Home We're All Invited Upcoming Community Events – Week of November 6

Upcoming Community Events – Week of November 6


Great Gifts From Historical Society
Call Today!
The James A. Garfield Historical Society is still selling cemetery books for $5. each. We have four available. Park Cemetery, Drakesburg Cemetery, West Cemetery and the Baptist Cemetery. “Where’s my Milkman“ books, written by Scott Lawless, and “Garrettsville Strong” books, written by Pam Montgomery are also still available. 1880 maps of Garrettsville are also available for $5. each. Once framed, they make a great gift! To support your local historical society, call Debbie Smith at 330-389-1859 or Kit Semplak at 330-842-2822.

Farmington Senior Center Breakfasts
Senior Center will be open for Breakfast Monday mornings 7am to Noon. We will Be COVID compliant so PLEASE call 330-889-2733, as reservations are highly recommended. Temperatures will be taken at the door and anyone reading a temp of 100 deg will be turned away. Call with questions/concerned 330-889-2733.

Wing Night At The Eagles Club
Every Tuesday
Every Tuesday: 80 cent wings with purchase of a beverage– Open to public 5:00- 7:30. The Eagles Club is located at 8149 Water Street, Garrettsville.

American Legion Fish Dinners
American Legion Post 674 located at 9960 E. Center St in Windham will start fish dinners on Sept 4 from 4-7 pm. Dine in, carry out. Open to the public. Call 330-326-3188 for info.

Garfield MVP Fundraiser
Order Today!
Win a half cow! Purchase burgers and more! Help your kids and teachers out for the JAG Middle School Fundraiser! Support your G-Men with locally raised beef. Go to: www.bonnerfarmsbeef.com/g-men/ GO G-MEN

SHS Fundraiser
Purchase Tickets Now
Our fund raising has taken a different road this year because of COVID. You can help support the society and its museum by purchasing raffle tickets. The 50/50 raffle has a first prize of $750 and a second prize of $250. Tickets are $10 each with only 200 tickets being sold. The drawing will occur when all these raffle tickets have been sold. We’re almost there! Don’t miss out! Call Judy Richardson 330.389.0598 or Ronnie Kotowski at 330.351.3401. SHS is also selling tickets for a gun raffle with three prizes: a Savage 450 Bushmaster, a Winchester 350, and a Canik TP9. Tickets are $20 each with a limited number being offered. Contact either Ronnie or Judy for your ticket or more information.

Shalersville Historical Society Calendars
Buy Today!
The 2021 Shalersville Historical Society calendars are here! They feature Shalersville’s 9 one-room schools and 3 churches. Interestingly of the 9 one-room schools, 5 are still in use today but not as school houses. How many can you locate? What are the 3 churches; two are obvious but do you know the third? You can find the answers by purchasing a calendars for $10.00; they can be purchased at our monthly meetings -the first Thursday of the month at 7 PM at the society’s museum on Rt 44. The next meeting is November 5. Calendars can also be purchased from Judy Richardson -330.389.0598 or Judy Thornton-330.527.7669. In addition, they can be mailed for the purchase price plus the cost of postage.

Eagles Swiss Steak Dinner
Nov 7
Garrettsville Eagles 2705 Swiss Steak Dinner. Sat. November 7th from 4:00-7:30 p.m. Call ahead for carryout orders, open to the public (330)527-2330 The Eagles Club is located at 8149 Water Street, Garrettsville.

Paws for the Holidays
Nov 7 – 14
Kick-off your holiday shopping with Paws for the Holidays to benefit Portage APL! Our annual holiday auction will be held online beginning Saturday, November 7th, and ending Saturday, November 14th at 9:00 pm. We have a wonderful collection of items for you to bid on. To access the auction, please visit PortageAPL or find us on Facebook at Portage Animal Protective League. Portage APL receives no government funding and relies solely on donations and fundraising events to provide for the many animals in our care. Thank you!

Rivers Casino Bus Trip
Nov 10
Bus trip to The Rivers Casino with lunch at the Grand Concourse Restaurant. Depart Garrettsville at 10 am and travel to the Grand Concourse Restaurant (arrive about 11:45 am). Depart at 1 pm and travel to the casino. Depart the casino at 6 pm and travel back to Garrettsville. The Rivers casino features state-of-the-art slots, video poker, exciting progressives and the latest virtual blackjack and roulette games. Package features motorcoach transportation, lunch, and four or five hours of gaming time plus a passenger gaming bonus of $15 Slot Play and on $5 food credit.

Kids Vote! Ohio Readers’ Choice Awards
through Nov 10
This Ohio readers’ choice award is entirely for and by kids – the kids nominate the books and then the kids vote for the books. Stop into Reed Memorial Library between October 20 and November 10 to register for your official BCTBA ballot, then submit your vote. Prepare to vote by reviewing your ballot before you arrive. We will have ballots available for the K-2 nominees and the 3-5 nominees only. If you wish to vote for other categories, please visit http://bcbookaward.info for more information or to vote online.

Become a Mental Health First Aider!
Register by Nov 11
Mental Health First Aid will be offered as a virtual session on Friday, Dec 11 from 9am-3pm. Prior to the class, each participant must complete 2-hours of online work. The class is free and the deadline to register is Nov 11. Contact Laura 330-673-1756 ext 201 or laurab@mental-health-recovery.org

PCDL Closed Veterans Day
Nov 11
Portage County District Library (PCDL) will be closed on Nov 11, in observance of Veterans Day. Library service hours for most branch libraries resume Friday, November 13 (Windham resumes Thursday, November 12). However, the Digital Library is always open- 24/7. Visit www.portagelibrary.org to access

JAGHS Parent Teacher Conferences
Nov 12
Parent Teacher Conferences for James A. Garfield High School will be held virtually or via a phone conversation. They are scheduled for November 12th starting at 3:30 p.m. If you would like to schedule a time to speak with your students teacher(s), you can email ufisher@jagschools.org or call 330.527.4341 and ask for Mrs. Fisher.

Eagles Fish Fry
Nov 13
Garrettsville Eagles Fish Fry Friday Nov. 13th 4:00-7:30. Fish, chicken, shrimp and combos available. Open to the public carryout available (330) 527-2330 The Eagles Club is located at 8149 Water Street, Garrettsville.

People Tree Holiday Program 2020
Register by Nov 18
People Tree provides Christmas gifts for children 14 years old and younger, not being served by another group, who live in the JAG School system and the Windham School system. We also provide Holiday food for anyone who would like to sign up. A participation form needs to be filled out and returned to us by November 18th, 2020 for your child and family to be served. Please message us at garrettsvillepeopletree@gmail.com to receive an emailed form or for one to be mailed to you. Families receiving gifts for children will also receive holiday food. Families with no children can sign up for food only.

JAG Elementary PTO Fundraiser
Through Nov 20
JAG Elementary PTO Fall Fundraiser is now available! Shop early and often for your spirit wear! https://www.villagerprinting.com Sale runs through Nov 20 for delivery before Christmas!

Suicide Loss Day Virtual Event
Nov 21
Each year, on the Saturday before Thanksgiving those who have lost a loved one to suicide gather at events all over the world on International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day. Suicide loss survivors connect with others in their local community to share stories, gain insight about healing, and find comfort and hope in the knowledge that they are not alone. Our Portage County event will be virtual this year on November 21 at 1pm. Call 330-673-1756 to register.


Anton Albert Photography