Home We're All Invited Upcoming Community Events | Week of April 20

Upcoming Community Events | Week of April 20


Portage Senior Citizens Opportunities
The Portage County Senior Center, located at 705 Oakwood St., in Ravenna has many daily opportunities for local seniors to enjoy. On any given day, you can enjoy, bingo, Tai Chi, educational programs, art class, corn hole, cards & dominos with friends, and they even have a pool table. They serve lunch daily (by reservation) and are open M-F from 9-3. If you would like more information you may call them at 330-297-3456.

2019 J.A.G Annual PTO Rummage Sale
coming in May!!
We are asking for any/all donations. We will be giving tax deductible receipts this year and signature for Volunteer hours (NHS). Volunteers are needed for set up/sale day. For more info contact: Christy @ 330-396-1680 or Murphchristy84@gmail.com

Volunteers Needed
Call Today
The Phyllis Zumkehr Portage County Clothing Center, which is located at 3377 State Route 59, Ravenna, is looking for volunteers to help with sorting, hanging and stocking clothing and helping customers. Hours are Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6 to 8 p.m.If you are interested in volunteering, contact Veronica Williamson at 330-819-9760 or email fourwildwinds@yahoo.com.

Grief Support Group
Grief Group meets every Sunday at 3 pm. The meetings are held at Garrettsville United Methodist Church and last about 1 – 1 ½ hours. Everyone is welcome. For questions you can call the church at 330-527-2055.

Men on Mondays
Men on Mondays, a men’s Bible study, is held every Monday from 6:45 – 8 pm at the Cellar Door Coffee Shop in Garrettsville. Coffee and pastry provided at no charge.

4F’s: Everyone Welcome
2nd Monday of Month
Please join us for an afternoon of 4F’s (Fun, Food, Fellowship & Faith) on the 2nd Monday of every month from 12:30pm to 2pm at the Garrettsville United Methodist Church, 8223 Park Ave. This FREE event is open to everyone! For questions or additional information, please call the church office at 330-527-2055.

Loaves And Fishes Free Community Meals
3rd Monday of Month
Meals served 3rd Monday of every month at Christ Lutheran Church 10827 Main Street, Mantua, OH between 5:00-6:30 pm. All are welcome!

Every Tuesday
St. Ambrose Church 10692 Freedom St. Garrettsville– Early bird at 6:45pm and first game at 7pm. Also featuring instant tickets, coverall jackpots, and other fun games. Doors open 5:45pm. Great refreshments!

Hiram Community Chorus
You’re still invited! Hiram Community Chorus is practicing in Frohring Music Hall, Hiram College on Tuesday nights at 7:30 p.m. Singers are still welcome and an audience is invited to attend the lickety-quick concert on May 5th. Fun for all–choristers and listeners–enjoying music of energy, enlightenment and tuneful surprises. Y’all come now.

Wing Night At The Eagles Club
Every Tuesday
Every Tuesday: 60 cent wings with purchase of a beverage– Open to public 5:00- 8:00. The Eagles Club is located at 8149 Water Street.

Start Talking Portage
4th Tuesday of Month
Start Talking Portage is a group of public and community partners who work together as a team to help fight the drug epidemic. We have a new location for our monthly meeting – Ravenna Library, 167 East Main Street, Ravenna Ohio in the Carlin room. Come and see what we are all about! Meetings are the 4th Tuesday of each month, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Senior Lunches
Tues – Fridays
Welcome seniors! Come and enjoy hot, nutritious lunches at the Farmington Senior Center, 150 College St., West Farmington. Lunches are served Tuesdays through Fridays (except the 3rd Tuesday of the month) and cost $2. Please call ahead by three days for lunches – 330-889-2733.

Recovery after Suicide Loss Support Group
Last Weds of Month
If you or someone you know has lost a loved one to suicide, we invite you to attend a free monthly support group to find acceptance, information, and inspiration. The support group meets the last Wednesday of each month at the Kent Free Library located at 312 W. Main Street, Kent from 6:30-8pm. The group is sponsored by the Portage County Suicide Prevention Coalition and the Mental Health & Recovery Board of Portage County. For more information call 330.673.1756 ext 201.

BINGO At St Michael’s
Every Thursday
St. Michael’s Church Weekly Bingo at 7pm every Thursday at 9736 East Center Street Windham, OH 44288.

TOPS Meetings
TOPS OH#1941, Ravenna meets Thursday mornings in the fellowship hall of the Maplewood Christian Church, 7300 State Route 88, Ravenna with weigh-in from 9-9:45 a.m. and a meeting/program following at 10:00 a.m. TOPS Club, Inc. is an affordable, nonprofit, weight-loss support and wellness education organization.

Fish Dinners
Friday fish dinners at the American Legion Post #674, 9960 E. Center St. Windham. Serving from 4-7 pm carryout available. Fish, chicken or shrimp dinners $10; combo $12. Open to public.

Pajama Party Movie Night
April 19
On Friday, April 19 from 6-9 pm, children ages 6-11 are invited to watch “Bee Movie” (rated PG) in the Brick Room of the main building of the James H. Barrow Biological Field Station. There is no cost, and snacks will be provided. To register: contact Jenn Clark at clarkjm@hiram. Edu or 330.569.5315.

Spring Birding Walk
April 20
Join us on April 20, 8:00am-10:00am at one of our birding sanctuaries, owned and managed by the Audubon Society of Greater Cleveland as we continue birding with a new wave of migrating birds. A diversity of terrestrial habitats, beaver ponds and a stream enchant many excellent fowl. Aurora Audubon Sanctuary State Nature Preserve 891 E Pioneer Trail, Aurora, OH 44202 No registration is required but parking is limited. For more information call (330)-527-5118 or email adam.wohlever@dnr.state.oh.us

Community Easter Egg Hunt at Mantua Center
April 20
Join us on April 20, from 10am to 12 noon at the Mantua Center Civic Center for an Easter egg hunt. Children up to age 8 should bring their own basket and be ready to hunt for eggs. Parents or caregivers should be prepared to help supervise their children in this effort. The event is sponsored by NOPEC (Northeast Ohio Public Energy Council) and is presented by the Mantua Township Trustees and the Mantua Restoration Society, Inc.

Easter Services
April 21
New Mercies Community Church
12767 Butternut Rd, Burton, will be having Easter Services at 10:30am; Free Breakfast prior to service 9:30am. Come join us as we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior!

Garrettsville Cemetery Association
April 24
The Garrettsville Cemetery Association will hold its next meeting on Wednesday, April 24 at 7 pm downstairs at the Cellar Door Coffee Co. at 8138 Water St. with special guest speaker Janet Caldwell of Bedford. She will discuss the restoration and preservation of historical cemeteries. The meeting is open to the public and all those interested in the care and restoration of the Old Baptist Cemetery on Maple Ave.

Culinary Showcase: Gourmet Grilled Cheese
April 24
Try a new twist on a classic favorite. We will be creating a variety of gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches that will challenge your perception of this staple sandwich. Program will be held at Independence Village, 505 South Chillicothe Rd (SR 43), Aurora on Wednesday, April 24th at 11:00 am. RSVP to 330-562-1750 by April 17th. Free and open to the public!

Rummage/Bake Sale
April 24 & 25
Southington UMC, St Rt 305 & 534, Southington, Oh will be holding a Rummage sale/Bake Sale, on Wednesday, April 24th,2019, 9am to 4pm. Bag Day will be held Thursday April 25th, 9am to 11am. Lunch of homemade soup, sandwiches, dessert, and beverage will be available for purchase on April 24th only. Carry Outs available. Call 330-898-2156 for orders & information.

Friends Book Sale Slated for April
April 24 – 27
The 2019 Friends of the Hiram College Library Book Sale will be held Wednesday, April 24th through Saturday, April 27th in the Pritchard Room on the 2nd floor of the library. The hours will be 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday; and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday. April 27th will be bag day. We will provide paper bags for you at the door to fill to your heart’s content with those much-needed books – all for only $1 a bag. We offer a fine selection of non-fiction, paperback fiction, a Biography section, and many other items too numerous to mention. Hardback books are priced at $1 each, and paperbacks are $.50 each.
The library is located on Hayden Street in Hiram.

The Secret Life Of Bees
April 25
Trish Harkness, a Parkman resident and fifth year beekeeper, will take you through a day in the life of a beehive. This lecture will be on Thursday, April 25, at 7:00 p.m. and is free and open to the public and will be held in the Frohring classroom of the main building.

RFC Dinner
April 25
On Thursday, April 25th, at the Renaissance Family Center, 9005 Wilverne Dr. Windam, Oh, the Garrettsville Baptist Church is stepping up to the stove and cooking you a great meal. Please come and join us for a great meal served 5-6 pm. Everyone welcome!

AARP Smart Driver Course
April 25
Most insurance companies offer safe-driving discounts. Did you know you could save even more by taking our award winning safe driving course? The AARP Smart Driver course will refresh your know-how behind the wheel and improve your comfort level in almost any driving situation. Plus, when you complete the course, you could qualify for a multi-year discount on your car insurance. There are no tests to pass…sign up today! $15 for AARP members/ $20 for non-members (***cash or check at program to presenter) Middlefield Library, 16167 E. High St., Middlefield, on Apr. 25, 12-4 p.m.

Rummage & Bake Sale
April 26 & 27
St. Ambrose Church will be hosting their Altar and Rosary Rummage and Bake Sale on
April 26 (9a-5p) and April 27 (9a-1pm), Clothes, housewares, books, linens, craft supplies,toys…something for everyone! Come and browse and get some bargains!!! Saturday is $2.00 bag day!!!

Steak Cookout
April 27
Newton Falls Kiwanis Club Annual Steak Cookout Benefit, Saturday, April 27, 2019, at Newton Falls United Methodist Church, 336 Ridge Road (St. Rt. 534), Newton Falls, from 4-7 p.m. Dinner includes steak, salad, potato, corn, dessert, and beverage, all for $15. Proceeds benefit our many youth projects. Pre-sales are preferred so we have enough steak. Tickets also available at the door. Carry-out available. 50/50 raffle. Geranium pre-sales orders taken.

Spring Wildflower Hike Part 1
April 27
Join us on April 27, 10:00 am-12:00pm, as we are treated to one of the best spring wildflower displays in northeast Ohio. Eagle Creek State Nature Preserve 11027 Hopkins Rd. Garrettsville, OH 44231 No registration is required. For more information call (330)-527-5118 or email adam.wohlever@dnr.state.oh.us

Open House: Spring in Paris!
April 27
Come in for a taste of Paris right here in Aurora on April 27 at 11 am! Mingle with friends and tour our community while you sample French cuisine and listen to Parisian music! What a great way to kick off spring! Program is held at Independence Village, 505 South Chillicothe Rd (SR 43), Aurora. Free and open to the public!!

Beach Clean- Up
April 28
Join the Division of Natural Areas and Preserves and the Sierra Club of Ohio Northeast Chapter on Sunday April 28th at Headlands Dunes State Nature Preserve to pick up litter and debris along the beach and throughout the dunes. This is our 6th year partnering with the Sierra Club for this event. Volunteer registration is required on site and will begin promptly at 9:30am in parking lot #1. Headlands Dunes State Nature Preserve is situated at the east end of the Headlands Beach State Park, located at 9601 Headlands Rd. Mentor, OH 44060. For more information contact Adam Wohlever at (330)-527-5118 or adam.wohlever@dnr.state.oh.us

Trinkets and Treasures Sale:
May 1-4
Gigantic sale of high quality household goods, art, antiques, vintage, sporting goods, clothing, children’s items. Sponsored by the Federated Church of Chagrin Falls. “First opportunity” on Wednesday May 1, 5:30-8 p.m. ($10 admission). Sale days: Thursday/Friday May 2 & 3 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday, May 4 from 9 a.m. to noon (bag day and half-price). Federated Family Life Center, 16349 Chillicothe Rd. (Rte. 306) Bainbridge Twp. Call (440) 247-6490 or visit fedchurch.org.

Indoor Yard Sale
May 2
The Renaissance Family Center is having an Indoor Yard Sale at 9005 Wilverne Dr. Windham on Thursday, May 2nd, 12 pm-4 pm, Friday May 3rd, 10 am-4 pm and Saturday, May 4th 9 am-2 pm. Join us for many treasurers you can’t live without.

Mayfield Church Rummage Sale
May 2 -4
A Rummage Sale will be held at the Mayfield United Methodist Church, 7747 Mayfield Rd., Chesterland. The hours are: Thursday, May 2, (9 am – 7 pm); Friday, May 3, (9 am – 4 pm); Saturday, May 4 – Bag Day (9 am – noon). The sale has something for everyone. All proceeds are for missions.

Spring Wildflower Hike Part 2
May 4
Join us on May 4, 10:00 am-12:00pm as we continue to explore one of the best spring wildflower displays in northeast Ohio. Eagle Creek State Nature Preserve 11027 Hopkins Rd. Garrettsville, OH 44231 No registration is required. For more information call (330)-527-5118 or email adam.wohlever@dnr.state.oh.us

Benefit BBQ Chicken Dinner
May 4
There will be a benefit BBQ chicken dinner and silent auction for CJ Gotthardt on May 4th at Parkman Community House on SR 422. Dinner will be served 4pm-8pm and consists of a garden salad, potato salad, 1/2 bbq chicken, baked beans, roasted potatoes, and cornbread. Takeout and will call tickets are available! Dinner tickets are $12 presale or $14 at the door. Drawing will begin at 8pm for silent auction items. Auction tickets will be 20/$5! 50/50 raffle tickets will be $1 ea. or 6/$5! Presale dinner tickets are available at Sugarbush Golf Club and Slim & Jumbo’s in Garrettsville; Mac’s Tavern in Parkman. Any questions, donations or to purchase tickets call 440-548-5289 and ask for Cathy or Amber. Please leave a message if no answer!

Purses & Pastries
May 5
Join Friends of WomenSafe for their fourth annual “Purses and Pastries” fundraiser on Sun., May 5 from 2:00 – 4:00 at the Munson Township Hall located at 12210 Auburn Road in Chardon. Bring a new or gently-used purse with a wrapped $5.00 gift inside and participate in a fun purse exchange. Play a variety of games and take a chance on winning a new designer handbag. Spend a beautiful Spring afternoon with friends and enjoy coffee, tea, punch and an assortment of homemade sweet treats while supporting WomenSafe, a shelter for victims of domestic abuse. The cost is $15.00 and reservations may be made by calling (440) 285-3741 or by going to www.fows.info. Space is limited so don’t delay!

SUPER JOY: Learning To Celebrate Everyday Life
May 6
Monday, May 6th, 9:30am: Monthly Book Review & Discussion at the Garrettsville YMCA, 8233 Park Avenue. The book’s Author, Psychiatrist Paul Pearsall, PhD emphasizes the rewards of “Joyology”. Each chapter is followed by a short quiz intended to help recognize individual needs. A stimulating hour is shared exchanging impressions & opinions. Presented by Dr J Patella in cooperation with Garrettsville YMCA. Community members welcome: No fee, no membership or book required. Questions: YMCA (330)469-2044.

Nelson UMC Rummage & Bake Sale
May 10 & 11
Nelson United Methodist Church
9367 Rt. 305 on Nelson Circle
Rummage & Bake Sale
Friday, May 10 9am-5pm
Saturday, May 11 9am-12pm
Discount Prices on Saturday

JAG Elementary PTO Craft & Vendor Show
May 11
James A. Garfield Elementary School Pto Craft and Vendor Show will be held on Saturday May 11, from 10- 4 at Sky Lane Bowling Alley. Handcrafted and company vendors welcome, 70 vendor spots available. Food and gift auction. A great day for shopping before Mothers Day
For info. call or text Diane Irwin 330-524-0592 or email lovejewelry17@yahoo.com

Newton Falls Plant Exchange
May 11
It is time to get ready for the annual Plant Exchange in Newton Falls. This year’s date and time is May 11th from 9 am until noon at the Jaycee Pavilion on Center Street at the city park. Simply bring at least 6 perennials to trade with other gardeners, fancy pots are not required. There will be live music. Look us up on our Facebook page at the Newton Falls Plant Exchange for any questions.

Craft Show
May 11
New Mercies Community Church, 12767 Butternut Rd., Burton is hosting a craft show. 8 ft table $20; 6 foot table is $15. Doors open at 9 am. Set up either Fri night or 7 am Sat. For more info call Sue at 330 274 7093.

Mountaineer Casion Trip
May 13
The Sisterhood of St. Joseph Church (formerly the Women’s Auxiliary of the Mantua Knights of Columbus #3766) is sponsoring a casino bus trip to Mountaineer Casino in West Virginia on Monday, May 13th. Cost is $40 per person and will include $20 free play. Contact Mary Ann Feddor at 330-842-0505 to reserve your seat; please provide your Player’s Card number when making your reservation. The group will depart from St. Joseph Church, 11045 St. Joseph Blvd., Mantua, at 9:00 a.m. and will return by 6:00 p.m. There are plenty of seats available at this time, but its “first come, first served.” Proceeds from this event will go to help the less fortunate families in Portage County.

Historic Barns of Freedom
May 14
The Freedom Township Historical Society’s next scheduled meeting is at 7 pm May 14 at the Freedom Community Center, 8940 S.R. 700. Historian Judy Thornton will give a PowerPoint presentation with photos and information on historic Freedom barns. Anyone with photos, memories, or information about Freedom barns is invited to come and share. Refreshments will be provided. There will also be a raffle and drawing for a $50 gift certificate to S&K Sales in Garrettsville.

Steps of Change
May 18
STEPS OF CHANGE – OhioCan is holding an event for the community, families, children and others impacted by substance use and/or mental health. Come and check out the educational tables, hear informational speakers, enjoy live music, & games for the children. Food will be available for a minimal cost of $5 for pizza/hot dog, chips, and drink. Narcan training and distribution will be available. There will be a gift basket raffle & a 50/50 drawing. A shoe memorial will be presented to honor loved ones lost to substance abuse. Saturday, May 18, 2019 at Portage Community Chapel, 6490 Oh Rte. 14, Ravenna Ohio. Time is 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Questions? MaryBeth Day, 330.459.4686

Free Community Meals
May 20 & June 17
Christ Lutheran Church, 10827 North Main Street, Mantua, will be sponsoring their Free Community Meals on Mondays, May 20 and June 17 from 5 – 6:30 pm. Please come and enjoy a delicious meal and an opportunity to visit with friends. Look forward to seeing you. The Meals are held the third Monday of every month. For info call the Church at 330-274-2849.


Anton Albert Photography