Great Gifts From Historical Society
Call Today!
The James A. Garfield Historical Society is still selling cemetery books for $5. each. We have four available. Park Cemetery, Drakesburg Cemetery, West Cemetery and the Baptist Cemetery. “Where’s my Milkman“ books, written by Scott Lawless, and “Garrettsville Strong” books, written by Pam Montgomery are also still available. 1880 maps of Garrettsville are also available for $5. each. Once framed, they make a great gift! To support your local historical society, call Debbie Smith at 330-389-1859 or Kit Semplak at 330-842-2822.

Shalersville Historical Calendar Sale
The 2021 Shalersville Historical Society calendars are here! They feature Shalersville’s 9 one-room schools and 3 churches. Interestingly, of the 9 one- room schools, 5 are still in use today but not as school houses. How many can you locate? What are the 3 churches; two are obvious but do you know the third? You can find the answers by purchasing a calendar for $10.00; they can be purchased at our monthly meetings-the first Thursday of the month at 7 PM at the society’s museum on St Rt 44. Calendars can also be purchased from Judy Richardson-330.389.0598 or Judy Thornton-330.527.7669. In addition they can be mailed for the purchase price plus the cost of postage-$1.80.

Farmington Senior Center Breakfasts
Senior Center will be open for Breakfast Monday mornings 7am to Noon. We will Be COVID compliant so PLEASE call 330-889-2733, as reservations are highly recommended. Temperatures will be taken at the door and anyone reading a temp of 100 deg will be turned away. Call with questions/concerned 330-889-2733.

Wing Night At The Eagles Club
Every Tuesday
Every Tuesday: 80 cent wings with purchase of a beverage– Open to public 5:00- 8:00. The Eagles Club is located at 8149 Water Street, Garrettsville.

American Legion Fish Dinners
American Legion Post 674 located at 9960 E. Center St in Windham will start fish dinners on Sept 4 from 4-7 pm. Dine in, carry out. Open to the public. Call 330-326-3188 for info.

Roast Pork Dinner Drive Thru
Dec 19
First Congregational Church located at 4022 SR 44 in Rootstown is hosting a drive-thru roast pork dinner on Dec 19 from 4-6 pm. Dinner includes roast pork, sauerkraut (cooked separately), dressing, mixed vegetables, salads, rolls, cake. Adults $10. Please enter from SR 44

Drive Thru Santa Event
Dec 19
The Freedom Community & Park Boosters will be hosting a Drive Thru Santa Event on Saturday, December 19, 2020. Bring the kids by to talk with Santa. This event will be held at the Freedom Town Hall parking lot. Please enter from St. Rt. 700 and exit on St. Rt. 88. The time is 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. We look forward to seeing everyone. Any questions please contact Jennifer Derthick at 330-931-8227.

“Community Cash Back”
Through Dec 26
The Portage County Senior Center continues to collect all grocery receipts from Acme’s “Community Cash Back” program through Dec. 26th. This program helps non-profits bridge the costs associated with programming, etc. Because The Senior Center has no budget for much of what they do, they really rely on these types of creative endeavors from community partners in order to provide services to their seniors. No amount on the receipt is too small; it all adds up! Please share this info with your friends and family and either drop off or send the receipts to: The Portage County Senior Center, 705 Oakwood St. (Floor G), Ravenna, OH 44266.

Wicked Weeds Virtual Workshop
Jan 13
Invasive species impact all of us and there’s no better time than the new year to commit to making a positive change. Join us for this online presentation Wednesday, January 13, 2021
6:00-7:30 pm, to learn about problematic invasive plants and techniques on how to remove them. Gain new skills, helpful resources, and a renewed desire to tackle invasive species on your own property! Featured Speakers:
Natalie Gertz-Young, Lake County Soil & Water Conservation District; Joel Firem, Firem Forestry Consulting. Registration is required for this FREE online presentation at Zoom access information will be provided upon registration and one day prior to the class. Questions? Call 440-834-1122

Staff Reporter