Home We're All Invited Upcoming Community Events – Week of July 10, 2015

Upcoming Community Events – Week of July 10, 2015


BOOK Review &  Discussion 

1st Monday of Month 

Dr J Patella offers portions of a current human interest book to review and discuss based on content, style, and merit.  For an excellent and interesting literary assessment, please join us at the Garrettsville YMCA 8233 Park Ave, Garrettsville, OH 1st Monday of every month at 11am.  Questions – call Phil at the YMCA (330)469-2044.

Lake Milton Farmers Market


Lake Milton Farmers Market is held Saturday mornings 9am to noon waterfront at Lake Milton State Park.  You will find us on the Amphitheater lawn on Grandview Road.  If you are a Farmer or Artist interested in participating, please send an email to natureartscouncil@yahoo.com with your name, phone number, email and info regarding the items you would like to offer for sale.  Our Farmers will have a look and get back to you.

Zucchini Cookbooks 

On Sale Now!

Southington Garden Club is selling a cookbook of 500 recipes using zucchini. The cookbook has recipes from appetizers to desserts all using Zucchini.  The cost is $13.00 including postage. Send the check to Southington Garden Club to: Evelyn Wibert: 2959 Leiby Osbourne Road, Southington, Ohio 44470.

Knitting with Nutter

2nd & 4th Mondays

Want to have fun, create personal gifts and keepsakes for friends and loved ones, share knitting tips and ideas with the group?  Come join us at the Garrettsville YMCA 8233 Park Ave, Garrettsville, OH the 2nd and 4th Mondays of every month at 11am.  Questions – call Phil at the YMCA (330)469-2044.

Alumni Banquet

Let’s Reach 200! Are You Our Alumni? If you attended James A. Garfield (at any point), or Freedom, Nelson or Garrettsville Schools prior to the 1951 consolidation…. you are our alumni and we’d love to have you attend the 10th Annual Alumni Banquet. HELP US REACH OUR GOAL OF 200 RESERVATIONS! JAG Alumni are cordially invited to the James A. Garfield Alumni Banquet which will be held on September 19, 2015 at James A. Garfield Elementary School. The banquet is a wonderful opportunity to reacquaint with past classmates while enjoying a delicious meal. Your reservation can be mailed to: James A. Garfield Alumni Banquet, P.O. Box 93, Garrettsville, OH 44231. The cost is $18 per person. PLEASE INCLUDE THE NAME AND YEAR OF THE ALUMNI ATTENDING AND THE NAME(S) OF ANY GUESTS. Please contact Helen Louise Bouts at 330-309-2734 for additional information.

Miracles Group

A Course In Miracles group starting!  Call 330 569-3376 for details

Kinsman Is For Sale!

July 11

Rotary Chicken BBQ and town-wide yard sales will be July 11th. BBQ will be at the town park, just off Rt. 5 at 8000 Burnett East Rd. K.O. from 11am-2pm, eat in or take out. Town-wide yard sales will be from 9am-5pm, rain or shine. Some sales on Sunday. Free maps are available at Market Square. For info: MktSqKinsman@gmail.com or call 330-876-3178(10am to 6pm).

Mantua Farmers Market

July 11

The Mantua Farmer’s Market enjoyed a successful sale in May. Make plans to attend the Market for its 12 week season beginning on July 11th from 9am – 1 pm.  Vendor fees of $5.00 per person for each date will help pay for their Handicapped Entrance Project.  Visit the Market at the Church at 10827 North Main Street, Mantua. Many different items are sold at the Market – fresh produce, canned goods, bakery, crafts, plants, maple syrup. Join us as a vendor or customer. Call Diane at 330-274-2868 for information.

Free Lunch

July 11

A free lunch will be served from noon-1pm at the Brick Chapel, 9003 N. Main Street in Windham. Lunch will include lasagna, salad & dessert. Everyone is invited! Come get a good meal and join in the fun! The meals are sponsored by the Congregational United Church of Christ and are on the second Saturday of each month.

Got Cats?

July 11

Got cats? We can fix that! July 11th at 9am at the Newton Falls Community Center, 52 E. Quarry St. For more information call: Samera: 330-949-7729 or Diane: 330-502-5352. Sponsored by Newton Falls City Council and ANGELS for ANIMALS.

Spaghetti Dinner Benefit

July 11

A spaghetti dinner benefit for Shawn “Tyler” Spade will be July 11th from 2-6 at Ravenna Eagles Club. Money raised will help with Tyler’s final expense costs. Dinner is $8 for adults, $4 for kids 6-12 and kids under 5 eat free. Dinner includes spaghetti, side salad, bread and butter and a drink. Carry out available. Bake sale, 50/50 raffle, Chinese auction and cash bar. Lots of prizes! For questions or donations contact Kim: 330-999-2901 or Dan 330-931-0103.

Community Sale

July 11 & 12

Hiram Rapids 8th Annual Community Sale will be July 11th & 12th from 9-5. Refreshments, lunch items, raffles and maps available at Hiram Rapids Church located at 6337 Winchell Road.

Pancakes in the Park

July 12

Pancakes in the park will be July 12th at Sunny Lake Park’s Boathouse Pavilion, 885 Mennonite Rd., Aurora 44202. Rain or shine! Pancakes served from 9-11am.  Breakfast includes:  all-you-can-eat pancakes, sausage, orange juice, coffee & water.  Take out available.  All individuals, families, and dog walkers are invited and welcomed!  All dogs must be on a leash — preferably no retractable leashes.  For more information:  www.freedomgreyhoundrescue.org; call 330-562-0555 or email rescue1.fgr@gmail.com or like us on FB Freedom Greyhound Rescue of Aurora.  See you there!

Moths of the Night

July 12

Come join Volunteer Naturalist Joe Malmisur  on July 12 and others as we use various  lights and white sheets to attract moths and other night insects for identification. Who knows what we will see, maybe a spectacular Luna or Io moth. We will also be hiking a few trails in search of a Barred or Great Horned Owl. WHOOOO knows what we will see or hear!  Towner’s Woods 8:30 pm -10:00 pm (or later)

Run of the Ox Registration Open

July 13

Be a part of the 4th Annual Run of the Ox 5K Run/Walk & 1M Family Fun Walk at St. Joseph’s 52nd Ox Roast Fair!!! It will begin at 8:00 a.m. July 18th at the church (11045 St. Joseph Blvd., Mantua). Only 150 participants will receive a t-shirt, so register early!!! Pre-registration fee is $16.00 by July 13. Race day registration is $20.00. Registration forms are available from St. Joe’s Parish Office, on the parish website (http://stjosephmantua.com/ox-fun-rides-games-events-music). If you would like to volunteer the day of the race or be a race sponsor, please contact Brian Hirsch (bhirsch@stratos.net or 330-297-1465).

Family’s Anonymous Meeting

July 16

Family’s Anonymous meeting will be Thursday July 16th from 7-8pm at Nelson Community Center.

Monthly Meeting

July 16

The retirees of Local 2243 U.S.W.A. Copperweld Steel Co. (S.O.A.R. Chapter 1-28-10) will have their monthly meeting on July 16th at 1pm at the Windsor House Champion Estates. Refreshments will be served.

Ice Cream Social

July 18

Lordstown Lutheran Church will hold an Ice Cream Social on July 18th from 4-6pm.  There will be turkey sandwiches, sloppy joes, hot dogs, bake beans, macaroni salad, homemade pies & ice cream.  A bake sale will also be held. The church is located at 5615 Palmyra Rd. in Lordstown.

Moth Night at the Hiram College Field Station

July 18

Bring a flashlight and a camera and join us at 9:00pm as we celebrate National Moth Week. Discover the nightly flight of these fascinating insects and learn how citizens around the world are helping to learn more about moths and our changing environment. For more information, contact Dr. Jennifer Clark at clarkjm@hiram.edu or 330.569.5315.

Steak & Chicken Dinner

July 18

American Legion Post 674, Windham, Ohio, will be having a steak and chicken dinner on July 18th from 4-8pm. Presale tickets are available; steak $13 or $15 at the door or chicken $8 or $10 at the door. Proceeds go towards the Windham Veterans Monument.

Canoe Trip Down The Cuyahoga

July 19

Come join Volunteer Naturalist Joe Malmisur  on July 19 from 1 – 5 pm as we float down the beautiful Crooked River. Prothonotary Warblers, King Fishers, Tree Swallows and many other birds and animals will delight us as we float quietly by. $20.00/person. Contact Camp Hi for registration. 330-569-7621

Open House

July 24

Come see the newly renovated Windham Community Center at their Open House on July 24th from 6-8pm. The Community Center is located at 9647 Center St. in Windham.  Refreshments will be provided.

Trash & Treasure Sale

 July 24 & 25

Parkman Congregational Church Annual Trash & Treasure Sale will be July 24th from 9-5 and July 25th from 9-3. Items on Saturday will be half price from 9-noon and “free” from 12:30-3. The church is located at 18265 Madison Road – 528 just north of 422 – Parkman, OH. Refreshments available – Lots of great items. We are taking donations until Tuesday July 21st.

Class of 1975!

July 24-26

James A. Garfield Class of 1975 and friends, 40 year reunion weekend will be July 24th-26th. Our class is extending invitations for our 40 year reunion to all other alumni, faculty, family and friends! For more information contact Sam McGarvey P.O. Box 241 Garrettsville, OH 444231.

Clothing Giveaway

July 25

Mantua Center free clothing giveaway will be July 25th from 9-noon. Plenty of clothing will be available in all sizes and both genders. Our location has changed!  We are now in the old Mantua Center School. You will enter on the North side of the school (the door where the ramp is), go downstairs, turn right and we are in 2 rooms in the first hallway. See you there!

Christmas in July Craft Show

July 25, 26

Crafters Wanted for a Christmas in July Craft Show, July 25th & 26th from 10-4. Handcrafted items & collectibles only please! Come join us and support our local Veterans! Hosted by the Ladies Auxiliary VFW Post 3332 at the Post Home,   433 Arlington Blvd.   Newton Falls Ohio 44444 .  Information packets available at the VFW Post Home Or contact Donna at 330-646-1112 by phone.


 July 27-31

Garrettsville United Methodist Church VBS will be July 27th-31st from 6-8:30pm. To register call 330-527-2055 or email garrettsvilleumc@frontier.com.

Vacation Bible School

July 27-31

Pricetown United Methodist Church  will be holding its annual Vacation Bible School July 27th -31st from 6-8:30pm.  Please come join us for a week of fun and fellowship, where you will meet “Checkers” the Cheetah.  The church is located at 4640 Pritchard-Ohlton Rd. in Newton Falls.  For further information contact: Joan Schuller 330-540-7523

Blue Moon Canoe Float

July 30

Mark your calendars for a once in a “Blue Moon” event. Join Joe Malmisur as we float down the Cuyahoga River at night during the Blue Moon. Beavers, otters, and other creatures of the night will be out and about for us to enjoy as we float down the river to Camp Hi. $20.00 /person Contact Camp Hi to register – 330-569-7621


July 31

The Omega Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, a society of women educators in Geauga County, is offering a grant-in-aid to a female student who is entering her senior year in college and is majoring in education. The applicant must be a graduate of a Geauga County high school.  The deadline for completed applications is July 31, 2015.  Interested applicants should contact Mrs. Deborah Hofstetter, Grant-in-Aid Committee, Delta Kappa Gamma, P.O. Box 313, Chardon, OH 44024

Brick By Brick Dinner

Aug 1

Windham Brick By Brick Scholarship Engraved Brick Sale for the fifth wall ends July 4th. Annual summer dinner will be August 1st, hosts Geneticist Rob Taft ’86. Forms available at Windham Bank and School offices.

Brittany Myers Memorial Poker Run

Aug 1

14th annual Brittany Myers Memorial poke run will be August 1st at the American Legion Post 9960 E. Center St., Windham. $10 per person includes door prize ticket, grand buffet, 100 miles of fun, Chinese auction and 50/50. Registration is from 10-noon, 1st bike out at 11am, last bike out at noon, last bike back by 6pm. For more information contact Tom Myers 330-646-5797 or Jamie Cain 330-221-6338.

Sweet Corn Festival

Aug 1 & 2   

Kent Lions Club hosts the 8th Annual Sweet Corn Festival will be August 1st & 2nd from noon-5pm at Beckwith Orchard, 1617 Lake Rockwell Road.  EAR-resistible fun for the whole family!  Enjoy Carnival Games for children. Pony Rides, Vendors, Trolley Rides, Face-Painting. Live Musical Entertainment, More.  Boiled sweet corn, hot dogs, sausage sandwiches, and Beckwith’s peaches & peach pie available for purchase. Proceeds from the event will fund Lions sight preservation projects.  Vendor spaces available until August 1st contact Fran:  330-678-4012 or fhardest@kent.edu.

School Supply Giveaway

Aug 4, 5, 8

Life Church Assembly of God is hosting a school supply giveaway August 4th & 5th from 4-7pm and August 8th from 10-3pm. The church is located across from JAG High School. There are no income restrictions, however we ask that your child be in grades k-12 and attend the event with you. For more information call 330-235-2052

St William Parish Rummage Sale

Aug 6-8

Saint William Parish is hosting their annual rummage sale Aug 6 & 7 from 9-4 and Aug 8 from 8-10 will be bag day. Saint William Parish is located at 5431 Mahoning Ave. Champion. Lunch counter available.

“A Slim Chance For A Jumbo Murder”

Aug 8

The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre will present “A Slim Chance for a Jumbo Murder”  on August 8, 2015 inside Slim n Jumbos – 8105 Main Street. The cost is $25.00 per person and included a buffet dinner and the mystery. There will be a cash bar and Chinese auction. Doors open at 6pm the event begins at 6:30pm. Tickets are available inside Slim n Jumbos or Sean’s Pub . You may also mail your order to The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre, P.O. Box 541, Garrettsville, Ohio 44231. Please include with your check made payable to Curtains up Theatre , the names of the persons attending. All mail order tickets will be held at the door on the night of the event. All sales are final.

Gear up for garage sale and flea market season!

Mantua – Come to the 1st Annual Mantua Center Flea Market at the Mantua Center school building, 11741 Mantua Center Road, on Saturday July 18 and Sunday July 19 from 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

If you have “stuff” to sell, rent a table.  Call 330-281-9331 and leave a message.

If you have a need for more “stuff,” come and see what’s there.

Have “stuff” that needs a new home, but not enough to rent a table for? Donate it to The Mantua Restoration Society, Inc., for their table.  Those proceeds will go to the elevator fund for the school building. Your donation will be tax deductible, and you will be helping take the school building into its new future as a government and community center.


Anton Albert Photography