on land! All meals are included, entertainment every night, and all kinds of things to do at the resort. Tour of the Catskill Distilling Co. and the Stray Cat Gallery. Also included is an optional trip to the Monticello Casino. Baggage handling and gratuities are also included. Cost is $635 pp ($650 for non-members). Everyone is welcome on Young of Heart trips. All trips leave from St. Anselm Church on Rt. 306 in Chesterland. For more information, call Nancy Battenfield at 440-729-9684.

Shaw Woods Hike
Oct 10
October 10th 9:00-11:00am
Portage County Trailwalkers Hike at Shaw Woods wll be held on Oct. 10 from 9 – 11 am. Join us for a hike through Shaw Woods! Located on Beery Rd. in Ravenna Township, across from the Arsenal. For directions, please contact the Park District office at 330-297-7728 or email info@portageparkditrict.org.

Library Closed
Oct 12
All branches and offices of the Portage County District Library will be closed on Monday, October 12, in observance of Columbus Day. They will resume normal operating hours on Tuesday, October 13.

Explore Freedom Twp. History
Oct 13
Does Freedom Township have a history? An evening meeting to “explore” organizing a Freedom Township Historical Society will be held at the Freedom Town Hall on Tuesday October 13, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Those present at the Sept. 8th meeting are encouraged to attend as new participants bring new ideas. Questions? Call Delores Reed 330-527-4490.

PERI Chapter 63 Meeting
Oct 14
PERI (Public Employee Retirees, Inc.) Chapter 63, Portage County, will meet October 14th, 12:00 noon, at the Ravenna Elks Lodge, 776 N. Freedom St. Full meal with beverage and pie $14. RESERVATIONS REQUIRED: call Becky at 330-296-5787 on or before Oct. 9. Charlene Powell, 11th District Representative, will present information on how the HRA reimbursement process will work for retirees who are Medicare eligible and will address questions about the Connector enrollment process. Also, she will report on the PERI September Annual Meeting.

Black Light Extravaganza
Oct 16
Windham Bomber Band 2nd annual Black light Halftime Show on October 16th.Come see the band perform their annual black light extravaganza. A sight not to be missed!

Clothing Giveaway
Oct 24
Mantua Center free clothing giveaway will be Oct 24th from 9-noon in the old Mantua Center School building. You will enter the back side of the building, go down the stairs, turn right into hallway. There will be signs to lead you to the correct place. Plenty of clothing will be available in all sizes and both genders.

Save the Date
Nov 7
Mark your calendar for a U.S.O. Dance at the Mantua Center School on Nov 7th. This is a joint project of the Mantua Historical Society and the U.S.O.

Chance Auction at Bristol Elementary
Nov 13
The Bristol Elementary sixth grade class will be holding its annual Chance Auction on Nov.13 in the elementary cafeteria. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. and winners will be drawn at 7:00 p.m. Admission is $3.00 and includes 10 free regular auction tickets. All proceeds benefit the sixth grades’ annual spring trip to Washington, D.C. For more information contact the Bristol Elementary School at 330-889-2700. The school is located at 1845 State Route 88 just east of the intersection of State Routes 45 and 88.


Anton Albert Photography