Home We're All Invited Upcoming Community Events – Week of June 12

Upcoming Community Events – Week of June 12


Shoe Drive Fundraiser

JAG All Sports Boosters are collecting shoes to raise money for our G-Men athletes. Please clean out your closet and donate all of your unwanted shoes.  All sizes and types are accepted. They can be placed in the collection  bin outside of Gee-Ville Auto Parts (next to DQ) in downtown G-ville.  If you cannot get out we will gladly come pick them up! Questions or to request shoes  be picked up call or text Sarah at 216-404-9191  Thank you and Go-G-men!

Farmington Senior Center Breakfasts


Senior Center will be open for Breakfast Monday mornings 7am to Noon. We will Be COVID compliant so PLEASE call 330-889-2733 as reservations are highly recommended. Temperatures will be taken at the door and anyone reading a temp of 100 deg will be turned away. Call with questions/concerned 330-889-2733.

Freedom Township Clean Up Days

June 11 -13

Freedom Township has announced the spring clean-up days for township residents will be held as follows: Thursday, June 11 • Noon to 6:00 p.m.; Friday, June 12 • Noon to 8:00 p.m.; Saturday, June 13 •  9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.    The drop off location will be the Township Garage on State Route 700 [northside of the Turnpike]  Proof of residency required NO TIRES will be accepted. NO Paint, garbage, yard waste, barbed wire, building materials, shingles or fencing materials will be accepted. Batteries, motor oil, refrigerators and freezers will be accepted. A loader will be available to assist in the drop off. For more information call: 330-527-7414 or 330-620-3555.

Garrettsville Eagles Fish Fry

June 12

On Friday June 12 the Garrettsville Eagles will be hosting a fish fry from 5-8 pm. Serving pollack, haddock, shrimp, chicken, combo and three sides. Carryout is suggestsed as seating is limited. Call ahead at 330-527-2330.

Garrettsville Youth Football Sign-ups

June 14 & 21

Garrettsville Youth Football Sign Ups will be held on  Sunday June 14th & 21st 5pm-7pm at the Freedom Community Park located at the intersection of SR 700 and Streeter Road

Shalersville School Reunion

July 11

The Shalersville School Reunion, which is open to all alumni, former students, teachers and friends, will be held Saturday, July 11.  Dinner will be served at 5:30 at the Shalersville Town Hall.  Normally the reunion is held the last Saturday in April.  Watch for more information to be printed in June.  Questions, contact Judy Richardson @ 330.389.0598.

Eagles Club Beef Raffle

Drawing Aug 1

The Garrettsville Eagles Club is selling tickets for their annual Beef Raffle.  Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. Drawing will be held August 1, 2020.  First Prize – Half Beef; Second Prize – Hind Quarter; Third Prize – Front Quarter; (3) Fourth Prizes – $100, $75 & $50 Gift Certificate. Contact any Eagles Club Member for tickets.

Crown Royal Quilt Raffle

Tickets on Sale

The Garrettsville Eagles Club is selling tickets for a Crown Royal Quilt.  Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. The quilt is on display at the Eagles Club. Contact any Eagles Club Member for tickets.


Anton Albert Photography