Home We're All Invited Upcoming Community Events – Week of July 31st

Upcoming Community Events – Week of July 31st


Zucchini Cookbooks 

On Sale Now!

Southington Garden Club is selling a cookbook of 500 recipes using zucchini. The cookbook has recipes from appetizers to desserts, all using zucchini.  The cost is $13.00 including postage. Send the check to Southington Garden Club to: Evelyn Wibert: 2959 Leiby Osbourne Road, Southington, Ohio 44470.

Knitting with Nutter

2nd & 4th Mondays

Want to have fun, create personal gifts and keepsakes for friends and loved ones, share knitting tips and ideas with the group?  Come join us at the Garrettsville YMCA 8233 Park Ave, Garrettsville, OH the 2nd and 4th Mondays of every month at 11am.  Questions – call Phil at the YMCA (330)469-2044.

Community Center Open


The Community Center at Mantua Center continues to be open in the old schoolhouse on Center Rd. just N. of SR82, for the usual activities, including  noon potluck, every Tuesday from 9:30 until about 2:00.  Special activity  in this “back to school” month is sewing school bags and filling them with supplies for children in refugee camps around the world.  On Aug 4th only, there will be no “Don’t Eat Alone” dinner, as hostess Ellie Monroe will be out of town.

Chalk the Walk

July 31

Stop in anytime from 2-3:30pm at the Burton Public Library to receive colored chalk and be assigned a sidewalk square on which to create a masterpiece! Open to all! Meet outside the library front entrance. No registration required. Any questions, please call 440.834.4466

Free Meal

July 31

God Provides a free meal at Nelson United Methodist Church, 9367 St. Rt. 305, will be July 31st from 4-6pm. Dinner will consist of sloppy joes, pasta salad, chips and dessert.

Church Sale

July 31, Aug 1

Huge Church Sale at Shepherd’s Joy ministry will be July 31st & August 1st from 9-6. A little bit of heaven for every one! Baked goods, hot dogs, lots of good prices. For more information contact Dolores at 330 527-5009.

Johnson Rubber Annual Picnic

Aug 1

Johnson Rubber Annual Picnic for former employees and retirees will be held at Mineral Lake Park, Sperry Road Pavilion in Middlefield from 1:00 p.m. to 4pm on August 1st.  Please bring a dish to pass, own table service, beverage and lawn chairs.  We will provide water and hot dogs.  We plan on eating at 2pm.  For additional information call Maryan at 330-569-7057 or Melburn at 440-632-0947.  Hope to see you all there.

Monthly Dance

Aug 1

Portage County Chapter #600 Parents Without Partners will have its monthly dance on August 1st from 7:30-11pm at the Ritchie Memorial Shelter House, 109 W. Ave., Tallmadge, OH. The dance is open to the public; cost is $6.00 for members and $8 for nonmembers. For more information contact Warrine 330-322-9559.

Brick By Brick Dinner

Aug 1

Windham Brick By Brick Scholarship Engraved Brick Sale for the fifth wall ended July 4th. Annual summer dinner will be August 1st, hosts Geneticist Rob Taft ’86. Forms available at Windham Bank and School offices.

Brittany Myers Memorial Poker Run

Aug 1

14th annual Brittany Myers Memorial poker run will be August 1st at the American Legion Post 9960 E. Center St., Windham. $10 per person includes door prize ticket, grand buffet, 100 miles of fun, Chinese auction and 50/50. Registration is from 10-noon, 1st bike out at 11am, last bike out at noon, last bike back by 6pm. For more information contact Tom Myers 330-646-5797 or Jamie Cain 330-221-6338.

Sweet Corn Festival

Aug 1 & 2   

Kent Lions Club hosts the 8th Annual Sweet Corn Festival on August 1st & 2nd from noon-5pm at Beckwith Orchard, 1617 Lake Rockwell Road.  EAR-resistible fun for the whole family!  Enjoy Carnival Games for children. Pony Rides, Vendors, Trolley Rides, Face-Painting. Live Musical Entertainment, More.  Boiled sweet corn, hot dogs, sausage sandwiches, and Beckwith’s peaches & peach pie available for purchase. Proceeds from the event will fund Lions sight preservation projects.  Vendor spaces available until August 1st; contact Fran:  330-678-4012 or fhardest@kent.edu.

Kids’ Free Fishing Derby 

Aug 1 & 2 

Kids’ free fishing derby day will be August 1st & 2nd at the Espyville Boat Launch (just south and east of the causeway). Registration times are Sat. from 8am-4pm and Sun. from 8am-11am Check-in times Sat. from 10am- 4pm and Sun. from 8am-1pm. Registration forms are also in the Pymatuning Region 2015 Visitors’ Guide. There will be 3 age categories from 2 to 15 years old. Prizes will be awarded at 2pm on Sunday. All entrants will get a bait bucket with tackle and a hot dog. For more information visit; www.PymatuningLake.com or call 724-927-2578

Active Older Adults Book Review

Aug 3

Garrettsville YMCA Active Older Adults, 55+ invites you to join us at 8233 Park Ave, Garrettsville, OH for a book review and discussion group. The current book is “Lucid Living.” Dr. J Patella is offers portions of a current human interest book, to review and discuss based on content, style, and merit.  For an excellent and interesting literary assessment, please join us at the YMCA the 1st Monday of every month at 11am.  Questions – call Phil at the YMCA (330)469-2044.

School Supply Giveaway

Aug 2

Free school supply giveaway, while supplies last, will be August 2nd from 3 – 4 pm at the Newton Falls American Legion, 2025 East River Road. Children must be present! Sponsored by St. Nicholas Samaritan Outreach in-cooperation with Newton Falls American Legion.

Youth Soccer League Registration

Aug 3-6, 10-13

Garrettsville Family YMCA Youth Soccer League registration will be Aug. 3rd-6th and 10th-13th from 6-8pm at the YMCA. 8 week season, 1 practice per week at Brosius Road Park, Games will be played at Brosius Road Park on Saturdays, coed teams. Age groups are 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and 9-11 (based on sign ups). Volunteer coaches are always needed and welcome! Practices start the week of Aug 24th, games will start Sept 12th. Cost is $40 for members, Program members $45 and Community Members $60. For more information call Kim Curry or Phil Britton at 330-469-2044.

Youth Flag Football League Registration

Aug 3-6, 10-13

Garrettsville Family YMCA Youth Flag Football League registration will be Aug. 3rd-6th and 10th-13th from 6-8pm at the YMCA. 8 week season, 1 practice per week at Brosius Road Park, Games will be played at Brosius Road park on Saturdays, coed teams. Age groups are 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and 9-11 (based on sign ups). Volunteer coaches are always needed and welcome! Practices start the week of Aug 24th, games will start Sept 12th. Cost is $40 for members, Program members $45 and Community Members $60. For more information call Kim Curry or Phil Britton at 330-469-2044. For program questions call Mike May 440-313-7464


Aug 3-6

Nelson UMC on the circle will be hosting V.B.S. August 3rd-6th from 6-8:30pm. The theme is Fun Fair Everywhere. For information and registration call 330-527-2268.

Garrettsville Jr High U14 Soccer Program

Aug 4

Season kick-off for the Jr High U14 Co-ed Soccer Program will be on Aug 4 from 6:30 – 8 pm at the Brosius Road Fields. Open to 6th, 7th and 8th graders from any school district. Games will be played against Geuaga County rec teams and will be scheduled around Garfield HS Soccer games and MS Cross Country Meets.  Cost to participate is approx. $40-$50. If you are interested or have questions, please contact Bob Finney at matrixprints@yahoo.com.

Crescent Chapter Picnic

Aug 4

Crescent Chapter No. 7 O.E.S. of Garrettsville will hold its annual Past Matron and Past Patron picnic on August 4th. The event will be hosted by Roger and Betty at their home. Members are asked to bring a dish to share. For more information Call Roger: 330-372-2508

School Supply Giveaway

Aug 4, 5, 8

Life Church Assembly of God is hosting a school supply giveaway August 4th & 5th from 4-7pm and August 8th from 10-3pm. The church is located across from JAG High School. There are no income restrictions, however we ask that your child be in grades k-12 and attend the event with you. For more information call 330-235-2052

Chicken Dinner

Aug 5

Chicken Dinner at Southington UMC, St. Rt. 305 & 534 in Southington, will be holding a chicken dinner on August 5th from 3:30-6pm. The menu includes: one fourth of a chicken, scalloped potatoes, green beans, applesauce, coleslaw, homemade desserts, and beverage. Price for adults $8.50, Children/Chicken Tenders dinner ages 4-10 $4.50, and Children 3 and under free. Carry Outs available;  330-898-2156.

St William Parish Rummage Sale

Aug 6-8

Saint William Parish is hosting their annual rummage sale Aug 6 & 7 from 9-4 and Aug 8 from 8-10 will be bag day. Saint William Parish is located at 5431 Mahoning Ave. Champion. Lunch counter available.

Community Yard Sales

Aug 7 & 8

North Jackson Community-wide  Yard Sales will be Aug 7th & 8th starting at 9am.  The entire township is holding sales with maps available on the day of sales located at 10748 East Mahoning Ave and businesses throughout the township. These maps include coupon specials offered by businesses.    There are at least 175 sales, some at individual residences and others located at a field  by Jackson Milton Football Stadium.  Come out and spend the day.  There are Yard Sale Specials at many of the restaurants and businesses.

GI Get Together

Aug 8

Atwood-Mauck Post 459 Burton Middlefield GI get together will be August 8th from –noon at the Legion Home on Goodwin Street in Burton. Coffee and donuts will be free to all veterans.

“A Slim Chance For A Jumbo Murder”

Aug 8

The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre will present “A Slim Chance for a Jumbo Murder”  on August 8, 2015 inside Slim n Jumbos – 8105 Main Street. The cost is $25.00 per person and included a buffet dinner and the mystery. There will be a cash bar and Chinese auction. Doors open at 6pm the event begins at 6:30pm. Tickets are available inside Slim n Jumbos or Sean’s Pub . You may also mail your order to The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre, P.O. Box 541, Garrettsville, Ohio 44231. Please include with your check made payable to Curtains up Theatre, the names of the persons attending. All mail order tickets will be held at the door on the night of the event. All sales are final.

Chardon Polka Band

Aug 9

Come join the Chardon Polka Band as they lead a worship service at Celebration Lutheran Church, 10621 Auburn Road, Chardon on August 9th at 9:30 am. Following the worship service, the Chardon Polka Band will present a free, two hour concert at the church from 11 am-1 pm.  Members of the congregation will provide a picnic lunch for those in attendance.  If you plan on attending the worship service and/or the concert, please bring a lawn chair. For additional information, please contact Paul Gochnour at (440) 897-0121.

Mantua American Legion Picnic

Aug 9

Mantua American Legion Post 193 and the Legion Auxiliary will hold their annual combined picnic on August 9th at 2pm, at Traveler’s Woods Campground Pavilion. Please bring a dish to share, tableware and a chair. Please contact Russ Workman 330-626-3341 or 330-389-9121 with the number planning to attend. The legion will furnish meat and beverages.

Pancakes in the Park

Aug 9

Rain or Shine!  Pancakes in the Park, August 9th at Sunny Lake Park’s Boathouse Pavilion, 885 Mennonite Rd., Aurora 44202.  Pancakes served from 9-11am. Adults – $6, Kids (4-10 yrs) $4 and under 4 yrs. free.  Breakfast includes:  pancakes (all you can eat), sausage, orange juice, coffee & water.  Take out available.  All individuals, families, and dog walkers are invited and welcomed!  All dogs must be on a leash – preferably no retractable leashes.  For more information:  www.freedomgreyhoundrescue.org; call 330-562-0555 or email rescue1.fgr@gmail.com or like us on FB Freedom Greyhound Rescue of Aurora. See you there!

GCPL Drive-In Night

Aug 9

Geauga County Public Library night at Mayfield Drive-In will be August 9th. “Fantastic Four” and another family-friendly film will be showing at dark. Gates open at 7pm for pre-show entertainment. Special discount prices will be $15 per carload of people with an additional $5 for carry-in food.

Potluck Luncheon

Aug 11

Freedom Township School Room Mothers are celebrating 30 years with a Pot Luck Luncheon at the Freedom Township Hall (handicap ramp on west side), on August 11th at noon.  An open invitation extended to all having fond memories of the school, students, mothers of students and employees. Bring a dish to share with serving utensil, and, your own table setting.  Punch and rolls will be provided. Deral White will speak with the topic being “Does Freedom Have A History?” Need a ride/ Questions: Delores Reed, 330-527-4490

Retired Handbags for Retired Greyhounds

Aug 12

Retired Handbags for Retired Greyhounds 2nd Annual Benefit Auction August 12th at Candlelight Winery, 6:PM Wine Social with complimentary glass of wine, wonderful cheese and chocolate! 7:00 -9:00 PM Live Auctioner, Leona Pliszka auctioning over 70 NEW & gently used Designer handbags.  100% of proceeds benefit Freeway’s Greyt Escape helping to save greyhounds.  Raffle items, including Monica Potter basket!  $12 per person donation.  RSVP Diana 239-470-6429

Chicken To-Go Dinner

Aug 14

Portage Faith UMC invites you to their chicken drive thru dinner on August 14th from 4:30-6pm. All dinners are “to-go” and include moist bakes chicken, scalloped potatoes, green beans, applesauce and cookies. Cost is $8 per dinner. Arrive early and place your order at the side kitchen door entrance. Limited supply will be available. The church is located at 9922 St. Rt. 44 in Mantua.

Charity Yard Sales

Aug 14 & 15

South Street Community Charity Yard Sale in Garrettsville will be August 14th & 15th. Most families will be supporting their favorite charity by donating all or a portion of their yard sale proceeds. These yard sales will be held  on South Street (Route 88) from Freedom Street to JAG High School, if you live on or off of South Street and would like to participate, please contact Diana at 239-470-6429 or 330-527-2276. With so many community members and families supporting this charity yard sale, a huge variety of items can be found, just in time for back to school!

Community Garage Sale

Aug 15

All events for the Atwood-Mauck Post 459 Burton-Middlefield annual community garage sale have been cancelled due to restroom renovations. This event will be rescheduled for later this fall.

Church Luau

Aug 15

The 6th Annual Harvest Point Church Luau will be held on August 15th at Lordstown Park from noon-3 pm. As always, this is a FREE family event with games, bounce houses, farmer’s market, bakery, food court, live music, prayer tent, family photos, door prizes galore and the ever popular dunk tank and much, much more. Mark your calendars and invite your friends and family to a fun afternoon of FREE entertainment.

Vendors Needed

Aug 22

Vendors are needed for our indoor/outdoor yard sale on Aug 22. Deadline for registration will be Aug 17. Set-up times Friday 6-8pm and Saturday 7:30-8:45am.Vendors must provide own tables and displays. No electric and water will be provided for the outside areas. No alcoholic beverages, no firearms, no sale of pornographic literature or films. The Indoor/Outdoor Yard Sale will be held at Christian Life Center, 1972 East Summit Road (corner of ST RT 261 & East Summit Road) Kent. To sign up call Irene at 330-296-9109 or church office at 330-678-9234.

Memorial Music Festival

Aug 22

6th annual memorial music festival will be August 22nd beginning at 2pm at Nelson Ledge Estates Pavilion. Come enjoy a free day of music, food and memories. Donations gratefully accepted but not expected.  Bring a picture of your loved one to place on the memorial wall and a cold covered dish if you wish.   For more information contact Ron: 330-527-4411 or Betsy: 330-235-3078. Hope to see you there!

Join Scouting Today!!!

Sept 1

Have Fun, Make Friends, See New Things.Your child will LOVE being a Cub Scout. So if he’s in the first through fifth grades, or 7 to 10 years old, then it’s time for him to have some fun … with the Cub Scouts. It’s Their Future…Let Them Own It! September 1st, 2015 from7-8pm at Parkman Congregational Church, 18265 Madison Rd. For more information email parkmanpack76@gmail.com or call Monique (Cub Master) at: 216-337-2104

Mantua Potato Stomp Race and Fun Run

Sept 12

The 37th Annual Potato Stomp race will take place on Sept 12.   There is a one mile Fun Run that begins at 8:30am and the 3.5 mile and 9 mile races begin at 9am. All races start at Crestwood High School. Entry forms are available at Advanced Rehab in Mantua and online at mantuapotatostomp.com. Registration can also be done online with a link through the website. For race and/or registration information, email cymanski5@gmail.com

Western Reserve Book Festival

Sept 19

Join us at Hiram College’s Kennedy Center to meet dozens of local authors representing all major literary genres, have your books signed, attend panels, listen in on readings and more September 19th from 10-4. FREE and open to the public. For more information, visit www.hiram.edu/wrbf


Anton Albert Photography