Home We're All Invited Upcoming Community Events | Week of August 9th

Upcoming Community Events | Week of August 9th


Portage Senior Citizens Opportunities


The Portage County Senior Center, located at 705 Oakwood St., in Ravenna has many daily opportunities for local seniors to enjoy. On any given day, you can enjoy, bingo, Tai Chi, educational programs, art class, corn hole, cards & dominos with friends, and they even have a pool table. They serve lunch daily (by reservation) and are open M-F from 9-3. If you would like more information you may call them at 330-297-3456. 

Grief Support Group


Grief Group meets every Sunday at 3 pm. The meetings are held at Garrettsville United Methodist Church and last about 1 – 1 ½ hours. Everyone is welcome. For questions you can call the church at 330-527-2055.

Men on Mondays


Men on Mondays, a men’s Bible study, is held every Monday from 6:45 – 8 pm at the Cellar Door Coffee Shop in Garrettsville. Coffee and pastry provided at no charge.

4F’s: Everyone Welcome

2nd Monday of Month

Please join us for an afternoon of 4F’s (Fun, Food, Fellowship & Faith) on the 2nd Monday of every month from 12:30pm to 2pm at the Garrettsville United Methodist Church, 8223 Park Ave. This FREE event is open to everyone! For questions or additional information, please call the church office at 330-527-2055.

Loaves And Fishes Free Community Meals

3rd Monday of Month

Meals served 3rd Monday of every month at Christ Lutheran Church 10827 Main Street, Mantua, OH between 5:00-6:30 pm. All are welcome!

Wing Night At The Eagles Club

Every Tuesday

Every Tuesday: 60 cent wings with purchase of a beverage– Open to public 5:00- 8:00. The Eagles Club is located at 8149 Water Street.


Every Tuesday

St. Ambrose Church 10692 Freedom St. Garrettsville– Early bird at 6:45pm and first game at 7pm. Also featuring instant tickets, coverall jackpots, and other fun games. Doors open 5:45pm. Great refreshments!

Drawing & Painting Classes

2nd & 4th Tuesday

Any seniors interested in learning some new Drawing & Painting techniques are welcome to join the Portage County Senior Center group on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at 10:00 for an instructor led class.  This is a free class and all seniors are welcome, whether a novice or experienced painter. The senior center is located at 705 Oakwood St. (Floor G) in Ravenna.  For further information they can be reached at 330-297-3456.

Senior Lunches

Tues – Fridays

Welcome seniors! Come and enjoy hot, nutritious lunches at the Farmington Senior Center, 150 College St., West Farmington. Lunches are served Tuesdays through Fridays (except the 3rd Tuesday of the month) and cost $2. Please call ahead by three days for lunches – 330-889-2733.

Recovery after Suicide Loss Support Group

Last Weds of Month

If you or someone you know has lost a loved one to suicide, we invite you to attend a free monthly support group to find acceptance, information, and inspiration. The support group meets the last Wednesday of each month at the Kent Free Library located at 312 W. Main Street, Kent from 6:30-8pm. The group is sponsored by the Portage County Suicide Prevention Coalition and the Mental Health & Recovery Board of Portage County. For more information call 330.673.1756 ext 201.

Start Talking Portage

4th Thursday of Month

Start Talking Portage is a group of public and community partners who work together as a team to help fight the drug epidemic.  We have a new location for our monthly meeting – Ravenna Library, 167 East Main Street, Ravenna Ohio in the Carlin room.  Come and see what we are all about!  Meetings are the 4th Thursday of each month, 6:30 p.m. 

Learn To Play Mahjong 


The Portage County Senior Center has begun meeting to learn the popular game “Mahjong” and has openings for any other seniors in the area who would like to learn.  Mahjong is being played across the country in both senior and community centers and proves to be lots of fun.  Whether you are new to the game or are an experienced player, you are welcome to join in on Fridays from 12:30-3:00 at the center which is located at 705 Oakwood St. (Floor G) in Ravenna.  For more information, they can be reached at 330-297-3456.

Fish Dinners


Friday fish dinners at the American Legion Post #674, 9960 E. Center St. Windham. Serving from 4-7 pm carryout available. Fish, chicken or shrimp dinners $10; combo $12. Open to public.

Crafters Wanted

Lordstown Apple Cider Festival will hold its annual Craft Show Saturday & Sunday, September 21 & 22, 2019. Indoor & outdoor spaces are available. Anyone interested in a space or for more info should contact: Sue Minor at Ph. (330) 824-3777 or email: sue_minor@aol.com.

Volunteers Needed

Call Today

The Phyllis Zumkehr Portage County Clothing Center, which is located at 3377 State Route 59, Ravenna, is looking for volunteers to help with sorting, hanging and stocking clothing and helping customers. Hours are Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6 to 8 p.m.If you are interested in volunteering, contact Veronica Williamson at 330-819-9760 or email fourwildwinds@yahoo.com.

Summer Break For Free Dinners

There will be no free community dinners held at the Windham American Legion during the month of August.  Dinners will resume Tuesday, Sept 24.

Furry Friends Preschool Program 

Aug 9

Join Miss Jane and the Hiram interns on Friday Aug 9 to hear stories, sing songs, do a craft and meet some bunnies. We’ll meet at the James H. Barrow Field Station pavilion at 11305 Wheeler Rd. Garrettsville at 1:00 p.m. In the event of rain, the event will be held indoors. No registration necessary. Questions can be directed to Jane O’Brien at 330.338.4218 or obrienjs@hiram.edu.

Rummage Sale

Aug 9 & 10

Rummage Sale: Newbury Community Church 14916 Auburn Rd. Newbury. Aug 9 9am – 4pm;  Aug 10  9am – 12pm $2.00 bag day Household items, file cabinets, metal cupboards, books. Something for everyone.

Sunset Yoga 

Aug 9 & 16

Meet at the James H. Barrow Field Station at 11305 Wheeler Rd. In Garrettsville at 8:00 p.m. on Aug 9 & 16. Participants will participate in yoga as the sun sets at the lovely Hils Vista. For questions or registration, contact Reverend Chris McCreight at McCreightCJ@hiram.edu.

Windham Car Show

Aug 10

There will be a Car Show on Main Street in Windham on Aug 10 from noon – 4 pm.  Join us for food vendors, 50/50 and a DJ. Proceeds benefit the Park & Rec Committee. 

Opioid Awareness Music Festival

Aug 11

Addiction has affected countless lives in our community. On average, 130 Americans die every day from opioid overdose. Almost everyone now knows a neighbor, a friend, a sibling, a son or a daughter struggling with addiction. With that in mind, local musicians and the addiction recovery programs of Family & Community Services have teamed up to inspire positive change through the Opioid Awareness Music Festival to be held on  Aug 11 from 12:00pm – 9:00pm at  Hometown Bank Plaza, 203 N Water Street in Kent.

Crafting with Marian’s “Jumbo 3-D(ecorative) Letter” 

Aug 12

You’re invited to attend Crafting with Marian’s “Jumbo 3-D Letter” program at the Garrettsville Library on Monday, August 12 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Learn how to make a large letter for use in decorating your home. You will have a choice of letters and a wide variety of “fancy paper” to complete this project. All supplies will be provided. This program is free and open to adults. However, there is a $5 fee to register for a seat, which is promptly refunded the day of the program. Seats are limited for this popular program series, so call 330-527-4378 for your registration or register in-person during your next visit.

SUPER JOY: Learning To Celebrate Everyday Life

Aug 12

Monthly  Book Review & Discussion at the Garrettsville YMCA, 8233 Park Avenue. Monday, August 12th, 2019, 9:30am:  The book’s Author, Psychiatrist Paul Pearsall, PhD emphasizes the rewards of “Joyology”.  Each chapter is followed with a short quiz intended to help recognize individual needs.  A stimulating hour is shared exchanging impressions & opinions.  Presented by Dr J Patella in cooperation with Garrettsville YMCA.   Community members welcome:  No fee.  Membership & book not required.  Questions: YMCA (330)469-2044.  

Nelson Twp.  Community Safety Meeting  

Aug 12

ODOT and the Nelson Twp Trustees invite resident to come to discuss and provide feedback on the following topics: Amish and Non-motorized travel safety.  Topics to be covered will be buggy safety, pedestrian and bicycle concerns.  Meeting will be held on Aug 12 from 6 – 7:30 pm at the Nelson Twp. Community House, 11642 Windham Parkman Rd.

Learn About Ohio’s Historic Canals

Aug. 13

Danny Back will give a PowerPoint presentation on Ohio’s Canal Era: 1832-1913 at 7 pm Aug. 13 at the Shalersville Town Hall at the intersection of SR 303 and 44. Mr. Back is a nationally known expert on river history, canals, and steamboats. The presentation includes many rare and unique scenes and draws on Mr. Back’s extensive research. Mr. Back’s many accomplishments include presenting programs aboard the Delta Queen and other historic steamboats, appearing in the PBS documentary “Take the River,” and consulting with several museums and historical societies. This program is co-hosted by the Freedom Township Historical Society and the Shalersville Historical Society. It is free and open to the public.

Lunch & Learn

Aug 15

The Portage County Senior Center will hold their monthly Lunch & Learn event on Thursday, August 15th at 11:15.  This month’s topic is “Creating and Achieving your Bucket List” and lunch will be provided courtesy of The Arbors at Streetsboro.  There is no cost for the event, but sign-up is required as seating is limited.  You can either stop in at 705 Oakwood St. (Floor G) in Ravenna, or can reserve by phone at 330-297-3456.

Pig Roast

Aug 17

Come to the first annual Mantua Restoration Society Pig Roast!

On Saturday, August 17, from 1-5 p.m., come to the Mantua Township school, 11741 Mantua Center Road, for food, fun, and music. Event admission is $25.00 per adult, children under 12 free.

Free hot dogs for the kids. Bounce House, face painting, balloon art, corn hole, and music by Skip Schweitzer and friends.

For tickets, call:  Dave Pollard, 330-562-8389; Mark Hall, 330-562-1188; Carole Pollard, 330-274-0118; or Jan Oros, 330-858-8394 Walk-ins welcome, but tickets are limited.

Community Day

Aug 17

Community Day hosted by New Mercies Community Church Together we are better!! Free event for all on August 17th, 11am -4pm!! Professional face painting, balloons, bounce house, obstacle course, crafts, food, live music and more. Something for everyone! 12767 Butternut Road, Burton located on the corner of Aquilla and Butternut Road in Burton, Ohio

Fire Pit Drawing

Aug 18

Win a Landmann Black Steel Wood-Burning Fire Pit from the

Freedom Community & Park Boosters. The drawing will be held on Sunday, August 18, 2019 at 1:15 p.m. during the Freedom Community Picnic at the Freedom Townhall/Pavilion (at the triangle intersection of St. Rt. 700/88/303). There will also be a Chinese Auction the day of the picnic with an assorted variety of items. The Community Picnic starts at noon. The main dish is provided by the Freedom Township Trustees. Please bring a dish to pass and come meet your neighbors!! Tickets are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00.  Winner need not be present . All proceeds will be donated to the Freedom Community & Park Boosters Organization for continued improvement of our parks. Any questions please contact: Tom Mesaros at 330-245-6061; Matt West at 330-554-1471; Jennifer Derthick at 330-931-8227; Bev Puleo at 330-322-1837

Free Community Meals

 Aug 19

The Free Community Meals held at Christ Lutheran Church, 10827 N Main Street, Mantua will be held on Monday, August 19 from 5 – 6:30 pm. Please come and enjoy a delicious meal and visit with friends and neighbors. Look forward to having you visit.

Women’s Equality Day at the Ballpark

Aug 25

The League of Women Voters, in conjunction with Girls on the Run, Girls Scouts of Northeast Ohio and Sigma DeltaTheta, are partnering to bring you WOMEN’S EQUALITY DAY at the BALLPARK! The Akron Rubberducks have declared Sunday, August 25, as Women’s Equality Day at the ballpark.  Come celebrate 100 years of Women’s Right to Vote!  The game begins at 2:05 PM. Tickets, which are usually $11, can be purchased for only $7.  One dollar of each ticket will be donated to the League of Women Voters.  Tickets at this special price can only be purchased here:  https://groupmatics.events/s/other/womensequality. 

Off Our Rockers

Aug 30

The Portage County Senior Center will be participating in next month’s Balloon-A-Fair and are looking for any local seniors who would like to join their “We’re Off our Rockers” parade team.   They will meet on Friday, August 30th at 12:00 at the senior center to learn the simple march.  There will be a van that follows the group for any seniors who get tired along the way.  Last year, the seniors won a 1st place trophy, and would like to bring in additional members from the surrounding community to join in on the fun!  If you are interested in walking with the seniors, or would like more information, they can be reached at 330-297-3456.  The senior center is located at 705 Oakwood St. (Floor G) in Ravenna and is open to any Portage County Senior aged 60 and up.

Senior Celebration

Sept 10

The Portage Senior Services Network has been diligently planning for this year’s “Senior Celebration” and has a date and location.  The event will be held on Sept. 10th at Underwood Hall in The Kent American Legion.  This is an annual event where we celebrate and crown one senior “King” and “Queen” who goes above and beyond for their community.  The committee is working to keep the ticket price at a low $10 again this year.  Nominating applications can be picked up at Home Instead Senior Care or The Portage County Senior Center.  The theme is “Senior Pick of the Patch” and there will be square dancers, a luncheon, and lots of freebies and gift baskets available.  

Clothing Drive

Sept 10,12 & 14

The MVPs (Middle School Parent Group) will be collecting clean, gently used clothing of all sizes, linens, and towels.  Your donations will help raise funds for all middle school students.  Drop off will be at the Garrettsville YMCA on Tuesday, September 10th from 6-8 p.m., Thursday, September 12th from 6-8 p.m., and Saturday, September 14th from 9-12 a.m.

Fall Festival and Craft and Vendor Show

Sept 28

The Freedom Township Historical Society and the Freedom Community and Park Boosters will be hosting their Fall Festival and Craft and Vendor Show on Saturday, September 28, 2019, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Freedom Town Hall and Community Center. There will be a selfie station along with pictures with our own Freedom “Elvis”, halo making, face and pumpkin painting. University Hospitals will be there to do blood pressure and health screening. There will be tours of the one room school house, Oscar’s store, singing, a clogging demonstration, K-9 demonstration, Civil War Reenactment, and a Blue Grass Band. There will be pumpkins, cornstalks etc for sale a 50/50 raffle along with Cow Chip Bingo!! Fun for Everyone!! Any questions or for more information please contact Jennifer Derthick at freedomparkboosters@gmail.com or 330-931-8227, or Claudia Garrett at 330-298-9141.


Anton Albert Photography