Home We're All Invited Upcoming Community Events | Week of October 30, 2015

Upcoming Community Events | Week of October 30, 2015


Am. Legion Breakfast
Legion Aux Post 674 in Windham will serve breakfast on Monday mornings from 7- 11 am
$7.00 for full menu; $5.00 for limited; Includes coffee, juice and water. Everyone welcome !

Legion Fish Fry
Fish fry is back at American Legion Post 674, Windham
Fridays from 4-7:30 pm
Choice of fish, chicken, or shrimp. Pick one or do combo Comes with fries and choice of 2 sides. Price $9.00

JAG Fruit Sale
Now-Nov 13
James A. Garfield Marching Pride Band Fruit Sale! The bands annual fruit sale is under way!! Call the high school at 330-527-4341 or contact your favorite band member to place an order. Order deadline is November 13th. Delivery will be the week of December 7th.

“The Addams Family”
Through Nov 6
Join Geauga Lyric Theater Guild for the premiere of “The Addams Family”, October 23rd-November 6th. Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm and Sundays at 2pm. Tickets are on sale now. Marquee Sponsor: The Middlefield Banking Company. For more information visit www.geaugatheater.org.

Trick-or-Treat: Find out what animals eat!
October 30
Join us as we explore what animals at the Hiram College Field Station eat as they prepare for winter. Children will search for animal tracks, learn about food animals eat and store, and make collections of forest items for crafts. The program is October 30th from 5-6:30pm and ends with cider and apples! Free for all children in grades 3-6, but registration is required. Call 330.569.6003 or emailsorrickmw@hiram.edu.

Free Meal
Oct 30
God provides a free meal October 30th from 4-6 at Nelson United Methodist Church. Dinner will include rigatoni and meat, salad, roll and dessert.

Stuffed Pork Chop Dinner
Oct 31
There will be a stuffed pork chop dinner at the Braceville United Methodist Church (off of St. Rt. 82) on October 31st from 4-6:30, unless food runs out. The dinner includes mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, coleslaw, applesauce, homemade desserts, bread, coffee, tea or punch. The cost is $10.00 for adults and $4.00 for children. Takeout’s are available.

Steak Fry & Chicken Dinner
Oct 31
The Garrettsville Eagles will hosting a steak fry and grilled chicken dinner on Oct. 31st from 4-7:30 pm. Meals include choice of baked potato or French fries, green beans, salad and roll. Meal cost is $13.00 for steak and $9.00 for chicken. Carryout available by calling: 330-527-2330. Open to the public.

Trunk or Treat
Oct 31
Freedom Township Trustees and Fiscal Officers will be hosting a Halloween Trunk or Treat at the Town Hall Pavilion on Oct 31st from 5-8pm. Cider, donuts and candy will be provided. Adults come see the children in costume and pass out candy; children wear your Halloween costumes and get some treats in a safe setting. All are welcome!

Halloween in Parkman
Oct 31
Door-to-door trick-or-treating in Parkman is scheduled for 5-6pm. If you would like kids to visit your house, please leave your porch light on. Trick or treat is sponsored by Parkman Township Trustees. Our Annual Halloween Party at the Parkman Community House will be from 6-7pm. Residents are asked to bring their bag of goodies to the community house so that you can see your neighbors – all the princesses and super heroes! We ask the parents to bring your kids to the community house for trick-or-treating, fun & games and snacks. Halloween party is sponsored by Parkman Chamber of Commerce. If you have any questions, please contact Denise at 440-548-2939.

Wildlife Count at Hiram Township Park
Oct 31, Nov 8
Hiram Township’s Community Evaluation and Accomplishments Committee (CEAC) offers an educational opportunity through wildlife counts on Oct 31st and Nov 8th. Events are from 10am- 2pm at the new park property; 6352 State Route 82 in Hiram. Meet at the canopy tent in the parking lot; please feel free to bring notebooks, smart phones, cameras and any other instruments to help us start cataloging the various forms of wildlife that live or pass through our community. We will also discuss potential future events and projects! If you have any questions contact Dan Brokos at (440) 321-5782 or Tim Kasper at 330-569-7387.

Fall Festival
Nov 1
Life Church in Garrettsville will be hosting a FREE carnival style Fall Festival on November 1st from 2-4:30. There will be food, crafts and games for children through grade 5! All kids will receive free hats and gloves, as well as a bag of groceries! We are located across from the James A Garfield High School on Rte. 88. For more info visit our Facebook page or call 330-527-2777.

Brush Pickup
Nov 2
Freedom Township will be conducting their roadside brush pickup of the year on Nov 2nd. You must call the Township Garage to schedule chipping before 8am on the 2nd. Piles limited to 8 feet long, limbs no larger than 4 inch diameter, stacked along road side.

Annual Turkey Dinner
Nov 3
On November 3rd get out and vote, then head to Parkman Congregational Church for a delicious turkey dinner with all the trimmings from 4:30-7pm. We will be serving turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, squash, green beans, slaw, cranberry sauce, rolls, beverages and pie for dessert. Adult dinners are $12.00; children (ages 5-11) are $6.00; preschoolers are free. Take-outs are available (adult-size only). Prepared and served by the Women’s Fellowship of Parkman Congregational Church. We look forward to seeing you on Election Day! The church is located at 18265 Madison Road, 1/4 mile north of St. Rt. 422 in Parkman.

“Illusions” Book Review
Nov 2
Garrettsville YMCA Active Older Adults 55+ invited you to join us November 2nd at 10:45am for the following free event: A continuation of October’s Book Review and Discussion Group. Dr. J Patella offers an excellent and interesting literary assessment of ILLUSIONS – The Adventures Of A Reluctant Messiah to be reviewed and discussed on content, style, and merit. Author Richard Bach is also author of the book Jonathan Livingston Seagull. Questions – call Phil at the YMCA (330)469-2044.

Mantua Community Center
Nov 3, 10
The Community Center at Mantua Center will be closed on Election Day, Nov. 3rd as the space is used for voting. Come and vote! We will be open one more day, Nov 10th from 9-2 with our usual activities, including a potluck lunch at noon, and then we will be closed until sometime in March.

“A Course In Miracles”
Nov 4
A Course In Miracles facilitated by Dr. J Patella. October’s assignments, please read: The Text, Chapters 5 through 7 – The Workbook for Students, Lessons 65 through 93 – The Teacher’s Manual, Chapters 5 through 7. Meet at the YMCA to discuss on Nov 4 at 10:30am. The group meets at the YMCA every 1st Wednesday of every month at 10:30am. If you own the book A COURSE IN MIRACLES” please bring it. Questions – call Phil at the YMCA (330)469-2044.

Geauga Safety Council Meeting
Nov 6
Geauga Safety Council will hold their next meeting on November 6 in Punderson Manor House with Dr. David Kessler on the topic of Enhanced Injured Worker Care. Registration begins at 11:15. Reservations are required. Cost to attend $20. For more information on this meeting or on Geauga Safety Council, please call Sue at 440-969-1802.

Soup Supper
Nov 6
The Mantua American Legion will hold its monthly soup supper at the Village Park Lodge on Nov 6th at 6pm. A variety of homemade soups, salads, desserts and a hot dog bar will be available. Cost is $7 for adults and $3 for children.

Holiday Harvest Craft Show
Nov 6 & 7
Orwell American Legion Auxiliary holiday harvest craft show will be November 6th from 9am-4pm and November 7th from 9am-1pm at Orwell American Legion Hall, 215 North Maple St. No admission charge.

U.S.O. Program
Nov 7
The Mantua American Legion invites everyone to attend a special U.S.O. program on Nov 7th at the Mantua Center. This event will begin at 1pm with a dedication of the Veteran’s Memorial followed by a dance from 2-5pm at the Center School gym.

Craft Show
Nov 7
Our Lady of the Lakes Ladies Guild is sponsoring a Craft Show to be held November 7th from 9-3 pm at Our Lady of the Lakes St. Catherine Family Center, 1254 Grandview Road, Lake Milton, OH. Local crafters and vendors. No admission charge, free parking and handicapped accessible. Cafeteria open throughout the day. For more information 330-538-2400.

Chinese Auction
Nov 7
Chinese Auction: Hosted by the K. I. D. Cancer Foundation will be Nov 7th at the Parkman Community House in Parkman, Ohio. Hundreds of items will be up for bid including U. S. and International Airline Tickets, Disney Tickets, a large screen TV, many toys, tools, an electric guitar, household items, Christmas items, and much more. Try to win $1,000.00 Cash in the 3rd year for our “Deal-or-No Deal game. Come hungry for a Ham and Turkey Dinner. Don’t miss this one! Doors open at 3:00pm and the drawing starts at 6:00pm. For more information call (330) 889-9600.

Drug Awareness
Nov 7
A forum for community drug awareness will be Nov 7th from 8am-noon at Hiram Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The church is located at 6868 Wakefield Road, Hiram. For more information call 330-569-7697.

Craft Show
Nov 7
22nd Annual LaBrae Craft Show will be November 7th from 10-4 at the LaBrae High School Complex, 1001 North Leavitt Road, Leavittsburg, Ohio 44430. E-mail labraecraftshow@gmail.com for information. Free Admission & Parking. Over 120 Vendors.

Nov 7
Portage Faith United Methodist Church annual bazaar will be November 7th from 9am-2pm. Come check out all kinds of crafts, goodies and soups. Admission is free! The church is located at 9922 St. Rt. 44 in Mantua.

Turkey Dinner & Basket Auction
Nov 7
Pricetown Church annual turkey dinner and basket auction will be Nov 7th from 4-7pm at the Newton Falls High School. All you can eat buffet. Cost is $10 for adults, $5 for kids and free for kids 4 and under. The school is located at 907 Milton Blvd, south, Newton Falls. Hope to see you there!!

Post Halloween Dance
Nov 7
Portage County Chapter #600 of International Parents Without Partners will have their Post Halloween dance from 7:30-11 on Nov 7th at the Ritchie Memorial Shelter House, 109 West Ave. in Tallmadge. Open to the public, cost is $8 for non-members and $6 for PWP members. Wear a costume, there will be prizes for the prettiest, ugliest and original costumes! If you are interested in joining Parents Without Partners, contact Warrine 33-322-9559.

Scholarship Chicken Dinner
Nov 7
Garrettsville Eagles Annual Scholarship Chicken Dinner will be November 7th from 4-7:30pm at the Eagles Post; 8149 Water Street, Garrettsville OH. Dinner will include chicken with gravy, mashed potatoes, coleslaw, green beans or corn, homemade bread and dessert. Cost is $9 for adults and $6 for kids 12 and under. Open to the public. For more information call 330-527-2330

St. Joseph’s Garden Club 31st Annual Christmas Boutique
Nov 8
Don’t miss one of the area’s nicest craft shows, sponsored by the St. Joseph Garden Club. Held in Hughes Hall, the Christmas Boutique offers hand-crafted items, baked goods, raffles, door prizes, and breakfast and lunch items. Mark your calendars for the 31st Annual Garden Club Christmas Boutique to be held on Nov 8th from 9:30-3:30 pm. Members of St. Joseph’s PSR program will run the kitchen, offering snack, lunch and dessert items at one of the area’s nicest craft shows in the area. For more information, please contact Marlene (330-274-8145).

Mystery of our History Tour
Nov 8
Please join The J. A. Garfield Historical Society for their “Mystery of our History Tour”. This year’s theme is MAYORS OF GARRETTSVILLE. Tours will start every half hour with the first being 1:00 p.m. on Nov 8th at the Mott Building and the last begins at 3:30. Tickets are $10 – Children 12 and under are $3. Rain or shine.

Veteran’s Day Dinner
Nov 8
There will be a Veteran’s Day Dinner Nov 8th from 1-5pm at the Kent Elks #1377, 2265 Erie Street in Kent (behind Twin Star Bowling Alley). Dinner will include rigatoni with meatballs, salad, bread and dessert. All Veteran’s eat for free, cost is $5 for all others attending.

Scottish American Society Meeting
Nov 8
The Scottish American Society will gather on Nov 8th from 3-5PM at the meeting room level of the Main Library, Akron-Summit County Public Library system, 60 S. High Street, in Akron. Free parking is immediately adjacent to the building in the parking garage. This meeting will feature a presentation on Hurling, an outdoor team game of ancient Gaelic and Irish origin. You are welcome to join us whether or not you are Scottish, but you must have an interest in our Scottish culture. For more information call: Jim or Margaret Frost at: 330.882.0342 or 330.903-4573 or Dave or Dianne Allison at: 330-923-8331, Cell: 330-571-3947. For more information on the Society and its activities, you may refer to our website at: www.scottishamericansociety.org.

Crescent Meeting
Nov 9
Garrettsville’s Crescent Chapter No. 7 O.E.S. will hold its annual Installation of Officers on Nov 9th at 7:30. This meeting will be held at the Mantua Masonic Temple on John Edwards Drive.

Mantua Legion & Auxiliary Meeting
Nov 9, 12
The Mantua Auxiliary will hold their regular meeting on Nov 9th from 9-1. The Legion Post 193 will hold their regular meeting on Nov 12th at 7pm.

Nov 10
Maplewood Christian Church Storytime will be the Nov 10th. Come for stories, crafts, music and movement for children ages 2 – 5 (adults stay for fun, siblings welcome). This event will be held the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. at 7300 State Route 88 in Ravenna. Email gzimcosky@gmail.com or call 330-297-6424 with questions.

Middlefield Chamber of Commerce Meeting
Nov 10
The Middlefield Chamber of Commerce meeting will be Nov 10th at 7:30a, at Mary Yoder’s Amish Kitchen. Member Speakers: Duane Siracki, Matt Smith and Paul Popovich. Breakfast on your own. RSVP to 440-632-5705 or mccinfo@middlefieldcc.com by Nov 6th.

Special Training Opportunity
Nov 11
Geauga Safety Council is offering a special training opportunity on Nov 11th at the Middlefield Fire Department with a presentation on Fun Fitness: Fit to Achieve by fitness expert Jim Steffen. Learn more about Jim at www.funfitnesscoach.com. Registration begins at 9:30 and training ends at noon. Cost is $20. Please contact Sandy at 440-313-8317 for more information and to register.

Library Closed Veterans Day
Nov 11
All branches and offices of the Portage County District Library will be closed on November 11th, in observance of Veterans Day. The Windham Library, Deerfield Computer Lab, Outreach Services, and offices will resume normal service hours on November 12th. All other branch libraries will resume service hours on November 13th. Visit Portage County District Library online at www.portagelibrary.org. Like us on Facebook. Follow us on Pinterest.
Veterans Day Service
Nov 11
Atwood-Mauck Post 459 Burton-Middlefield will have a Veteran’s Day Service at Newbury Elementary School on November 11th from 9-10:30am. There will also be an open house at the Legion Home on Goodwin Street in Burton from 4:30-7pm with a chili and soup dinner. Call Bo for more info 440-834-8764.

JAG PTO Craft and Vendor Show
Nov 14
The JAG Elementary School PTO will be sponsoring a craft and vendor show on Nov 14th from 10-3 at the Elementary School. This will be a great time to shop for the holiday season while supporting the school. Tables are $25 each. Spaces are still available, contact Diane Irwin 330-524-0592 by Oct 21st.

Texas Hold’Em
Nov 14
Texas Hold ‘Em tournament will be Nov 14 starting at 3pm, at the Kent Elks Lodge, 2265 Erie St. Ravenna. Food and beverage provided. $50 for $25,000 in starting chips, $10 for and additional $5,000 in chips. All pre-registered players will receive and extra $5,000 in chips. Pre-registering the first 150 players. Any questions contact Jennifer Goldstein 330-360-3869, Alan Goldstein 30-360-2242 or Joe Pinti 330-442-3155.

Annual NLMC Christmas Bazaar
Nov 14-15
5th annual Nelson LMC Christmas Bazaar will be Nov 14th & 15th from 10-5 at the Nelson Community Center. Lots of craft items. Refreshments for sale.

Pictures with Santa
Nov 15
Shannon Jursa and her State Farm Team are hosting the 2nd Annual Pictures with Santa event on Nov 15th from 2-5pm at the Garrettsville YMCA, which will allow us to comfortably accommodate many more families. This is a free event, digital images will be provided via email to all participating families. We will once again have Top Tier Pastry cookies and refreshments for our families. Tom Schama from Hiram will be our Photographer this year. This event is 100% funded by my Agency.
Film Review and Discussion Group
Nov 16
On Nov 16th at 10:45 am Dr J Patella will be offering the second half of the film It’s a Wonderful Life, a 1946 American Christmas fantasy drama film stars Jimmy Steward and Donna Reed and is produced and directed by Frank Capra, based on the short story “The Greatest Gift”, written by Philip Van Doren Stern. The film is now considered one of the most popular films in American cinema and has become traditional viewing during the Christmas season. If you are interested in a stimulating exchange of impressions and opinions please join us at the YMCA. Questions – call Phil at the YMCA (330)469-2044.

Cardinaires Christmas Concert
Dec 8
The Cardinaires Christmas Concert and Luncheon sponsored by the Middlefield Chamber of Commerce is Dec 8th at Noon at The Welshfield Inn, 14001 Main Market Road, Burton 44021. This is a great tradition for the Christmas Season. The cost for the Concert and Luncheon Buffet is $20 a person. Call to reserve places early, space is limited. RSVP to 440-632-5705 or mccinfo@middlefieldcc.com.

Annual RFC Craft Show
Dec 11-12
6th Annual RFC Craft Show will be Dec 11th, 9-5 and Dec 12th, 9-5. Lots of vendors, numerous different items and baked goods.

Breakfast with Santa
Dec 12
Breakfast with Santa will be Dec 12th at the Renaissance Family Center from 9-11am. Sponsored by Windham United Methodist Church.

waylandcommunitychurch@gmail.com for information and table reservations. Proceeds benefit the church building fund.

Clothing Giveaway
Oct 24
Mantua Center free clothing giveaway will be Oct 24th from 9-noon in the old Mantua Center School building. You will enter the back side of the building, go down the stairs, turn right into hallway. There will be signs to lead you to the correct place. Plenty of clothing will be available in all sizes and both genders.

Save the Date
Nov 7
Mark your calendar for a U.S.O. Dance at the Mantua Center School on Nov 7th. This is a joint project of the Mantua Historical Society and the U.S.O.

Chance Auction at Bristol Elementary
Nov 13
The Bristol Elementary sixth grade class will be holding its annual Chance Auction on Nov.13 in the elementary cafeteria. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. and winners will be drawn at 7:00 p.m. Admission is $3.00 and includes 10 free regular auction tickets. All proceeds benefit the sixth grades’ annual spring trip to Washington, D.C. For more information contact the Bristol Elementary School at 330-889-2700. The school is located at 1845 State Route 88 just east of the intersection of State Routes 45 and 88.


Anton Albert Photography