Home We're All Invited Upcoming Community Events – Week of 11/20/2020

Upcoming Community Events – Week of 11/20/2020


Great Gifts From Historical Society
Call Today!
The James A. Garfield Historical Society is still selling cemetery books for $5. each. We have four available. Park Cemetery, Drakesburg Cemetery, West Cemetery and the Baptist Cemetery. “Where’s my Milkman“ books, written by Scott Lawless, and “Garrettsville Strong” books, written by Pam Montgomery are also still available. 1880 maps of Garrettsville are also available for $5. each. Once framed, they make a great gift! To support your local historical society, call Debbie Smith at 330-389-1859 or Kit Semplak at 330-842-2822.

“Community Cash Back”
Through Dec 26
The Portage County Senior Center continues to collect all grocery receipts from Acme’s “Community Cash Back” program through Dec. 26th. This program helps non-profits bridge the costs associated with programming, etc. Because The Senior Center has no budget for much of what they do, they really rely on these types of creative endeavors from community partners in order to provide services to their seniors. No amount on the receipt is too small, it all adds up! Please share this info with your friends and family and either drop off or send the receipts to: The Portage County Senior Center, 705 Oakwood St. (Floor G), Ravenna, OH 44266.

SHS Fundraiser
On Sale Now!
Our fund raising has taken a different road this year because of COVID. You can help support the society and its museum by purchasing raffle tickets. The 50/50 raffle has a first prize of $750.00 and a second prize of $250.00. Tickets are $10 each with only 200 tickets being sold. The drawing will occur when all these raffle tickets have been sold. We’re almost there! Don’t miss out! Call Judy Richardson-330.389.0598 or Ron Kotkowski-330.351.3401. SHS is also selling tickets for a gun raffle with three prizes: a Savage 450 Bushmaster, a Winchester 350, and a Canik TP9. Tickets are $10 each with a limited number being offered. Contact either Ronnie or Judy for your ticket or more information.

Shalersville Historical Calendar Sale
The 2021 Shalersville Historical Society calendars are here! They feature Shalersville’s 9 one room schools and 3 churches. Interestingly of the 9 one room schools, 5 are still in use today but not as school houses. How many can you locate? What are the 3 churches; two are obvious but do you know the third? You can find the answers by purchasing a calendar for $10.00; they can be purchased at our monthly meetings-the first Thursday of the month at 7 PM at the society’s museum on St Rt 44. Calendars can also be purchased from Judy Richardson-330.389.0598 or Judy Thornton-330.527.7669. In addition they can be mailed for the purchase price plus the cost of postage-$1.80.

Farmington Senior Center Breakfasts
Senior Center will be open for Breakfast Monday mornings 7am to Noon. We will Be COVID compliant so PLEASE call 330-889-2733, as reservations are highly recommended. Temperatures will be taken at the door and anyone reading a temp of 100 deg will be turned away. Call with questions/concerned 330-889-2733.

Wing Night At The Eagles Club
Every Tuesday
Every Tuesday: 80 cent wings with purchase of a beverage– Open to public 5:00- 7:30. The Eagles Club is located at 8149 Water Street, Garrettsville.

American Legion Fish Dinners
American Legion Post 674 located at 9960 E. Center St in Windham will start fish dinners on Sept 4 from 4-7 pm. Dine in, carry out. Open to the public. Call 330-326-3188 for info.

Garfield MVP Fundraiser
Order Today!
Win a half cow! Purchase burgers and more! Help your kids and teachers out for the JAG Middle School Fundraiser! Support your G-Men with locally raised beef. Go to: www.bonnerfarmsbeef.com/g-men/ GO G-MEN

Swiss Steak Dinner Drive Thru
Nov 21
There will be a Swiss steak dinner on Nov 21 from 4-6 pm at the First Congregational Church, 4022 SR 44 in Rootstown. Dinner will be drive thru pickup (enter from SR 44) and consist of Swiss steak, mashed potatoes, salads, green beans, corn, rolls and cake.

Suicide Loss Day Virtual Event
Nov 21
Each year, on the Saturday before Thanksgiving those who have lost a loved one to suicide gather at events all over the world on International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day. Suicide loss survivors connect with others in their local community to share stories, gain insight about healing, and find comfort and hope in the knowledge that they are not alone. Our Portage County event will be virtual this year on November 21 at 1pm. Call 330-673-1756 to register.

Singspiration / Ice Cream Social
Nov 22
Singspiration/Ice Cream Social will be held on Sunday, Nov 22 at 6:00pm. If God has blessed you with talent, Please come and share it with us!!! Favorite scripture, Poem, Short Skit (8Mins), Songs or Testimony Faith Evangelical Free Church, 10585 Windham-Parkman Rd., Garrettsville, OH 44231
Phone: (330-527-4068) .

Crafting Class
Nov 24
The Portage County Senior Center will begin crafting opportunities on November 24th at 10 a.m. with “in-class” and “to-go” options for seniors. They’ll join to make Snowman Wine Glasses, made possible with the help of Kent Healthcare & Rehab. Space is limited to 10 participants for the instructor led option, with plenty of physical distancing, required masks, etc., in order to create a safe environment. For those who are not yet comfortable returning, they’ll offer an alternate “kit to go” sothat you can still participate remotely. Sign-up is required for either option, and kits are limited. For more info they can be reached at 330-297-3456. The Portage County Senior Center is located at 705 Oakwood St. (Floor G) in Ravenna and all Portage Seniors aged 60 and up are welcome.

Library’s Thanksgiving Holiday Hours
Nov 26
All offices and branch libraries of Portage County District Library (PCDL) will close at 5:00 pm Wednesday, November 25 to begin the Thanksgiving holiday, and will remain closed Thursday, November 26. Library service hours resume Friday, November 27. Although PCDL branch libraries will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday, the Digital Library is always open.

Holiday To Go
Dec 2
The Portage County Senior Center welcomes all Portage County Seniors aged 60 and up to join them for a special “Holiday” to-go celebration on Wednesday, Dec. 2nd from 12-12:45. Staff and volunteers will be stationed outside to greet everyone and supply lots of fun for seniors as they drive around the building. Thanks to sponsors Gardens at Liberty Park, ClearPath Home Health, Hospice of the Western Reserve, and other staff and volunteers, this day promises to be enjoyable for all! A current member form is required to be on file and sign-up is mandatory. For more information or to register, the senior center can be reached at 330-297-3456, and is located at 705 Oakwood St. (Floor G) in Ravenna.

Drive-Thru Pizza with Santa
Dec 5
Kiwanis of the Western Reserve invite you & your family to our first ever Drive-Thru Pizza With Santa Event, Saturday, Dec 5 from 10:30 am – 12:30 pm in the Hiram Christian Church Parking Lot, 6868 Wakefield Road Hiram, OH 44234 enter thru the north entrance on Wakefield Rd (Rt 82) Park & Visit Santa who will be appropriately socially distant in the garden behind the church. Bring your camera for a safe space photo-op with Santa. mask or cloth face coverings please Drive-thru & Pick-Up a FREE Santa Bag with Elf Crafts (in take-home ziplock bags) & other goodies for children 10 and under. Bring your list for Santa!
Drive-thru Pay & Pick-up GIONINO’S 6” boxed pizza for $ 3.00 per pizza for all ages
This event is FREE if you do not wish to buy pizza.

Freedom Historical Society Business Meeting
Dec. 8

The Freedom Township Historical Society will have its annual business meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday Dec. 8 at the Freedom Community Center, 8940 S.R. 700. This meeting will be very brief and will be for our members to vote in our annual election of officers. We will follow all state and local health guidelines with masks and social distancing required. There will be no historical program and no refreshments will be provided.


Anton Albert Photography